Exemplo n.º 1
        public static Boolean exportTourData(String inSanctionId)
            String        curMethodName = "exportTourData";
            StringBuilder curSqlStmt    = new StringBuilder("");
            StringBuilder curXml        = new StringBuilder("");
            Boolean       returnStatus  = false;

            try {
                curSqlStmt = new StringBuilder("");

                curSqlStmt = new StringBuilder("");
                curSqlStmt.Append("SELECT * FROM Tournament ");
                curSqlStmt.Append("Where SanctionId = '" + inSanctionId + "' ");
                curXml.Append(exportData("Tournament", new String[] { "SanctionId" }, curSqlStmt.ToString(), "Update"));

                SendMessageHttp.sendMessagePostXml(LiveWebLocation, curXml.ToString());
                Log.WriteFile(curMethodName + ":Connection successsful to " + LiveWebLocation + " for tournament " + inSanctionId);

                returnStatus = true;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                returnStatus = false;
                MessageBox.Show("Error encountered trying to send data to web location \n\nError: " + ex.Message);
                Log.WriteFile(curMethodName + ":Exception=" + ex.Message);

Exemplo n.º 2
        public static Boolean exportCurrentSkierTrickVideo(String inSanctionId, String inMemberId, String inAgeGroup, byte inRound)
            String        curMethodName = "exportCurrentSkierTrickVideo";
            StringBuilder curSqlStmt    = new StringBuilder("");
            StringBuilder curXml        = new StringBuilder("");
            Boolean       returnStatus  = false;

            try {
                curSqlStmt = new StringBuilder("");

                curSqlStmt = new StringBuilder("");
                curSqlStmt.Append("SELECT * FROM TrickVideo ");
                curSqlStmt.Append("Where SanctionId = '" + inSanctionId + "' And MemberId = '" + inMemberId + "' And AgeGroup = '" + inAgeGroup + "' ");
                curSqlStmt.Append("And Round = " + inRound);
                curXml.Append(exportData("TrickVideo", new String[] { "SanctionId", "MemberId", "AgeGroup", "Round" }, curSqlStmt.ToString(), "Insert"));

                SendMessageHttp.sendMessagePostXml(LiveWebLocation, curXml.ToString());
                returnStatus = true;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                returnStatus = false;
                //MessageBox.Show( "Error encountered trying to send data to web location \n\nError: " + ex.Message );
                Log.WriteFile(curMethodName + ":Exception=" + ex.Message);

        public static Boolean sendMessage(String inMessage)
            String  curMethodName      = "ExportLiveTwitter:sendMessage";
            Boolean returnStatus       = true;
            String  curTwitterLocation = "https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/update.json";
            List <KeyValuePair <String, String> > curResponseDataList = null;

            String curMessage     = inMessage;
            String curMessageParm = "status=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(curMessage);

            String curContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8";
            String curSignatureMethod = myDefaultSignatureMethod;
            String curConsumerKey = myDefaultConsumerKey;
            String curConsumerSecret = myDefaultConsumerSecret;
            String curAccessToken = "", curAccessTokenSecret = "";

            if (ExportLiveTwitter.TwitterRequestTokenURL.Equals(ExportLiveTwitter.TwitterDefaultAccount))
                curAccessToken       = myDefaultAccessToken;
                curAccessTokenSecret = myDefaultAccessTokenSecret;
                curAccessToken       = ExportLiveTwitter.TwitterAccessToken;
                curAccessTokenSecret = ExportLiveTwitter.TwitterAccessTokenSecret;

            String   curOAuthNonce    = Convert.ToBase64String(new ASCIIEncoding().GetBytes(DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString()));
            String   curOAuthVersion  = Uri.EscapeDataString("1.0");
            TimeSpan curTimeSpan      = DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
            String   curAuthTimestamp = Convert.ToInt64(curTimeSpan.TotalSeconds).ToString();

            //Build the signature string
            StringBuilder curBaseString = new StringBuilder("");

            curBaseString.Append("POST" + "&" + Uri.EscapeDataString(curTwitterLocation) + "&");
            curBaseString.Append(Uri.EscapeDataString("oauth_consumer_key=" + curConsumerKey));
            curBaseString.Append(Uri.EscapeDataString("&oauth_nonce=" + curOAuthNonce));
            curBaseString.Append(Uri.EscapeDataString("&oauth_signature_method=" + curSignatureMethod));
            curBaseString.Append(Uri.EscapeDataString("&oauth_timestamp=" + curAuthTimestamp));
            curBaseString.Append(Uri.EscapeDataString("&oauth_token=" + curAccessToken));
            curBaseString.Append(Uri.EscapeDataString("&oauth_version=" + curOAuthVersion));
            curBaseString.Append(Uri.EscapeDataString("&status=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(curMessage)));

            // Sign the request
            String   curSigningKey = Uri.EscapeDataString(curConsumerSecret) + "&" + Uri.EscapeDataString(curAccessTokenSecret);
            HMACSHA1 curHasher     = new HMACSHA1(new ASCIIEncoding().GetBytes(curSigningKey));
            String   curSignature  = Convert.ToBase64String(curHasher.ComputeHash(new ASCIIEncoding().GetBytes(curBaseString.ToString())));

            ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = false;

            StringBuilder curAuthHeaderParm = new StringBuilder("");

            curAuthHeaderParm.Append("OAuth ");
            curAuthHeaderParm.Append("oauth_nonce=\"" + Uri.EscapeDataString(curOAuthNonce) + "\"");
            curAuthHeaderParm.Append(", oauth_signature_method=\"" + Uri.EscapeDataString(curSignatureMethod) + "\"");
            curAuthHeaderParm.Append(", oauth_timestamp=\"" + Uri.EscapeDataString(curAuthTimestamp) + "\"");
            curAuthHeaderParm.Append(", oauth_consumer_key=\"" + Uri.EscapeDataString(curConsumerKey) + "\"");
            curAuthHeaderParm.Append(", oauth_token=\"" + Uri.EscapeDataString(curAccessToken) + "\"");
            curAuthHeaderParm.Append(", oauth_signature=\"" + Uri.EscapeDataString(curSignature) + "\"");
            curAuthHeaderParm.Append(", oauth_version=\"" + curOAuthVersion + "\"");

            try {
                returnStatus = SendMessageHttp.sendMessagePostWithHeader(curTwitterLocation, curAuthHeaderParm.ToString(), curContentType, curMessageParm);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                MessageBox.Show("Error encountered trying to send data to web location \n\nError: " + ex.Message);
                String curMsg = curMethodName + ":Exception=" + ex.Message;

        public static Boolean getAppAccessToken()
            String  curMethodName      = "ExportLiveTwitter:getAppAccessToken";
            Boolean returnStatus       = true;
            String  curTwitterLocation = "https://api.twitter.com/oauth/access_token";
            List <KeyValuePair <String, String> > curResponseDataList = null;

            //String curContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8";
            String curContentType     = "application/json";
            String curSignatureMethod = myDefaultSignatureMethod;
            String curConsumerKey     = myDefaultConsumerKey;
            String curConsumerSecret  = myDefaultConsumerSecret;

            String   curOAuthNonce    = Convert.ToBase64String(new ASCIIEncoding().GetBytes(DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString()));
            String   curOAuthVersion  = Uri.EscapeDataString("1.0");
            TimeSpan curTimeSpan      = DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
            String   curAuthTimestamp = Convert.ToInt64(curTimeSpan.TotalSeconds).ToString();

            //Build the signature string
            StringBuilder curBaseString = new StringBuilder("");

            curBaseString.Append("POST" + "&" + Uri.EscapeDataString(curTwitterLocation) + "&");
            curBaseString.Append(Uri.EscapeDataString("oauth_consumer_key=" + curConsumerKey));
            curBaseString.Append(Uri.EscapeDataString("&oauth_nonce=" + curOAuthNonce));
            curBaseString.Append(Uri.EscapeDataString("&oauth_signature_method=" + curSignatureMethod));
            curBaseString.Append(Uri.EscapeDataString("&oauth_timestamp=" + curAuthTimestamp));
            curBaseString.Append(Uri.EscapeDataString("&oauth_token=" + ExportLiveTwitter.TwitterRequestToken));
            curBaseString.Append(Uri.EscapeDataString("&oauth_verifier=" + ExportLiveTwitter.TwitterAccessPin));
            curBaseString.Append(Uri.EscapeDataString("&oauth_version=" + curOAuthVersion));

            // Sign the request
            String   curSigningKey = Uri.EscapeDataString(curConsumerSecret) + "&" + Uri.EscapeDataString(ExportLiveTwitter.TwitterAccessTokenSecret);
            HMACSHA1 curHasher     = new HMACSHA1(new ASCIIEncoding().GetBytes(curSigningKey));
            String   curSignature  = Convert.ToBase64String(curHasher.ComputeHash(new ASCIIEncoding().GetBytes(curBaseString.ToString())));

            StringBuilder curAuthHeaderParm = new StringBuilder("");

            curAuthHeaderParm.Append("OAuth auth_consumer_key=\"" + Uri.EscapeDataString(curConsumerKey) + "\"");
            curAuthHeaderParm.Append(", oauth_nonce=\"" + Uri.EscapeDataString(curOAuthNonce) + "\"");
            curAuthHeaderParm.Append(", oauth_signature_method=\"" + Uri.EscapeDataString(curSignatureMethod) + "\"");
            curAuthHeaderParm.Append(", oauth_signature=\"" + Uri.EscapeDataString(curSignature) + "\"");
            curAuthHeaderParm.Append(", oauth_timestamp=\"" + Uri.EscapeDataString(curAuthTimestamp) + "\"");
            curAuthHeaderParm.Append(", oauth_token=\"" + Uri.EscapeDataString(ExportLiveTwitter.TwitterRequestToken) + "\"");
            curAuthHeaderParm.Append(", oauth_verifier=\"" + Uri.EscapeDataString(ExportLiveTwitter.TwitterAccessPin + "\""));
            curAuthHeaderParm.Append(", oauth_version=\"" + curOAuthVersion + "\"");

            String curMessageAuthParm = "oauth_verifier=" + ExportLiveTwitter.TwitterAccessPin;

            try {
                curResponseDataList = SendMessageHttp.sendMessagePostJsonResp(curTwitterLocation, curAuthHeaderParm.ToString(), curContentType, curMessageAuthParm);
                if (curResponseDataList.Count > 0)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <String, String> curEntry in curResponseDataList)
                        if (curEntry.Key.Equals("oauth_token"))
                            ExportLiveTwitter.TwitterAccessToken = curEntry.Value;
                        else if (curEntry.Key.Equals("oauth_token_secret"))
                            ExportLiveTwitter.TwitterAccessTokenSecret = curEntry.Value;
                        else if (curEntry.Key.Equals("user_id"))
                            ExportLiveTwitter.TwitterAccessUserid = curEntry.Value;
                        else if (curEntry.Key.Equals("screen_name"))
                            ExportLiveTwitter.TwitterAccessUserScreenName = curEntry.Value;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                returnStatus = false;
                MessageBox.Show("Error encountered trying to send data to web location \n\nError: " + ex.Message);
                String curMsg = curMethodName + ":Exception=" + ex.Message;
                ExportLiveTwitter.TwitterAccessToken          = "";
                ExportLiveTwitter.TwitterAccessTokenSecret    = "";
                ExportLiveTwitter.TwitterAccessUserid         = "";
                ExportLiveTwitter.TwitterAccessUserScreenName = "";

Exemplo n.º 5
        public static Boolean exportCurrentSkiersRunOrder(String inEvent, String inSanctionId, byte inRound, String inEventGroup)
            String         curMethodName  = "exportCurrentSkiersRunOrder";
            StringBuilder  curSqlStmt     = new StringBuilder("");
            StringBuilder  curXml         = new StringBuilder("");
            String         curMsg         = "";
            Boolean        returnStatus   = false;
            int            curLineCount   = 0;
            DataTable      curDataTable   = new DataTable();
            ProgressWindow myProgressInfo = new ProgressWindow();

            try {
                curSqlStmt.Append("Select TR.SanctionId, TR.MemberId, TR.SkierName, TR.AgeGroup, ER.EventGroup, " + inRound + " as Round ");
                curSqlStmt.Append("From TourReg TR ");
                curSqlStmt.Append("Inner Join EventReg ER on ER.SanctionId = TR.SanctionId AND ER.MemberId = TR.MemberId ");
                curSqlStmt.Append("      AND TR.AgeGroup = ER.AgeGroup AND ER.Event = '" + inEvent + "' ");
                if (inRound > 0)
                    curSqlStmt.Append("Inner Join EventRunOrder RO on RO.SanctionId = TR.SanctionId AND RO.MemberId = TR.MemberId ");
                    curSqlStmt.Append("      AND RO.AgeGroup = TR.AgeGroup AND RO.Event = ER.Event AND RO.Round = " + inRound + " ");
                curSqlStmt.Append("Where TR.SanctionId = '" + inSanctionId + "' ");
                if (inEventGroup != null)
                    if (inEventGroup.Equals("All"))
                    else if (inEventGroup.ToUpper().Equals("MEN A"))
                        curSqlStmt.Append("And ER.AgeGroup = 'CM' ");
                    else if (inEventGroup.ToUpper().Equals("WOMEN A"))
                        curSqlStmt.Append("And ER.AgeGroup = 'CW' ");
                    else if (inEventGroup.ToUpper().Equals("MEN B"))
                        curSqlStmt.Append("And ER.AgeGroup = 'BM' ");
                    else if (inEventGroup.ToUpper().Equals("WOMEN B"))
                        curSqlStmt.Append("And ER.AgeGroup = 'BW' ");
                    else if (inEventGroup.ToUpper().Equals("NON TEAM"))
                        curSqlStmt.Append("And ER.AgeGroup not in ('CM', 'CW', 'BM', 'BW') ");
                        curSqlStmt.Append("AND ER.EventGroup = '" + inEventGroup + "' ");
                curSqlStmt.Append("Order by TR.SanctionId, ER.EventGroup, TR.MemberId, TR.AgeGroup");
                curDataTable = getData(curSqlStmt.ToString());


                String curMemberId = "", curAgeGroup = "", curSkierName = "";
                byte   curRound = 0;
                foreach (DataRow curRow in curDataTable.Rows)
                    curMemberId  = (String)curRow["MemberId"];
                    curAgeGroup  = (String)curRow["AgeGroup"];
                    curSkierName = (String)curRow["SkierName"];
                    curRound     = (byte)((int)curRow["Round"]);

                    myProgressInfo.setProgessMsg("Processing " + curSkierName);

                    curXml = new StringBuilder("");

                    curSqlStmt = new StringBuilder("");
                    curSqlStmt.Append("SELECT * FROM TourReg ");
                    curSqlStmt.Append("Where SanctionId = '" + inSanctionId + "' And MemberId = '" + curMemberId + "' And AgeGroup = '" + curAgeGroup + "' ");
                    curXml.Append(exportData("TourReg", new String[] { "SanctionId", "MemberId", "AgeGroup" }, curSqlStmt.ToString(), "Update"));

                    curSqlStmt = new StringBuilder("");
                    curSqlStmt.Append("Select * from EventReg ");
                    curSqlStmt.Append("Where SanctionId = '" + inSanctionId + "' And MemberId = '" + curMemberId + "' And AgeGroup = '" + curAgeGroup + "' ");
                    curSqlStmt.Append("And Event = '" + inEvent + "' ");
                    curXml.Append(exportData("EventReg", new String[] { "SanctionId", "MemberId", "AgeGroup", "Event" }, curSqlStmt.ToString(), "Update"));

                    if (inRound > 0)
                        curSqlStmt = new StringBuilder("");
                        curSqlStmt.Append("Select * from EventRunOrder ");
                        curSqlStmt.Append("Where SanctionId = '" + inSanctionId + "' And MemberId = '" + curMemberId + "' And AgeGroup = '" + curAgeGroup + "' ");
                        curSqlStmt.Append("And Event = '" + inEvent + "' And Round = " + inRound);
                        curXml.Append(exportData("EventRunOrder", new String[] { "SanctionId", "MemberId", "AgeGroup", "Event", "Round" }, curSqlStmt.ToString(), "Update"));

                    SendMessageHttp.sendMessagePostXml(LiveWebLocation, curXml.ToString());
                    returnStatus = true;

            } catch (Exception ex) {
                //MessageBox.Show( "Error encountered trying to send data to web location \n\nError: " + ex.Message );
                curMsg = curMethodName + ":Exception=" + ex.Message;

Exemplo n.º 6
        public static Boolean exportCurrentSkierJump(String inSanctionId, String inMemberId, String inAgeGroup, byte inRound, int inPassNum, String inEventGroup)
            String        curMethodName = "exportCurrentSkierJump";
            StringBuilder curSqlStmt    = new StringBuilder("");
            StringBuilder curXml        = new StringBuilder("");
            Boolean       returnStatus  = false;

            try {
                curSqlStmt = new StringBuilder("");
                if (inPassNum > 1)
                    curSqlStmt = new StringBuilder("");
                    curSqlStmt.Append("SELECT * FROM JumpScore ");
                    curSqlStmt.Append("Where SanctionId = '" + inSanctionId + "' And MemberId = '" + inMemberId + "' And AgeGroup = '" + inAgeGroup + "' ");
                    curSqlStmt.Append("And Round = " + inRound);
                    curXml.Append(exportData("JumpScore", new String[] { "SanctionId", "MemberId", "AgeGroup", "Round" }, curSqlStmt.ToString(), "Insert"));

                    curSqlStmt = new StringBuilder("");
                    curSqlStmt.Append("SELECT * FROM JumpRecap ");
                    curSqlStmt.Append("Where SanctionId = '" + inSanctionId + "' And MemberId = '" + inMemberId + "' And AgeGroup = '" + inAgeGroup + "' ");
                    if (inPassNum == 0)
                        curSqlStmt.Append("And Round = " + inRound);
                        curSqlStmt.Append("And Round = " + inRound + " And PassNum = " + inPassNum);
                    curXml.Append(exportData("JumpRecap", new String[] { "SanctionId", "MemberId", "AgeGroup", "Round", "PassNum" }, curSqlStmt.ToString(), "Insert"));
                    curSqlStmt = new StringBuilder("");
                    curSqlStmt.Append("SELECT * FROM TourReg ");
                    curSqlStmt.Append("Where SanctionId = '" + inSanctionId + "' And MemberId = '" + inMemberId + "' And AgeGroup = '" + inAgeGroup + "' ");
                    curXml.Append(exportData("TourReg", new String[] { "SanctionId", "MemberId", "AgeGroup" }, curSqlStmt.ToString(), "Update"));

                    curSqlStmt = new StringBuilder("");
                    curSqlStmt.Append("Select * from EventReg ");
                    curSqlStmt.Append("Where SanctionId = '" + inSanctionId + "' And MemberId = '" + inMemberId + "' And AgeGroup = '" + inAgeGroup + "' ");
                    curSqlStmt.Append("And Event = 'Jump'");
                    curXml.Append(exportData("EventReg", new String[] { "SanctionId", "MemberId", "AgeGroup", "Event" }, curSqlStmt.ToString(), "Update"));

                    curSqlStmt = new StringBuilder("");
                    curSqlStmt.Append("Select * from EventRunOrder ");
                    curSqlStmt.Append("Where SanctionId = '" + inSanctionId + "' And MemberId = '" + inMemberId + "' And AgeGroup = '" + inAgeGroup + "' ");
                    curSqlStmt.Append("And Event = 'Jump' And Round = " + inRound);
                    curXml.Append(exportData("EventRunOrder", new String[] { "SanctionId", "MemberId", "AgeGroup", "Event", "Round" }, curSqlStmt.ToString(), "Update"));

                    curSqlStmt = new StringBuilder("");
                    curSqlStmt.Append("SELECT SanctionId, MemberId, AgeGroup, Round FROM JumpScore ");
                    curSqlStmt.Append("Where SanctionId = '" + inSanctionId + "' And MemberId = '" + inMemberId + "' And AgeGroup = '" + inAgeGroup + "' ");
                    curSqlStmt.Append("And Round = " + inRound);
                    curXml.Append(exportData("JumpScore", new String[] { "SanctionId", "MemberId", "AgeGroup", "Round" }, curSqlStmt.ToString(), "Delete"));

                    curSqlStmt = new StringBuilder("");
                    curSqlStmt.Append("SELECT Distinct SanctionId, MemberId, AgeGroup, Round FROM JumpRecap ");
                    curSqlStmt.Append("Where SanctionId = '" + inSanctionId + "' And MemberId = '" + inMemberId + "' And AgeGroup = '" + inAgeGroup + "' ");
                    if (inPassNum == 0)
                        curSqlStmt.Append("And Round = " + inRound);
                        curSqlStmt.Append("And Round = " + inRound + " And PassNum = " + inPassNum);
                    curXml.Append(exportData("JumpRecap", new String[] { "SanctionId", "MemberId", "AgeGroup", "Round" }, curSqlStmt.ToString(), "Delete"));

                    curSqlStmt = new StringBuilder("");
                    curSqlStmt.Append("SELECT * FROM JumpScore ");
                    curSqlStmt.Append("Where SanctionId = '" + inSanctionId + "' And MemberId = '" + inMemberId + "' And AgeGroup = '" + inAgeGroup + "' ");
                    curSqlStmt.Append("And Round = " + inRound);
                    curXml.Append(exportData("JumpScore", new String[] { "SanctionId", "MemberId", "AgeGroup", "Round" }, curSqlStmt.ToString(), "Update"));

                    curSqlStmt = new StringBuilder("");
                    curSqlStmt.Append("SELECT * FROM JumpRecap ");
                    curSqlStmt.Append("Where SanctionId = '" + inSanctionId + "' And MemberId = '" + inMemberId + "' And AgeGroup = '" + inAgeGroup + "' ");
                    if (inPassNum == 0)
                        curSqlStmt.Append("And Round = " + inRound);
                        curSqlStmt.Append("And Round = " + inRound + " And PassNum = " + inPassNum);
                    curXml.Append(exportData("JumpRecap", new String[] { "SanctionId", "MemberId", "AgeGroup", "Round", "PassNum" }, curSqlStmt.ToString(), "Update"));

                SendMessageHttp.sendMessagePostXml(LiveWebLocation, curXml.ToString());
                returnStatus = true;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                returnStatus = false;
                //MessageBox.Show( "Error encountered trying to send data to web location \n\nError: " + ex.Message );
                Log.WriteFile(curMethodName + ":Exception=" + ex.Message);
