Exemplo n.º 1
        public VideoUrlParseResult ParseBySoundCloudUrl(string url)
            var apiUrl = string.Format("http://api.soundcloud.com/resolve?url=http://soundcloud.com/{0}&client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID", url);

            var       request = WebRequest.Create(apiUrl);
            XDocument doc;

            try {
                using (var response = request.GetResponse())
                    using (var stream = response.GetResponseStream()) {
                        doc = XDocument.Load(stream);
            } catch (WebException x) {
                log.WarnException("Unable to load SoundCloud URL " + url, x);
                return(VideoUrlParseResult.CreateError(url, VideoUrlParseResultType.LoadError, new VideoParseException("Unable to load SoundCloud URL: " + x.Message, x)));

            var trackIdElem = doc.XPathSelectElement("//track/id");
            var titleElem   = doc.XPathSelectElement("//track/title");

            if (trackIdElem == null || titleElem == null)
                return(VideoUrlParseResult.CreateError(url, VideoUrlParseResultType.LoadError, "Unable to load SoundCloud URL: Invalid response."));

            var trackId  = trackIdElem.Value;
            var title    = titleElem.Value;
            var author   = XmlHelper.GetNodeTextOrEmpty(doc, "//track/user/username");
            var thumbUrl = XmlHelper.GetNodeTextOrEmpty(doc, "//track/artwork-url");
            var id       = new SoundCloudId(trackId, url);

            return(VideoUrlParseResult.CreateOk(url, PVService.SoundCloud, id.ToString(), VideoTitleParseResult.CreateSuccess(title, author, thumbUrl)));
Exemplo n.º 2
        public override async Task <VideoUrlParseResult> ParseByUrlAsync(string url, bool getTitle)
            var id = GetIdByUrl(url);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
                return(VideoUrlParseResult.CreateError(url, VideoUrlParseResultType.NoMatcher, "No matcher"));

            if (!getTitle)
                return(VideoUrlParseResult.CreateOk(url, PVService.Bilibili, id, VideoTitleParseResult.Empty));

            var paramStr    = string.Format("appkey={0}&id={1}&type=xml{2}", AppConfig.BilibiliAppKey, id, AppConfig.BilibiliSecretKey);
            var paramStrMd5 = CryptoHelper.HashString(paramStr, CryptoHelper.MD5).ToLowerInvariant();

            var requestUrl = string.Format("https://api.bilibili.com/view?appkey={0}&id={1}&type=xml&sign={2}", AppConfig.BilibiliAppKey, id, paramStrMd5);

            XDocument doc;

            try {
                doc = await HtmlRequestHelper.GetStreamAsync(requestUrl, stream => XDocument.Load(stream), timeoutSec : 10, userAgent : "VocaDB/1.0 ([email protected])");
            } catch (WebException x) {
                log.Warn(x, "Unable to load Bilibili URL {0}", url);
                return(VideoUrlParseResult.CreateError(url, VideoUrlParseResultType.LoadError, new VideoParseException(string.Format("Unable to load Bilibili URL: {0}", x.Message), x)));
            } catch (XmlException x) {
                log.Warn(x, "Unable to load Bilibili URL {0}", url);
                return(VideoUrlParseResult.CreateError(url, VideoUrlParseResultType.LoadError, new VideoParseException(string.Format("Unable to load Bilibili URL: {0}", x.Message), x)));
            } catch (IOException x) {
                log.Warn(x, "Unable to load Bilibili URL {0}", url);
                return(VideoUrlParseResult.CreateError(url, VideoUrlParseResultType.LoadError, new VideoParseException(string.Format("Unable to load Bilibili URL: {0}", x.Message), x)));

            var titleElem   = doc.XPathSelectElement("/info/title");
            var thumbElem   = doc.XPathSelectElement("/info/pic");
            var authorElem  = doc.XPathSelectElement("/info/author");
            var authorId    = GetValue(doc, "/info/mid");
            var createdElem = doc.XPathSelectElement("/info/created_at");

            int.TryParse(GetValue(doc, "/info/cid"), out var cid);             // Unsure what this is, but it's required for embedding

            if (titleElem == null)
                return(VideoUrlParseResult.CreateError(url, VideoUrlParseResultType.LoadError, "No title element"));

            var title   = HtmlEntity.DeEntitize(titleElem.Value);
            var thumb   = thumbElem?.Value ?? string.Empty;
            var author  = authorElem?.Value ?? string.Empty;
            var created = createdElem != null ? (DateTime?)DateTime.Parse(createdElem.Value) : null;
            var length  = await GetLength(id);

            var metadata = new PVExtendedMetadata(new BiliMetadata {
                Cid = cid

            return(VideoUrlParseResult.CreateOk(url, PVService.Bilibili, id,
                                                VideoTitleParseResult.CreateSuccess(title, author, authorId, thumb, length: length, uploadDate: created, extendedMetadata: metadata)));
Exemplo n.º 3
        protected virtual async Task <VideoUrlParseResult> ParseByIdAsync(string id, string url, bool getMeta)
            var meta = (getMeta ? await GetVideoTitleAsync(id) : VideoTitleParseResult.Empty) ?? VideoTitleParseResult.Empty;

            // Note that even if meta lookup failed, we're returning Ok here, because for example NND API doesn't support all PVs.

            return(VideoUrlParseResult.CreateOk(url, Service, id, meta));
Exemplo n.º 4
        public async Task <VideoUrlParseResult> ParseBySoundCloudUrl(string url)
            var apikey = AppConfig.SoundCloudClientId;
            var apiUrl = string.Format("https://api.soundcloud.com/resolve?url=http://soundcloud.com/{0}&client_id={1}", url, apikey);

            SoundCloudResult result;

            bool HasStatusCode(WebException x, HttpStatusCode statusCode) => x.Response != null && ((HttpWebResponse)x.Response).StatusCode == statusCode;

            VideoUrlParseResult ReturnError(Exception x, string additionalInfo = null)
                var msg = string.Format("Unable to load SoundCloud URL '{0}'.{1}", url, additionalInfo != null ? " " + additionalInfo + ".": string.Empty);

                log.Warn(x, msg);
                return(VideoUrlParseResult.CreateError(url, VideoUrlParseResultType.LoadError, new VideoParseException(msg, x)));

            try {
                result = await JsonRequest.ReadObjectAsync <SoundCloudResult>(apiUrl, timeoutMs : 10000);
            } catch (WebException x) when(HasStatusCode(x, HttpStatusCode.Forbidden))
                // Forbidden most likely means the artist has prevented API access to their tracks, http://stackoverflow.com/a/36529330
                return(ReturnError(x, "This track cannot be embedded"));
            } catch (WebException x) when(HasStatusCode(x, HttpStatusCode.NotFound))
                return(ReturnError(x, "Not found"));
            } catch (WebException x) {
            } catch (JsonSerializationException x) {

            var trackId = result.Id;
            var title   = result.Title;

            if (trackId == null || title == null)
                return(VideoUrlParseResult.CreateError(url, VideoUrlParseResultType.LoadError, "Unable to load SoundCloud URL: Invalid response."));

            var author = result.User.Username;
            var length = result.Duration / 1000;

            var thumbUrl = result.Artwork_url;

            // Substitute song thumbnail with user avatar, if no actual thumbnail is provided. This is what the SoundCloud site does as well.
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(thumbUrl))
                thumbUrl = result.User.Avatar_url;

            var uploadDate = result.Created_at;

            var id       = new SoundCloudId(trackId, url);
            var authorId = result.User.Permalink;             // Using permalink because that's the public URL

            return(VideoUrlParseResult.CreateOk(url, PVService.SoundCloud, id.ToString(), VideoTitleParseResult.CreateSuccess(title, author, authorId, thumbUrl, length, uploadDate: uploadDate)));
Exemplo n.º 5
        protected virtual async Task <VideoUrlParseResult> ParseByIdAsync(string id, string url, bool getMeta)
            var meta = (getMeta ? await GetVideoTitleAsync(id) : VideoTitleParseResult.Empty) ?? VideoTitleParseResult.Empty;

            // Note that even if meta lookup failed, we're returning Ok here, because for example NND API doesn't support all PVs.
            // Metadata is optional. We should only return an error if the metadata is mandatory or there was a fatal unhandled error.

            return(VideoUrlParseResult.CreateOk(url, Service, id, meta));
Exemplo n.º 6
        public override async Task <VideoUrlParseResult> ParseByUrlAsync(string url, bool getTitle)
            var youtubeDl = new YoutubeDL {
                RetrieveAllInfo = true,
                YoutubeDlPath   = GetPath(AppConfig.YoutubeDLPath),
                PythonPath      = GetPath(AppConfig.PythonPath)

            youtubeDl.StandardOutputEvent += StandardOutputEvent;
            youtubeDl.StandardErrorEvent  += StandardErrorEvent;

            DownloadInfo result;

            try {
                var task = youtubeDl.GetDownloadInfoAsync(url);
                result = await TimeoutAfter(task, 10000);
            } catch (TaskCanceledException) {
                var warnings = GetErrorString(youtubeDl.Info);
                _log.Error("Timeout. Error list: {0}", warnings);
                return(VideoUrlParseResult.CreateError(url, VideoUrlParseResultType.LoadError, "Timeout"));
            } catch (TimeoutException) {
                return(VideoUrlParseResult.CreateError(url, VideoUrlParseResultType.LoadError, "Timeout"));

            if (result == null)
                var warnings = GetErrorString(youtubeDl.Info);
                _log.Error("Result from parser is empty. Error list: {0}", warnings);
                return(VideoUrlParseResult.CreateError(url, VideoUrlParseResultType.LoadError, "Result from parser is empty"));

            if (!(result is VideoDownloadInfo info))
                var warnings = GetErrorString(youtubeDl.Info);
                _log.Error("Unexpected result from parser. Error list: {0}. Result type is {1}. Title is {2}", warnings, result.GetType().Name, result.Title);
                return(VideoUrlParseResult.CreateError(url, VideoUrlParseResultType.LoadError, "Unexpected result from parser."));

            DateTime?date = null;

            if (DateTime.TryParseExact(info.UploadDate, "yyyyMMdd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.AssumeUniversal, out var parsedDate))
                date = parsedDate;

            var bandcampMetadata = new PVExtendedMetadata(new BandcampMetadata {
                Url = info.WebpageUrl

            var meta = VideoTitleParseResult.CreateSuccess(info.Title, info.Uploader, info.UploaderId, info.Thumbnail, (int?)info.Duration, uploadDate: date, extendedMetadata: bandcampMetadata);

            return(VideoUrlParseResult.CreateOk(url, PVService.Bandcamp, info.Id, meta));
Exemplo n.º 7
        public override VideoUrlParseResult ParseByUrl(string url, bool getTitle)
            var id = GetIdByUrl(url);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
                return(VideoUrlParseResult.CreateError(url, VideoUrlParseResultType.NoMatcher, "No matcher"));

            var paramStr    = string.Format("appkey={0}&id={1}&type=xml{2}", AppConfig.BilibiliAppKey, id, AppConfig.BilibiliSecretKey);
            var paramStrMd5 = CryptoHelper.HashString(paramStr, CryptoHelper.MD5).ToLowerInvariant();

            var requestUrl = string.Format("https://api.bilibili.com/view?appkey={0}&id={1}&type=xml&sign={2}", AppConfig.BilibiliAppKey, id, paramStrMd5);

            var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(requestUrl);

            request.UserAgent = "VocaDB/1.0 ([email protected])";
            request.Timeout   = 10000;
            XDocument doc;

            try {
                using (var response = request.GetResponse())
                    using (var stream = response.GetResponseStream()) {
                        doc = XDocument.Load(stream);
            } catch (WebException x) {
                log.Warn(x, "Unable to load Bilibili URL {0}", url);
                return(VideoUrlParseResult.CreateError(url, VideoUrlParseResultType.LoadError, new VideoParseException(string.Format("Unable to load Bilibili URL: {0}", x.Message), x)));
            } catch (XmlException x) {
                log.Warn(x, "Unable to load Bilibili URL {0}", url);
                return(VideoUrlParseResult.CreateError(url, VideoUrlParseResultType.LoadError, new VideoParseException(string.Format("Unable to load Bilibili URL: {0}", x.Message), x)));
            } catch (IOException x) {
                log.Warn(x, "Unable to load Bilibili URL {0}", url);
                return(VideoUrlParseResult.CreateError(url, VideoUrlParseResultType.LoadError, new VideoParseException(string.Format("Unable to load Bilibili URL: {0}", x.Message), x)));

            var titleElem   = doc.XPathSelectElement("/info/title");
            var thumbElem   = doc.XPathSelectElement("/info/pic");
            var authorElem  = doc.XPathSelectElement("/info/author");
            var createdElem = doc.XPathSelectElement("/info/created_at");

            if (titleElem == null)
                return(VideoUrlParseResult.CreateError(url, VideoUrlParseResultType.LoadError, "No title element"));

            var title   = HtmlEntity.DeEntitize(titleElem.Value);
            var thumb   = thumbElem != null ? thumbElem.Value : string.Empty;
            var author  = authorElem != null ? authorElem.Value : string.Empty;
            var created = createdElem != null ? (DateTime?)DateTime.Parse(createdElem.Value) : null;

            return(VideoUrlParseResult.CreateOk(url, PVService.Bilibili, id,
                                                VideoTitleParseResult.CreateSuccess(title, author, thumb, uploadDate: created)));
Exemplo n.º 8
        protected virtual VideoUrlParseResult ParseById(string id, string url, bool getMeta)
            var meta = (getMeta ? GetVideoTitle(id) : VideoTitleParseResult.Empty) ?? VideoTitleParseResult.Empty;

            //if (!meta.Success) {
            //	return VideoUrlParseResult.CreateError(url, VideoUrlParseResultType.LoadError, meta.Error);

            // Note that even if meta lookup failed, we're returning Ok here, because for example NND API doesn't support all PVs.

            return(VideoUrlParseResult.CreateOk(url, Service, id, meta));
Exemplo n.º 9
        public override async Task <VideoUrlParseResult> ParseByUrlAsync(string url, bool getTitle)
            var id = GetIdByUrl(url);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
                return(VideoUrlParseResult.CreateError(url, VideoUrlParseResultType.NoMatcher, "No matcher"));

            var requestUrl = "https://api.bilibili.com/x/web-interface/view?" + (id.StartsWith("BV") ? $"bvid={id}" : $"aid={id}");

            BilibiliResponse response;

            try {
                response = await JsonRequest.ReadObjectAsync <BilibiliResponse>(requestUrl, timeout : TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), userAgent : "VocaDB/1.0 ([email protected])");
            } catch (Exception x) when(x is HttpRequestException || x is WebException || x is JsonSerializationException || x is IOException)
                log.Warn(x, "Unable to load Bilibili URL {0}", url);
                return(VideoUrlParseResult.CreateError(url, VideoUrlParseResultType.LoadError, new VideoParseException(string.Format("Unable to load Bilibili URL: {0}", x.Message), x)));

            var authorId = response.Data.Owner.Mid.ToString();
            var aid      = response.Data.Aid;
            var bvid     = response.Data.Bvid;
            var cid      = response.Data.Cid;

            if (!getTitle)
                return(VideoUrlParseResult.CreateOk(url, PVService.Bilibili, aid.ToString(), VideoTitleParseResult.Empty));

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(response.Data.Title))
                return(VideoUrlParseResult.CreateError(url, VideoUrlParseResultType.LoadError, "No title element"));

            var title   = HtmlEntity.DeEntitize(response.Data.Title);
            var thumb   = response.Data.Pic ?? string.Empty;
            var author  = response.Data.Owner.Name ?? string.Empty;
            var created = response.Data.PubDate;
            var length  = response.Data.Duration;

            var metadata = new PVExtendedMetadata(new BiliMetadata {
                Aid  = aid,
                Bvid = bvid,
                Cid  = cid

            return(VideoUrlParseResult.CreateOk(url, PVService.Bilibili, aid.ToString(),
                                                VideoTitleParseResult.CreateSuccess(title, author, authorId, thumb, length: length, uploadDate: created, extendedMetadata: metadata)));
Exemplo n.º 10
        public VideoUrlParseResult ParseBySoundCloudUrl(string url)
            var apikey = AppConfig.SoundCloudClientId;
            var apiUrl = string.Format("http://api.soundcloud.com/resolve?url=http://soundcloud.com/{0}&client_id={1}", url, apikey);

            SoundCloudResult result;

            try {
                result = JsonRequest.ReadObject <SoundCloudResult>(apiUrl, timeoutMs: 10000);
            } catch (WebException x) {
                var msg = string.Format("Unable to load SoundCloud URL '{0}'.", url);

                // Forbidden most likely means the artist has prevented API access to their tracks, http://stackoverflow.com/a/36529330
                if (((HttpWebResponse)x.Response).StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Forbidden)
                    msg += " This track cannot be embedded.";

                log.Warn(x, msg);
                return(VideoUrlParseResult.CreateError(url, VideoUrlParseResultType.LoadError, new VideoParseException(msg, x)));
            } catch (JsonSerializationException x) {
                var msg = string.Format("Unable to load SoundCloud URL '{0}'.", url);
                log.Warn(x, msg);
                return(VideoUrlParseResult.CreateError(url, VideoUrlParseResultType.LoadError, new VideoParseException(msg, x)));

            var trackId = result.Id;
            var title   = result.Title;

            if (trackId == null || title == null)
                return(VideoUrlParseResult.CreateError(url, VideoUrlParseResultType.LoadError, "Unable to load SoundCloud URL: Invalid response."));

            var author = result.User.Username;
            var length = result.Duration / 1000;

            var thumbUrl = result.Artwork_url;

            // Substitute song thumbnail with user avatar, if no actual thumbnail is provided. This is what the SoundCloud site does as well.
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(thumbUrl))
                thumbUrl = result.User.Avatar_url;

            var uploadDate = result.Created_at;

            var id = new SoundCloudId(trackId, url);

            return(VideoUrlParseResult.CreateOk(url, PVService.SoundCloud, id.ToString(), VideoTitleParseResult.CreateSuccess(title, author, thumbUrl, length, uploadDate: uploadDate)));
Exemplo n.º 11
        private VideoUrlParseResult Parse(PostQueryResult result, string url)
            if (result.PostType != PostType.Audio)
                return(VideoUrlParseResult.CreateError(url, VideoUrlParseResultType.LoadError, new VideoParseException("Content type indicates this isn't an audio post")));

            var piaproMetadata = new PVExtendedMetadata(new PiaproMetadata {
                Timestamp = result.UploadTimestamp

            return(VideoUrlParseResult.CreateOk(url, PVService.Piapro, result.Id,
                                                VideoTitleParseResult.CreateSuccess(result.Title, result.Author, result.AuthorId, result.ArtworkUrl, result.LengthSeconds, uploadDate: result.Date, extendedMetadata: piaproMetadata)));
Exemplo n.º 12
        public VideoUrlParseResult ParseBySoundCloudUrl(string url)
            var apiUrl = string.Format("http://api.soundcloud.com/resolve?url=http://soundcloud.com/{0}&client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID", url);

            var request = WebRequest.Create(apiUrl);

            request.Timeout = 10000;
            SoundCloudResult result;

            try {
                using (var response = request.GetResponse())
                    using (var stream = response.GetResponseStream())
                        using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(stream))
                            using (var jsonReader = new JsonTextReader(streamReader)) {
                                var serializer = new JsonSerializer();
                                result = serializer.Deserialize <SoundCloudResult>(jsonReader);
            } catch (WebException x) {
                var msg = string.Format("Unable to load SoundCloud URL {0}", url);
                log.Warn(msg, x);
                return(VideoUrlParseResult.CreateError(url, VideoUrlParseResultType.LoadError, new VideoParseException(msg, x)));

            var trackId = result.Id;
            var title   = result.Title;

            if (trackId == null || title == null)
                return(VideoUrlParseResult.CreateError(url, VideoUrlParseResultType.LoadError, "Unable to load SoundCloud URL: Invalid response."));

            var author = result.User.Username;
            var length = result.Duration / 1000;

            var thumbUrl = result.Artwork_url;

            // Substitute song thumbnail with user avatar, if no actual thumbnail is provided. This is what the SoundCloud site does as well.
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(thumbUrl))
                thumbUrl = result.User.Avatar_url;

            var id = new SoundCloudId(trackId, url);

            return(VideoUrlParseResult.CreateOk(url, PVService.SoundCloud, id.ToString(), VideoTitleParseResult.CreateSuccess(title, author, thumbUrl, length)));
Exemplo n.º 13
        public override VideoUrlParseResult ParseByUrl(string url, bool getTitle)
            PostQueryResult result;

            try {
                result = new PiaproClient.PiaproClient().ParseByUrl(url);
            } catch (PiaproException x) {
                return(VideoUrlParseResult.CreateError(url, VideoUrlParseResultType.LoadError, new VideoParseException(x.Message, x)));

            if (result.PostType != PostType.Audio)
                return(VideoUrlParseResult.CreateError(url, VideoUrlParseResultType.LoadError, new VideoParseException("Content type indicates this isn't an audio post")));

            return(VideoUrlParseResult.CreateOk(url, PVService.Piapro, result.Id,
                                                VideoTitleParseResult.CreateSuccess(result.Title, result.Author, string.Empty, result.LengthSeconds, uploadDate: result.Date)));
Exemplo n.º 14
        public override async Task <VideoUrlParseResult> ParseByUrlAsync(string url, bool getTitle)
            url = UrlHelper.MakeLink(url);

            Uri parsedUri;

            try {
                parsedUri = new Uri(url, UriKind.Absolute);
            } catch (UriFormatException x) {
                var msg = string.Format("{0} could not be parsed as a valid URL.", url);
                log.Warn(x, msg);
                return(VideoUrlParseResult.CreateError(url, VideoUrlParseResultType.LoadError, new VideoParseException(msg, x)));

            var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Head, url);

            request.Headers.UserAgent.Add(new ProductInfoHeaderValue("VocaDB", "1.0"));

            try {
                using (var client = new HttpClient()) {
                    client.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10);

                    using (var response = await client.SendAsync(request)) {

                        var mime = response.Content.Headers.ContentType?.MediaType;

                        if (!mimeTypes.Contains(mime))
                            return(VideoUrlParseResult.CreateError(url, VideoUrlParseResultType.LoadError, string.Format("Unsupported content type: {0}", mime)));
            } catch (WebException x) {
                var msg = string.Format("Unable to load file URL {0}. The file might not be publicly accessible", url);
                log.Warn(x, msg);
                return(VideoUrlParseResult.CreateError(url, VideoUrlParseResultType.LoadError, new VideoParseException(msg, x)));

            return(VideoUrlParseResult.CreateOk(url, PVService.File, url, await GetVideoTitleAsync(url)));
Exemplo n.º 15
        public override async Task <VideoUrlParseResult> ParseByUrlAsync(string url, bool getTitle)
            var extractor = new BandcampMetadataClient();
            var info      = await extractor.ExtractAsync(url);

            DateTime?date = null;

            if (DateTime.TryParseExact(info.UploadDate, "yyyyMMdd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.AssumeUniversal, out var parsedDate))
                date = parsedDate;

            var bandcampMetadata = new PVExtendedMetadata(new BandcampMetadata
                Url = info.WebpageUrl

            var meta = VideoTitleParseResult.CreateSuccess(info.Title, info.Uploader, info.UploaderId, info.Thumbnail, (int?)info.Duration, uploadDate: date, extendedMetadata: bandcampMetadata);

            return(VideoUrlParseResult.CreateOk(url, PVService.Bandcamp, info.Id, meta));
Exemplo n.º 16
        public override VideoUrlParseResult ParseByUrl(string url, bool getTitle)
            var id = GetIdByUrl(url);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
                return(VideoUrlParseResult.CreateError(url, VideoUrlParseResultType.NoMatcher, "No matcher"));

            var requestUrl = string.Format("http://api.bilibili.tv/view?type=xml&appkey={0}&id={1}", AppConfig.BilibiliAppKey, id);

            var       request = WebRequest.Create(requestUrl);
            XDocument doc;

            try {
                using (var response = request.GetResponse())
                    using (var stream = response.GetResponseStream()) {
                        doc = XDocument.Load(stream);
            } catch (WebException x) {
                log.WarnException("Unable to load Bilibili URL " + url, x);
                return(VideoUrlParseResult.CreateError(url, VideoUrlParseResultType.LoadError, new VideoParseException("Unable to load Bilibili URL: " + x.Message, x)));

            var titleElem  = doc.XPathSelectElement("/info/title");
            var thumbElem  = doc.XPathSelectElement("/info/pic");
            var authorElem = doc.XPathSelectElement("/info/author");

            if (titleElem == null)
                return(VideoUrlParseResult.CreateError(url, VideoUrlParseResultType.LoadError, "No title element"));

            var title  = HtmlEntity.DeEntitize(titleElem.Value);
            var thumb  = thumbElem != null ? thumbElem.Value : string.Empty;
            var author = authorElem != null ? authorElem.Value : string.Empty;

            return(VideoUrlParseResult.CreateOk(url, PVService.Bilibili, id,
                                                VideoTitleParseResult.CreateSuccess(title, author, thumb)));
Exemplo n.º 17
        public override VideoUrlParseResult ParseByUrl(string url, bool getTitle)
            url = UrlHelper.MakeLink(url);

            Uri parsedUri;

            try {
                parsedUri = new Uri(url, UriKind.Absolute);
            } catch (UriFormatException x) {
                var msg = string.Format("{0} could not be parsed as a valid URL.", url);
                log.Warn(x, msg);
                return(VideoUrlParseResult.CreateError(url, VideoUrlParseResultType.LoadError, new VideoParseException(msg, x)));

            var request = WebRequest.CreateHttp(parsedUri);

            request.UserAgent = "VocaDB";
            request.Method    = "HEAD";
            request.Timeout   = 10000;

            try {
                using (var response = request.GetResponse()) {
                    var mime = response.ContentType;

                    if (!mimeTypes.Contains(mime))
                        return(VideoUrlParseResult.CreateError(url, VideoUrlParseResultType.LoadError, string.Format("Unsupported content type: {0}", mime)));
            } catch (WebException x) {
                var msg = string.Format("Unable to load file URL {0}. The file might not be publicly accessible", url);
                log.Warn(x, msg);
                return(VideoUrlParseResult.CreateError(url, VideoUrlParseResultType.LoadError, new VideoParseException(msg, x)));

            return(VideoUrlParseResult.CreateOk(url, PVService.File, url, GetVideoTitle(url)));
Exemplo n.º 18
        /*public override string GetUrlById(string id) {
         *      var compositeId = new CompositeId(id);
         *      var matcher = linkMatchers.First();
         *      return "http://" + matcher.MakeLinkFromId(compositeId.SoundCloudUrl);
         * }*/

        private VideoUrlParseResult ParseByHtmlStream(Stream htmlStream, Encoding encoding, string url)
            var doc = new HtmlDocument();

            doc.Load(htmlStream, encoding);

            var catLink = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[@class = 'dtl_data']/p[3]");

            if (catLink == null || !catLink.InnerHtml.Contains("/illust/?categoryId=1"))
                return(VideoUrlParseResult.CreateError(url, VideoUrlParseResultType.LoadError, "Content type indicates this isn't an audio file."));

            var idElem = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//input[@name = 'id']");

            if (idElem == null)
                return(VideoUrlParseResult.CreateError(url, VideoUrlParseResultType.LoadError, "Could not find id element on page."));

            var contentId = idElem.GetAttributeValue("value", string.Empty);

            var titleElem = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//h1[@class = 'dtl_title']");

            if (titleElem == null)
                return(VideoUrlParseResult.CreateError(url, VideoUrlParseResultType.LoadError, "Could not find title element on page."));

            var title = HtmlEntity.DeEntitize(titleElem.InnerText).Trim();

            var authorElem = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[@class = 'dtl_by_name']/a");
            var author     = (authorElem != null ? authorElem.InnerText : string.Empty);

            return(VideoUrlParseResult.CreateOk(url, PVService.Piapro, contentId, VideoTitleParseResult.CreateSuccess(title, author, string.Empty)));
Exemplo n.º 19
        public virtual VideoUrlParseResult ParseById(string id, string url, bool getMeta)
            var meta = (getMeta ? GetVideoTitle(id) : VideoTitleParseResult.Empty);

            return(VideoUrlParseResult.CreateOk(url, Service, id, meta));