Exemplo n.º 1
        public MyForm CreateForm(int beginline, int endline, string[] lines)
            MyForm  frm = new MyForm();
            General g   = new General();

                string key = "Begin VB.Form ";
                int    pos = lines[beginline].IndexOf(key) + key.Length;

                string name = lines[beginline].Substring(pos).Trim();
                g.Name = name;

                g.Sizex = VBtoNET.GetProperty("ClientWidth", beginline, endline, lines);
                g.Sizey = VBtoNET.GetProperty("ClientHeight", beginline, endline, lines);

                g.Text = VBtoNET.GetProperty("Caption", beginline, endline, lines);
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(g.Text))
                    g.Text = name;

                frm.General = g;
            catch (Exception e)
                MessageBox.Show("General error - did you load a VB6 form?");
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static General PopulateGeneral(string key, string[] lines, int beginline, int endline)
            General g = new General();

            int pos = lines[beginline].IndexOf(key) + key.Length;

            string name = lines[beginline].Substring(pos).Trim();

            // check if its a control array - same name
            string index = VBtoNET.GetProperty(" Index", beginline, endline, lines);

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(index))
                // its an array
                g.ArrayName = name + "(" + index + ")";
                name        = name + index; // odd but guarantees uniqueness

            g.Name = name;

            g.Sizey     = VBtoNET.GetProperty("Height", beginline, endline, lines);
            g.Locationx = VBtoNET.GetProperty("Left", beginline, endline, lines);
            g.Tabindex  = VBtoNET.GetProperty("TabIndex", beginline, endline, lines);
            g.Locationy = VBtoNET.GetProperty("Top", beginline, endline, lines);
            g.Sizex     = VBtoNET.GetProperty("Width", beginline, endline, lines);
            g.Text      = VBtoNET.GetProperty("Caption", beginline, endline, lines);

            g = g.FixSizes(g);
Exemplo n.º 3
        private Dictionary <string, string> PopulateControlNamesList(int beginline, int endline, string[] lines, List <MyTabpage> tabList)
            controlNameMap = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            for (int i = 0; i < tabList.Count; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 99; j++)
                    string key   = VBtoNET.GetProperty("Tab(" + i.ToString() + ").Control(" + j.ToString() + ")", beginline, endline, lines);
                    string value = tabList[i].General.Name;
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(key))
                        //if (VBtoNET.controlNameList.Contains(key)) {
                        //    // its an array
                        //    key = key + beginline.ToString(); // odd but guarantees uniqueness

                        controlNameMap.Add(key, value);

Exemplo n.º 4
        public MyTabControl Create(int beginline, int endline, string[] lines)
            MyTabControl o   = new MyTabControl();
            string       key = "Begin TabDlg.SSTab ";

            o.General = VBtoNET.PopulateGeneral(key, lines, beginline, endline);
            // tab pages
            int tabPageNum = Int16.Parse(VBtoNET.GetProperty("Tabs", beginline, endline, lines));

            for (int i = 0; i < tabPageNum; i++)
                MyTabpage page = new MyTabpage();

                page.General = new General();

                page.General.Name            = o.General.Name + "TabPage" + i.ToString();
                page.General.Text            = VBtoNET.GetProperty("TabCaption(" + i.ToString() + ")", beginline, endline, lines);
                page.Padding                 = 3;
                page.General.Tabindex        = i.ToString();
                page.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
                // these needs to be fixed a bit, i'm not sure what the size and location should be
                page.General.Locationx = "4";
                page.General.Locationy = "22";
                int sizex = Int16.Parse(o.General.Sizex) - 8;
                int sizey = Int16.Parse(o.General.Sizey) - 26;
                page.General.Sizex = sizex.ToString();
                page.General.Sizey = sizey.ToString();

            o.ControlNameMap = PopulateControlNamesList(beginline, endline, lines, o.tabList);

Exemplo n.º 5
        public MyCombobox Create(int beginline, int endline, string[] lines)
            MyCombobox o = new MyCombobox();

            string key = "Begin MSDBCtls.DBCombo ";

            o.General    = VBtoNET.PopulateGeneral(key, lines, beginline, endline);
            o.dataSource = VBtoNET.GetProperty("DataSource", beginline, endline, lines);
            o.dataField  = VBtoNET.GetProperty("DataField", beginline, endline, lines);

Exemplo n.º 6
        public MyTextbox Create(int beginline, int endline, string[] lines)
            MyTextbox o   = new MyTextbox();
            string    key = "Begin VB.TextBox ";

            o.General = VBtoNET.PopulateGeneral(key, lines, beginline, endline);
            string multi = VBtoNET.GetProperty("MultiLine", beginline, endline, lines);

            if (multi.Contains("-1"))
                o.Multiline = true;
            o.dataSource = VBtoNET.GetProperty("DataSource", beginline, endline, lines);
            o.dataField  = VBtoNET.GetProperty("DataField", beginline, endline, lines);

Exemplo n.º 7
        public MyTabControl Create(int beginline, int endline, string[] lines)
            MyTabControl o   = new MyTabControl();
            string       key = "Begin TabDlg.SSTab ";

            o.General = VBtoNET.PopulateGeneral(key, lines, beginline, endline);
            // tab pages
            string tabPageNumStr = VBtoNET.GetProperty("Tabs", beginline, endline, lines);
            int    tabPageCount  = 0;

            if (tabPageNumStr == "")
                bool foundTab = true;
                // can't find the tabs property
                for (int tabnum = 0; tabnum < 20; tabnum++)
                    if (!foundTab)
                    for (int i = beginline; i < endline; i++)
                        string s = lines[i];
                        if (s.Contains("Tab(" + tabnum.ToString()))
                        if (i == endline - 1)
                            foundTab = false;
                tabPageCount = Int16.Parse(tabPageNumStr);

            for (int i = 0; i < tabPageCount; i++)
                MyTabpage page = new MyTabpage();

                page.General = new General();

                page.General.Name            = o.General.Name + "TabPage" + i.ToString();
                page.General.Text            = VBtoNET.GetProperty("TabCaption(" + i.ToString() + ")", beginline, endline, lines);
                page.Padding                 = 3;
                page.General.Tabindex        = i.ToString();
                page.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
                // these needs to be fixed a bit, i'm not sure what the size and location should be
                page.General.Locationx = "4";
                page.General.Locationy = "22";
                int sizex = Int16.Parse(o.General.Sizex) - 8;
                int sizey = Int16.Parse(o.General.Sizey) - 26;
                page.General.Sizex = sizex.ToString();
                page.General.Sizey = sizey.ToString();

            o.ControlNameMap = PopulateControlNamesList(beginline, endline, lines, o.tabList);
