Exemplo n.º 1
        private async void importButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Prevent the user from starting another import operation
            importButton.Enabled = false;
            ImportSettings settings = GetSettings();

            if (saveDefaultCheck.Checked)
            if (saveJobCheck.Checked)
                ImportSettings.Export(_jobPath, settings);

            IOProgress progress = new IOProgress
                ReportMessageCallback = message =>
                    statusLabel.Text = message;
                ReportPercentCallback = percent =>
                    importProgress.Value = percent;
                ReportWarningCallback = (message, line) =>
                    statusLabel.Text = message;
                    ObjImport.WriteLogFile(_path + ".log", string.Format("[Warning][{0}]: {1}", line, message));
                ReportErrorCallback = (message, line) =>
                    statusLabel.Text = message;
                    ObjImport.WriteLogFile(_path + ".log", string.Format("[Error][{0}]: {1}", line, message));
                CancellationToken = _ctSource.Token

                _importTask  = Task.Run(() => Importer.Import(_path, PEStaticBuilder.Pmx, settings, progress), _ctSource.Token);
                ImportResult = await _importTask;
            catch (OperationCanceledException)
                ImportResult = ImportResult.Cancel(progress.WarningCount, progress.ErrorCount);

            DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; // This will cause the calling thread to resume executing, regardless of when the Close() method is called on the form.
            _importTask          = null;
            importButton.Enabled = true;
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the Material Template Library at the provided path and returns a list of materials.
        /// </summary>
        private static Dictionary <string, IPXMaterial> ImportMaterials(string path, IPXPmxBuilder builder, ImportSettings settings, IOProgress progress)
            // Cancel the process if needed
            if (progress.CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)

            StreamReader reader = null;

            System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo fi = System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo;
            System.Globalization.NumberStyles     ns = System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Float;

            Dictionary <string, IPXMaterial> materials = new Dictionary <string, IPXMaterial>();
            IPXMaterial current    = null;
            int         lineNumber = 0;

            char[] separator = { ' ' };

                reader = new StreamReader(path);
                while (!reader.EndOfStream)
                    // Cancel the process if needed
                    if (progress.CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)

                    string line = reader.ReadLine().Trim();
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line) || line[0] == '#')
                    string[] split = line.Split(separator, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    switch (split[0])
                    // Diffuse color and opacity
                    case "Kd":
                        if (current != null)
                            float r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1;
                            float.TryParse(split[1], ns, fi, out r);
                            float.TryParse(split[2], ns, fi, out g);
                            float.TryParse(split[3], ns, fi, out b);
                            if (split.Length > 4)
                                float.TryParse(split[4], ns, fi, out a);

                            current.Diffuse = new V4(r, g, b, a);

                    // Ambient - used as emissive
                    case "Ka":
                        if (current != null)
                            float r = 0, g = 0, b = 0;
                            float.TryParse(split[1], ns, fi, out r);
                            float.TryParse(split[2], ns, fi, out g);
                            float.TryParse(split[3], ns, fi, out b);
                            current.Ambient = new V3(r, g, b);

                    // Specular color
                    case "Ks":
                        if (current != null)
                            float r = 0, g = 0, b = 0;
                            float.TryParse(split[1], ns, fi, out r);
                            float.TryParse(split[2], ns, fi, out g);
                            float.TryParse(split[3], ns, fi, out b);
                            current.Specular = new V3(r, g, b);

                    // Emissive
                    case "Ke":
                        if (current != null)
                            float r = 0, g = 0, b = 0;
                            float.TryParse(split[1], ns, fi, out r);
                            float.TryParse(split[2], ns, fi, out g);
                            float.TryParse(split[3], ns, fi, out b);
                            current.Ambient = new V3(r, g, b);

                    // Opacity (1 is fully opaque)
                    case "d":
                        if (current != null)
                            if (float.TryParse(split[1], ns, fi, out float a))
                                current.Diffuse.A = a;

                    // Transparency (1 is fully transparent)
                    case "Tr":
                        if (current != null)
                            if (float.TryParse(split[1], ns, fi, out float a))
                                current.Diffuse.A = 1.0f - a;

                    // Specular exponent
                    case "Ns":
                        if (current != null)
                            if (float.TryParse(split[1], ns, fi, out float a))
                                current.Power = a;

                    // Illumination mode (unused)
                    case "illum":

                    // Diffuse map
                    case "map_Kd":
                        if (current != null)
                            current.Tex = line.Substring(7);
                            if (settings.WhiteMaterialIfTextured)
                                current.Diffuse = new V4(1, 1, 1, current.Diffuse.A);
                                current.Ambient = new V3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);

                    // Specular map
                    case "map_Ks":

                    // Ambient map
                    case "map_Ka":

                    // Begin a new material
                    case "newmtl":
                        current               = builder.Material();
                        current.Name          = current.NameE = line.Substring(7);
                        current.Diffuse       = new V4(1, 1, 1, 1);
                        current.Ambient       = new V3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
                        current.Specular      = new V3(0, 0, 0);
                        current.Power         = 20;
                        current.SelfShadow    = true;
                        current.SelfShadowMap = true;
                        current.Shadow        = true;
                        current.BothDraw      = false;

                        if (materials.ContainsKey(current.Name))
                            progress.ReportWarning(string.Format("[MTL {1}] Duplicate material found: \"{0}\".", current.Name, lineNumber));
                            materials.Add(current.Name, current);


            catch (OperationCanceledException) { throw; }
                if (reader != null)
                    reader = null;

Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the Wavefront Object file at the provided path and returns the operation's result.
        /// </summary>
        public static ImportResult Import(string path, IPXPmxBuilder builder, ImportSettings settings, IOProgress progress)
            // Cancel the process if needed
            if (progress.CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)

            IPXPmx pmx = builder.Pmx();

            pmx.ModelInfo.ModelName = pmx.ModelInfo.ModelNameE = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path);
            pmx.ModelInfo.Comment   = pmx.ModelInfo.CommentE = "(Imported from OBJ by WPlugins.ObjIO)";
            StreamReader reader = null;

            System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo fi = System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo;
            System.Globalization.NumberStyles     ns = System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Float;

            // Model elements
            List <V3> vList  = new List <V3>();
            List <V2> vtList = new List <V2>();
            List <V3> vnList = new List <V3>();
            Dictionary <Tuple <int, int, int>, int> vertexDictionary = new Dictionary <Tuple <int, int, int>, int>();
            Dictionary <string, IPXMaterial>        materials        = new Dictionary <string, IPXMaterial>();
            IPXMaterial currentMaterial = null;

            // Values derived from settings
            V3 positionScale = new V3(settings.ScaleX, settings.ScaleY, settings.ScaleZ) * (settings.UseMetricUnits ? 0.254f : 0.1f);

            // Statistics
            int lineNumber = 0;

                reader = new StreamReader(path);
                char[] separator = { ' ' };
                while (!reader.EndOfStream)

                    // Cancel the process if needed
                    if (progress.CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)

                    string line = reader.ReadLine().Trim();
                    progress.Report(IOProgress.Percent(reader.BaseStream.Position, reader.BaseStream.Length));

                    // Skip empty lines and comments
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line) || line[0] == '#')

                    string[] split = line.Split(separator, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    switch (split[0])
                    // Vertex position
                    case "v":
                            float x = float.Parse(split[1], ns, fi);
                            float y = float.Parse(split[2], ns, fi);
                            float z = float.Parse(split[3], ns, fi);
                            vList.Add(new V3(x, y, -z));
                        catch (FormatException ex)
                            if (progress.ReportError(string.Format("A format exception has occured: {0}", line)))
                                return(ImportResult.Fail(ex, progress.WarningCount, progress.ErrorCount));
                            vList.Add(new V3());

                    // Vertex texture coordinates
                    case "vt":
                            // Technically this can be a V3 or any vector, but PMX only uses the first two elements for the main UV channel.
                            float x = float.Parse(split[1], ns, fi);
                            float y = float.Parse(split[2], ns, fi);
                            vtList.Add(new V2(x, -y));
                        catch (FormatException ex)
                            if (progress.ReportError(string.Format("A format exception has occured: {0}", line)))
                                return(ImportResult.Fail(ex, progress.WarningCount, progress.ErrorCount));
                            vtList.Add(new V2());

                    // Vertex normal
                    case "vn":
                            float x = float.Parse(split[1], ns, fi);
                            float y = float.Parse(split[2], ns, fi);
                            float z = float.Parse(split[3], ns, fi);
                            vnList.Add(new V3(x, y, -z));
                        catch (FormatException ex)
                            if (progress.ReportError(string.Format("A format exception has occured: {0}", line)))
                                return(ImportResult.Fail(ex, progress.WarningCount, progress.ErrorCount));
                            vnList.Add(new V3());

                    // Face definition
                    case "f":
                        if (currentMaterial == null)
                            progress.ReportWarning(string.Format("Encountered a face record when no active group was set.", lineNumber));
                            currentMaterial = builder.Material();

                        // Triangle
                        if (split.Length == 4)
                            int  v  = 0;
                            int  vt = 0;
                            int  vn = 0;
                            bool newVertex;

                                // Split each vertex assignment triple into its respective v/vt/vn indices.
                                GetVertexElements(split[1], out v, out vt, out vn);
                                // Based on the indices, determine if the vertex assignment is unique or already exists. A vertex is considered unique if one or more index is different, regardless of the vectors they represent.
                                newVertex = GetUniqueVertex(v, vt, vn, vertexDictionary, pmx.Vertex.Count, out int index1);
                                if (newVertex)
                                    IPXVertex vert = builder.Vertex();
                                    pmx.Vertex.Add(vert);       // The new vertex is added to the end of the list, making its index equal to the list's count before the addition.
                                    if (v >= 0)
                                        vert.Position = vList[v] * positionScale;
                                    if (vt >= 0)
                                        vert.UV = vtList[vt];
                                    if (vn >= 0)
                                        vert.Normal = vnList[vn];
                                IPXVertex vertex1 = pmx.Vertex[index1];

                                // Repeat the same process for the rest of the vertex triples.
                                GetVertexElements(split[2], out v, out vt, out vn);
                                newVertex = GetUniqueVertex(v, vt, vn, vertexDictionary, pmx.Vertex.Count, out int index2);
                                if (newVertex)
                                    IPXVertex vert = builder.Vertex();
                                    if (v >= 0)
                                        vert.Position = vList[v] * positionScale;
                                    if (vt >= 0)
                                        vert.UV = vtList[vt];
                                    if (vn >= 0)
                                        vert.Normal = vnList[vn];
                                IPXVertex vertex2 = pmx.Vertex[index2];

                                GetVertexElements(split[3], out v, out vt, out vn);
                                newVertex = GetUniqueVertex(v, vt, vn, vertexDictionary, pmx.Vertex.Count, out int index3);
                                if (newVertex)
                                    IPXVertex vert = builder.Vertex();
                                    if (v >= 0)
                                        vert.Position = vList[v] * positionScale;
                                    if (vt >= 0)
                                        vert.UV = vtList[vt];
                                    if (vn >= 0)
                                        vert.Normal = vnList[vn];
                                IPXVertex vertex3 = pmx.Vertex[index3];

                                // Build the triangle and assign the vertices; use reverse order and negative normal vectors if the triangles are reversed.
                                IPXFace face = builder.Face();
                                if (settings.FlipFaces)
                                    vertex1.Normal *= -1;
                                    vertex2.Normal *= -1;
                                    vertex3.Normal *= -1;
                                    face.Vertex1    = vertex1;
                                    face.Vertex2    = vertex2;
                                    face.Vertex3    = vertex3;
                                    face.Vertex1 = vertex3;
                                    face.Vertex2 = vertex2;
                                    face.Vertex3 = vertex1;
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                if (progress.ReportError(ex.ToString()))
                                    return(ImportResult.Fail(ex, progress.WarningCount, progress.ErrorCount));
                        // Quad
                        else if (split.Length == 5)
                            int  v  = 0;
                            int  vt = 0;
                            int  vn = 0;
                            bool newVertex;
                                GetVertexElements(split[1], out v, out vt, out vn);
                                newVertex = GetUniqueVertex(v, vt, vn, vertexDictionary, pmx.Vertex.Count, out int index1);
                                if (newVertex)
                                    IPXVertex vert = builder.Vertex();
                                    if (v >= 0)
                                        vert.Position = vList[v] * positionScale;
                                    if (vt >= 0)
                                        vert.UV = vtList[vt];
                                    if (vn >= 0)
                                        vert.Normal = vnList[vn];
                                IPXVertex vertex1 = pmx.Vertex[index1];

                                GetVertexElements(split[2], out v, out vt, out vn);
                                newVertex = GetUniqueVertex(v, vt, vn, vertexDictionary, pmx.Vertex.Count, out int index2);
                                if (newVertex)
                                    IPXVertex vert = builder.Vertex();
                                    if (v >= 0)
                                        vert.Position = vList[v] * positionScale;
                                    if (vt >= 0)
                                        vert.UV = vtList[vt];
                                    if (vn >= 0)
                                        vert.Normal = vnList[vn];
                                IPXVertex vertex2 = pmx.Vertex[index2];

                                GetVertexElements(split[3], out v, out vt, out vn);
                                newVertex = GetUniqueVertex(v, vt, vn, vertexDictionary, pmx.Vertex.Count, out int index3);
                                if (newVertex)
                                    IPXVertex vert = builder.Vertex();
                                    if (v >= 0)
                                        vert.Position = vList[v] * positionScale;
                                    if (vt >= 0)
                                        vert.UV = vtList[vt];
                                    if (vn >= 0)
                                        vert.Normal = vnList[vn];
                                IPXVertex vertex3 = pmx.Vertex[index3];

                                GetVertexElements(split[4], out v, out vt, out vn);
                                newVertex = GetUniqueVertex(v, vt, vn, vertexDictionary, pmx.Vertex.Count, out int index4);
                                if (newVertex)
                                    IPXVertex vert = builder.Vertex();
                                    if (v >= 0)
                                        vert.Position = vList[v] * positionScale;
                                    if (vt >= 0)
                                        vert.UV = vtList[vt];
                                    if (vn >= 0)
                                        vert.Normal = vnList[vn];
                                IPXVertex vertex4 = pmx.Vertex[index4];

                                int     faceIndex1 = 0, faceIndex2 = 0;
                                IPXFace face = builder.Face();
                                if (settings.FlipFaces)
                                    face.Vertex3 = settings.TurnQuads ? vertex3 : vertex4;
                                    face.Vertex2 = vertex2;
                                    face.Vertex1 = vertex1;
                                    faceIndex1 = currentMaterial.Faces.Count - 1;

                                    face         = builder.Face();
                                    face.Vertex1 = settings.TurnQuads ? vertex1 : vertex2;
                                    face.Vertex2 = vertex3;
                                    face.Vertex3 = vertex4;
                                    faceIndex2 = currentMaterial.Faces.Count - 1;
                                    face.Vertex1 = settings.TurnQuads ? vertex3 : vertex4;
                                    face.Vertex2 = vertex2;
                                    face.Vertex3 = vertex1;
                                    faceIndex1 = currentMaterial.Faces.Count - 1;

                                    face         = builder.Face();
                                    face.Vertex3 = settings.TurnQuads ? vertex1 : vertex2;
                                    face.Vertex2 = vertex3;
                                    face.Vertex1 = vertex4;
                                    faceIndex2 = currentMaterial.Faces.Count - 1;

                                if (settings.SaveTrianglePairs)
                                    currentMaterial.Memo += string.Format("({0},{1})", faceIndex1, faceIndex2);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                if (progress.ReportError(ex.ToString()))
                                    return(ImportResult.Fail(ex, progress.WarningCount, progress.ErrorCount));
                            if (progress.ReportError(string.Format("The OBJ file contains a polygon with an invalid number of vertices. Currently only triangles and quads are supported. Line content: {0}", line)))
                                return(ImportResult.Fail(new InvalidOperationException("Invalid polygon"), progress.WarningCount, progress.ErrorCount));

                    // Group assignment defines which PMX object (IPXMaterial instance) the subsequent faces belong to.
                    case "g":
                        currentMaterial      = builder.Material();
                        currentMaterial.Name = currentMaterial.NameE = line.Trim().Substring(2);
                        progress.Report("New object: " + currentMaterial.Name);
                        // Set default properties
                        currentMaterial.Diffuse = new V4(1, 1, 1, 1);
                        currentMaterial.Ambient = new V3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);

                    // Material assignment defines which material template should be applied to the currently active PMX object. Any number of PMX objects can refer to a single material template.
                    case "usemtl":
                        if (currentMaterial == null)
                            progress.ReportWarning(string.Format("Encountered a material template reference when no active group was set.", lineNumber));
                            currentMaterial = builder.Material();
                            string      name = line.Trim().Substring(7);
                            IPXMaterial m    = currentMaterial;     // Active material
                            IPXMaterial t    = materials[name];     // Template material
                            m.Diffuse       = t.Diffuse;
                            m.Specular      = t.Specular;
                            m.Power         = t.Power;
                            m.Ambient       = t.Ambient;
                            m.Diffuse       = t.Diffuse;
                            m.SelfShadow    = t.SelfShadow;
                            m.SelfShadowMap = t.SelfShadowMap;
                            m.Shadow        = t.Shadow;
                            m.Tex           = t.Tex;
                            m.EdgeSize      = t.EdgeSize;
                            m.EdgeColor     = t.EdgeColor;
                            m.Edge          = t.Edge;

                    // Material library, may occur multiple times in a model.
                    case "mtllib":
                        string materialLibraryName = line.Substring(7);
                        progress.Report("Importing materials from " + materialLibraryName);
                        // Try relative path
                        string materialLibraryPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(path), materialLibraryName);
                        if (!File.Exists(materialLibraryPath))
                            // Try absolute path
                            materialLibraryPath = materialLibraryName;
                            if (!File.Exists(materialLibraryPath))
                                progress.ReportError(string.Format("Material library not found ({0}).", materialLibraryName));
                        Dictionary <string, IPXMaterial> tempDict = ImportMaterials(materialLibraryPath, builder, settings, progress);
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, IPXMaterial> kvp in tempDict)
                            if (materials.ContainsKey(kvp.Key))
                                progress.ReportWarning(string.Format("Duplicate material {0} imported from {1} has been discarded.", kvp.Key, materialLibraryName));
                                materials.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);
                        progress.Report(string.Format("Imported {0} materials from {1}.", tempDict.Count, materialLibraryName));

                    // Smoothing group assignment (unused)
                    case "s":


                // Second pass for bone weights and transformations because I'm lazy
                IPXBone bone = null;
                if (settings.CreateBone != ImportSettings.CreateBoneMode.None)
                    bone      = builder.Bone();
                    bone.Name = bone.NameE = pmx.ModelInfo.ModelName.Replace(' ', '_');
                foreach (IPXVertex vertex in pmx.Vertex)
                    // Bone
                    if (settings.CreateBone == ImportSettings.CreateBoneMode.Average)
                        bone.Position += vertex.Position;
                    vertex.Bone1   = settings.CreateBone != ImportSettings.CreateBoneMode.None ? bone : null;
                    vertex.Weight1 = 1.0f;
                    vertex.Bone2   = vertex.Bone3 = vertex.Bone4 = null;
                    vertex.Weight2 = vertex.Weight3 = vertex.Weight4 = 0;

                    // Axis swap
                    if (settings.SwapYZ)
                        float temp = vertex.Position.Y;
                        vertex.Position.Y = vertex.Position.Z;
                        vertex.Position.Z = temp;
                        temp            = vertex.Normal.Y;
                        vertex.Normal.Y = vertex.Normal.Z;
                        vertex.Normal.Z = temp;
                if (settings.CreateBone == ImportSettings.CreateBoneMode.Average)
                    bone.Position /= pmx.Vertex.Count;
            catch (OperationCanceledException)
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (progress.ReportError(ex.ToString()))
                    return(ImportResult.Fail(ex, progress.WarningCount, progress.ErrorCount));
                if (reader != null)
                    reader = null;

            return(ImportResult.Success(pmx, progress.WarningCount, progress.ErrorCount));