Exemplo n.º 1
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        private VoxelUtils.VoxelChunk createCutGameObject(VoxelUtils.VoxelVector3Int p, int w, int h, int d)
            //GameObject cube = Instantiate(prefabCut);
            //cube.transform.SetParent (_voxelChunkContainer);
            //cube.name = "cube_cut";

            float width  = w * VoxelUtils.CHUNK_SIZE;
            float height = h * VoxelUtils.CHUNK_SIZE;
            float depth  = d * VoxelUtils.CHUNK_SIZE;
            //cube.transform.localScale = new Vector3(width, height, depth);

            Vector3 pos = new Vector3((p.x * VoxelUtils.CHUNK_SIZE) + (width / 2f), (p.y * VoxelUtils.CHUNK_SIZE) + (height / 2f), (p.z * VoxelUtils.CHUNK_SIZE) + (depth / 2f));
            //cube.transform.localPosition = pos;

            //BoxCollider coll = cube.GetComponent<BoxCollider> ();
            Bounds b = new Bounds();              //coll.bounds;

            b.size   = new Vector3(width - VoxelUtils.CHUNK_SIZE, height - VoxelUtils.CHUNK_SIZE, depth - VoxelUtils.CHUNK_SIZE);
            b.center = pos;
            //b.size = new Vector3 (b.size.x - VoxelUtils.CHUNK_SIZE, b.size.y - VoxelUtils.CHUNK_SIZE, b.size.z - VoxelUtils.CHUNK_SIZE);

            VoxelUtils.VoxelChunk vs = new VoxelUtils.VoxelChunk();
            //vs.go      = cube;
            vs.pos     = p;
            vs.size    = new VoxelUtils.VoxelVector3Int(w, h, d);
            vs.bounds  = b;            //coll.bounds;
            vs.corners = VoxelUtils.createVoxelCorners(p, w, h, d);

            //Debug.Log ("cut chunk corners: "+vs.corners.ToString());

Exemplo n.º 2
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // create single voxel
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        private VoxelUtils.VoxelChunk createVoxelChunk(VoxelUtils.VoxelVector3Int p, int w, int h, int d)
            GameObject cube = Instantiate(prefabCube);

            cube.name = "cube_" + _iCount.ToString();

            float width  = w * VoxelUtils.CHUNK_SIZE;
            float height = h * VoxelUtils.CHUNK_SIZE;
            float depth  = d * VoxelUtils.CHUNK_SIZE;

            cube.transform.localScale = new Vector3(width, height, depth);

            Vector3 pos = new Vector3((p.x * VoxelUtils.CHUNK_SIZE) + (width / 2f), (p.y * VoxelUtils.CHUNK_SIZE) + (height / 2f), (p.z * VoxelUtils.CHUNK_SIZE) + (depth / 2f));

            cube.transform.localPosition = pos;

            BoxCollider coll = cube.GetComponent <BoxCollider> ();

            VoxelUtils.VoxelChunk vs = new VoxelUtils.VoxelChunk();
            vs.go      = cube;
            vs.pos     = p;
            vs.size    = new VoxelUtils.VoxelVector3Int(w, h, d);
            vs.bounds  = coll.bounds;
            vs.corners = VoxelUtils.createVoxelCorners(p, w, h, d);

            //Debug.Log ("pos: "+vs.pos.ToString());
            //Debug.Log ("size: "+vs.size.ToString());
            //Debug.Log ("new chunk corners: "+vs.corners.ToString());
            //Debug.Log (vs.bounds);

Exemplo n.º 3
        void Start()

            _light.enabled = true;

            txtError.text = "";
            txtHelp.text  = "Click to create procedural level";

            _iCount = 0;

            _aVoxelChunks = new List <VoxelUtils.VoxelChunk> ();

            // create the full chunk voxel
            VoxelUtils.VoxelVector3Int pos = VoxelUtils.convertVector3ToVoxelVector3Int(Vector3.zero);
            VoxelUtils.VoxelChunk      vs  = createVoxelChunk(pos, VoxelUtils.MAX_CHUNK_UNITS, VoxelUtils.MAX_CHUNK_UNITS, VoxelUtils.MAX_CHUNK_UNITS);
            setVoxelChunkMesh(_aVoxelChunks [0]);

            txtCount.text = _aVoxelChunks.Count.ToString() + " Voxel Chunk" + (_aVoxelChunks.Count > 1 ? "s" : "");

            aimHelper.localScale = new Vector3(_curDigSize.x * VoxelUtils.CHUNK_SIZE * 1.01f, _curDigSize.y * VoxelUtils.CHUNK_SIZE * 1.01f, _curDigSize.z * VoxelUtils.CHUNK_SIZE * 1.01f);
Exemplo n.º 4
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // create single voxel
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        private VoxelUtils.VoxelChunk createVoxelChunk(VoxelUtils.VoxelVector3Int p, int w, int h, int d)
            GameObject cube = Instantiate(prefabCube);

            cube.name = "cube_" + _iCount.ToString();

            float width  = w * VoxelUtils.CHUNK_SIZE;
            float height = h * VoxelUtils.CHUNK_SIZE;
            float depth  = d * VoxelUtils.CHUNK_SIZE;

            Vector3 pos = new Vector3((p.x * VoxelUtils.CHUNK_SIZE) + (width / 2f), (p.y * VoxelUtils.CHUNK_SIZE) + (height / 2f), (p.z * VoxelUtils.CHUNK_SIZE) + (depth / 2f));

            Bounds b = new Bounds();

            b.size   = new Vector3(width, height, depth);
            b.center = pos;

            VoxelUtils.VoxelChunk vs = new VoxelUtils.VoxelChunk();
            vs.go      = cube;
            vs.goPos   = pos;
            vs.pos     = p;
            vs.size    = new VoxelUtils.VoxelVector3Int(w, h, d);
            vs.bounds  = b;           //coll.bounds;
            vs.corners = VoxelUtils.createVoxelCorners(p, w, h, d);

Exemplo n.º 5
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Update shit
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        void Update()
            if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
                if (EventSystem.current.IsPointerOverGameObject())

                if (!subtracted)
                    // cut out center section and separate voxels
                    VoxelUtils.VoxelVector3Int pos = VoxelUtils.convertVector3ToVoxelVector3Int(cutHolesPos[cutHolesIndex]);
                    vsSubtract     = createCutGameObject(pos, (int)cutHolesSize[cutHolesIndex].x, (int)cutHolesSize[cutHolesIndex].y, (int)cutHolesSize[cutHolesIndex].z);
                    subtracted     = true;
                    stillSplitting = true;
                    txtHelp.text   = "Click to split " + (_aVoxelChunks.Count > 1 ? "voxels" : "voxel") + " into smaller chunks...";
                else if (stillSplitting)
                    if (!subtractChunk(vsSubtract))
                        txtHelp.text   = ":(";
                        stillSplitting = false;
                        if (++cutHolesIndex < cutHolesPos.Count)
                            txtHelp.text = "Click to place another chunk...";
                            subtracted   = false;
                            txtHelp.text  = "All done here!";
                            txtError.text = "";

                    vsSubtract.go = null;

                    /*stillSplitting = splitVoxels (vsSubtract);
                     * if (!stillSplitting) {
                     *      Destroy (vsSubtract.go);
                     *      vsSubtract.go = null;
                     *      if (++cutHolesIndex < cutHolesPos.Count) {
                     *              txtHelp.text = "Click to cut another hole...";
                     *              subtracted = false;
                     *      } else {
                     *              txtHelp.text = "No more holes to cut!";
                     *      }
                     * }*/

                txtCount.text = _aVoxelChunks.Count.ToString() + " Voxel Chunk" + (_aVoxelChunks.Count > 1 ? "s" : "");
Exemplo n.º 6
        void Start()
            _iCount = 0;

            _aVoxelChunks = new List <VoxelUtils.VoxelChunk> ();

            // create the full chunk voxel
            VoxelUtils.VoxelVector3Int pos = VoxelUtils.convertVector3ToVoxelVector3Int(Vector3.zero);
            VoxelUtils.VoxelChunk      vs  = createVoxelChunk(pos, VoxelUtils.MAX_CHUNK_UNITS, VoxelUtils.MAX_CHUNK_UNITS, VoxelUtils.MAX_CHUNK_UNITS);

            txtError.text = "";
Exemplo n.º 7
        void Start()
            _iCount = 0;

            _aVoxelChunks = new List <VoxelUtils.VoxelChunk> ();

            // create the full chunk voxel
            VoxelUtils.VoxelVector3Int pos = VoxelUtils.convertVector3ToVoxelVector3Int(Vector3.zero);
            VoxelUtils.VoxelChunk      vs  = createVoxelChunk(pos, VoxelUtils.MAX_CHUNK_UNITS, VoxelUtils.MAX_CHUNK_UNITS, VoxelUtils.MAX_CHUNK_UNITS);

            txtHelp.text  = "Click to place a chunk...";
            txtCount.text = _aVoxelChunks.Count.ToString() + " Voxel Chunk" + (_aVoxelChunks.Count > 1 ? "s" : "");
            txtError.text = "";
        void Start()
            txtError.text = "";
            txtHelp.text  = "Click anywhere to dig a 0.5m cube - Press 'P' to polygonize level!";

            _iCount = 0;

            _aVoxelChunks = new List <VoxelUtils.VoxelChunk> ();

            // create the full chunk voxel
            VoxelUtils.VoxelVector3Int pos = VoxelUtils.convertVector3ToVoxelVector3Int(Vector3.zero);
            VoxelUtils.VoxelChunk      vs  = createVoxelChunk(pos, VoxelUtils.MAX_CHUNK_UNITS, VoxelUtils.MAX_CHUNK_UNITS, VoxelUtils.MAX_CHUNK_UNITS);

            subtractChunk(new Vector3(30, 30, 30), new Vector3(12, 12, 12));

            aimHelper.localScale = new Vector3(_curDigSize.x * VoxelUtils.CHUNK_SIZE * 1.01f, _curDigSize.y * VoxelUtils.CHUNK_SIZE * 1.01f, _curDigSize.z * VoxelUtils.CHUNK_SIZE * 1.01f);
Exemplo n.º 9
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // create single voxel
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        private VoxelUtils.VoxelChunk createVoxelChunk(VoxelUtils.VoxelVector3Int p, int w, int h, int d)
            GameObject cube = Instantiate(prefabCube);

            cube.name = "cube_" + _iCount.ToString();

            float width  = w * VoxelUtils.CHUNK_SIZE;
            float height = h * VoxelUtils.CHUNK_SIZE;
            float depth  = d * VoxelUtils.CHUNK_SIZE;

             * cube.transform.localScale = Vector3.one;// new Vector3(width, height, depth);
             * Mesh mesh = cube.GetComponent<MeshFilter> ().mesh;
             * VoxelChunkMesh.create (mesh, width, height, depth, w, h, d, false);

            Vector3 pos = new Vector3((p.x * VoxelUtils.CHUNK_SIZE) + (width / 2f), (p.y * VoxelUtils.CHUNK_SIZE) + (height / 2f), (p.z * VoxelUtils.CHUNK_SIZE) + (depth / 2f));
            //cube.transform.localPosition = pos;

            //BoxCollider coll = cube.GetComponent<BoxCollider> ();
            //coll.size = new Vector3 (width, height, depth);
            //coll.center = Vector3.zero;
            //Debug.Log (coll.bounds);
            Bounds b = new Bounds();

            b.size   = new Vector3(width, height, depth);
            b.center = pos;
            //Debug.Log (b);

            VoxelUtils.VoxelChunk vs = new VoxelUtils.VoxelChunk();
            vs.go      = cube;
            vs.goPos   = pos;
            vs.pos     = p;
            vs.size    = new VoxelUtils.VoxelVector3Int(w, h, d);
            vs.bounds  = b;           //coll.bounds;
            vs.corners = VoxelUtils.createVoxelCorners(p, w, h, d);

Exemplo n.º 10
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        private VoxelUtils.VoxelChunk createCutVoxelChunk(VoxelUtils.VoxelVector3Int p, int w, int h, int d)
            float width  = w * VoxelUtils.CHUNK_SIZE;
            float height = h * VoxelUtils.CHUNK_SIZE;
            float depth  = d * VoxelUtils.CHUNK_SIZE;

            Vector3 pos = new Vector3((p.x * VoxelUtils.CHUNK_SIZE) + (width / 2f), (p.y * VoxelUtils.CHUNK_SIZE) + (height / 2f), (p.z * VoxelUtils.CHUNK_SIZE) + (depth / 2f));

            Bounds b = new Bounds();              //coll.bounds;

            b.size   = new Vector3(width - VoxelUtils.CHUNK_SIZE, height - VoxelUtils.CHUNK_SIZE, depth - VoxelUtils.CHUNK_SIZE);
            b.center = pos;

            VoxelUtils.VoxelChunk vs = new VoxelUtils.VoxelChunk();
            vs.pos     = p;
            vs.size    = new VoxelUtils.VoxelVector3Int(w, h, d);
            vs.bounds  = b;            //coll.bounds;
            vs.corners = VoxelUtils.createVoxelCorners(p, w, h, d);

        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // cut a hole!
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        private bool subtractChunk(Vector3 v3Pos, Vector3 v3Size)
            bool success = true;

            float timer = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

            VoxelUtils.VoxelVector3Int pos   = VoxelUtils.convertVector3ToVoxelVector3Int(v3Pos);
            VoxelUtils.VoxelChunk      vsCut = createCutVoxelChunk(pos, (int)v3Size.x, (int)v3Size.y, (int)v3Size.z);

            // does the new voxel intersect with any existing voxels?
            bool splittage = splitVoxels(vsCut);
            int  loops     = 0;

            while (splittage && loops < 1000)
                splittage = splitVoxels(vsCut);

            if (loops >= 1000)
                Debug.LogWarning("looks like we got ourselves an endless loop here!");
                txtError.text = "Looks like we got ourselves an endless loop here!";
                success       = false;
                int i, len = _aVoxelChunks.Count;
                for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
                    setVoxelChunkMesh(_aVoxelChunks [i]);

            Debug.Log("Time to create chunk(s): " + (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - timer).ToString());

            txtCount.text = _aVoxelChunks.Count.ToString() + " Voxel Chunk" + (_aVoxelChunks.Count > 1 ? "s" : "");

Exemplo n.º 12
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        private void onMouseClick()
            float timer = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

            if (cutHolesIndex >= cutHolesPos.Count)

            VoxelUtils.VoxelVector3Int pos = VoxelUtils.convertVector3ToVoxelVector3Int(cutHolesPos[cutHolesIndex]);
            vsSubtract = createCutGameObject(pos, (int)cutHolesSize[cutHolesIndex].x, (int)cutHolesSize[cutHolesIndex].y, (int)cutHolesSize[cutHolesIndex].z);

            if (!subtractChunk(vsSubtract))
                txtHelp.text = ":(";
                if (++cutHolesIndex < cutHolesPos.Count)
                    txtHelp.text = "Click to continue...";
                    txtHelp.text  = "All done here!";
                    txtError.text = "";

            //Destroy (vsSubtract.go);
            //vsSubtract.go = null;

            Debug.Log("time to create chunks: " + (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - timer).ToString());

            txtCount.text = _aVoxelChunks.Count.ToString() + " Voxel Chunk" + (_aVoxelChunks.Count > 1 ? "s" : "");