Exemplo n.º 1
        public static void OnCreateFromHierarchy()
            Transform parent = null;
            Transform T      = UnityEditor.Selection.activeTransform;

            if (T != null)
                parent = T;

            UICheckbox.Create(new UICheckbox.CreateParams
                parent = parent
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static ShotItem GenerateShotItem(Shot shot)
            GameObject root     = new GameObject("shotItem");
            ShotItem   shotItem = root.AddComponent <ShotItem>();

            root.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("CameraHidden");

            // Set the item invisible in order to hide it while it is not added into
            // a list. We will activate it after it is added
            root.transform.localScale = Vector3.zero;

            float cx = 0.0f;

            // ACTIVE CAMERA Button
            UILabel currentShotLabel = UILabel.Create(new UILabel.CreateLabelParams
                parent           = root.transform,
                widgetName       = "CurrentShotLabel",
                relativeLocation = new Vector3(0, 0, -UIButton.default_thickness),
                width            = 0.01f,
                height           = 0.03f,
                margin           = 0.001f,
                material         = UIUtils.LoadMaterial("UIBase"),
                selectedColor    = UIOptions.FocusColorVar,
                caption          = "",


            cx += 0.01f;

            // ENABLE Checkbox
            UICheckbox shotEnabledCheckbox = UICheckbox.Create(new UICheckbox.CreateParams
                parent           = root.transform,
                widgetName       = "ShotEnabledCheckbox",
                relativeLocation = new Vector3(cx, 0, -UICheckbox.default_thickness),
                width            = 0.03f,
                height           = 0.03f,
                content          = UICheckbox.CheckboxContent.CheckboxOnly,
                margin           = 0.001f,
                material         = UIUtils.LoadMaterial("UIBase"),


            cx += 0.03f;

            // SHOT NAME Label
            UILabel shotNameLabel = UILabel.Create(new UILabel.CreateLabelParams
                parent           = root.transform,
                widgetName       = "ShotNameLabel",
                relativeLocation = new Vector3(cx, 0, -UIButton.default_thickness),
                width            = 0.15f,
                height           = 0.020f,
                margin           = 0.001f,
                material         = UIUtils.LoadMaterial("UIBase"),


            // CAMERA NAME Label
            UILabel cameraNameLabel = UILabel.Create(new UILabel.CreateLabelParams
                parent           = root.transform,
                widgetName       = "CameraNameLabel",
                relativeLocation = new Vector3(cx, -0.020f, -UIButton.default_thickness),
                width            = 0.15f,
                height           = 0.01f,
                margin           = 0.001f,
                fgcolor          = UIOptions.Instance.attenuatedTextColor,
                material         = UIUtils.LoadMaterial("UIBase"),

            UIUtils.SetTMProStyle(cameraNameLabel.gameObject, alignment: TextAlignmentOptions.BottomRight);

            cx += 0.15f;

            // Start frame button
            UIButton startFrameButton = UIButton.Create(new UIButton.CreateButtonParams
                parent           = root.transform,
                widgetName       = "StartFrameButton",
                relativeLocation = new Vector3(cx, 0, -UIButton.default_thickness),
                width            = 0.02f,
                height           = 0.03f,
                icon             = UIUtils.LoadIcon("next"),
                buttonContent    = UIButton.ButtonContent.ImageOnly,
                margin           = 0.001f,


            cx += 0.02f;

            // START: Add UISpinner
            UISpinner startFrameSpinner = UISpinner.Create(new UISpinner.CreateArgs
                parent                 = root.transform,
                widgetName             = "StartFrame",
                relativeLocation       = new Vector3(cx, 0, -UISpinner.default_thickness),
                width                  = 0.055f,
                height                 = 0.03f,
                visibility_type        = UISpinner.TextAndValueVisibilityType.ShowValueOnly,
                value_type             = UISpinner.SpinnerValueType.Int,
                min_spinner_value      = 0,
                max_spinner_value      = 10000,
                cur_spinner_value      = shot.start,
                spinner_value_rate     = 30,
                spinner_value_rate_ray = 30,
                margin                 = 0.001f,

            startFrameSpinner.baseColor.useConstant     = true;
            startFrameSpinner.baseColor.constant        = UIOptions.BackgroundColor;
            startFrameSpinner.selectedColor.useConstant = true;
            startFrameSpinner.selectedColor.constant    = UIOptions.SelectedColor;

            cx += 0.055f;

            // END: Add UISpinner
            UISpinner endFrameSpinner = UISpinner.Create(new UISpinner.CreateArgs
                parent                 = root.transform,
                widgetName             = "EndFrame",
                relativeLocation       = new Vector3(cx, 0, -UISpinner.default_thickness),
                width                  = 0.055f,
                height                 = 0.03f,
                visibility_type        = UISpinner.TextAndValueVisibilityType.ShowValueOnly,
                value_type             = UISpinner.SpinnerValueType.Int,
                min_spinner_value      = 0,
                max_spinner_value      = 10000,
                cur_spinner_value      = shot.end,
                spinner_value_rate     = 30,
                spinner_value_rate_ray = 30,
                margin                 = 0.001f,

            endFrameSpinner.baseColor.useConstant     = true;
            endFrameSpinner.baseColor.constant        = UIOptions.BackgroundColor;
            endFrameSpinner.selectedColor.useConstant = true;
            endFrameSpinner.selectedColor.constant    = UIOptions.SelectedColor;

            cx += 0.055f;

            // End frame button
            UIButton endFrameButton = UIButton.Create(new UIButton.CreateButtonParams
                parent           = root.transform,
                widgetName       = "EndFrameButton",
                relativeLocation = new Vector3(cx, 0, -UIButton.default_thickness),
                width            = 0.02f,
                height           = 0.03f,
                icon             = UIUtils.LoadIcon("prev"),
                buttonContent    = UIButton.ButtonContent.ImageOnly,
                margin           = 0.001f,


            cx += 0.02f;

            // RANGE: Add UILabel
            UILabel frameRangeLabel = UILabel.Create(new UILabel.CreateLabelParams
                parent           = root.transform,
                widgetName       = "FrameRange",
                relativeLocation = new Vector3(cx, 0, -UILabel.default_thickness),
                width            = 0.04f,
                height           = 0.03f,
                margin           = 0.001f,
                material         = UIUtils.LoadMaterial("UIBase"),

            frameRangeLabel.baseColor.useConstant     = true;
            frameRangeLabel.baseColor.constant        = UIOptions.BackgroundColor;
            frameRangeLabel.selectedColor.useConstant = true;
            frameRangeLabel.selectedColor.constant    = UIOptions.SelectedColor;
            UIUtils.SetTMProStyle(frameRangeLabel.gameObject, alignment: TextAlignmentOptions.Center);
            cx += 0.04f;

            // Set camera
            UIButton setCameraButton = UIButton.Create(new UIButton.CreateButtonParams
                parent           = root.transform,
                widgetName       = "SetCameraButton",
                relativeLocation = new Vector3(cx, 0, -UIButton.default_thickness),
                width            = 0.03f,
                height           = 0.03f,
                icon             = UIUtils.LoadIcon("icon-camera"),
                buttonContent    = UIButton.ButtonContent.ImageOnly,
                margin           = 0.001f,

            setCameraButton.isCheckable              = true;
            setCameraButton.checkedSprite            = UIUtils.LoadIcon("icon-camera");
            setCameraButton.checkedColor.useConstant = false;
            setCameraButton.checkedColor.constant    = UIOptions.FocusColor;
            setCameraButton.checkedColor.reference   = UIOptions.FocusColorVar;
            setCameraButton.baseSprite = UIUtils.LoadIcon("icon-camera");

            // Link widgets to the item script.
            shotItem.currentShotLabel    = currentShotLabel;
            shotItem.shotEnabledCheckbox = shotEnabledCheckbox;
            shotItem.shotNameLabel       = shotNameLabel;
            shotItem.cameraNameLabel     = cameraNameLabel;
            shotItem.startFrameSpinner   = startFrameSpinner;
            shotItem.startFrameButton    = startFrameButton;
            shotItem.frameRangeLabel     = frameRangeLabel;
            shotItem.endFrameSpinner     = endFrameSpinner;
            shotItem.endFrameButton      = endFrameButton;
            shotItem.setCameraButton     = setCameraButton;

