Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// 错单回报
        /// </summary>
        private void CTradeApi_OnErrRtnOrderInsert(ref CThostFtdcInputOrderField pInputOrder, ref CThostFtdcRspInfoField pRspInfo)
            OrderField of = ConvertFunctions.InputOrderField_To_OrderField(pInputOrder, pRspInfo);

Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// 下普通单错误时回报
        /// </summary>
        private void CTradeApi_OnRspOrderInsert(ref CThostFtdcInputOrderField pInputOrder, ref CThostFtdcRspInfoField pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast)
            OrderField of = ConvertFunctions.InputOrderField_To_OrderField(pInputOrder, pRspInfo);

Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// 查询持仓回报
        /// </summary>
        private void CTradeApi_OnRspQryInvestorPosition(ref CThostFtdcInvestorPositionField pInvestorPosition, ref CThostFtdcRspInfoField pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pInvestorPosition.InstrumentID))
                var f = pInvestorPosition;
                if (f.Position > 0)    //Position字段即总仓位
            if (bIsLast)
                this._isFirstTimeLogin = false;
                foreach (var g in _ListPositionField.GroupBy(p => p.InstrumentID + "_" + p.PosiDirection + "_" + p.HedgeFlag))
                    var id           = g.First();
                    var instrumentID = id.InstrumentID;
                    var direction    = ConvertFunctions.TThostFtdcPosiDirectionType_To_Direction(id.PosiDirection);
                    var hedge        = ConvertFunctions.TThostFtdcHedgeFlagType_To_HedgeFlag(id.HedgeFlag);
                    var key          = new Tuple <string, Direction, HedgeFlag>(instrumentID, direction, hedge);
                    var pos          = this._DictInvestorPosition.GetOrAdd(key, new Position(instrumentID, direction, hedge));

                    #region 持仓赋值
                    pos.TdPosition = g.Sum(n => n.TodayPosition);
                    pos.YdPosition = g.Sum(n => n.YdPosition);
                    if (pos.TotalPosition == 0)
                        this._DictInvestorPosition.TryRemove(key, out pos);
                    pos.BrokerID           = id.BrokerID;
                    pos.InvestorID         = id.InvestorID;
                    pos.PositionDateType   = g.Max(n => ConvertFunctions.TThostFtdcPositionDateType_To_PositionDateType(n.PositionDate));//枚举类型值:今 = 1;昨 = 2;
                    pos.LongFrozen         = g.Sum(n => n.LongFrozen);
                    pos.ShortFrozen        = g.Sum(n => n.ShortFrozen);
                    pos.LongFrozenAmount   = g.Sum(n => n.LongFrozenAmount);
                    pos.ShortFrozenAmount  = g.Sum(n => n.ShortFrozenAmount);
                    pos.OpenVolume         = g.Sum(n => n.OpenVolume);
                    pos.CloseVolume        = g.Sum(n => n.CloseVolume);
                    pos.OpenAmount         = g.Sum(n => n.OpenAmount);
                    pos.CloseAmount        = g.Sum(n => n.CloseAmount);
                    pos.PositionCost       = g.Sum(n => n.PositionCost);
                    pos.PreMargin          = g.Sum(n => n.PreMargin);
                    pos.UseMargin          = g.Sum(n => n.UseMargin);
                    pos.FrozenMargin       = g.Sum(n => n.FrozenMargin);
                    pos.FrozenCash         = g.Sum(n => n.FrozenCash);
                    pos.FrozenCommission   = g.Sum(n => n.FrozenCommission);
                    pos.CashIn             = g.Sum(n => n.CashIn);
                    pos.Commission         = g.Sum(n => n.Commission);
                    pos.CloseProfit        = g.Sum(n => n.CloseProfit);
                    pos.PositionProfit     = g.Sum(n => n.PositionProfit);
                    pos.PreSettlementPrice = g.Sum(n => n.PreSettlementPrice);
                    pos.SettlementPrice    = g.Sum(n => n.SettlementPrice);
                    pos.TradingDay         = g.Max(n => n.TradingDay);
                    pos.OpenCost           = g.Sum(n => n.OpenCost);
                    pos.ExchangeMargin     = g.Sum(n => n.ExchangeMargin);
                    pos.CombPosition       = g.Sum(n => n.CombPosition);
                    pos.CombLongFrozen     = g.Sum(n => n.CombLongFrozen);
                    pos.CombShortFrozen    = g.Sum(n => n.CombShortFrozen);
                    pos.CloseProfitByDate  = g.Sum(n => n.CloseProfitByDate);
                    pos.CloseProfitByTrade = g.Sum(n => n.CloseProfitByTrade);
                    pos.MarginRateByMoney  = id.MarginRateByMoney;
                    pos.MarginRateByVolume = id.MarginRateByVolume;
                    pos.StrikeFrozen       = g.Sum(n => n.StrikeFrozen);
                    pos.StrikeFrozenAmount = g.Sum(n => n.StrikeFrozenAmount);
                    pos.AbandonFrozen      = g.Sum(n => n.AbandonFrozen);
                    InstrumentField instrument;
                    this._DictInstrumentField.TryGetValue(pos.InstrumentID, out instrument);
                    if (instrument != null)
                        pos.AvgOpenPrice = pos.OpenCost / pos.TotalPosition / instrument.VolumeMultiple;
                        if (pos.PosiDirection == Direction.Buy)
                            pos.OpenProfit = (pos.LastPrice - pos.AvgOpenPrice) * pos.TotalPosition * instrument.VolumeMultiple;
                        else if (pos.PosiDirection == Direction.Sell)
                            pos.OpenProfit = -(pos.LastPrice - pos.AvgOpenPrice) * pos.TotalPosition * instrument.VolumeMultiple;

                #region TradingAccount
                //TradingAccount.CloseProfit = _listPosi.Sum(n => n.CloseProfit);
                //TradingAccount.PositionProfit = _listPosi.Sum(n => n.PositionProfit);
                //TradingAccount.Commission = _listPosi.Sum(n => n.Commission);
                //TradingAccount.Fund = TradingAccount.PreBalance + TradingAccount.CloseProfit + TradingAccount.PositionProfit - TradingAccount.Commission;
                //TradingAccount.FrozenCash = _listPosi.Sum(n => n.FrozenCash);
                ////TradingAccount.CurrMargin = _listPosi.Sum(n => n.UseMargin);
                ////TradingAccount.Available = TradingAccount.Fund - TradingAccount.CurrMargin - TradingAccount.FrozenCash;
                ////TradingAccount.Risk = TradingAccount.CurrMargin / TradingAccount.Fund;
            _isQryPositionCompleted = bIsLast;