Exemplo n.º 1
            private static string GetCsvField(string name, ICsvReaderRow row, webModel.CsvImportConfiguration configuration)
                var mapping = configuration.MappingItems.First(y => y.EntityColumnName == name);

                if (mapping == null)
                    throw new NullReferenceException("mapping");

                var retVal = mapping.CustomValue;

                if (mapping.CsvColumnName != null)
                    retVal = row.GetField <string>(mapping.CsvColumnName);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public virtual void DoImport(webModel.CsvImportConfiguration configuration, ImportNotification notification)
            var csvProducts = new List <coreModel.CatalogProduct>();
            var catalog     = _catalogService.GetById(configuration.CatalogId);

                using (var reader = new CsvReader(new StreamReader(_blobStorageProvider.OpenReadOnly(configuration.FileUrl))))
                    reader.Configuration.Delimiter = configuration.Delimiter;
                    var initialized = false;
                    while (reader.Read())
                        if (!initialized)
                            notification.Description = "Configuration...";

                            //set import configuration based on mapping info
                            var productMap = new ProductMap(reader.FieldHeaders, configuration, catalog);
                            initialized = true;

                            notification.Description = "Reading products from csv...";

                            var csvProduct = reader.GetRecord <coreModel.CatalogProduct>();
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            var error = ex.Message;
                            if (ex.Data.Contains("CsvHelper"))
                                error += ex.Data["CsvHelper"];

                SaveCategoryTree(catalog, csvProducts, notification);
                SaveProducts(catalog, csvProducts, notification);
            catch (Exception ex)
                notification.Description = "Export error";
                notification.Finished    = DateTime.UtcNow;
                notification.Description = "Import finished" + (notification.Errors.Any() ? " with errors" : " successfully");
		public IHttpActionResult GetMappingConfiguration([FromUri]string fileUrl, [FromUri]string delimiter = ";")
			var retVal = new CsvImportConfiguration
					Delimiter = delimiter,
					FileUrl = fileUrl
			var mappingItems = new List<CsvImportMappingItem>();

			mappingItems.AddRange(ReflectionUtility.GetPropertyNames<coreModel.CatalogProduct>(x => x.Name, x => x.Category).Select(x => new CsvImportMappingItem { EntityColumnName = x, IsRequired = true }));

			mappingItems.AddRange(new string[] {"Sku", "ParentSku", "Review", "PrimaryImage", "AltImage", "SeoUrl", "SeoDescription", "SeoTitle", 
												"PriceId", "Price", "SalePrice", "Currency", "AllowBackorder", "Quantity", "FulfilmentCenterId" }
								   .Select(x => new CsvImportMappingItem { EntityColumnName = x, IsRequired = false }));

			mappingItems.AddRange(ReflectionUtility.GetPropertyNames<coreModel.CatalogProduct>(x => x.Id, x => x.MainProductId, x => x.CategoryId, x => x.IsActive, x => x.IsBuyable, x => x.TrackInventory,
																							  x => x.ManufacturerPartNumber, x => x.Gtin, x => x.MeasureUnit, x => x.WeightUnit, x => x.Weight,
																							  x => x.Height, x => x.Length, x => x.Width, x => x.TaxType, x => x.ProductType, x => x.ShippingType,
																							  x => x.Vendor, x => x.DownloadType, x => x.DownloadExpiration, x => x.HasUserAgreement).Select(x => new CsvImportMappingItem { EntityColumnName = x, IsRequired = false }));

			retVal.MappingItems = mappingItems.ToArray();

			//Read csv headers and try to auto map fields by name
			using (var reader = new CsvReader(new StreamReader(_blobStorageProvider.OpenReadOnly(fileUrl))))
				reader.Configuration.Delimiter = delimiter;
				while (reader.Read())
					var csvColumns = reader.FieldHeaders;
					retVal.CsvColumns = csvColumns;
					//default columns mapping
					if (csvColumns.Any())
						foreach (var mappingItem in retVal.MappingItems)
							var entityColumnName = mappingItem.EntityColumnName;
							var betterMatchCsvColumn = csvColumns.Select(x => new { csvColumn = x, distance = x.ComputeLevenshteinDistance(entityColumnName) })
																 .Where(x => x.distance < 2)
																 .OrderBy(x => x.distance)
																 .Select(x => x.csvColumn)
							if (betterMatchCsvColumn != null)
								mappingItem.CsvColumnName = betterMatchCsvColumn;
								mappingItem.CustomValue = null;
			//All not mapped properties may be a product property
			retVal.PropertyCsvColumns = retVal.CsvColumns.Except(retVal.MappingItems.Where(x => x.CsvColumnName != null).Select(x => x.CsvColumnName)).ToArray();
			//Generate ETag for identifying csv format
			retVal.ETag = string.Join(";", retVal.CsvColumns).GetMD5Hash();
			return Ok(retVal);
Exemplo n.º 4
            public ProductMap(string[] allColumns, webModel.CsvImportConfiguration importConfiguration, coreModel.Catalog catalog)
                var defaultLanguge = catalog.DefaultLanguage != null ? catalog.DefaultLanguage.LanguageCode : "EN-US";

                //Dynamical map scalar product fields use by manual mapping information
                foreach (var mappingConfigurationItem in importConfiguration.MappingItems.Where(x => x.CsvColumnName != null || x.CustomValue != null))
                    var propertyInfo = typeof(coreModel.CatalogProduct).GetProperty(mappingConfigurationItem.EntityColumnName);
                    if (propertyInfo != null)
                        var newMap = new CsvPropertyMap(propertyInfo);
                        newMap.TypeConverterOption(true, "yes", "false");
                        //Map fields if mapping specified
                        if (mappingConfigurationItem.CsvColumnName != null)
                        //And default values if it specified
                        if (mappingConfigurationItem.CustomValue != null)

                //Map Sku -> Code
                Map(x => x.Code).ConvertUsing(x =>
                    return(GetCsvField("Sku", x, importConfiguration));

                //Map ParentSku -> main product
                Map(x => x.MainProductId).ConvertUsing(x =>
                    var parentSku = GetCsvField("ParentSku", x, importConfiguration);
                    return(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(parentSku) ? parentSku : null);

                //Map assets (images)
                Map(x => x.Assets).ConvertUsing(x =>
                    var retVal          = new List <coreModel.ItemAsset>();
                    var primaryImageUrl = GetCsvField("PrimaryImage", x, importConfiguration);
                    var altImageUrl     = GetCsvField("AltImage", x, importConfiguration);
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(primaryImageUrl))
                        retVal.Add(new coreModel.ItemAsset
                            Type  = coreModel.ItemAssetType.Image,
                            Group = "primaryimage",
                            Url   = primaryImageUrl

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(altImageUrl))
                        retVal.Add(new coreModel.ItemAsset
                            Type  = coreModel.ItemAssetType.Image,
                            Group = "image",
                            Url   = altImageUrl


                //Map category
                Map(x => x.Category).ConvertUsing(x => new coreModel.Category {
                    Path = GetCsvField("Category", x, importConfiguration)

                //Map Reviews
                Map(x => x.Reviews).ConvertUsing(x =>
                    var reviews = new List <coreModel.EditorialReview>();
                    var content = GetCsvField("Review", x, importConfiguration);
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(content))
                        reviews.Add(new coreModel.EditorialReview {
                            Content = content, LanguageCode = defaultLanguge

                //Map Seo
                Map(x => x.SeoInfos).ConvertUsing(x =>
                    var seoInfos       = new List <SeoInfo>();
                    var seoUrl         = GetCsvField("SeoUrl", x, importConfiguration);
                    var seoDescription = GetCsvField("SeoDescription", x, importConfiguration);
                    var seoTitle       = GetCsvField("SeoTitle", x, importConfiguration);
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(seoUrl) || !String.IsNullOrEmpty(seoTitle) || !String.IsNullOrEmpty(seoDescription))
                        seoUrl = new string[] { seoUrl, seoDescription, seoTitle }.Where(y => !String.IsNullOrEmpty(y)).FirstOrDefault();
                        seoUrl = seoUrl.Substring(0, Math.Min(seoUrl.Length, 240));
                        seoInfos.Add(new SeoInfo {
                            LanguageCode = defaultLanguge, SemanticUrl = seoUrl.GenerateSlug(), MetaDescription = seoDescription, PageTitle = seoTitle

                //Map Prices
                Map(x => x.Prices).ConvertUsing(x =>
                    var prices    = new List <Price>();
                    var priceId   = GetCsvField("PriceId", x, importConfiguration);
                    var listPrice = GetCsvField("Price", x, importConfiguration);
                    var salePrice = GetCsvField("SalePrice", x, importConfiguration);
                    var currency  = GetCsvField("Currency", x, importConfiguration);

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(listPrice) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(currency))
                        prices.Add(new Price
                            Id       = priceId,
                            List     = Convert.ToDecimal(listPrice, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                            Sale     = salePrice != null ? (decimal?)Convert.ToDecimal(listPrice, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) : null,
                            Currency = EnumUtility.SafeParse <CurrencyCodes>(currency, CurrencyCodes.USD)

                //Map inventories
                Map(x => x.Inventories).ConvertUsing(x =>
                    var inventories        = new List <InventoryInfo>();
                    var quantity           = GetCsvField("Quantity", x, importConfiguration);
                    var allowBackorder     = GetCsvField("AllowBackorder", x, importConfiguration);
                    var fulfilmentCenterId = GetCsvField("FulfilmentCenterId", x, importConfiguration);

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(quantity))
                        inventories.Add(new InventoryInfo
                            FulfillmentCenterId = fulfilmentCenterId,
                            AllowBackorder      = allowBackorder.TryParse(false),
                            InStockQuantity     = (long)quantity.TryParse(0.0m)

                //Map properties
                if (importConfiguration.PropertyCsvColumns != null && importConfiguration.PropertyCsvColumns.Any())
                    Map(x => x.PropertyValues).ConvertUsing(x => importConfiguration.PropertyCsvColumns.Select(column => new coreModel.PropertyValue {
                        PropertyName = column, Value = x.GetField <string>(column)
		public IHttpActionResult DoImport(CsvImportConfiguration importConfiguration)
			var notification = new ImportNotification(CurrentPrincipal.GetCurrentUserName())
				Title = "Import catalog from CSV",
				Description = "starting import...."

			var importJob = new CsvCatalogImportJob();
			BackgroundJob.Enqueue(() => importJob.DoImport(importConfiguration, notification));

			return Ok(notification);
