public void GenerateMap()
        const string mapHolderName = "Generated Map";

        //check if map holder already exists & delete if it does
        if (transform.Find(mapHolderName))
        //create new mapholder
        Transform mapHolder = new GameObject(mapHolderName).transform;

        mapHolder.parent = transform;

        const string unitHolderName = "Units";

        //check if unit holder already exists & delete if it does
        if (transform.Find(unitHolderName))
        //create new unitholder
        Transform unitHolder = new GameObject(unitHolderName).transform;

        unitHolder.parent = transform;


        //loop over each grid position
        for (int x = 0; x < Grid.GridWidth; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < Grid.GridHeight; y++)
                //instantiate new tile at position
                Vector3   tilePosition = new Vector3(x + Grid.CellOffset, Grid.MapHeight, y + Grid.CellOffset);
                Transform newTile      = Instantiate(tilePrefab, tilePosition, Quaternion.identity) as Transform;
                newTile.parent = mapHolder;
                //add tile to tile array
                tiles[x, y] = newTile;

                //check if there is a unit to spawn at this location
                if (grid.GetGridArray(new Coords(x, y)) != null)
                    //instantiate new unit
                    Transform newObject = Instantiate(grid.GetGridArray(new Coords(x, y)).transform, tilePosition, Quaternion.identity);
                    newObject.parent = unitHolder;
                    //add new object to grid (replacing the prefab that is currently there)
                    grid.SetGridArray(new Coords(x, y), newObject.gameObject);

                    //check new unit's tag and add it's unitcontroller to correct army list
                    if (newObject.CompareTag("Friendly Unit"))
                        unitManager.playerArmy.Add(newObject.GetComponent <UnitController>());
                    else if (newObject.CompareTag("Enemy Unit"))
                        unitManager.enemyArmy.Add(newObject.GetComponent <UnitController>());
    /// <summary>
    /// Update function when state is select and move
    /// </summary>
    private void SelectAndMoveUpdate()
        //check if left click was pressed
        if (Input.GetButtonDown("Select"))
            //get collider clicked on
            Collider clickedOnCollider = ClickOnCollider();

            //check if player clicked on collider
            if (clickedOnCollider != null)
                //check if clicked on friendly unit AND unit has action
                if (clickedOnCollider.gameObject.CompareTag("Friendly Unit"))
                    //get unitcontroller clicked on
                    UnitController unitController = clickedOnCollider.gameObject.GetComponent <UnitController>();

                    //check if unit has action or not. If it has no action, don't select anything
                    if (!unitController.GetHasAction())

                    //select unit clicked on
                //clicked on ground
                    //unset selected unit

        //check if right click was pressed and there is a selected unit
        else if (Input.GetButtonDown("Alt Select") && _selectedUnit != null)
            //get collider clicked on
            Collider clickedOnCollider = ClickOnCollider();

            //check if player clicked on collider
            if (clickedOnCollider != null)
                Coords oldCoords = _selectedUnit.GetUnitCoords();                                 //the current coords of selected unit
                Coords toCoords  = Grid.WorldSpaceToCoords(clickedOnCollider.transform.position); //the coordinates player clicked on (to move to)

                //check if grid space clicked is selectedunit's own space. Skip movement in that case
                if (grid.GetGridArray(toCoords) == _selectedUnit.gameObject)

                //check and move unit
                else if (_selectedUnit.Move(toCoords))
                    //move was successful, update grid
                    grid.SetGridArray(toCoords, _selectedUnit.gameObject);
                    grid.SetGridArray(oldCoords, null);

                    //state becomes attacking(with selectedunit)
                    //move failed