Exemplo n.º 1
        public void AppendHeader(TNaglowek naglowek, string nip)

            var headerBigFont = new XFont(DefaultValues.Groupbox.Font.FontFamily.Name, 12, XFontStyle.Bold, DefaultValues.Groupbox.Font.PdfOptions);

            var nipContent = new GroupBox(0, _document.Width * 3 / 4, "") { MarginLeft = 0, MarginTop = 0, MarginRight = 0, MarginBottom = 0 };
            var percentRowWidths = new[] { 45, 35, 20 };
            var rowControls = new[]
                    new InputBox(Resources.InputTitle1, nip),
                    new InputBox(Resources.InputTitle2) {Brush = XBrushes.LightGray},
                    new InputBox(Resources.InputTitle3) {Brush = XBrushes.LightGray},

            nipContent.AddRow(rowControls, percentRowWidths);

            var miesiacVal = naglowek.DateType == ItemChoiceType.Miesiac ? naglowek.Miesiac.ToString() : "";
            var kwartalVal = naglowek.ItemElementName == ItemChoiceType.Kwartal ? naglowek.Kwartal.ToString() : "";

            var titleContent = new GroupBox(0, _document.Width, "")
                    MarginBottom = 10,
                    Brush = new XSolidBrush(XColor.FromArgb(128, 128, 255)),
                    Controls = new List<IControl>
                            new Label(20, 0, Resources.TitleLabel1) {Font = headerBigFont},
                            new Label(150, 0, Resources.TitleLabel2) {Font = headerBigFont},
                            new Label(270, 50, Resources.TitleLabel3) {Font = headerBigFont},
                            new InputBox(new XRect(200, 40, 60, 30), Resources.InputTitle4, miesiacVal),
                            new InputBox(new XRect(300, 40, 60, 30), Resources.InputTitle5, kwartalVal),
                            new InputBox(new XRect(400, 40, 80, 30), Resources.InputTitle6, naglowek.Rok)

            var infoFont = new XFont(DocumentContainer.FontFamily, 8);
            var infoContent = new GroupBox(0, _document.Width, "")
                    MarginLeft = 5,
                    MarginTop = 1,
                    MarginRight = 1,
                    MarginBottom = 1,
                    Controls = new List<IControl>
                            new Label(0, 0, Resources.InfoContent0Label) {Font = infoFont},
                            new Label(0, 10, Resources.InfoContent1Label) {Font = infoFont},
                            new Label(0, 40, Resources.InfoContent2Label) {Font = infoFont},
                            new Label(0, 50, Resources.InfoContent3Label) {Font = infoFont},
                            new Label(new XRect(80, 0, _document.Width, 50), Resources.InfoContent0Label){Font = infoFont},
                            new Label(new XRect(80, 10, _document.Width, 50), Resources.InfoContent1Value){Font = infoFont},
                            new Label(new XRect(80, 40, _document.Width, 50), Resources.InfoContent2Value){Font = infoFont},
                            new Label(new XRect(80, 50, _document.Width, 70), Resources.InfoContent3Value){Font = infoFont},
        public static void Sample1(string fileName)
            var deklaracja = new Deklaracja();
            var naglowek = new TNaglowek
                    CelZlozenia = 3,
                    Rok = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString(),
                    WariantFormularza = 2,
                    KodUrzedu = TKodUS.Item1813,
                    KodFormularza = new TNaglowekKodFormularza(),
                    Item = 8,
                    ItemElementName = ItemChoiceType.Miesiac

            var podmiot = new DeklaracjaPodmiot1
                    OsobaFizyczna = new TIdentyfikatorOsobyFizycznej
                            DataUrodzenia = DateTime.Now,
                            ImiePierwsze = "Bartosz",
                            Nazwisko = "Frąckowiak",
                            NIP = "123-456-32-18",
                            PESEL = "89082606238"
                    AdresZamieszkaniaSiedziby = new TPodmiotDowolnyAdresZamieszkaniaSiedziby
                            AdresPolski = new TAdresPolski
                                    Gmina = "Bydgoszcz",
                                    KodKraju = TKodKraju.PL,
                                    KodPocztowy = "85-200",
                                    Miejscowosc = "Bydgoszcz",
                                    NrDomu = "33",
                                    NrLokalu = "3",
                                    Poczta = "Polska",
                                    Powiat = "Bydgoski",
                                    Ulica = "Łokietka 33",
                                    Wojewodztwo = "Kuj-Pom"
            var pozycjeSzczegulowe = new PozycjeSzczegolowe
                    Grupa1 =
                        new List<Grupa1>
                                new Grupa1 {P_Da = TKodKrajuUE.EE, P_Db = "a", P_Dc = 2, P_Dd = 2},
                                new Grupa1 {P_Da = TKodKrajuUE.CY, P_Db = "b", P_Dc = 3, P_Dd = 3}
                    Grupa2 =
                        new List<Grupa2>
                                new Grupa2 {P_Na = TKodKrajuUE.ES, P_Nb = "c", P_Nc = 4, P_Nd = 4},
                                new Grupa2 {P_Na = TKodKrajuUE.EE, P_Nb = "c", P_Nc = 5, P_Nd = 5}
                    Grupa3 = new List<Grupa3>
                            new Grupa3 {P_Ua = TKodKrajuUE.IT, P_Ub = "e", P_Uc = 6},
                            new Grupa3 {P_Ua = TKodKrajuUE.ES, P_Ub = "f", P_Uc = 7}
            deklaracja.Podmiot1 = podmiot;
            deklaracja.PozycjeSzczegolowe = pozycjeSzczegulowe;
            deklaracja.Naglowek = naglowek;

 public static bool LoadFromFile(string fileName, out TNaglowek obj)
     System.Exception exception = null;
     return LoadFromFile(fileName, out obj, out exception);
 public static bool LoadFromFile(string fileName, out TNaglowek obj, out System.Exception exception)
     return LoadFromFile(fileName, Encoding.UTF8, out obj, out exception);
 /// <summary>
 /// Deserializes xml markup from file into an TNaglowek object
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="fileName">string xml file to load and deserialize</param>
 /// <param name="obj">Output TNaglowek object</param>
 /// <param name="exception">output Exception value if deserialize failed</param>
 /// <returns>true if this XmlSerializer can deserialize the object; otherwise, false</returns>
 public static bool LoadFromFile(string fileName, System.Text.Encoding encoding, out TNaglowek obj, out System.Exception exception)
     exception = null;
     obj = default(TNaglowek);
         obj = LoadFromFile(fileName, encoding);
         return true;
     catch (System.Exception ex)
         exception = ex;
         return false;
 public static bool Deserialize(string xml, out TNaglowek obj)
     System.Exception exception = null;
     return Deserialize(xml, out obj, out exception);
 /// <summary>
 /// Deserializes workflow markup into an TNaglowek object
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="xml">string workflow markup to deserialize</param>
 /// <param name="obj">Output TNaglowek object</param>
 /// <param name="exception">output Exception value if deserialize failed</param>
 /// <returns>true if this XmlSerializer can deserialize the object; otherwise, false</returns>
 public static bool Deserialize(string xml, out TNaglowek obj, out System.Exception exception)
     exception = null;
     obj = default(TNaglowek);
         obj = Deserialize(xml);
         return true;
     catch (System.Exception ex)
         exception = ex;
         return false;