Exemplo n.º 1
        public linearFeatureCoverageSummary readLinearFeatureCoverageData(XmlReader tr, String ProjectName)
            //read in the input kml describing the line feature coverage

            //input kml linear feature -- dont need this
            //project map bounds
            //path information (trigger spacing, origin, UTM zone)
            //table of information -- need some of this
            //takeoff airport -- dont need this
            //along-path map bounds -- need this
            //path specific data -- dont need this
            //smoothed trajectory -- need this
            //center projection -- dont need
            //image endpoints  -- dont need

            bool completedreadingProjectMapBounds       = false;
            bool completedReadingPathInformation        = false;
            bool completedReadingSmoothedPathPoints     = false;

            linearFeatureCoverageSummary LFSummary = new linearFeatureCoverageSummary();
            LFSummary.gridOrigin = new PointD();

            //get the project map bounds
            //how do I exit this loop ???
            //TODO:  test to see if the kml file projectName is the same as the kml fileName
            while (tr.Read() && !completedreadingProjectMapBounds)
                if (tr.EOF) break;
                if (tr.IsStartElement() && tr.Name == "GroundOverlay")
                    while (tr.Read() && !completedreadingProjectMapBounds)
                        if (tr.IsStartElement() && tr.Name == "name")
                            //we are looking for the name "project Map" where we will get the map bounds
                            if (tr.Value == "Project Map")
                                int numBounds = 0;
                                while (tr.Read() && !completedreadingProjectMapBounds)
                                    if (tr.IsStartElement() && tr.Name == "north")
                                        LFSummary.ProjectImage.northDeg = Convert.ToDouble(tr.Value);

                                    if (tr.IsStartElement() && tr.Name == "south")
                                        LFSummary.ProjectImage.southDeg = Convert.ToDouble(tr.Value);
                                    if (tr.IsStartElement() && tr.Name == "east")
                                        LFSummary.ProjectImage.eastDeg = Convert.ToDouble(tr.Value);
                                    if (tr.IsStartElement() && tr.Name == "west")
                                        LFSummary.ProjectImage.westDeg = Convert.ToDouble(tr.Value);
                                    if (numBounds == 4) completedreadingProjectMapBounds = true;
            }// end of:   get the project map bounds
            if (tr.EOF)
                MessageBox.Show("Bad map bounds format for the input kml file -- exiting");

            int numPathInfo = 0;
            while (tr.Read() && !completedReadingPathInformation)
                if (tr.EOF) break;
                if (tr.IsStartElement() && tr.Name == "downRangePhotoSpacingMeters")
                    LFSummary.photocenterSpacing = Convert.ToDouble(tr.Value);

                if (tr.IsStartElement() && tr.Name == "numberOfPaths")
                    LFSummary.numberParallelPaths = Convert.ToInt32(tr.Value);

                if (tr.IsStartElement() && tr.Name == "UTMZone")
                    LFSummary.UTMZone = tr.Value;

                if (tr.IsStartElement() && tr.Name == "gridOriginUTMNorthing")
                    LFSummary.gridOrigin.Y = Convert.ToDouble(tr.Value);

                if (tr.IsStartElement() && tr.Name == "gridOriginUTMEasting")
                    LFSummary.gridOrigin.X = Convert.ToDouble(tr.Value);

                if (tr.IsStartElement() && tr.Name == "proNavGain")
                    LFSummary.proNavGain = Convert.ToDouble(tr.Value);
                if (tr.IsStartElement() && tr.Name == "rabbitAheadDistance")
                    LFSummary.plannedRabbitDistanceAhead = Convert.ToDouble(tr.Value);
                if (tr.IsStartElement() && tr.Name == "flightAltAGLft")
                    LFSummary.flightAltAGLft = Convert.ToDouble(tr.Value);

                if (numPathInfo == 8)completedReadingPathInformation = true;

            }  // end of:   get the path info
            if (tr.EOF)
                MessageBox.Show("Bad path info format for the input kml file -- exiting");

            //read in the bounds of the mission images ProjectName_Background\background_YY.jpg

            LFSummary.paths = new List<pathDescription>();

            int numPathsProcessedForBounds = 0;
            while (tr.Read() && numPathsProcessedForBounds < LFSummary.numberParallelPaths)
                if (tr.EOF) break;
                //read til we get the top of the next set of image bounds for a path
                if (tr.IsStartElement() && tr.Name == "numBGImagesThisPath")
                    int numImagesThisPath = Convert.ToInt32(tr.Value);
                    int pathImageBoundsRead = 0;
                    pathDescription path = new pathDescription();
                    path.imageBounds = new List<ImageBounds>();

                    //read off a complete set of bounds for a path
                    while (tr.Read() && pathImageBoundsRead < numImagesThisPath)  //loop over all image bounds in the folder
                        //read a complete set of image bounds
                        ImageBounds ib = new ImageBounds(); // fill an image bounds structure
                        int numBounds = 0;
                        while (tr.Read() && numBounds < 4)
                            if (tr.IsStartElement() && tr.Name == "north")
                                ib.northDeg = Convert.ToDouble(tr.Value);

                            if (tr.IsStartElement() && tr.Name == "east")
                                ib.eastDeg = Convert.ToDouble(tr.Value);

                            if (tr.IsStartElement() && tr.Name == "south")
                                ib.southDeg = Convert.ToDouble(tr.Value);

                            if (tr.IsStartElement() && tr.Name == "west")
                                ib.westDeg = Convert.ToDouble(tr.Value);

            }  //end of reading in the map bounds along the paths

            if (tr.EOF)
                MessageBox.Show("Bad path info format for the input kml file -- exiting");

            //read in the smoothed trajectory for each path
            UTM2Geodetic utm = new UTM2Geodetic();

            //we are ready to read off the coordinates of the smoothed trajectory
            int numPathsProcessed = 0;
            while (tr.Read() && !completedReadingSmoothedPathPoints)
                if (tr.EOF) break;
                if (tr.IsStartElement() && tr.Name == "name")
                    //we will encounter this statement "numberParallelPaths"  times
                    if (tr.Value == "Smoothed Linear Feature Trajectory")

                        pathDescription path = LFSummary.paths[numPathsProcessed];
                        path.pathGeoDeg = new List<PointD>();
                        path.pathUTM = new List<PointD>();
                        path.commandedAltAlongPath = new List<double>();
                        bool thisPathComplete = false;
                        while (tr.Read() && !thisPathComplete)
                            //locate the coordinate tag for this path
                            if (tr.IsStartElement() && tr.Name == "coordinates")
                                tr.Read(); //read the complete coordinate dataset
                                char[] delimiterChars = { ',', ' ', '\t', '\n', '\r' };   //these delimiters were determined by looking at a file ...
                                //create a character string with all characters separated by a delimeter
                                string[] coordinateValues = tr.Value.ToString().Split(delimiterChars);

                                //the "value" is the text between the <coordinates> and </coordinates>
                                //below we read the complete string value and split it into separate substrings -- ugly but it works
                                //the substrings contain the individual coordinate values with some ""s and the heigts are "0".

                                //get the quantitative lat/long values from the text array ... there are a number of ""s in the text file ...
                                //each Google point has three values : longitude, Latitude, height -- we assume the height is zero here
                                int k = 0; int i = 0;
                                while (i < coordinateValues.Count())
                                    if (coordinateValues[i] != "")
                                        double lat = Convert.ToDouble(coordinateValues[i + 1]);
                                        double lon = Convert.ToDouble(coordinateValues[i]);
                                        double alt = Convert.ToDouble(coordinateValues[i + 2]);

                                        path.pathGeoDeg.Add(new PointD(lon, lat) );

                                        //convert the geodetic to UTM
                                        double UTMNorthing = 0.0, UTMEasting = 0.0;
                                        utm.LLtoUTM(lat * utm.Deg2Rad, lon * utm.Deg2Rad, ref UTMNorthing, ref UTMEasting, ref LFSummary.UTMZone, true);
                                        path.pathUTM.Add(new PointD(UTMEasting, UTMNorthing));

                                        k++;  //index of the storage array

                                        //increment the split array by 3 because the points are lat,lon,height
                                        i += 3;  //increment by 3 to get the next coordinate
                                    else i++;  //here we skip the ""s in the text array
                                thisPathComplete = true;

                        }  //end of while numPathsProcessed < LFSummary.numberParallelPaths

                        if (numPathsProcessed == LFSummary.numberParallelPaths)
                                   completedReadingSmoothedPathPoints = true;
            if (tr.EOF)
                MessageBox.Show("Bad smoothed trajectory format for the input kml file -- exiting");

            return LFSummary;

            // the Project Summary for Waldo_FCS is Complete
Exemplo n.º 2
        public List<endPoints> UpdateFlightLinesPerPriorFlownMissions(int missionNumber)
            //use the MissionUpdateFlightlines structure (fromn the constructor) to update the flight lines
            //the new flight lines replace the old flight lines
            //the initial prior flightline analysis provided a structure
            //that contained only data from the flown missions.
            //This procedure creates a replica of the mission plan flight lines,
            //for a specific mission, that are adjusted to remove the prior flown lines (and segments)

            UTM2Geodetic utm = new UTM2Geodetic();  //needs to be in a utility procedure available to all in the solution

            //test to see if pre-flown mission dataset contain this mission
            int preFlownMissionIndex = 0;  //mission index from the flightline analysis
            bool thisMissionWasPreflown = false;
            foreach (MissionUpdateFlightlines msnUpdate in projUpdate.msnUpdate)
                if (missionNumber == msnUpdate.missionNumber) { thisMissionWasPreflown = true; break; }

            //this is the updates flight line dataset that replicates the data in the original plan
            List<endPoints> FLUpdateList = new List<endPoints>();  //return value

            //if this mission was not reflown -- just copy the old data to the replica
            if (!thisMissionWasPreflown)
                for (int iFL = 0; iFL < projSum.msnSum[missionNumber].numberOfFlightlines; iFL++)
                return FLUpdateList;

            //if here, the mission was reflown -- generate the replica.
            //NOTE: all flightlines were likely not preflown -- just a part of them.

            //this is an index into the preflown-analysis structure indicating the reflown line
            int nextFlownFL = 0;

            //cycle through ALL flight lines for this mission
            for (int iFL = 0; iFL < projSum.msnSum[missionNumber].numberOfFlightlines; iFL++)
                bool thisFlightLineWasPreflown = false;
                //the "if" below skips the checks on the remaining lines if we are beyond the nuber of reflown lines
                if (nextFlownFL >= projUpdate.msnUpdate[preFlownMissionIndex].flightLineUpdate.Count) thisFlightLineWasPreflown = false;
                //this is the test to see if we have reflown this line = iFL
                else if (iFL == projUpdate.msnUpdate[preFlownMissionIndex].flightLineUpdate[nextFlownFL].FLNumber) thisFlightLineWasPreflown = true;

                if (!thisFlightLineWasPreflown)  //if not reflown -- just copy the old data
                else  //create a new flightline dataset
                    // NOTE:  we convert the initial geodetic ends to UTM for the now endpoint computations
                    //        this is to maintain precision

                    //found a pre-flown flightline
                    PointD FLendGeo = projSum.msnSum[missionNumber].FlightLinesCurrentPlan[iFL].end;
                    PointD FLstartGeo = projSum.msnSum[missionNumber].FlightLinesCurrentPlan[iFL].start;
                    PointD FLendUTM = new PointD(0.0, 0.0);
                    PointD FLstartUTM = new PointD(0.0, 0.0);

                    //convert the original planned flight line ends to UTM -- could pass these in from the original plan
                    //NOTTE:  maintain the same utm zone fro the mission planning -- else big trouble!!!
                    utm.LLtoUTM(FLstartGeo.Y * utm.Deg2Rad, FLstartGeo.X * utm.Deg2Rad, ref FLstartUTM.Y, ref FLstartUTM.X, ref projSum.UTMZone, true);
                    utm.LLtoUTM(FLendGeo.Y   * utm.Deg2Rad, FLendGeo.X   * utm.Deg2Rad, ref FLendUTM.Y,   ref FLendUTM.X,   ref projSum.UTMZone, true);

                    //below are the start and end photocenters as determined from the prior-flown mission analysis
                    //NOTE: the start is geodetically fixed -- e.g., at the south end for a NS flightline
                    int startPhotoCenter = projUpdate.msnUpdate[preFlownMissionIndex].flightLineUpdate[nextFlownFL].early;
                    int endPhotoCenter   = projUpdate.msnUpdate[preFlownMissionIndex].flightLineUpdate[nextFlownFL].late;

                    PointD newStartUTM = new PointD(0.0, 0.0);
                    PointD newEndUTM = new PointD(0.0, 0.0);

                    // just a comparison of the computed and input flightline lengths ... it checks: JEK 1/26/2012
                    double FLMag1 = projSum.msnSum[missionNumber].FlightLinesCurrentPlan[iFL].FLLengthMeters;
                    //double FLMag2 = Math.Sqrt((FLendUTM.X - FLstartUTM.X) * (FLendUTM.X - FLstartUTM.X) + (FLendUTM.Y - FLstartUTM.Y) * (FLendUTM.Y - FLstartUTM.Y));

                    //proportionally space the new photocenters along the origional flightine -- in UTM space
                    newStartUTM = FLstartUTM + (startPhotoCenter * projSum.downrangeTriggerSpacing / FLMag1) * (FLendUTM - FLstartUTM);
                    newEndUTM = FLstartUTM + (endPhotoCenter * projSum.downrangeTriggerSpacing / FLMag1) * (FLendUTM - FLstartUTM);

                    PointD newStartGeo = new PointD(0.0, 0.0);
                    PointD newEndGeo = new PointD(0.0, 0.0);

                    //now convert them back to geodetic
                    utm.UTMtoLL(newStartUTM.Y, newStartUTM.X, projSum.UTMZone, ref newStartGeo.Y, ref newStartGeo.X);
                    utm.UTMtoLL(newEndUTM.Y, newEndUTM.X, projSum.UTMZone, ref newEndGeo.Y, ref newEndGeo.X);

                    endPoints epts = new endPoints();  //temporary structure

                    //fill the temporary structure
                    //this used the 2D geometry and will work for NS or EW flight lines
                    epts.FLLengthMeters = (endPhotoCenter - startPhotoCenter) * projSum.downrangeTriggerSpacing;
                    epts.end = newEndGeo;
                    epts.start = newStartGeo;
                    //this is the global project flight line number -- not a local number used for this mission
                    epts.FlightLineNumber = projSum.msnSum[missionNumber].FlightLinesCurrentPlan[iFL].FlightLineNumber;

                    //below is important to allow flight line updates that include partial flown lines.
                    //all photocenters are given a unique name in the original flight plan
                    //we must keep this original name for the photocenters
                    //the names are based on the distance from the geodetic fixed otiginal start location
                    // so we have to keep the offset for the updated flight lines from the original plan
                    epts.photoCenterOffset = startPhotoCenter;

                    //fill the replical flight line structure

                    //increment the index into the preflown flightline analysis structure

                }   //end of filling the new flightline record
            }       //end of filling the individual flight lines (iFL)

            return FLUpdateList;  //filled replica of the original flightplan fllightlines for this mission
Exemplo n.º 3
        public CurrentFlightLineGeometry( int missionNumber, int flightLineNumber, ProjectSummary _ps, bool[] _priorFlownFLs)
            //do all the stuff that does not vary with the aircraft location

            ps = _ps;
            priorFlownFLs = _priorFlownFLs;

            UTM2Geodetic utm = new UTM2Geodetic();
            Rad2Deg = 180.0 / Math.Acos(-1.0);
            Deg2Rad = Math.Acos(-1.0) / 180.0;

            FLendUTM        = new PointD(0.0, 0.0);
            FLstartUTM      = new PointD(0.0, 0.0);
            FLP1endUTM      = new PointD(0.0, 0.0);
            FLP1startUTM    = new PointD(0.0, 0.0);

            //set up the parameters of the flight line independent of the aircraft Platform
            FLendGeo = ps.msnSum[missionNumber].FlightLinesCurrentPlan[flightLineNumber].end;
            FLstartGeo = ps.msnSum[missionNumber].FlightLinesCurrentPlan[flightLineNumber].start;

            //utm flight line endpoints
            utm.LLtoUTM(FLstartGeo.Y * Deg2Rad, FLstartGeo.X * Deg2Rad, ref FLstartUTM.Y, ref FLstartUTM.X, ref ps.UTMZone, true);
            utm.LLtoUTM(FLendGeo.Y   * Deg2Rad, FLendGeo.X   * Deg2Rad, ref FLendUTM.Y,   ref FLendUTM.X,   ref ps.UTMZone, true);

            // the number 10 means that the semi-infinite line extensions are 10 times longer than the flightline ....
            PointD del = 10 * (FLendGeo - FLstartGeo);  //semi-infinite line use for drawing a line extending beyond the FL ends
            semiInfiniteFLstartGeo = FLstartGeo - del;
            semiInfiniteFLendGeo   = FLendGeo   + del;

            FLlengthSq = (FLendUTM.X - FLstartUTM.X) * (FLendUTM.X - FLstartUTM.X) + (FLendUTM.Y - FLstartUTM.Y) * (FLendUTM.Y - FLstartUTM.Y);

            FLlengthMeters = Math.Sqrt(FLlengthSq);
            start2EndFlightLineUnit = new PointD((FLendUTM.X - FLstartUTM.X) / FLlengthMeters, (FLendUTM.Y - FLstartUTM.Y) / FLlengthMeters);

            //next flight line data -- what happens on the last flightlne ??
            if (flightLineNumber < (ps.msnSum[missionNumber].numberOfFlightlines-1) )
                //this is redundant with code where the currentFlightLine is switched
                //  nextFlightlineNumber should be kept as a part of flightline geometry
                nextFlightlineNumber = flightLineNumber + 1;
                while (priorFlownFLs[nextFlightlineNumber])
                    if (nextFlightlineNumber >= priorFlownFLs.Count() - 1) break;

                PointD FLP1endGeo = ps.msnSum[missionNumber].FlightLinesCurrentPlan[nextFlightlineNumber].end;
                PointD FLP1startGeo = ps.msnSum[missionNumber].FlightLinesCurrentPlan[nextFlightlineNumber].start;
                utm.LLtoUTM(FLP1startGeo.Y * Deg2Rad, FLP1startGeo.X * Deg2Rad, ref FLP1startUTM.Y, ref FLP1startUTM.X, ref ps.UTMZone, true);
                utm.LLtoUTM(FLP1endGeo.Y   * Deg2Rad, FLP1endGeo.X   * Deg2Rad, ref FLP1endUTM.Y,   ref FLP1endUTM.X,   ref ps.UTMZone, true);

                //works for all flightline aspects -- assumes the flightlines are parallel
                //project start-to-start (RS) and end-to-end (RE) vectors onto current flightline start-to-end unit vector
                double delSX = FLP1startUTM.X - FLstartUTM.X;
                double delSY = FLP1startUTM.Y - FLstartUTM.Y;
                double RS = start2EndFlightLineUnit.X * delSX + start2EndFlightLineUnit.Y * delSY;
                double delEX = FLP1endUTM.X - FLendUTM.X;
                double delEY = FLP1endUTM.Y - FLendUTM.Y;
                double RE = start2EndFlightLineUnit.X * delEX + start2EndFlightLineUnit.Y * delEY;
                if (RS < 0.0) ExtensionBeforeStart = -RS;
                if (RE > 0.0) ExtensionBeyondEnd   =  RE;

                //below works for only NS missions
                //if (FLP1endUTM.Y > FLendUTM.Y) ExtensionBeyondEnd = FLP1endUTM.Y - FLendUTM.Y;
                //if (FLP1startUTM.Y < FLstartUTM.Y) ExtensionBeforeStart = FLstartUTM.Y - FLP1startUTM.Y;

               //the "+1" ensures a photocenter at the start of the flight line and at the end of the flight line.
            //The start/ends of the line have been placed on a grid with fixed downrange spacing for the complete project
            numPhotoCenters = Convert.ToInt32( FLlengthMeters / ps.downrangeTriggerSpacing) + 1;

            //used to record the successful completion of a photocenter
            //set to true after we have recorded the image on the storage media
            successfulImagesCollected = new bool[numPhotoCenters+10];
            //store the photocenter locations in pixel coordinates
            TriggerPoints = new Point[numPhotoCenters + 10];
            for (int i = 0; i < numPhotoCenters + 10; i++)
                successfulImagesCollected[i] = false;
                TriggerPoints[i] = new Point();