Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialises the MIME Type definitions
        /// </summary>
        private static void Init()
            if (!_init)
                _mimeTypes = new List<MimeTypeDefinition>();
                //Define RDF/XML
                _mimeTypes.Add(new MimeTypeDefinition("RDF/XML", W3CFormatsNamespace + "RDF_XML", RdfXml, new String[] { DefaultRdfXmlExtension, "owl" }, typeof(RdfXmlParser), null, null, typeof(RdfXmlWriter), null, null));                

                //Define NTriples
                MimeTypeDefinition ntriples = new MimeTypeDefinition("NTriples", W3CFormatsNamespace + "N-Triples", NTriples, new String[] { DefaultNTriplesExtension }, typeof(NTriplesParser), null, null, typeof(NTriplesWriter), null, null);
                ntriples.Encoding = Encoding.ASCII;

                //Define Turtle
                _mimeTypes.Add(new MimeTypeDefinition("Turtle", W3CFormatsNamespace + "Turtle", Turtle, new String[] { DefaultTurtleExtension }, typeof(TurtleParser), null, null, typeof(CompressingTurtleWriter), null, null));

                //Define Notation 3
                _mimeTypes.Add(new MimeTypeDefinition("Notation 3", W3CFormatsNamespace + "N3", Notation3, new String[] { DefaultNotation3Extension }, typeof(Notation3Parser), null, null, typeof(Notation3Writer), null, null));

                //Define NQuads
                _mimeTypes.Add(new MimeTypeDefinition("NQuads", NQuads, new String[] { DefaultNQuadsExtension }, null, typeof(NQuadsParser), null, null, typeof(NQuadsWriter), null));

                //Define TriG
                _mimeTypes.Add(new MimeTypeDefinition("TriG", TriG, new String[] { DefaultTriGExtension }, null, typeof(TriGParser), null, null, typeof(TriGWriter), null));

                //Define TriX
                _mimeTypes.Add(new MimeTypeDefinition("TriX", TriX, new String[] { DefaultTriXExtension }, null, typeof(TriXParser), null, null, typeof(TriXWriter), null));

                //Define SPARQL Results XML
                _mimeTypes.Add(new MimeTypeDefinition("SPARQL Results XML", W3CFormatsNamespace + "SPARQL_Results_XML", SparqlXml, new String[] { DefaultSparqlXmlExtension }, null, null, typeof(SparqlXmlParser), null, null, typeof(SparqlXmlWriter)));

                //Define SPARQL Results JSON
                _mimeTypes.Add(new MimeTypeDefinition("SPARQL Results JSON", W3CFormatsNamespace + "SPARQL_Results_JSON", SparqlJson, new String[] { DefaultSparqlJsonExtension, DefaultJsonExtension }, null, null, typeof(SparqlJsonParser), null, null, typeof(SparqlJsonWriter)));

                //Define RDF/JSON - include SPARQL Parsers to support servers that send back incorrect MIME Type for SPARQL JSON Results
                //We define this after SPARQL Results JSON to ensure we favour the correct MIME type for it
                _mimeTypes.Add(new MimeTypeDefinition("RDF/JSON", Json, new String[] { DefaultRdfJsonExtension, DefaultJsonExtension }, typeof(RdfJsonParser), null, typeof(SparqlJsonParser), typeof(RdfJsonWriter), null, typeof(SparqlJsonWriter)));

                //Define CSV
                _mimeTypes.Add(new MimeTypeDefinition("CSV", Csv, new String[] { DefaultCsvExtension }, null, null, null, typeof(CsvWriter), typeof(CsvStoreWriter), typeof(SparqlCsvWriter)));

                //Define TSV
                _mimeTypes.Add(new MimeTypeDefinition("TSV", Tsv, new String[] { DefaultTsvExtension }, null, null, typeof(SparqlTsvParser), typeof(TsvWriter), typeof(TsvStoreWriter), typeof(SparqlTsvWriter)));

                //Define HTML
                _mimeTypes.Add(new MimeTypeDefinition("HTML", W3CFormatsNamespace + "RDFa", Html, new String[] { DefaultHtmlExtension, DefaultXHtmlExtension, ".htm" }, typeof(RdfAParser), null, null, typeof(HtmlWriter), null, typeof(SparqlHtmlWriter)));

                //Define GraphViz DOT
                _mimeTypes.Add(new MimeTypeDefinition("GraphViz DOT", new String[] { "text/vnd.graphviz" }, new String[] { ".gv", ".dot" }, null, null, null, typeof(GraphVizWriter), null, null));

                //Define SPARQL Query
                MimeTypeDefinition qDef = new MimeTypeDefinition("SPARQL Query", new String[] { "application/sparql-query" }, new String[] { ".rq" });

                //Define SPARQL Update
                MimeTypeDefinition uDef = new MimeTypeDefinition("SPARQL Update", new String[] { "application/sparql-update" }, new String[] { ".ru" });

                _init = true;