Exemplo n.º 1
        public PlungerCollider(PlungerComponent comp, PlungerColliderComponent collComp, ColliderInfo info) : this()
            _header.Init(info, ColliderType.Plunger);

            var zHeight = comp.PositionZ;
            var x       = comp.Position.x - comp.Width;
            var y       = comp.Position.y + comp.Height;
            var x2      = comp.Position.x + comp.Width;

            // static
            LineSegBase = new LineCollider(new float2(x, y), new float2(x2, y), zHeight, zHeight + Plunger.PlungerHeight, info);
            JointBase0  = new LineZCollider(new float2(x, y), zHeight, zHeight + Plunger.PlungerHeight, info);
            JointBase1  = new LineZCollider(new float2(x2, y), zHeight, zHeight + Plunger.PlungerHeight, info);

            var frameEnd = comp.Position.y - collComp.Stroke;

            Bounds = new ColliderBounds(_header.Entity, _header.Id, new Aabb(
                                            x - 0.1f,
                                            x2 + 0.1f,
                                            frameEnd - 0.1f,
                                            y + 0.1f,
                                            zHeight + Plunger.PlungerHeight
Exemplo n.º 2
        public FlipperCollider(CircleCollider hitCircleBase, float flipperRadius, float startRadius, float endRadius, float startAngle, float endAngle, ColliderInfo info) : this()
            var bounds = hitCircleBase.Bounds;

            _header.Init(info, ColliderType.Flipper);
            _hitCircleBase = hitCircleBase;
            _zLow          = bounds.Aabb.ZLow;
            _zHigh         = bounds.Aabb.ZHigh;

            // compute bounds. we look at the flipper angles to compute the smallest possible bounds.
            var c  = _hitCircleBase.Center;
            var r2 = endRadius + 0.1f;
            var r3 = startRadius + 0.1f;

            var a0 = ClampDegrees(startAngle);
            var a1 = ClampDegrees(endAngle);

            // start with no bounds
            var aabb = new Aabb(c.x, c.x, c.y, c.y, _zLow, _zHigh);

            // extend with start and end position
            aabb = ExtendBoundsAtPosition(aabb, c, flipperRadius, r2, a0);
            aabb = ExtendBoundsAtPosition(aabb, c, flipperRadius, r2, a1);

            // extend with extremes (-90°, 0°, 90° and 180°)
            aabb = ExtendBoundsAtExtreme(aabb, c, flipperRadius, r2, r3, a0, a1, -90f);
            aabb = ExtendBoundsAtExtreme(aabb, c, flipperRadius, r2, r3, a0, a1, 0f);
            aabb = ExtendBoundsAtExtreme(aabb, c, flipperRadius, r2, r3, a0, a1, 90f);
            aabb = ExtendBoundsAtExtreme(aabb, c, flipperRadius, r2, r3, a0, a1, 180f);

            Bounds = new ColliderBounds(_header.Entity, _header.Id, aabb);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public unsafe void Allocate(BlobBuilder builder, ref BlobBuilderArray <BlobPtr <Collider> > colliders, int colliderId)
            var bounds = Bounds;

            bounds.ColliderId = colliderId;
            Bounds            = bounds;
            _header.Id        = colliderId;
            ref var ptr      = ref UnsafeUtility.As <BlobPtr <Collider>, BlobPtr <PlungerCollider> >(ref colliders[_header.Id]);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public Line3DCollider(float3 v1, float3 v2, ColliderInfo info) : this()
            _header.Init(info, ColliderType.Line3D);

            var vLine = math.normalize(v2 - v1);

            // Axis of rotation to make 3D cylinder a cylinder along the z-axis
            var transAxis = new float3(vLine.y, -vLine.x, 0.0f);

            var l = math.lengthsq(transAxis);

            // line already points in z axis?
            if (l <= 1e-6f)
                // choose arbitrary rotation vector
                transAxis.Set(1, 0f, 0f);
                transAxis /= math.sqrt(l);

            // Angle to rotate the line into the z-axis
            var dot = vLine.z;

            _matrix = new float3x3();
            _matrix.RotationAroundAxis(transAxis, -math.sqrt(1 - dot * dot), dot);

            var trans1  = math.mul(_matrix, v1);
            var trans2Z = math.mul(_matrix, v2).z;

            // set up HitLineZ parameters
            _xy.x  = trans1.x;
            _xy.y  = trans1.y;
            _zLow  = math.min(trans1.z, trans2Z);
            _zHigh = math.max(trans1.z, trans2Z);

            Bounds = new ColliderBounds(_header.Entity, _header.Id, new Aabb(
                                            math.min(v1.x, v2.x),
                                            math.max(v1.x, v2.x),
                                            math.min(v1.y, v2.y),
                                            math.max(v1.y, v2.y),
                                            math.min(v1.z, v2.z),
                                            math.max(v1.z, v2.z)
Exemplo n.º 5
        public SpinnerCollider(SpinnerComponent component, float height, ColliderInfo info) : this()
            _header.Init(info, ColliderType.Spinner);

            var halfLength = component.Length * 0.5f;

            var radAngle = math.radians(component.Rotation);
            var sn       = math.sin(radAngle);
            var cs       = math.cos(radAngle);

            var v1 = new float2(
                component.Position.x - cs * (halfLength + PhysicsConstants.PhysSkin),                 // through the edge of the
                component.Position.y - sn * (halfLength + PhysicsConstants.PhysSkin)                  // spinner
            var v2 = new float2(
                component.Position.x + cs * (halfLength + PhysicsConstants.PhysSkin),                 // oversize by the ball radius
                component.Position.y + sn * (halfLength + PhysicsConstants.PhysSkin)                  // this will prevent clipping

            LineSeg0 = new LineCollider(v1, v2, height, height + 2.0f * PhysicsConstants.PhysSkin, info);
            LineSeg1 = new LineCollider(v2, v1, height, height + 2.0f * PhysicsConstants.PhysSkin, info);

            Bounds = LineSeg0.Bounds;