Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Instantly update all cloth contraints center render pos. This is used to reduce jerkiness on new rope in its initial state
        /// </summary>
        public void setRenderCenterPos()
            for (int i = 0; i < Constraints.Count; i++)
                ClothConstraint cc = Constraints[i];

                Vec3d start = cc.Point1.Pos;
                Vec3d end   = cc.Point2.Pos;

                double nowx = start.X + (start.X - end.X) / 2;
                double nowy = start.Y + (start.Y - end.Y) / 2;
                double nowz = start.Z + (start.Z - end.Z) / 2;

                cc.renderCenterPos.X = nowx;
                cc.renderCenterPos.Y = nowy;
                cc.renderCenterPos.Z = nowz;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public int UpdateMesh(MeshData updateMesh, float dt)
            var   cfloats = updateMesh.CustomFloats;
            Vec3d campos  = capi.World.Player.Entity.CameraPos;
            int   basep   = cfloats.Count;

            Vec4f lightRgba = api.World.BlockAccessor.GetLightRGBs(Constraints[Constraints.Count / 2].Point1.Pos.AsBlockPos);

            if (clothType == EnumClothType.Rope)
                for (int i = 0; i < Constraints.Count; i++)
                    ClothConstraint cc = Constraints[i];

                    Vec3d start = cc.Point1.Pos;
                    Vec3d end   = cc.Point2.Pos;

                    double dX = start.X - end.X;
                    double dY = start.Y - end.Y;
                    double dZ = start.Z - end.Z;

                    float yaw   = (float)Math.Atan2(dX, dZ) + GameMath.PIHALF;
                    float pitch = (float)Math.Atan2(Math.Sqrt(dZ * dZ + dX * dX), dY) + GameMath.PIHALF;

                    double nowx = start.X + (start.X - end.X) / 2;
                    double nowy = start.Y + (start.Y - end.Y) / 2;
                    double nowz = start.Z + (start.Z - end.Z) / 2;

                    cc.renderCenterPos.X += (nowx - cc.renderCenterPos.X) * dt * 20;
                    cc.renderCenterPos.Y += (nowy - cc.renderCenterPos.Y) * dt * 20;
                    cc.renderCenterPos.Z += (nowz - cc.renderCenterPos.Z) * dt * 20;

                        (float)(cc.renderCenterPos.X - campos.X),
                        (float)(cc.renderCenterPos.Y - campos.Y),
                        (float)(cc.renderCenterPos.Z - campos.Z)


                    Mat4f.Translate(tmpMat, tmpMat, 0, 1 / 32f, 0);

                    Mat4f.Translate(tmpMat, tmpMat, distToCam.X, distToCam.Y, distToCam.Z);
                    Mat4f.RotateY(tmpMat, tmpMat, yaw);
                    Mat4f.RotateZ(tmpMat, tmpMat, pitch);

                    float roll = i / 5f;
                    Mat4f.RotateX(tmpMat, tmpMat, roll);

                    Mat4f.Scale(tmpMat, tmpMat, new float[] { (float)cc.SpringLength, 1, 1 }); // + (float)Math.Sin(api.World.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000f) * 0.1f
                    Mat4f.Translate(tmpMat, tmpMat, -1.5f, -1 / 32f, -0.5f);                   // not sure why the -1.5 here instead of -0.5

                    int j = basep + i * 20;
                    cfloats.Values[j++] = lightRgba.R;
                    cfloats.Values[j++] = lightRgba.G;
                    cfloats.Values[j++] = lightRgba.B;
                    cfloats.Values[j++] = lightRgba.A;

                    for (int k = 0; k < 16; k++)
                        cfloats.Values[j + k] = tmpMat[k];

Exemplo n.º 3
        private ClothSystem(ICoreAPI api, ClothManager cm, BlockPos originPos, float xsize, float zsize, EnumClothType clothType, AssetLocation ropeSectionModel = null)
            this.clothType        = clothType;
            this.ropeSectionModel = ropeSectionModel;

            Init(api, cm);
            Random rand = api.World.Rand;

            bool hor         = rand.NextDouble() < 0.5;
            int  vertexIndex = 0;

            float step       = 1 / Resolution;
            int   numzpoints = (int)Math.Round(zsize * Resolution);
            int   numxpoints = (int)Math.Round(xsize * Resolution);

            if (clothType == EnumClothType.Rope)
                numzpoints = 1;

            float roughness  = 0.05f;
            int   k          = 0;
            int   pointIndex = 0;

            for (int z = 0; z < numzpoints; z++)
                Points2d.Add(new PointList());

                for (int x = 0; x < numxpoints; x++)
                    float dx = x * step;
                    float dy = z * step;
                    float dz = -roughness / 2 + (float)rand.NextDouble() * roughness;

                    if (hor)
                        dx = x * step;
                        dy = -roughness / 2 + (float)rand.NextDouble() * roughness;
                        dz = z * step;

                    var point = new ClothPoint(this, pointIndex++, originPos.X + dx, originPos.Y + dy, originPos.Z + dz);


                    int color = (k++ % 2) > 0 ? ColorUtil.WhiteArgb : ColorUtil.BlackArgb;

                    // add a vertical constraint
                    if (z > 0)
                        ClothPoint p1 = Points2d[z - 1].Points[x];
                        ClothPoint p2 = Points2d[z].Points[x];

                        var constraint = new ClothConstraint(p1, p2);

                        if (capi != null)
                            if (LineDebug)
                                debugUpdateMesh.AddVertex(0, 0, 0, color);
                                debugUpdateMesh.AddVertex(0, 0, 0, color);


                    // add a new horizontal constraints
                    if (x > 0)
                        ClothPoint p1 = Points2d[z].Points[x - 1];
                        ClothPoint p2 = Points2d[z].Points[x];

                        var constraint = new ClothConstraint(p1, p2);

                        if (capi != null)
                            if (LineDebug)
                                debugUpdateMesh.AddVertex(0, 0, 0, color);
                                debugUpdateMesh.AddVertex(0, 0, 0, color);


            if (capi != null && LineDebug)
                debugUpdateMesh.mode = EnumDrawMode.Lines;
                debugMeshRef         = capi.Render.UploadMesh(debugUpdateMesh);

                debugUpdateMesh.Indices = null;
                debugUpdateMesh.Rgba    = null;