public void Save(int exceptionGroupId, string userComment, string userFixedInCommitHash)
            ExceptionGroup exceptionGroup = _db.ExceptionGroups.First(eg => eg.ExceptionGroupId == exceptionGroupId);

            exceptionGroup.UserComment         = userComment;
            exceptionGroup.UserFixedInCommitId = SourceControlRepository.FindCommitId(userFixedInCommitHash);
 public static SourceControlRepository GetCached()
     lock (lockObj) {
         if (cached != null && Math.Abs(( - DateTime.UtcNow).TotalMinutes) < 3)
         using (udcEntities db = new udcEntities()) {
             cached = new SourceControlRepository(db);
 public static SourceControlRepository GetCached()
     lock (lockObj) {
         if (cached != null && Math.Abs(( - DateTime.UtcNow).TotalMinutes) < 3)
             return cached;
         using (udcEntities db = new udcEntities()) {
             cached = new SourceControlRepository(db);
         return cached;
        public List <ExceptionGroupIndexModelEntry> GetExceptionGroups(string startCommit, string endCommit)
            Stopwatch w = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            SourceControlRepository scm = SourceControlRepository.GetCached();

            // Step 1: figure out the interesting commit IDs
            int?startCommitId        = SourceControlRepository.FindCommitId(startCommit);
            int?endCommitId          = SourceControlRepository.FindCommitId(endCommit);
            var interestingCommitIds = new HashSet <int>(scm.GetCommitsBetween(startCommitId, endCommitId).Select(c => c.Id));

            // Step 2: retrieve all exception instances from the database
            IQueryable <Exception> exceptionInstances = _db.Exceptions;
            var exceptions = EvaluateQuery(
                from ex in exceptionInstances
                where ex.IsFirstInSession
                let s = ex.Session
                        //where interestingCommitIds.Contains((int)s.CommitId)
                        // Entity framework is too slow with large lists; it's faster to just check for !=null and then filter out in memory
                        where s.CommitId != null
                        select new {
                SessionId        = ex.SessionId,
                CommitId         = (int)s.CommitId,
                UserId           = s.UserId,
                ExceptionGroupId = ex.ExceptionGroupId

            // Step 3: Figure out the most relevant groups from the exceptions (in memory)
            var exceptionGroups = (
                from ex in exceptions
                group ex by ex.ExceptionGroupId into g
                let interestingInstances = g.Where(ex => interestingCommitIds.Contains(ex.CommitId))
                                           select new {
                ExceptionGroupId = g.Key,
                AffectedUsers = interestingInstances.Select(ex => ex.UserId).Distinct().Count(),
                Occurrences = interestingInstances.Count(),
                CommitIds = g.Select(ex => ex.CommitId).Distinct()                         // use all instances, not just interesting ones
            } into g
                where g.Occurrences > 0
                orderby g.AffectedUsers descending, g.Occurrences descending
                select g

            // Step 4: Retrieve additional details from the database for our most relevant groups
            var exceptionGroupIds     = exceptionGroups.Select(e => e.ExceptionGroupId).ToList();
            var exceptionGroupDetails = EvaluateQuery(
                from ex in _db.ExceptionGroups
                where exceptionGroupIds.Contains(ex.ExceptionGroupId)
                select new {

            // Step 5: put together the viewmodel
            var viewModels = (
                from ex in exceptionGroups
                join details in exceptionGroupDetails on ex.ExceptionGroupId equals details.ExceptionGroupId
                let fixedIn = details.UserFixedInCommitId != null ? scm.GetCommitById((int)details.UserFixedInCommitId) : null
                              let occurredIn = new HashSet <SourceControlCommit>(ex.CommitIds.Select(c => scm.GetCommitById(c)))
                                               let firstOccurredVersion = occurredIn.OrderBy(c => c.Date).First()
                                                                          let lastOccurredVersion = occurredIn.OrderByDescending(c => c.Date).First()
                                                                                                    select new ExceptionGroupIndexModelEntry {
                ExceptionGroupId = ex.ExceptionGroupId,
                ExceptionType = details.ExceptionType,
                ExceptionLocation = details.ExceptionLocation,
                UserComment = details.UserComment,
                UserFixedInCommitId = details.UserFixedInCommitId,
                UserFixedInCommitHash = fixedIn != null ? fixedIn.Hash : null,
                AffectedUsers = ex.AffectedUsers,
                Occurrences = ex.Occurrences,
                HasRepeatedAfterFixVersion = fixedIn != null && occurredIn.Overlaps(fixedIn.GetDescendants()),
                FirstSeenVersionCommitId = firstOccurredVersion.Id,
                FirstSeenVersionHash = firstOccurredVersion.Hash,
                LastSeenVersionCommitId = lastOccurredVersion.Id,
                LastSeenVersionHash = lastOccurredVersion.Hash

            // Step 6: Figure out friendly names for the versions involved
            var commitIds = (from v in viewModels select v.FirstSeenVersionCommitId)
                            .Union(from v in viewModels select v.LastSeenVersionCommitId)
                            .Union(from v in viewModels where v.UserFixedInCommitId != null select(int) v.UserFixedInCommitId)
            var commitIdToVersionMap = CreateCommitIdToVersionMap(commitIds);

            // Step 7: Map friendly names onto view models:
            foreach (var v in viewModels)
                v.LastSeenVersion  = commitIdToVersionMap.GetValueOrDefault(v.LastSeenVersionCommitId);
                v.FirstSeenVersion = commitIdToVersionMap.GetValueOrDefault(v.FirstSeenVersionCommitId);
                if (v.UserFixedInCommitId != null)
                    v.UserFixedInCommit = commitIdToVersionMap.GetValueOrDefault((int)v.UserFixedInCommitId) ?? v.UserFixedInCommitHash.Truncate(8);

            Debug.WriteLine("All together: " + w.ElapsedMilliseconds + "ms");
        public ExceptionGroupEditModel GetExceptionGroupById(int id)
            // get details for the exception group
            ExceptionGroupEditModel editModel = EvaluateQuery(
                from ex in _db.ExceptionGroups
                where ex.ExceptionGroupId == id
                let commits = (
                    from e in ex.Exceptions
                    let s = e.Session
                            where s.CommitId != null
                            select s.Commit
                              select new ExceptionGroupEditModel {
                ExceptionFingerprint    = ex.ExceptionFingerprint,
                ExceptionGroupId        = ex.ExceptionGroupId,
                ExceptionLocation       = ex.ExceptionLocation,
                ExceptionType           = ex.ExceptionType,
                UserComment             = ex.UserComment,
                UserFixedInCommitId     = ex.UserFixedInCommitId,
                FirstOccurrenceCommitId = commits.OrderBy(c => c.CommitDate).FirstOrDefault().Id,
                LastOccurrenceCommitId  = commits.OrderByDescending(c => c.CommitDate).FirstOrDefault().Id

            // get friendly names for the commits
            List <int> interestingCommitIds = new List <int>();

            if (editModel.UserFixedInCommitId != null)

            var scm = SourceControlRepository.GetCached();
            var map = CreateCommitIdToVersionMap(interestingCommitIds);

            editModel.FirstOccurrenceCommitHash = scm.GetCommitById(editModel.FirstOccurrenceCommitId).Hash;
            editModel.FirstOccurrenceCommit     = map.GetValueOrDefault(editModel.FirstOccurrenceCommitId);
            editModel.LastOccurrenceCommitHash  = scm.GetCommitById(editModel.LastOccurrenceCommitId).Hash;
            editModel.LastOccurrenceCommit      = map.GetValueOrDefault(editModel.LastOccurrenceCommitId);

            if (editModel.UserFixedInCommitId != null)
                editModel.UserFixedInCommitHash = scm.GetCommitById((int)editModel.UserFixedInCommitId).Hash;
                editModel.UserFixedInCommit     = map.GetValueOrDefault((int)editModel.UserFixedInCommitId) ?? editModel.UserFixedInCommitHash.Truncate(8);

            // get statistics about this exception
            editModel.CrashProbabilities = GetCrashStatisticsForExceptionGroup(id);

            // get details about the exception instances
            editModel.Exceptions = EvaluateQuery((
                                                     from ex in _db.Exceptions
                                                     where ex.ExceptionGroupId == editModel.ExceptionGroupId && ex.IsFirstInSession
                                                     orderby ex.ThrownAt descending
                                                     let session = ex.Session
                                                                   select new ExceptionModel {
                ThrownAt = ex.ThrownAt,
                Stacktrace = ex.Stacktrace,
                UserId = session.UserId,
                Environment =
                    from ed in session.EnvironmentDatas
                    select new EnvironmentDataModel {
                    Name = ed.EnvironmentDataName.EnvironmentDataName1,
                    Value = ed.EnvironmentDataValue.EnvironmentDataValue1
                PreviousFeatureUses = (
                    from fu in session.FeatureUses
                    where fu.UseTime <= ex.ThrownAt
                    orderby fu.UseTime descending
                    select new ExceptionModelFeatureUse {
                    UseTime = fu.UseTime,
                    ActivationMethod = fu.ActivationMethod.ActivationMethodName,
                    FeatureName = fu.Feature.FeatureName