Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves UserInputAggregate to the database
        /// (V2.0, in the old version (V1.0) each entry was stored in a corresponding table)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ma"></param>
        internal static void SaveUserInputSnapshotToDatabase(UserInputAggregate ma)
            var sb = new StringBuilder();
            sb.Append("INSERT INTO '");
            sb.Append("' (time, tsStart, tsEnd, keyTotal, keyOther, keyBackspace, keyNavigate, clickTotal, clickOther, clickLeft, clickRight, scrollDelta, movedDistance) VALUES (");

            sb.Append("strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%f', 'now', 'localtime'), ");
            sb.Append(Database.GetInstance().QTime(ma.TsStart)); sb.Append(",");
            sb.Append(Database.GetInstance().QTime(ma.TsEnd)); sb.Append(",");

            sb.Append(Database.GetInstance().Q(ma.KeyTotal)); sb.Append(",");
            sb.Append(Database.GetInstance().Q(ma.KeyOther)); sb.Append(",");
            sb.Append(Database.GetInstance().Q(ma.KeyBackspace)); sb.Append(",");
            sb.Append(Database.GetInstance().Q(ma.KeyNavigate)); sb.Append(",");

            sb.Append(Database.GetInstance().Q(ma.ClickTotal)); sb.Append(",");
            sb.Append(Database.GetInstance().Q(ma.ClickOther)); sb.Append(",");
            sb.Append(Database.GetInstance().Q(ma.ClickLeft)); sb.Append(",");
            sb.Append(Database.GetInstance().Q(ma.ClickRight)); sb.Append(",");

            sb.Append(Database.GetInstance().Q(ma.ScrollDelta)); sb.Append(",");



            var query = sb.ToString();
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// For: Mouse Movement Data
        /// Dequeues the respective buffer, adds it to a list (which prepares the data for saving)
        /// and updates the UserInputaggregate. Finally, it deletes the used items from the list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="aggregate"></param>
        /// <param name="tsStart"></param>
        /// <param name="tsEnd"></param>
        private void AddMouseMovementsToAggregate(UserInputAggregate aggregate, DateTime tsStart, DateTime tsEnd)
            // dequeue buffer
            MouseMovementSnapshot e;
            while (!MouseMovementBuffer.IsEmpty)
                MouseMovementBuffer.TryDequeue(out e);

            // save all items between tsStart - tsEnd
            if (MouseMovementListToSave == null || MouseMovementListToSave.Count == 0) return;

            var thisIntervalMouseMovements = MouseMovementListToSave.Where(i => i.Timestamp >= tsStart && i.Timestamp < tsEnd);
            aggregate.MovedDistance = (int)CalculateMouseMovementDistance(thisIntervalMouseMovements);

            // delete all items older than tsEnd
            MouseMovementListToSave.RemoveAll(i => i.Timestamp < tsEnd);
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// For: Mouse Scrolls Data
        /// Dequeues the respective buffer, adds it to a list (which prepares the data for saving)
        /// and updates the UserInputaggregate. Finally, it deletes the used items from the list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="aggregate"></param>
        /// <param name="tsStart"></param>
        /// <param name="tsEnd"></param>
        private void AddMouseScrollsToAggregate(UserInputAggregate aggregate, DateTime tsStart, DateTime tsEnd)
            // dequeue buffer
            MouseScrollSnapshot e;
            while (!MouseScrollsBuffer.IsEmpty)
                MouseScrollsBuffer.TryDequeue(out e);

            // save all items between tsStart - tsEnd
            if (MouseScrollsListToSave == null || MouseScrollsListToSave.Count == 0) return;

            var thisIntervalMouseScrolls = MouseScrollsListToSave.Where(i => i.Timestamp >= tsStart && i.Timestamp < tsEnd);
            aggregate.ScrollDelta = thisIntervalMouseScrolls.Sum(i => Math.Abs(i.ScrollDelta));

            // delete all items older than tsEnd
            MouseScrollsListToSave.RemoveAll(i => i.Timestamp < tsEnd);
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// For: Mouse Clicks Data
        /// Dequeues the respective buffer, adds it to a list (which prepares the data for saving)
        /// and updates the UserInputaggregate. Finally, it deletes the used items from the list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="aggregate"></param>
        /// <param name="tsStart"></param>
        /// <param name="tsEnd"></param>
        private void AddMouseClicksToAggregate(UserInputAggregate aggregate, DateTime tsStart, DateTime tsEnd)
            // dequeue buffer
            MouseClickEvent e;
            while (!MouseClickBuffer.IsEmpty)
                MouseClickBuffer.TryDequeue(out e);

            // save all items between tsStart - tsEnd
            if (MouseClickListToSave == null || MouseClickListToSave.Count == 0) return;

            var thisIntervalMouseClicks = MouseClickListToSave.Where(i => i.Timestamp >= tsStart && i.Timestamp < tsEnd);
            aggregate.ClickLeft = thisIntervalMouseClicks.Count(i => i.Button == MouseButtons.Left);
            aggregate.ClickRight = thisIntervalMouseClicks.Count(i => i.Button == MouseButtons.Right);
            aggregate.ClickOther = thisIntervalMouseClicks.Count(i => (i.Button != MouseButtons.Left && i.Button != MouseButtons.Right));
            aggregate.ClickTotal = aggregate.ClickLeft + aggregate.ClickRight + aggregate.ClickOther;

            // delete all items older than tsEnd
            MouseClickListToSave.RemoveAll(i => i.Timestamp < tsEnd);
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// For: Keystrokes Data
        /// Dequeues the respective buffer, adds it to a list (which prepares the data for saving)
        /// and updates the UserInputaggregate. Finally, it deletes the used items from the list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="aggregate"></param>
        /// <param name="tsStart"></param>
        /// <param name="tsEnd"></param>
        private void AddKeystrokesToAggregate(UserInputAggregate aggregate, DateTime tsStart, DateTime tsEnd)
            // dequeue buffer
            KeystrokeEvent e;
            while (!KeystrokeBuffer.IsEmpty)
                KeystrokeBuffer.TryDequeue(out e);

            // save all items between tsStart - tsEnd
            if (KeystrokeListToSave == null || KeystrokeListToSave.Count == 0) return;
            var thisIntervalKeystrokes = KeystrokeListToSave.Where(i => i.Timestamp >= tsStart && i.Timestamp < tsEnd);
            aggregate.KeyNavigate = thisIntervalKeystrokes.Count(i => i.KeystrokeType == KeystrokeType.Navigate);
            aggregate.KeyBackspace = thisIntervalKeystrokes.Count(i => i.KeystrokeType == KeystrokeType.Backspace);
            aggregate.KeyOther = thisIntervalKeystrokes.Count(i => i.KeystrokeType == KeystrokeType.Key);
            aggregate.KeyTotal = aggregate.KeyNavigate + aggregate.KeyBackspace + aggregate.KeyOther;

            // delete all items older than tsEnd
            KeystrokeListToSave.RemoveAll(i => i.Timestamp < tsEnd);
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// dequeues the currently counted number of elements from the buffer and saves them to the database
        /// (it can happen that more elements are added to the end of the queue while this happens,
        /// those elements will be safed to the database in the next run of this method)
        /// </summary>
        private void SaveInputBufferToDatabase()
                var aggregate = new UserInputAggregate();

                // time interval to save
                var now = DateTime.Now;
                var tsEnd = now.AddSeconds(-now.Second).AddSeconds(-Settings.UserInputAggregationIntervalInSeconds); // round to minute, - 60s
                var tsStart = tsEnd.AddSeconds(-Settings.UserInputAggregationIntervalInSeconds); // tsEnd - 60s
                aggregate.TsStart = tsStart;
                aggregate.TsEnd = tsEnd;

                AddKeystrokesToAggregate(aggregate, tsStart, tsEnd);
                AddMouseClicksToAggregate(aggregate, tsStart, tsEnd);
                AddMouseScrollsToAggregate(aggregate, tsStart, tsEnd);
                AddMouseMovementsToAggregate(aggregate, tsStart, tsEnd);

                // save aggregate to database
            catch (Exception e)