Exemplo n.º 1
		public SavedChunkInfo(Chunk chunk)
			unityPosition = chunk.transform.position;
			worldPos = chunk.Pos;
			initEmpty = chunk.initEmpty;
			hasBlocks = false;

			 for (var x = 0; x < World.ChunkSize; x++)
				 for (var y = 0; y < World.ChunkSize; y++)
					 for (var z = 0; z < World.ChunkSize; z++)
						 if (!chunk.isDefault && chunk.Blocks[x, y, z].BlockType == VoxBlockType.Empty) continue;

						 if (!chunk.Blocks[x, y, z].Modified)
						 var pos = new WorldPos(x,y,z);
						 Blocks.Add(pos, chunk.Blocks[x, y, z]);
						 hasBlocks = true;
Exemplo n.º 2
		public void RecalculateWorldPositions()
			WorldPositions = new WorldPos[BlockPositions.Length];

			for (var i = 0; i < BlockPositions.Length; i++)
				var b = BlockPositions[i];
				WorldPositions[i] = new WorldPos((int)b.x, (int)b.y, (int)b.z);

			WorldPositionsCalculated = true;
Exemplo n.º 3
		public VoxSave(Chunk chunk)
			 for (var x = 0; x < World.ChunkSize; x++)
				 for (var y = 0; y < World.ChunkSize; y++)
					 for (var z = 0; z < World.ChunkSize; z++)
						 if (!chunk.Blocks[x, y, z].Modified)
						 var pos = new WorldPos(x,y,z);
						 Blocks.Add(pos, chunk.Blocks[x, y, z]);
Exemplo n.º 4
		public void SetBlock(WorldPos pos, VoxBlockType blockType, Color blockColor, bool createChunkIfNull = false)
			SetBlock(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, blockType, blockColor, createChunkIfNull);
Exemplo n.º 5
		public Block GetBlock(WorldPos pos)
			return GetBlock(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z);
Exemplo n.º 6
		public Chunk GetChunk(int x, int y, int z, bool createChunkIfNull = false)
			var pos = new WorldPos();
			float multiple = ChunkSize;
			pos.x = Mathf.FloorToInt(x/multiple)*ChunkSize;
			pos.y = Mathf.FloorToInt(y/multiple)*ChunkSize;
			pos.z = Mathf.FloorToInt(z/multiple)*ChunkSize;

			Chunk containerChunk = null;

			Chunks.TryGetValue(pos, out containerChunk);

			if (createChunkIfNull && containerChunk == null)
				containerChunk = CreateChunk(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, true);

			return containerChunk;
Exemplo n.º 7
		public void CreateChunk2(int x, int y, int z)
			WorldPos worldPos = new WorldPos(x, y, z);

			//Instantiate the chunk at the coordinates using the chunk prefab
			GameObject newChunkObject = Instantiate(
							ChunkPrefab, new Vector3(x, y, z),
						) as GameObject;

			var newChunk = newChunkObject.GetComponent<Chunk>();

			newChunk.Pos = worldPos;
			newChunk.World = this;

			//Add it to the chunks dictionary with the position as the key
			Chunks.Add(worldPos, newChunk);

			//Add these lines:
			//var terrainGen = new TerrainGen();
			newChunk = terrainGenerator.ChunkGen(newChunk);


			//bool loaded = Serialization.Load(newChunk);

Exemplo n.º 8
		public Chunk CreateTerrainChunk(int x, int y, int z)
			var worldPos = new WorldPos(x, y, z);

			if (Chunks.ContainsKey(worldPos)) return null;

			//Instantiate the chunk at the coordinates using the chunk prefab
			var newChunkObject = Instantiate(ChunkPrefab, new Vector3(x * UnitScale, y * UnitScale, z * UnitScale), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;

            newChunkObject.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInHierarchy; // Keeps the hierachy clean. 

			var newChunk = newChunkObject.GetComponent<Chunk>();

			newChunk.initEmpty = false;
			newChunk.Pos = worldPos;
			newChunk.World = this;
			newChunk.RebuildNeeded = true;

			//Add it to the chunks dictionary with the position as the key
			Chunks.Add(worldPos, newChunk);

			newChunk = terrainGenerator.ChunkGen(newChunk);


			//bool loaded = Serialization.Load(newChunk);

			return newChunk;
Exemplo n.º 9
		public Chunk CreateChunk(int x, int y, int z, bool empty = false)
			var worldPos = new WorldPos(x, y, z);

			//Instantiate the chunk at the coordinates using the chunk prefab
			var newChunkObject = Instantiate(ChunkPrefab, new Vector3(x * UnitScale, y * UnitScale, z * UnitScale), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;

			var newChunk = newChunkObject.GetComponent<Chunk>();

			newChunk.initEmpty = empty;
			newChunk.Pos = worldPos;
			newChunk.World = this;
			newChunk.RebuildNeeded = true;

			//Add it to the chunks dictionary with the position as the key
			Chunks.Add(worldPos, newChunk);

			var counter = 0;

			//for (var xi = 0; xi < ChunkSize; xi++)
			//	for (var yi = 0; yi < ChunkSize; yi++)
			//	{
			//		for (var zi = 0; zi < ChunkSize; zi++)
			//		{
			//			if (!empty)
			//			{
			//				SetBlock(x + xi, y + yi, z + zi, new Block(GetRandomColor(colorA, colorB)));
			//			}
			//			else
			//			{
			//				SetBlock(x + xi, y + yi, z + zi, new BlockEmpty());
			//			}
			//		}
			//	}


			return newChunk;
Exemplo n.º 10
		public static bool SetBlock(RaycastHit hit, WorldPos pos, VoxBlockType block, Color blockColor)
			var chunk = hit.collider.GetComponent<Chunk>();
			if (chunk == null)
				return false;

			chunk.World.SetBlock(pos, block, blockColor, true);

			return true;
Exemplo n.º 11
		// Update is called once per frame
		private void Update()
			if (GenChunk)
				GenChunk = false;
				var chunkPos = new WorldPos(NewChunkX, NewChunkY, NewChunkZ);
				Chunk chunk = null;

				if (Chunks.TryGetValue(chunkPos, out chunk))
					DestroyChunk(chunkPos.x, chunkPos.y, chunkPos.z);
					CreateChunk(chunkPos.x, chunkPos.y, chunkPos.z);

			if (genWorld)
				genWorld = false;

			//if(Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.J)) SaveAll();

			//if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.L)) LoadAll();

			//if(Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.G)) NewWorld();

			//if(Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape)) Application.Quit();
Exemplo n.º 12
		public static string FileName(WorldPos chunkLocation)
			return chunkLocation.x + "," + chunkLocation.y + "," + chunkLocation.z + ".bin";
Exemplo n.º 13
		void FindChunksToLoad()
			var player = VoxManager.ViewPosition;
			//Get the position of this gameobject to generate around
			WorldPos playerPos = new WorldPos(
				Mathf.FloorToInt(player.x * World.WorldToVoxScaler / World.ChunkSize) * World.ChunkSize,
				Mathf.FloorToInt(player.y * World.WorldToVoxScaler / World.ChunkSize) * World.ChunkSize,
				Mathf.FloorToInt(player.z * World.WorldToVoxScaler / World.ChunkSize) * World.ChunkSize

			//If there aren't already chunks to generate
			if (updateList.Count == 0)
				//Cycle through the array of positions
				for (int i = positionIndex; i < chunkPositions.Length; i++)
					positionIndex = i;
					//translate the player position and array position into chunk position
					WorldPos newChunkPos = new WorldPos(
						chunkPositions[i].x * World.ChunkSize + playerPos.x,
						chunkPositions[i].z * World.ChunkSize + playerPos.z

					var distance = Vector3.Distance(
						new Vector3(player.x, 0, player.z));

					if (distance >= MaxChunkDistance) continue;

					//Get the chunk in the defined position
					Chunk newChunk = world.GetChunk(
						newChunkPos.x, newChunkPos.y, newChunkPos.z);

					//If the chunk already exists and it's already
					//rendered or in queue to be rendered continue
					if (newChunk != null
						&& (newChunk.Rendered || updateList.Contains(newChunkPos)))

					//load a column of chunks in this position
					for (int y = -world.worldYNegative; y < world.worldY; y++)
						for (int x = newChunkPos.x - World.ChunkSize; x <= newChunkPos.x + World.ChunkSize; x += World.ChunkSize)
							for (int z = newChunkPos.z - World.ChunkSize; z <= newChunkPos.z + World.ChunkSize; z += World.ChunkSize)
								buildList.Add(new WorldPos(
									x, y * World.ChunkSize, z));
						updateList.Add(new WorldPos(
							newChunkPos.x, y * World.ChunkSize, newChunkPos.z));

					//if (updateList.Count > 4) return;

				positionsChecked = true;

			if (!playerPos.Equals(LastPlayerPos)) positionIndex = 0;
			LastPlayerPos = playerPos;
Exemplo n.º 14
		void BuildChunk(WorldPos pos)
			if (world.GetChunk(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z) == null)
				world.CreateTerrainChunk(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z);
Exemplo n.º 15
		void UpdateIfEqual(int value1, int value2, WorldPos pos)
			if (value1 == value2)
				var chunk = GetChunk(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z);
				if (chunk != null)
					chunk.RebuildNeeded = true;
Exemplo n.º 16
		protected void InterfaceWithBlocks()
			RaycastHit hit;

			var viewPos = VoxManager.ViewPosition;
			var viewForward = VoxManager.ViewForward;

			var ray = VoxManager.ViewRay;

			var blocksModified = false;

			var click = false;
			var clickDown = false;
			var clickUp = false;

			if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F2))
//				OVRManager.display.RecenterPose();

			if (Input.GetButtonDown(VoxInput.rightShoulder))
				clickDown = true;
				//interactionMode = VoxInteractionMode.AddBlocks;
				AddMode = true;

			if (Input.GetButtonDown(VoxInput.leftShoulder))
				clickDown = true;
                //interactionMode = VoxInteractionMode.SubtractBlocks;

                AddMode = false;
			if (VoxInput.GetSelectDown())
				clickDown = true;

		    if (mouseLeftRightSwitchesAddAndSubtract)
		        if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
		            clickDown = true;
		            //interactionMode = VoxInteractionMode.SubtractBlocks;
		            AddMode = true;
		        if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1))
		            clickDown = true;
		            //interactionMode = VoxInteractionMode.SubtractBlocks;
		            AddMode = false;

		    if (Input.GetMouseButton(1))
				click = true;

			if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(1))
				clickUp = true;

			if (Input.GetButton(VoxInput.rightShoulder)) click = true;
			if (Input.GetButton(VoxInput.leftShoulder)) click = true;
			if (VoxInput.GetSelect()) click = true;

			if (Input.GetButtonUp(VoxInput.rightShoulder)) clickUp = true;
			if (Input.GetButtonUp(VoxInput.leftShoulder)) clickUp = true;
			if (VoxInput.GetSelectUp()) clickUp = true;

			if (clickUp) click = false;

			var doubleClick = false;

			if (clickDown && doubleClickTimer <= doubleClickDelay)
				doubleClick = true;
			else if (clickDown)
				doubleClickTimer = 0;

			doubleClickTimer += Time.deltaTime;

			//if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.X))
			//	interactionMode++;

			//	if ((int) interactionMode >= Enum.GetValues(typeof (VoxInteractionMode)).Length)
			//	{
			//		interactionMode = 0;
			//	}
			//	//AddMode = !AddMode;

			var sampleColor = Input.GetButtonDown(VoxInput.ButtonB) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.C);

			if (Input.GetButtonDown(VoxInput.Select) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.P))
				PaintButton.isSelected = !PaintButton.isSelected;

				if (PaintButton.isSelected)
					interactionMode = VoxInteractionMode.Paint;

					PaintButton.isSelected = true;
					AddButton.isSelected = false;
					SubtractButton.isSelected = false;

					VoxManager.ShowMessage("Paint Mode Enabled");
					interactionMode = VoxInteractionMode.Create;

					if (AddMode)
						AddButton.isSelected = true;
						SubtractButton.isSelected = false;
						AddButton.isSelected = false;
						SubtractButton.isSelected = true;

					VoxManager.ShowMessage("Create Mode Enabled");

			if (Input.GetButtonDown(VoxInput.ButtonX) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.T))
				DrawStraightButton.isSelected = !DrawStraightButton.isSelected;

				drawStraight = DrawStraightButton.isSelected;

				if (drawStraight)
					secondBlockDrawn = false;
					startBlockPos = lastBlockPos;

				VoxManager.ShowMessage(drawStraight ? "Draw Straight Mode Enabled" : "Draw Straight Mode Disabled");

			if (Input.GetButtonDown(VoxInput.Start) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.U))
				CreateAtFixedDistanceButton.isSelected = !CreateAtFixedDistanceButton.isSelected;

				createAtFixedDistance = CreateAtFixedDistanceButton.isSelected;

				if (createAtFixedDistance)
					fixedDistance = Vector3.Distance(VoxManager.ViewPosition, VoxTerrain.GetUnityPosition(lastBlockPos));
					//var bpu = VoxTerrain.GetUnityPosition(lastBlockPos);
					//var tobpu = viewPos - bpu;

					//constructionPlane = new Plane(viewForward, bpu);
					drawStarted = false;

					if(interactionMode == VoxInteractionMode.Create) clickDown = true;

				VoxManager.ShowMessage(createAtFixedDistance ? "Draw At Fixed Distance Mode Enabled" : "Draw At Fixed Distance Mode Disabled");

			if (Input.GetButtonDown(VoxInput.ButtonY) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Y))
				switch (interactionMode)
					case VoxInteractionMode.Create:
						DoubleClickLayerButton.isSelected = !DoubleClickLayerButton.isSelected;

						doubleClickToIncreaseHeight = DoubleClickLayerButton.isSelected;

						VoxManager.ShowMessage(doubleClickToIncreaseHeight ? "Match Height Mode Enabled" : "Match Height Mode Disabled");
					case VoxInteractionMode.Paint:

						PaintUsingPlanesButton.isSelected = !PaintUsingPlanesButton.isSelected;

						paintUsingConstructionPlanes = PaintUsingPlanesButton.isSelected;

						VoxManager.ShowMessage(paintUsingConstructionPlanes ? "Paint Using Construction Planes Enabled" : "Paint Using Construction Planes  Disabled");

			var dpadX = Input.GetAxis(VoxInput.DPadX);

			if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.X)) dpadX = 1;
			if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Z)) dpadX = -1;

			if (dpadX <= -0.95f && lastDPadX > -0.95f)
				if (PrefabIndex < 0) PrefabIndex = Prefabs.Length - 1;

				VoxManager.ShowMessage("Brush " + (PrefabIndex + 1).ToString("D"));
			else if (dpadX >= 0.95f && lastDPadX < 0.95f)
				if (PrefabIndex >= Prefabs.Length) PrefabIndex = 0;
				VoxManager.ShowMessage("Brush " + (PrefabIndex + 1).ToString("D"));

			lastDPadX = dpadX;


			//Crosshair.mode = AddMode ? VoxCrosshair.CrosshairMode.Add : VoxCrosshair.CrosshairMode.Subtract;

			if (!drawStarted) // No drawing is happening, we need to create a cube by first clicking, then the draw starts until we release button
				drawSecondLayer = false;
				inverseAdd = false;
				secondBlockDrawn = false;

				if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, RayCastDistance, Layers.value)) // Looking at a block
					var chunk = hit.collider.GetComponent<Chunk>();
					if (chunk != null)
						var distance = hit.distance;
						//Debug.Log("Block hit");

						var blockPos = VoxTerrain.GetBlockPos(hit);
						var adjacentPos = VoxTerrain.GetBlockPos(hit, true);

						var blockPosUnity = VoxTerrain.GetUnityPosition(blockPos);
						var adjacentPosUnity = VoxTerrain.GetUnityPosition(adjacentPos);

						var facePosUnity = blockPosUnity + hit.normal*World.HalfUnitScale;

						if (sampleColor)
							var block = chunk.World.GetBlock(VoxTerrain.GetBlockPos(hit));
							NewBlockColor = block.BlockColor;
							//VoxManager.ShowMessage("Color sampled");

						// Place the crosshair on the face
						Crosshair.newPosition = facePosUnity;
						Crosshair.transform.forward = hit.normal;

						if (distance >= minBuildDistance)

							switch (interactionMode)
								case VoxInteractionMode.Create:
									if (clickDown) // Just pressed
										if (PrefabIndex >= Prefabs.Length || PrefabIndex < 0) break;
										var prefab = Prefabs[PrefabIndex];
										var positions = prefab.GetWorldPositions();

										if (AddMode) // Add
											PlayClip(sndCreate, true);
											if (doubleClickToIncreaseHeight)
												var buildPos = doubleClick ? blockPos + hit.normal : blockPos;

												//lastBlockPos = buildPos;

												startBlockPos = buildPos;

												foreach (var pos in positions)
													var newPos = buildPos + pos;
													//VoxWorld.SetBlock(newPos, new Block(NewBlockColor), true);

													VoxWorld.SetBlock(newPos, VoxBlockType.Default, NewBlockColor, true);

												constructionBlockPos = blockPosUnity + hit.normal*World.UnitScale - hit.normal*World.HalfUnitScale;

												if (doubleClick)
													drawSecondLayer = true;

													//constructionBlockPos = constructionBlockPos + constructionPlane.normal * World.UnitScale;
													//constructionPlane = new Plane(constructionPlane.normal, constructionBlockPos);
													//constructionPlane = new Plane(hit.normal, constructionBlockPos);

												constructionPlane = new Plane(hit.normal, constructionBlockPos);

												startBlockPos = buildPos;

												var buildPos = adjacentPos;
												startBlockPos = buildPos;

												if (doubleClick)
													//lastBlockPos = buildPos;

													foreach (var pos in positions)
														var newPos = buildPos + pos;
														VoxWorld.SetBlock(newPos, VoxBlockType.Default, NewBlockColor, true);

													constructionBlockPos = adjacentPosUnity - hit.normal*World.HalfUnitScale;
													constructionPlane = new Plane(hit.normal, constructionBlockPos);
										else // Subtract
											PlayClip(sndDelete, true);

											var buildPos = blockPos;

											startBlockPos = buildPos;

											foreach (var pos in positions)
												var newPos = buildPos + pos;
												VoxWorld.SetBlock(newPos, VoxBlockType.Empty, NewBlockColor, true);

											constructionBlockPos = adjacentPosUnity - hit.normal*World.HalfUnitScale;
											constructionPlane = new Plane(hit.normal, constructionBlockPos);
										adjacentPlane = new Plane(hit.normal, hit.point);
										drawStarted = true;
										blocksModified = true;

								case VoxInteractionMode.Paint:
									if (clickDown)
										PlayClip(sndPaint, true);

										if (PrefabIndex >= Prefabs.Length || PrefabIndex < 0) break;
										var prefab = Prefabs[PrefabIndex];
										var buildPos = blockPos;

										var positions = prefab.GetWorldPositions();

										startBlockPos = buildPos;

										foreach (var pos in positions)
											var newPos = buildPos + pos;

											var block = VoxWorld.GetBlock(newPos);

											if (!block.IsEmpty())
												VoxWorld.SetBlock(newPos, VoxBlockType.Default, NewBlockColor, false);

												//block.BlockColor = NewBlockColor;
												//block.Modified = true;
												//VoxWorld.GetChunk(newPos.x, newPos.y, newPos.z, false).RebuildNeeded = true;

										constructionPlane = new Plane(hit.normal, blockPosUnity + hit.normal*World.HalfUnitScale);
										adjacentPlane = new Plane(hit.normal, hit.point);
										drawStarted = true;
								case VoxInteractionMode.Teleport:
									if (clickDown)
										PlayClip(sndTeleport, true);

										constructionPlane = new Plane(hit.normal, adjacentPosUnity - hit.normal*World.HalfUnitScale);
										adjacentPlane = new Plane(hit.normal, hit.point);


				else // Not looking at anything
					//Debug.Log("Not Raycasting");
					// Raycast against the construction plane
					float enter = 0f;
					var posOnPlaneUnity = Vector3.zero;
					if (constructionPlane.Raycast(ray, out enter))
						posOnPlaneUnity = viewPos + viewForward*enter;

					//if (adjacentPlane.Raycast(ray, out enter))
					//	posOnPlaneUnity = viewPos + viewForward * enter;

					//	var sign = constructionPlane.GetSide(posOnPlaneUnity) ? 1 : -1;

					//	posOnPlaneUnity += constructionPlane.normal * constructionPlane.GetDistanceToPoint(posOnPlaneUnity) * sign;

					var blockPos = VoxTerrain.GetBlockPos(posOnPlaneUnity + constructionPlane.normal * World.HalfUnitScale);

					var blockPosUnity = VoxTerrain.GetUnityPosition(blockPos);

					var facePosUnity = blockPosUnity - constructionPlane.normal*World.HalfUnitScale;

					Crosshair.newPosition = facePosUnity;
					Crosshair.transform.forward = constructionPlane.normal;

					if (enter >= minBuildDistance)

						switch (interactionMode)
							case VoxInteractionMode.Create:
								if (clickDown) // Create a block in air that is built on the construction plane
									if (AddMode) // Add 
										if (PrefabIndex >= Prefabs.Length || PrefabIndex < 0) break;
										var prefab = Prefabs[PrefabIndex];

										PlayClip(sndCreate, true);

										var positions = prefab.GetWorldPositions();

										blockPos = doubleClickToIncreaseHeight ? VoxTerrain.GetBlockPos(posOnPlaneUnity - constructionPlane.normal*World.HalfUnitScale) : VoxTerrain.GetBlockPos(posOnPlaneUnity + constructionPlane.normal*World.HalfUnitScale);

										var buildPos = blockPos;

										startBlockPos = buildPos;

										//if (doubleClickToIncreaseHeight) buildPos = buildPos - hit.normal * 2;

										//lastBlockPos = buildPos;

										foreach (var pos in positions)
											var newPos = buildPos + pos;
											VoxWorld.SetBlock(newPos, VoxBlockType.Default, NewBlockColor, true);

										adjacentPlane = constructionPlane;
									else // Subtract
										if (PrefabIndex >= Prefabs.Length || PrefabIndex < 0) break;
										var prefab = Prefabs[PrefabIndex];

										PlayClip(sndDelete, true);

										inverseAdd = true; // Draw opposite of construction plane

										var positions = prefab.GetWorldPositions();

										//var buildPos = doubleClick ? blockPos + hit.normal : blockPos;

										var buildPos = VoxTerrain.GetBlockPos(posOnPlaneUnity - constructionPlane.normal*World.HalfUnitScale);
										//VoxWorld.SetBlock(oppositeBlockPos, new Block(NewBlockColor), true);
										startBlockPos = buildPos;

										//lastBlockPos = buildPos;

										foreach (var pos in positions)
											var newPos = buildPos + pos;
											VoxWorld.SetBlock(newPos, VoxBlockType.Default, NewBlockColor, true);

										//constructionPlane = new Plane(constructionPlane.normal, VoxTerrain.GetUnityPosition(buildPos));
										adjacentPlane = constructionPlane;

										//if (UsePrefab)


									drawStarted = true;
									blocksModified = true;

							case VoxInteractionMode.Paint:

				if (createAtFixedDistance)
					fixedDistance = Vector3.Distance(VoxManager.ViewPosition, VoxTerrain.GetUnityPosition(startBlockPos));

				if (drawStarted)
					lastBlockPos = startBlockPos;

					DrawTimer = ActivateDrawTime;
				//drawStarted = false; // stop draw when the click is released

			else // Now we're drawing, new cubes are always added on construction plane, so we'll only raycast the construction plane
				if (!click) drawStarted = false; // stop draw when the click is released

				if (DrawTimer < 0)

					float enter = 0f;
					var posOnPlaneUnity = Vector3.zero;

					WorldPos blockPos;
					Vector3 blockPosUnity;
					Vector3 facePosUnity;

					switch (interactionMode)
						case VoxInteractionMode.Create:
							if (createAtFixedDistance)
								if (PrefabIndex >= Prefabs.Length || PrefabIndex < 0) break;

								var prefab = Prefabs[PrefabIndex];

								blockPosUnity = viewPos + viewForward * fixedDistance;

								blockPos = VoxTerrain.GetBlockPos(blockPosUnity);

								var positions = prefab.GetWorldPositions();

								if (!blockPos.Equals(lastBlockPos))
									foreach (var pos in positions)
										var newPos = blockPos + pos;
										if (AddMode)
											VoxWorld.SetBlock(newPos, VoxBlockType.Default, NewBlockColor, true);
											VoxWorld.SetBlock(newPos, VoxBlockType.Empty, NewBlockColor, true);

								lastBlockPos = blockPos;
								if (AddMode)
									if (PrefabIndex >= Prefabs.Length || PrefabIndex < 0) break;

									var prefab = Prefabs[PrefabIndex];

									if (doubleClickToIncreaseHeight)
										if (constructionPlane.Raycast(ray, out enter))
											posOnPlaneUnity = viewPos + viewForward*enter;

											if (!drawSecondLayer) posOnPlaneUnity -= constructionPlane.normal*World.UnitScale;
										if (adjacentPlane.Raycast(ray, out enter))
											posOnPlaneUnity = viewPos + viewForward*enter;

											var sign = constructionPlane.GetSide(posOnPlaneUnity) ? 1 : -1;

											posOnPlaneUnity += constructionPlane.normal*constructionPlane.GetDistanceToPoint(posOnPlaneUnity)*sign;

									//if (adjacentPlane.Raycast(ray, out enter))
									//	posOnPlaneUnity = viewPos + viewForward * enter;

									//	var sign = constructionPlane.GetSide(posOnPlaneUnity) ? 1 : -1;

									//	posOnPlaneUnity += constructionPlane.normal * constructionPlane.GetDistanceToPoint(posOnPlaneUnity) * sign;

									//if (constructionPlane.Raycast(ray, out enter))
									//	posOnPlaneUnity = viewPos + viewForward * enter;

									//	//var sign = constructionPlane.GetSide(posOnPlaneUnity) ? 1 : -1;

									//	//posOnPlaneUnity += constructionPlane.normal * constructionPlane.GetDistanceToPoint(posOnPlaneUnity) * sign;

									//	//if (constructionPlane.Raycast(new Ray(posOnPlaneUnity, adjacentPlane.normal), out enter))
									//	//{
									//	//	posOnPlaneUnity = viewPos + viewForward * enter;
									//	//}

									//if (doubleClickToIncreaseHeight)
									//	blockPos = VoxTerrain.GetBlockPos(posOnPlaneUnity - constructionPlane.normal * World.HalfUnitScale - constructionPlane.normal * World.UnitScale);
									//	blockPos = VoxTerrain.GetBlockPos(posOnPlaneUnity + constructionPlane.normal * World.HalfUnitScale);

									blockPos = VoxTerrain.GetBlockPos(posOnPlaneUnity + constructionPlane.normal*World.HalfUnitScale);

									blockPosUnity = VoxTerrain.GetUnityPosition(blockPos);

									if (drawStraight)
										if (!secondBlockDrawn)
											if (!blockPos.Equals(startBlockPos))
												secondBlockPos = blockPos;
												secondBlockDrawn = true;

												var drawNormal = secondBlockPos.vector - startBlockPos.vector;

												if (Mathf.Abs(Vector3.Dot(drawNormal, Vector3.up)) > 0.7f)
													secondBlockPos.x = startBlockPos.x;
													secondBlockPos.z = startBlockPos.z;
												else if (Mathf.Abs(Vector3.Dot(drawNormal, Vector3.forward)) > 0.7f)
													secondBlockPos.x = startBlockPos.x;
													secondBlockPos.y = startBlockPos.y;
												else if (Mathf.Abs(Vector3.Dot(drawNormal, Vector3.right)) > 0.7f)
													secondBlockPos.y = startBlockPos.y;
													secondBlockPos.z = startBlockPos.z;

										if (secondBlockDrawn)
											var toNewBlock = blockPos.vector - startBlockPos.vector;
											var drawNormal = secondBlockPos.vector - startBlockPos.vector;

											var p = Vector3.Project(toNewBlock, drawNormal);

											blockPos = startBlockPos + p;

									facePosUnity = blockPosUnity - constructionPlane.normal*World.HalfUnitScale;

									Crosshair.newPosition = facePosUnity;

									var positions = prefab.GetWorldPositions();

									if (!blockPos.Equals(lastBlockPos))
										foreach (var pos in positions)
											var newPos = blockPos + pos;
											VoxWorld.SetBlock(newPos, VoxBlockType.Default, NewBlockColor, true);

									lastBlockPos = blockPos;
								else // Subtract mode
									if (constructionPlane.Raycast(ray, out enter))
										posOnPlaneUnity = viewPos + viewForward*enter - constructionPlane.normal*World.UnitScale;

									//if (inverseAdd) blockPos = VoxTerrain.GetBlockPos(posOnPlaneUnity - constructionPlane.normal * World.HalfUnitScale);

									blockPos = VoxTerrain.GetBlockPos(posOnPlaneUnity + constructionPlane.normal*World.HalfUnitScale);

									blockPosUnity = VoxTerrain.GetUnityPosition(blockPos);

									if (drawStraight)
										if (!secondBlockDrawn)
											if (!blockPos.Equals(startBlockPos))
												secondBlockPos = blockPos;
												secondBlockDrawn = true;

												var drawNormal = secondBlockPos.vector - startBlockPos.vector;

												if (Mathf.Abs(Vector3.Dot(drawNormal, Vector3.up)) > 0.7f)
													secondBlockPos.x = startBlockPos.x;
													secondBlockPos.z = startBlockPos.z;
												else if (Mathf.Abs(Vector3.Dot(drawNormal, Vector3.forward)) > 0.7f)
													secondBlockPos.x = startBlockPos.x;
													secondBlockPos.y = startBlockPos.y;
												else if (Mathf.Abs(Vector3.Dot(drawNormal, Vector3.right)) > 0.7f)
													secondBlockPos.y = startBlockPos.y;
													secondBlockPos.z = startBlockPos.z;

										if (secondBlockDrawn)
											var toNewBlock = blockPos.vector - startBlockPos.vector;
											var drawNormal = secondBlockPos.vector - startBlockPos.vector;

											var p = Vector3.Project(toNewBlock, drawNormal);

											blockPos = startBlockPos + p;

									facePosUnity = blockPosUnity - constructionPlane.normal*World.HalfUnitScale;

									Crosshair.newPosition = facePosUnity;

									if (PrefabIndex >= Prefabs.Length || PrefabIndex < 0) break;

									var prefab = Prefabs[PrefabIndex];

									var positions = prefab.GetWorldPositions();

									if (!lastBlockPos.Equals(blockPos))
										foreach (var pos in positions)
											var newPos = blockPos + pos;

											if (inverseAdd) VoxWorld.SetBlock(newPos, VoxBlockType.Default, NewBlockColor, true);
											else VoxWorld.SetBlock(newPos, VoxBlockType.Empty, NewBlockColor, true);

									lastBlockPos = blockPos;
							blocksModified = true;
						case VoxInteractionMode.Paint:

							if (paintUsingConstructionPlanes)
								if (constructionPlane.Raycast(ray, out enter))
									posOnPlaneUnity = viewPos + viewForward*enter;

								blockPos = VoxTerrain.GetBlockPos(posOnPlaneUnity - constructionPlane.normal*World.HalfUnitScale);

								//blockPosUnity = VoxTerrain.GetUnityPosition(blockPos);

								//facePosUnity = blockPosUnity + constructionPlane.normal*World.HalfUnitScale;

								Crosshair.newPosition = posOnPlaneUnity;

								if (PrefabIndex >= Prefabs.Length || PrefabIndex < 0) break;

								var prefab = Prefabs[PrefabIndex];

								var positions = prefab.GetWorldPositions();

								if (!lastBlockPos.Equals(blockPos))
									foreach (var pos in positions)
										var newPos = blockPos + pos;
										var block = VoxWorld.GetBlock(newPos);
										if (!block.IsEmpty())
											//block.BlockColor = NewBlockColor;
											//block.Modified = true;
											//VoxWorld.GetChunk(newPos.x, newPos.y, newPos.z, false).RebuildNeeded = true;

											VoxWorld.SetBlock(newPos, VoxBlockType.Default, NewBlockColor, false);

								lastBlockPos = blockPos;
								if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, RayCastDistance, Layers.value)) // Looking at a block
									var chunk = hit.collider.GetComponent<Chunk>();
									if (chunk != null)
										blockPos = VoxTerrain.GetBlockPos(hit);

										if (PrefabIndex >= Prefabs.Length || PrefabIndex < 0) break;

										var prefab = Prefabs[PrefabIndex];

										var positions = prefab.GetWorldPositions();

										if (!lastBlockPos.Equals(blockPos))
											foreach (var pos in positions)
												var newPos = blockPos + pos;
												var block = VoxWorld.GetBlock(newPos);
												if (!block.IsEmpty())
													//block.BlockColor = NewBlockColor;
													//block.Modified = true;
													//VoxWorld.GetChunk(newPos.x, newPos.y, newPos.z, false).RebuildNeeded = true;

													VoxWorld.SetBlock(newPos, VoxBlockType.Default, NewBlockColor, false);

										lastBlockPos = blockPos;

			DrawTimer -= Time.deltaTime;

			if (blocksModified)

				//var playerPos = VoxTerrain.GetBlockPos(VoxManager.Player.position);

				//for (var px = -3; px < 3; px++)
				//	for (var py = -3; py < 5; py++)
				//	{
				//		for (var pz = -3; pz < 3; pz++)
				//		{
				//			var p = playerPos + new WorldPos(px, py, pz);

				//			var b = VoxWorld.GetBlock(p);

				//			if (b.JustCreated && !b.IsEmpty()) VoxWorld.SetBlock(p, VoxBlockType.Empty, Color.white);
				//		}
				//	}
Exemplo n.º 17
		public static Vector3 GetUnityPosition(WorldPos pos)
			return new Vector3(pos.x * World.UnitScale, pos.y * World.UnitScale, pos.z * World.UnitScale);