Exemplo n.º 1

         * // Splitted string at index position
         * string temp = str;
         * for (int i = 0; i < indexList.Count; i++)
         * {
         *  temp = temp.Insert(i + indexList[i], " ");
         *  Debug.WriteLine(temp);
         * }
         * string[] splitted = temp.Trim(new char[] { ' ' }).Split(' ');
         * // Found date . First 4 lenght string on the end and add '*' before and at the end
         * int p = splitted.Length - 1;
         * bool DateFound = false;
         * while (p >= 0 && !DateFound)
         * {
         *  Debug.WriteLine(splitted[p]);
         *  if (splitted[p].Length == 4)
         *  {
         *      result.IndexDateStart = indexList[p - 1];
         *      result.IndexDateEnd = indexList[p] - 1;
         *      splitted[p] = $"*{splitted[p]}*";
         *  }
         *  p--;
         * }
         * // Concate all to one string
         * string temp2 = String.Concat(splitted);
         * string[] Splitted2 = temp2.Split('*');
         * result.Dot = Splitted2[0];
         * result.Date = Splitted2[1];
         * string Clutter = Splitted2[2];
         * return result;
         * }

        public ResultB SegmentB(SegmentInput B, double devW, double devSpace)
            //Remove clutter from end of string of B, we presume only one segment of clutter and with a bigger space
            ResultB result = new ResultB();              //final result for B

            SegmentResult segmentRes = Segment(B, devW); //Segment B --> list of indexes and spaces

            int    nSpace      = segmentRes.SpaceList.Count;
            int    nSegm       = segmentRes.SegmentIndexList.Count;
            string str         = segmentRes.FilteredString;
            int    nStr        = segmentRes.FilteredString.Length;
            int    indexDotEnd = 0;

            if (nStr > 0)                                                       //At least 1 char in string
                indexDotEnd = nStr - 1;                                         //We assume last segment is not clutter or have no previous space to compare to

                if (nSpace > 1)                                                 //At least 2 spaces present--> compare last space to 1st space
                    double spaceRef = segmentRes.SpaceList[0];                  //take first space as reference

                    if (segmentRes.SpaceList[nSpace - 1] > devSpace * spaceRef) //last space larger than allowed deviation (= devSpace * spaceRef)
                        //last segment is clutter
                        indexDotEnd = segmentRes.SegmentIndexList[nSegm - 1] - 1;//index of last segment - 1 = end of previous segm
                result.Dot = str.Substring(0, indexDotEnd + 1);
            else //if nStr=0
                indexDotEnd = 0;
                result.Dot  = "";

            result.IndexDotStart = 0;//We presume dot always starts at 0 (no clutter in beginning)
            result.IndexDotEnd   = indexDotEnd;

Exemplo n.º 2
        public ResultA SegmentA(SegmentInput A, double devW)
            //Segment A in Dot + Date
            ResultA result = new ResultA();              //final result for A

            SegmentResult segmentRes = Segment(A, devW); //Segment A --> list of indexes and spaces

            int    n = segmentRes.FilteredString.Length;
            int    indexStartDate = 0;
            int    indexEndDate   = 0;
            string str            = segmentRes.FilteredString;
            string date           = "";
            string dot            = "";

            List <int> indexList = new List <int>();

            indexList = segmentRes.SegmentIndexList;

            // METHOD ADRIAAN
            //We have segmented first, now we want to check if the last segment is indeed the date timestamp
            //We work from right to left!
            if (n > 0 && indexList.Count > 1)   //At least 2 segments
                int i = (indexList.Count - 1);  //Start from the last segment (ex. count = 12 --> last index = 11)
                int j = n;                      //end of last segment
                while (i > 0)                   //At least 2 segments
                    if ((j - indexList[i]) > 3) //timestamp = 4 karakters, length of segment
                        indexStartDate = indexList[i];

                        if (i != (indexList.Count - 1))          //if not the last segment
                            indexEndDate = indexList[i + 1] - 1; //previous index of segment -1, is end of current segment
                        else //if last segment
                            indexEndDate = n - 1;

                    j = indexList[i]; // length of next segment = previous index - start index next segment
                    i--;              //Work from right to left
            if (n > 3 && indexList.Count == 1) //Only 1 segment and string at least 4 char --> we assume last 4 characters are timestamp
                indexEndDate   = n - 1;
                indexStartDate = n - 4;

            if (indexStartDate > 0 && indexEndDate >= (indexStartDate + 4))
                date = str.Substring(indexStartDate, ((indexEndDate + 1) - indexStartDate));
                dot  = str.Substring(0, indexStartDate);
                date         = "0000";
                indexEndDate = n;
                dot          = str;

            result.Date           = date;
            result.Dot            = dot;
            result.IndexDateEnd   = indexEndDate;
            result.IndexDateStart = indexStartDate;

Exemplo n.º 3
        public SegmentResult Segment(SegmentInput input, double devW)
            //Segment into list of Segment indexes and spaces
            SegmentResult   result   = new SegmentResult();
            PreFilterResult filtered = PreFilter(input);//Filter rubbish end of string

            input.OcrString = filtered.OcrFiltered;
            ViDiReadResultList lists = GenerateList(input); //Use filtered string to generate lists

            double w     = 0;
            double xCurr = 0;
            double xPrev = 0;
            int    nChar = lists.Read.Length;
            double dev   = devW;                        //consider space when difference between two positions is > dev * characterwidth

            List <double> x_list = new List <double>(); //list for width of characters

            x_list = lists.XPosList;
            List <double> w_list = new List <double>(); //list for width of characters

            w_list = lists.WidthList;
            List <double> segm_x_list = new List <double>();                        //list for x-positions of start of new segment
            List <int>    segm_i_list = new List <int>();                           //list for character indexes of start of new segment
            List <double> space_list  = new List <double>();                        //list for size of spaces of segment

            if (nChar > 0 && x_list.Count == w_list.Count && x_list.Count == nChar) //Lists have same number of elements(should be the case)
                w = w_list.Max();                                                   //retain widest character as reference for calculating space
                                                                                    //First segment starts at first character - index 0 for X-position
                xCurr = x_list[0];
                //Loop through the remaining characters --> list of index positions with start of segments
                xPrev = xCurr;

                int i = 1; //start at 1, we handled 0 above
                while (i < nChar)
                    xCurr = x_list[i];

                    if ((xCurr - xPrev) > (dev * w)) //consider space when difference between two positions is > dev * characterwidth -->New segment
                        space_list.Add(xCurr - xPrev);

                    xPrev = xCurr;


            result.Nsegments        = segm_i_list.Count; //Get number of segments
            result.SegmentIndexList = segm_i_list;
            result.SpaceList        = space_list;
            result.FilteredString   = lists.Read;
