Exemplo n.º 1
        public void GraphSubGraphMatchingWithBNodes()
            Graph parent = new Graph();

            FileLoader.Load(parent, "resources\\Turtle.ttl");
            Graph subgraph = new Graph();

            subgraph.Assert(parent.Triples.Where(t => !t.IsGroundTriple));

            //Check method calls
            Dictionary <INode, INode> mapping;

            Console.WriteLine("Doing basic sub-graph matching with BNode tests");
            Assert.True(parent.HasSubGraph(subgraph, out mapping), "Failed to match the sub-graph as expected");
            Assert.False(parent.IsSubGraphOf(subgraph, out mapping), "Parent should not be a sub-graph of the sub-graph");
            Assert.False(subgraph.HasSubGraph(parent, out mapping), "Sub-graph should not have parent as its sub-graph");
            Assert.True(subgraph.IsSubGraphOf(parent, out mapping), "Failed to match the sub-graph as expected");

            //Eliminate some of the Triples from the sub-graph
            Console.WriteLine("Eliminating some Triples from the sub-graph and seeing if the mapping still computes OK");
            Assert.True(parent.HasSubGraph(subgraph, out mapping), "Failed to match the sub-graph as expected");
            Assert.False(parent.IsSubGraphOf(subgraph, out mapping), "Parent should not be a sub-graph of the sub-graph");
            Assert.False(subgraph.HasSubGraph(parent, out mapping), "Sub-graph should not have parent as its sub-graph");
            Assert.True(subgraph.IsSubGraphOf(parent, out mapping), "Failed to match the sub-graph as expected");

            Console.WriteLine("Eliminating Blank Nodes from the parent Graph to check that the sub-graph is no longer considered as such afterwards");
            parent.Retract(parent.Triples.Where(t => !t.IsGroundTriple).ToList());
            Assert.False(parent.HasSubGraph(subgraph), "Sub-graph should no longer be considered as such");
            Assert.False(subgraph.IsSubGraphOf(parent), "Sub-graph should no longer be considered as such");
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void GraphSubGraphMatching()
            Graph parent = new Graph();

            FileLoader.Load(parent, "resources\\InferenceTest.ttl");
            Graph subgraph = new Graph();


            //Check method calls
            Dictionary <INode, INode> mapping;

            Console.WriteLine("Doing basic sub-graph matching with no BNode tests");
            Assert.True(parent.HasSubGraph(subgraph, out mapping), "Failed to match the sub-graph as expected");
            Assert.False(parent.IsSubGraphOf(subgraph, out mapping), "Parent should not be a sub-graph of the sub-graph");
            Assert.False(subgraph.HasSubGraph(parent, out mapping), "Sub-graph should not have parent as its sub-graph");
            Assert.True(subgraph.IsSubGraphOf(parent, out mapping), "Failed to match the sub-graph as expected");

            //Add an extra triple into the Graph which will cause it to no longer be a sub-graph
            Console.WriteLine("Adding an extra Triple so the sub-graph is no longer such");
            subgraph.Assert(new Triple(subgraph.CreateUriNode("eg:Rocket"), subgraph.CreateUriNode("rdf:type"), subgraph.CreateUriNode("eg:AirVehicle")));
            Assert.False(parent.HasSubGraph(subgraph, out mapping), "Sub-graph should no longer be considered a sub-graph");
            Assert.False(subgraph.IsSubGraphOf(parent, out mapping), "Sub-graph should no longer be considered a sub-graph");

            //Reset the sub-graph
            Console.WriteLine("Resetting the sub-graph");
            subgraph = new Graph();
            Console.WriteLine("Adding additional information to the parent Graph, this should not affect the fact that the sub-graph is a sub-graph of it");
            Assert.True(parent.HasSubGraph(subgraph, out mapping), "Failed to match the sub-graph as expected");
            Assert.False(parent.IsSubGraphOf(subgraph, out mapping), "Parent should not be a sub-graph of the sub-graph");
            Assert.False(subgraph.HasSubGraph(parent, out mapping), "Sub-graph should not have parent as its sub-graph");
            Assert.True(subgraph.IsSubGraphOf(parent, out mapping), "Failed to match the sub-graph as expected");

            //Remove stuff from parent graph so it won't match any more
            Console.WriteLine("Removing stuff from parent graph so that it won't have the sub-graph anymore");
            Assert.False(parent.HasSubGraph(subgraph, out mapping), "Parent should no longer contian the sub-graph");
            Assert.False(subgraph.IsSubGraphOf(parent, out mapping), "Parent should no longer contain the sub-graph");
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void GraphSubGraphMatching()
            Graph parent = new Graph();
            FileLoader.Load(parent, "InferenceTest.ttl");
            Graph subgraph = new Graph();

            //Check method calls
            Dictionary<INode, INode> mapping;
            Console.WriteLine("Doing basic sub-graph matching with no BNode tests");
            Assert.IsTrue(parent.HasSubGraph(subgraph, out mapping), "Failed to match the sub-graph as expected");
            Assert.IsFalse(parent.IsSubGraphOf(subgraph, out mapping), "Parent should not be a sub-graph of the sub-graph");
            Assert.IsFalse(subgraph.HasSubGraph(parent, out mapping), "Sub-graph should not have parent as its sub-graph");
            Assert.IsTrue(subgraph.IsSubGraphOf(parent, out mapping), "Failed to match the sub-graph as expected");

            //Add an extra triple into the Graph which will cause it to no longer be a sub-graph
            Console.WriteLine("Adding an extra Triple so the sub-graph is no longer such");
            subgraph.Assert(new Triple(subgraph.CreateUriNode("eg:Rocket"), subgraph.CreateUriNode("rdf:type"), subgraph.CreateUriNode("eg:AirVehicle")));
            Assert.IsFalse(parent.HasSubGraph(subgraph, out mapping), "Sub-graph should no longer be considered a sub-graph");
            Assert.IsFalse(subgraph.IsSubGraphOf(parent, out mapping), "Sub-graph should no longer be considered a sub-graph");

            //Reset the sub-graph
            Console.WriteLine("Resetting the sub-graph");
            subgraph = new Graph();
            Console.WriteLine("Adding additional information to the parent Graph, this should not affect the fact that the sub-graph is a sub-graph of it");
            Assert.IsTrue(parent.HasSubGraph(subgraph, out mapping), "Failed to match the sub-graph as expected");
            Assert.IsFalse(parent.IsSubGraphOf(subgraph, out mapping), "Parent should not be a sub-graph of the sub-graph");
            Assert.IsFalse(subgraph.HasSubGraph(parent, out mapping), "Sub-graph should not have parent as its sub-graph");
            Assert.IsTrue(subgraph.IsSubGraphOf(parent, out mapping), "Failed to match the sub-graph as expected");

            //Remove stuff from parent graph so it won't match any more
            Console.WriteLine("Removing stuff from parent graph so that it won't have the sub-graph anymore");
            Assert.IsFalse(parent.HasSubGraph(subgraph, out mapping), "Parent should no longer contian the sub-graph");
            Assert.IsFalse(subgraph.IsSubGraphOf(parent, out mapping), "Parent should no longer contain the sub-graph");
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void GraphSubGraphMatchingWithBNodes()
            Graph parent = new Graph();
            FileLoader.Load(parent, "Turtle.ttl");
            Graph subgraph = new Graph();
            subgraph.Assert(parent.Triples.Where(t => !t.IsGroundTriple));

            //Check method calls
            Dictionary<INode, INode> mapping;
            Console.WriteLine("Doing basic sub-graph matching with BNode tests");
            Assert.IsTrue(parent.HasSubGraph(subgraph, out mapping), "Failed to match the sub-graph as expected");
            Assert.IsFalse(parent.IsSubGraphOf(subgraph, out mapping), "Parent should not be a sub-graph of the sub-graph");
            Assert.IsFalse(subgraph.HasSubGraph(parent, out mapping), "Sub-graph should not have parent as its sub-graph");
            Assert.IsTrue(subgraph.IsSubGraphOf(parent, out mapping), "Failed to match the sub-graph as expected");

            //Eliminate some of the Triples from the sub-graph
            Console.WriteLine("Eliminating some Triples from the sub-graph and seeing if the mapping still computes OK");
            Assert.IsTrue(parent.HasSubGraph(subgraph, out mapping), "Failed to match the sub-graph as expected");
            Assert.IsFalse(parent.IsSubGraphOf(subgraph, out mapping), "Parent should not be a sub-graph of the sub-graph");
            Assert.IsFalse(subgraph.HasSubGraph(parent, out mapping), "Sub-graph should not have parent as its sub-graph");
            Assert.IsTrue(subgraph.IsSubGraphOf(parent, out mapping), "Failed to match the sub-graph as expected");

            Console.WriteLine("Eliminating Blank Nodes from the parent Graph to check that the sub-graph is no longer considered as such afterwards");
            parent.Retract(parent.Triples.Where(t => !t.IsGroundTriple));
            Assert.IsFalse(parent.HasSubGraph(subgraph), "Sub-graph should no longer be considered as such");
            Assert.IsFalse(subgraph.IsSubGraphOf(parent), "Sub-graph should no longer be considered as such");
