Exemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Copy constructor.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Other">Environment to copy settings from</param>
 public CppCompileEnvironment(CppCompileEnvironment Other)
     Platform      = Other.Platform;
     Configuration = Other.Configuration;
     Architecture  = Other.Architecture;
     MetadataCache = Other.MetadataCache;
     SharedPCHs    = Other.SharedPCHs;
     PrecompiledHeaderIncludeFilename = Other.PrecompiledHeaderIncludeFilename;
     PrecompiledHeaderAction          = Other.PrecompiledHeaderAction;
     bUseSharedBuildEnvironment       = Other.bUseSharedBuildEnvironment;
     bUseRTTI     = Other.bUseRTTI;
     bUseInlining = Other.bUseInlining;
     bCompileISPC = Other.bCompileISPC;
     bUseAVX      = Other.bUseAVX;
     bUseUnity    = Other.bUseUnity;
     MinSourceFilesForUnityBuildOverride    = Other.MinSourceFilesForUnityBuildOverride;
     MinFilesUsingPrecompiledHeaderOverride = Other.MinFilesUsingPrecompiledHeaderOverride;
     bBuildLocallyWithSNDBS               = Other.bBuildLocallyWithSNDBS;
     bEnableExceptions                    = Other.bEnableExceptions;
     bEnableObjCExceptions                = Other.bEnableObjCExceptions;
     ShadowVariableWarningLevel           = Other.ShadowVariableWarningLevel;
     UnsafeTypeCastWarningLevel           = Other.UnsafeTypeCastWarningLevel;
     bUndefinedIdentifierWarningsAsErrors = Other.bUndefinedIdentifierWarningsAsErrors;
     bEnableUndefinedIdentifierWarnings   = Other.bEnableUndefinedIdentifierWarnings;
     bOptimizeCode           = Other.bOptimizeCode;
     bOptimizeForSize        = Other.bOptimizeForSize;
     bCreateDebugInfo        = Other.bCreateDebugInfo;
     bIsBuildingLibrary      = Other.bIsBuildingLibrary;
     bIsBuildingDLL          = Other.bIsBuildingDLL;
     bUseStaticCRT           = Other.bUseStaticCRT;
     bUseDebugCRT            = Other.bUseDebugCRT;
     bOmitFramePointers      = Other.bOmitFramePointers;
     bEnableOSX109Support    = Other.bEnableOSX109Support;
     bUsePDBFiles            = Other.bUsePDBFiles;
     bPreprocessOnly         = Other.bPreprocessOnly;
     bSupportEditAndContinue = Other.bSupportEditAndContinue;
     bUseIncrementalLinking  = Other.bUseIncrementalLinking;
     bAllowLTCG                         = Other.bAllowLTCG;
     bPGOOptimize                       = Other.bPGOOptimize;
     bPGOProfile                        = Other.bPGOProfile;
     PGOFilenamePrefix                  = Other.PGOFilenamePrefix;
     PGODirectory                       = Other.PGODirectory;
     bPrintTimingInfo                   = Other.bPrintTimingInfo;
     bGenerateDependenciesFile          = Other.bGenerateDependenciesFile;
     bAllowRemotelyCompiledPCHs         = Other.bAllowRemotelyCompiledPCHs;
     UserIncludePaths                   = new HashSet <DirectoryReference>(Other.UserIncludePaths);
     SystemIncludePaths                 = new HashSet <DirectoryReference>(Other.SystemIncludePaths);
     bCheckSystemHeadersForModification = Other.bCheckSystemHeadersForModification;
     AdditionalArguments = Other.AdditionalArguments;
     PrecompiledHeaderFile = Other.PrecompiledHeaderFile;
     bHackHeaderGenerator  = Other.bHackHeaderGenerator;
     bHideSymbolsByDefault = Other.bHideSymbolsByDefault;
     CppStandard           = Other.CppStandard;
 /// <summary>
 /// Default constructor.
 /// </summary>
 public CppCompileEnvironment(CppPlatform Platform, CppConfiguration Configuration, string Architecture, SourceFileMetadataCache MetadataCache)
     this.Platform           = Platform;
     this.Configuration      = Configuration;
     this.Architecture       = Architecture;
     this.MetadataCache      = MetadataCache;
     this.SharedPCHs         = new List <PrecompiledHeaderTemplate>();
     this.UserIncludePaths   = new HashSet <DirectoryReference>();
     this.SystemIncludePaths = new HashSet <DirectoryReference>();
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a dependency cache. This method is private; call CppDependencyCache.Create() to create a cache hierarchy for a given project.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Location">File to store the cache</param>
        /// <param name="BaseDir">Base directory for files that this cache should store data for</param>
        /// <param name="Parent">The parent cache to use</param>
        private SourceFileMetadataCache(FileReference Location, DirectoryReference BaseDir, SourceFileMetadataCache Parent)
            this.Location      = Location;
            this.BaseDirectory = BaseDir;
            this.Parent        = Parent;

            if (FileReference.Exists(Location))
                using (Timeline.ScopeEvent("Reading source file metadata cache"))
 /// <summary>
 /// Reads a cache from the given location, or creates it with the given settings
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Location">File to store the cache</param>
 /// <param name="BaseDirectory">Base directory for files that this cache should store data for</param>
 /// <param name="Parent">The parent cache to use</param>
 /// <returns>Reference to a dependency cache with the given settings</returns>
 static SourceFileMetadataCache FindOrAddCache(FileReference Location, DirectoryReference BaseDirectory, SourceFileMetadataCache Parent)
     lock (Caches)
         SourceFileMetadataCache Cache;
         if (Caches.TryGetValue(Location, out Cache))
             Debug.Assert(Cache.BaseDirectory == BaseDirectory);
             Debug.Assert(Cache.Parent == Parent);
             Cache = new SourceFileMetadataCache(Location, BaseDirectory, Parent);
             Caches.Add(Location, Cache);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a cache hierarchy for a particular target
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ProjectFile">Project file for the target being built</param>
        /// <returns>Dependency cache hierarchy for the given project</returns>
        public static SourceFileMetadataCache CreateHierarchy(FileReference ProjectFile)
            SourceFileMetadataCache Cache = null;

            if (ProjectFile == null || !UnrealBuildTool.IsEngineInstalled())
                FileReference EngineCacheLocation = FileReference.Combine(UnrealBuildTool.EngineDirectory, "Intermediate", "Build", "SourceFileCache.bin");
                Cache = FindOrAddCache(EngineCacheLocation, UnrealBuildTool.EngineDirectory, Cache);

            if (ProjectFile != null)
                FileReference ProjectCacheLocation = FileReference.Combine(ProjectFile.Directory, "Intermediate", "Build", "SourceFileCache.bin");
                Cache = FindOrAddCache(ProjectCacheLocation, ProjectFile.Directory, Cache);

Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds all the source files under a directory that contain reflection markup
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Directory">The directory to search</param>
        /// <param name="MetadataCache">Cache of source file metadata</param>
        /// <param name="ExcludedFolderNames">Set of folder names to ignore when recursing the directory tree</param>
        /// <param name="FilesWithMarkup">Receives the set of files which contain reflection markup</param>
        /// <param name="Queue">Queue to add sub-tasks to</param>
        static void FindFilesWithMarkup(DirectoryItem Directory, SourceFileMetadataCache MetadataCache, ReadOnlyHashSet <string> ExcludedFolderNames, ConcurrentBag <FileItem> FilesWithMarkup, ThreadPoolWorkQueue Queue)
            // Search through all the subfolders
            foreach (DirectoryItem SubDirectory in Directory.EnumerateDirectories())
                if (!ExcludedFolderNames.Contains(SubDirectory.Name))
                    Queue.Enqueue(() => FindFilesWithMarkup(SubDirectory, MetadataCache, ExcludedFolderNames, FilesWithMarkup, Queue));

            // Check for all the headers in this folder
            foreach (FileItem File in Directory.EnumerateFiles())
                if (File.HasExtension(".h") && MetadataCache.ContainsReflectionMarkup(File))
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Main entry point
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Arguments">Command-line arguments</param>
        /// <returns>One of the values of ECompilationResult</returns>
        public override int Execute(CommandLineArguments Arguments)

            // Create the build configuration object, and read the settings
            BuildConfiguration BuildConfiguration = new BuildConfiguration();


            // Parse all the targets being built
            List <TargetDescriptor> TargetDescriptors = TargetDescriptor.ParseCommandLine(Arguments, BuildConfiguration.bUsePrecompiled, bSkipRulesCompile);

            if (TargetDescriptors.Count == 0)
                throw new BuildException("No targets specified to clean");

            // Also add implicit descriptors for cleaning UnrealBuildTool
            if (!BuildConfiguration.bDoNotBuildUHT)
                const string UnrealHeaderToolTarget = "UnrealHeaderTool";

                // Get a list of project files to clean UHT for
                List <FileReference> ProjectFiles = new List <FileReference>();
                foreach (TargetDescriptor TargetDesc in TargetDescriptors)
                    if (TargetDesc.Name != UnrealHeaderToolTarget && !RemoteMac.HandlesTargetPlatform(TargetDesc.Platform))
                        if (ProjectFiles.Count == 0)
                        if (TargetDesc.ProjectFile != null && !ProjectFiles.Contains(TargetDesc.ProjectFile))

                // Add descriptors for cleaning UHT with all these projects
                if (ProjectFiles.Count > 0)
                    UnrealTargetConfiguration Configuration = BuildConfiguration.bForceDebugUnrealHeaderTool ? UnrealTargetConfiguration.Debug : UnrealTargetConfiguration.Development;
                    string Architecture = UEBuildPlatform.GetBuildPlatform(BuildHostPlatform.Current.Platform).GetDefaultArchitecture(null);
                    foreach (FileReference ProjectFile in ProjectFiles)
                        TargetDescriptors.Add(new TargetDescriptor(ProjectFile, UnrealHeaderToolTarget, BuildHostPlatform.Current.Platform, Configuration, Architecture, null));

            // Output the list of targets that we're cleaning
            Log.TraceInformation("Cleaning {0} binaries...", StringUtils.FormatList(TargetDescriptors.Select(x => x.Name).Distinct()));

            // Loop through all the targets, and clean them all
            HashSet <FileReference>      FilesToDelete       = new HashSet <FileReference>();
            HashSet <DirectoryReference> DirectoriesToDelete = new HashSet <DirectoryReference>();

            foreach (TargetDescriptor TargetDescriptor in TargetDescriptors)
                // Create the rules assembly
                RulesAssembly RulesAssembly = RulesCompiler.CreateTargetRulesAssembly(TargetDescriptor.ProjectFile, TargetDescriptor.Name, bSkipRulesCompile, BuildConfiguration.bUsePrecompiled, TargetDescriptor.ForeignPlugin);

                // Create the rules object
                ReadOnlyTargetRules Target = new ReadOnlyTargetRules(RulesAssembly.CreateTargetRules(TargetDescriptor.Name, TargetDescriptor.Platform, TargetDescriptor.Configuration, TargetDescriptor.Architecture, TargetDescriptor.ProjectFile, TargetDescriptor.AdditionalArguments));

                // Find the base folders that can contain binaries
                List <DirectoryReference> BaseDirs = new List <DirectoryReference>();
                foreach (FileReference Plugin in Plugins.EnumeratePlugins(Target.ProjectFile))
                if (Target.ProjectFile != null)

                // If we're running a precompiled build, remove anything under the engine folder
                BaseDirs.RemoveAll(x => RulesAssembly.IsReadOnly(x));

                // Get all the names which can prefix build products
                List <string> NamePrefixes = new List <string>();
                if (Target.Type != TargetType.Program)

                // Get the suffixes for this configuration
                List <string> NameSuffixes = new List <string>();
                if (Target.Configuration == Target.UndecoratedConfiguration)
                NameSuffixes.Add(String.Format("-{0}-{1}", Target.Platform.ToString(), Target.Configuration.ToString()));
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Target.Architecture))
                    NameSuffixes.AddRange(NameSuffixes.ToArray().Select(x => x + Target.Architecture));

                // Add all the makefiles and caches to be deleted
                FilesToDelete.Add(TargetMakefile.GetLocation(Target.ProjectFile, Target.Name, Target.Platform, Target.Configuration));
                FilesToDelete.UnionWith(ActionHistory.GetFilesToClean(Target.ProjectFile, Target.Name, Target.Platform, Target.Type));

                // Add all the intermediate folders to be deleted
                foreach (DirectoryReference BaseDir in BaseDirs)
                    foreach (string NamePrefix in NamePrefixes)
                        DirectoryReference GeneratedCodeDir = DirectoryReference.Combine(BaseDir, "Intermediate", "Build", Target.Platform.ToString(), NamePrefix, "Inc");
                        if (DirectoryReference.Exists(GeneratedCodeDir))

                        DirectoryReference IntermediateDir = DirectoryReference.Combine(BaseDir, "Intermediate", "Build", Target.Platform.ToString(), NamePrefix, Target.Configuration.ToString());
                        if (DirectoryReference.Exists(IntermediateDir))

                // List of additional files and directories to clean, specified by the target platform
                List <FileReference>      AdditionalFilesToDelete       = new List <FileReference>();
                List <DirectoryReference> AdditionalDirectoriesToDelete = new List <DirectoryReference>();

                // Add all the build products from this target
                string[] NamePrefixesArray = NamePrefixes.Distinct().ToArray();
                string[] NameSuffixesArray = NameSuffixes.Distinct().ToArray();
                foreach (DirectoryReference BaseDir in BaseDirs)
                    DirectoryReference BinariesDir = DirectoryReference.Combine(BaseDir, "Binaries", Target.Platform.ToString());
                    if (DirectoryReference.Exists(BinariesDir))
                        UEBuildPlatform.GetBuildPlatform(Target.Platform).FindBuildProductsToClean(BinariesDir, NamePrefixesArray, NameSuffixesArray, AdditionalFilesToDelete, AdditionalDirectoriesToDelete);

                // Get all the additional intermediate folders created by this platform
                UEBuildPlatform.GetBuildPlatform(Target.Platform).FindAdditionalBuildProductsToClean(Target, AdditionalFilesToDelete, AdditionalDirectoriesToDelete);

                // Add the platform's files and directories to the main list

            // Delete all the directories, then all the files. By sorting the list of directories before we delete them, we avoid spamming the log if a parent directory is deleted first.
            foreach (DirectoryReference DirectoryToDelete in DirectoriesToDelete.OrderBy(x => x.FullName))
                if (DirectoryReference.Exists(DirectoryToDelete))
                    Log.TraceVerbose("    Deleting {0}{1}...", DirectoryToDelete, Path.DirectorySeparatorChar);
                        DirectoryReference.Delete(DirectoryToDelete, true);
                    catch (Exception Ex)
                        throw new BuildException(Ex, "Unable to delete {0} ({1})", DirectoryToDelete, Ex.Message.TrimEnd());

            foreach (FileReference FileToDelete in FilesToDelete.OrderBy(x => x.FullName))
                if (FileReference.Exists(FileToDelete))
                    Log.TraceVerbose("    Deleting " + FileToDelete);
                    catch (Exception Ex)
                        throw new BuildException(Ex, "Unable to delete {0} ({1})", FileToDelete, Ex.Message.TrimEnd());

            // Also clean all the remote targets
            for (int Idx = 0; Idx < TargetDescriptors.Count; Idx++)
                TargetDescriptor TargetDescriptor = TargetDescriptors[Idx];
                if (RemoteMac.HandlesTargetPlatform(TargetDescriptor.Platform))
                    RemoteMac RemoteMac = new RemoteMac(TargetDescriptor.ProjectFile);

Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Main entry point
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Arguments">Command-line arguments</param>
        /// <returns>One of the values of ECompilationResult</returns>
        public override int Execute(CommandLineArguments Arguments)

            // Initialize the log system, buffering the output until we can create the log file
            StartupTraceListener StartupListener = new StartupTraceListener();


            // Write the command line
            Log.TraceLog("Command line: {0}", Environment.CommandLine);

            // Grab the environment.
            UnrealBuildTool.InitialEnvironment = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariables();
            if (UnrealBuildTool.InitialEnvironment.Count < 1)
                throw new BuildException("Environment could not be read");

            // Read the XML configuration files

            // Fixup the log path if it wasn't overridden by a config file
            if (BaseLogFileName == null)
                BaseLogFileName = FileReference.Combine(UnrealBuildTool.EngineProgramSavedDirectory, "UnrealBuildTool", "Log.txt").FullName;

            // Create the log file, and flush the startup listener to it
            if (!Arguments.HasOption("-NoLog") && !Log.HasFileWriter())
                FileReference LogFile = new FileReference(BaseLogFileName);
                foreach (string LogSuffix in Arguments.GetValues("-LogSuffix="))
                    LogFile = LogFile.ChangeExtension(null) + "_" + LogSuffix + LogFile.GetExtension();

                TextWriterTraceListener LogTraceListener = Log.AddFileWriter("DefaultLogTraceListener", LogFile);

            // Create the build configuration object, and read the settings
            BuildConfiguration BuildConfiguration = new BuildConfiguration();


            // Check the root path length isn't too long
            if (BuildHostPlatform.Current.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64 && UnrealBuildTool.RootDirectory.FullName.Length > BuildConfiguration.MaxRootPathLength)
                Log.TraceWarning("Running from a path with a long directory name (\"{0}\" = {1} characters). Root paths shorter than {2} characters are recommended to avoid exceeding maximum path lengths on Windows.", UnrealBuildTool.RootDirectory, UnrealBuildTool.RootDirectory.FullName.Length, BuildConfiguration.MaxRootPathLength);

            // now that we know the available platforms, we can delete other platforms' junk. if we're only building specific modules from the editor, don't touch anything else (it may be in use).
            if (!bIgnoreJunk && !UnrealBuildTool.IsEngineInstalled())
                using (Timeline.ScopeEvent("DeleteJunk()"))

            // Parse and build the targets
                List <TargetDescriptor> TargetDescriptors;

                // Parse all the target descriptors
                using (Timeline.ScopeEvent("TargetDescriptor.ParseCommandLine()"))
                    TargetDescriptors = TargetDescriptor.ParseCommandLine(Arguments, BuildConfiguration.bUsePrecompiled, BuildConfiguration.bSkipRulesCompile);

                // Hack for specific files compile; don't build the ShaderCompileWorker target that's added to the command line for generated project files
                if (TargetDescriptors.Count >= 2)
                    TargetDescriptors.RemoveAll(x => (x.Name == "ShaderCompileWorker" || x.Name == "LiveCodingConsole") && x.SpecificFilesToCompile.Count > 0);

                // Handle remote builds
                for (int Idx = 0; Idx < TargetDescriptors.Count; ++Idx)
                    TargetDescriptor TargetDesc = TargetDescriptors[Idx];
                    if (RemoteMac.HandlesTargetPlatform(TargetDesc.Platform))
                        FileReference BaseLogFile   = Log.OutputFile ?? new FileReference(BaseLogFileName);
                        FileReference RemoteLogFile = FileReference.Combine(BaseLogFile.Directory, BaseLogFile.GetFileNameWithoutExtension() + "_Remote.txt");

                        RemoteMac RemoteMac = new RemoteMac(TargetDesc.ProjectFile);
                        if (!RemoteMac.Build(TargetDesc, RemoteLogFile, bSkipPreBuildTargets))


                // Handle local builds
                if (TargetDescriptors.Count > 0)
                    // Get a set of all the project directories
                    HashSet <DirectoryReference> ProjectDirs = new HashSet <DirectoryReference>();
                    foreach (TargetDescriptor TargetDesc in TargetDescriptors)
                        if (TargetDesc.ProjectFile != null)
                            DirectoryReference ProjectDirectory = TargetDesc.ProjectFile.Directory;

                    // Get all the build options
                    BuildOptions Options = BuildOptions.None;
                    if (bSkipBuild)
                        Options |= BuildOptions.SkipBuild;
                    if (bXGEExport)
                        Options |= BuildOptions.XGEExport;
                    if (bNoEngineChanges)
                        Options |= BuildOptions.NoEngineChanges;

                    // Create the working set provider per group.
                    using (ISourceFileWorkingSet WorkingSet = SourceFileWorkingSet.Create(UnrealBuildTool.RootDirectory, ProjectDirs))
                        Build(TargetDescriptors, BuildConfiguration, WorkingSet, Options, WriteOutdatedActionsFile, bSkipPreBuildTargets);
                // Save all the caches
Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if the makefile is valid for the current set of source files. This is done separately to the Load() method to allow pre-build steps to modify source files.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Makefile">The makefile that has been loaded</param>
        /// <param name="ProjectFile">Path to the project file</param>
        /// <param name="WorkingSet">The current working set of source files</param>
        /// <param name="ReasonNotLoaded">If the makefile is not valid, is set to a message describing why</param>
        /// <returns>True if the makefile is valid, false otherwise</returns>
        public static bool IsValidForSourceFiles(TargetMakefile Makefile, FileReference ProjectFile, ISourceFileWorkingSet WorkingSet, out string ReasonNotLoaded)
            using (Timeline.ScopeEvent("TargetMakefile.IsValidForSourceFiles()"))
                // Check if any source files have been added or removed
                foreach (KeyValuePair <DirectoryItem, FileItem[]> Pair in Makefile.DirectoryToSourceFiles)
                    DirectoryItem InputDirectory = Pair.Key;
                    if (!InputDirectory.Exists || InputDirectory.LastWriteTimeUtc > Makefile.CreateTimeUtc)
                        FileItem[] SourceFiles = UEBuildModuleCPP.GetSourceFiles(InputDirectory);
                        if (SourceFiles.Length < Pair.Value.Length)
                            ReasonNotLoaded = "source file removed";
                        else if (SourceFiles.Length > Pair.Value.Length)
                            ReasonNotLoaded = "source file added";
                        else if (SourceFiles.Intersect(Pair.Value).Count() != SourceFiles.Length)
                            ReasonNotLoaded = "source file modified";

                // Check if any of the additional dependencies has changed
                foreach (FileItem AdditionalDependency in Makefile.AdditionalDependencies)
                    if (!AdditionalDependency.Exists)
                        Log.TraceLog("{0} has been deleted since makefile was built.", AdditionalDependency.Location);
                        ReasonNotLoaded = string.Format("{0} deleted", AdditionalDependency.Location.GetFileName());
                    if (AdditionalDependency.LastWriteTimeUtc > Makefile.CreateTimeUtc)
                        Log.TraceLog("{0} has been modified since makefile was built.", AdditionalDependency.Location);
                        ReasonNotLoaded = string.Format("{0} modified", AdditionalDependency.Location.GetFileName());

                // Check that no new plugins have been added
                foreach (FileReference PluginFile in Plugins.EnumeratePlugins(ProjectFile))
                    FileItem PluginFileItem = FileItem.GetItemByFileReference(PluginFile);
                    if (!Makefile.PluginFiles.Contains(PluginFileItem))
                        Log.TraceLog("{0} has been added", PluginFile.GetFileName());
                        ReasonNotLoaded = string.Format("{0} has been added", PluginFile.GetFileName());

                // We do a check to see if any modules' headers have changed which have
                // acquired or lost UHT types.  If so, which should be rare,
                // we'll just invalidate the entire makefile and force it to be rebuilt.

                // Get all H files in processed modules newer than the makefile itself
                HashSet <FileItem> HFilesNewerThanMakefile = new HashSet <FileItem>();
                foreach (UHTModuleHeaderInfo ModuleHeaderInfo in Makefile.UObjectModuleHeaders)
                    foreach (FileItem HeaderFile in ModuleHeaderInfo.SourceFolder.EnumerateFiles())
                        if (HeaderFile.HasExtension(".h") && HeaderFile.LastWriteTimeUtc > Makefile.CreateTimeUtc)

                // Get all H files in all modules processed in the last makefile build
                HashSet <FileItem> AllUHTHeaders = new HashSet <FileItem>(Makefile.UObjectModuleHeaders.SelectMany(x => x.HeaderFiles));

                // Check whether any headers have been deleted. If they have, we need to regenerate the makefile since the module might now be empty. If we don't,
                // and the file has been moved to a different module, we may include stale generated headers.
                foreach (FileItem HeaderFile in AllUHTHeaders)
                    if (!HeaderFile.Exists)
                        Log.TraceLog("File processed by UHT was deleted ({0}); invalidating makefile", HeaderFile);
                        ReasonNotLoaded = string.Format("UHT file was deleted");

                // Makefile is invalid if:
                // * There are any newer files which contain no UHT data, but were previously in the makefile
                // * There are any newer files contain data which needs processing by UHT, but weren't not previously in the makefile
                SourceFileMetadataCache MetadataCache = SourceFileMetadataCache.CreateHierarchy(ProjectFile);
                foreach (FileItem HeaderFile in HFilesNewerThanMakefile)
                    bool bContainsUHTData = MetadataCache.ContainsReflectionMarkup(HeaderFile);
                    bool bWasProcessed    = AllUHTHeaders.Contains(HeaderFile);
                    if (bContainsUHTData != bWasProcessed)
                        Log.TraceLog("{0} {1} contain UHT types and now {2} , ignoring it", HeaderFile, bWasProcessed ? "used to" : "didn't", bWasProcessed ? "doesn't" : "does");
                        ReasonNotLoaded = string.Format("new files with reflected types");

                // If adaptive unity build is enabled, do a check to see if there are any source files that became part of the
                // working set since the Makefile was created (or, source files were removed from the working set.)  If anything
                // changed, then we'll force a new Makefile to be created so that we have fresh unity build blobs.  We always
                // want to make sure that source files in the working set are excluded from those unity blobs (for fastest possible
                // iteration times.)

                // Check if any source files in the working set no longer belong in it
                foreach (FileItem SourceFile in Makefile.WorkingSet)
                    if (!WorkingSet.Contains(SourceFile) && SourceFile.LastWriteTimeUtc > Makefile.CreateTimeUtc)
                        Log.TraceLog("{0} was part of source working set and now is not; invalidating makefile", SourceFile.AbsolutePath);
                        ReasonNotLoaded = string.Format("working set of source files changed");

                // Check if any source files that are eligible for being in the working set have been modified
                foreach (FileItem SourceFile in Makefile.CandidatesForWorkingSet)
                    if (WorkingSet.Contains(SourceFile) && SourceFile.LastWriteTimeUtc > Makefile.CreateTimeUtc)
                        Log.TraceLog("{0} was part of source working set and now is not", SourceFile.AbsolutePath);
                        ReasonNotLoaded = string.Format("working set of source files changed");

            ReasonNotLoaded = null;
Exemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if the makefile is valid for the current set of source files. This is done separately to the Load() method to allow pre-build steps to modify source files.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Makefile">The makefile that has been loaded</param>
        /// <param name="ProjectFile">Path to the project file</param>
        /// <param name="Platform">The platform being built</param>
        /// <param name="WorkingSet">The current working set of source files</param>
        /// <param name="ReasonNotLoaded">If the makefile is not valid, is set to a message describing why</param>
        /// <returns>True if the makefile is valid, false otherwise</returns>
        public static bool IsValidForSourceFiles(TargetMakefile Makefile, FileReference ProjectFile, UnrealTargetPlatform Platform, ISourceFileWorkingSet WorkingSet, out string ReasonNotLoaded)
            using (Timeline.ScopeEvent("TargetMakefile.IsValidForSourceFiles()"))
                // Get the list of excluded folder names for this platform
                ReadOnlyHashSet <string> ExcludedFolderNames = UEBuildPlatform.GetBuildPlatform(Platform).GetExcludedFolderNames();

                // Check if any source files have been added or removed
                foreach (KeyValuePair <DirectoryItem, FileItem[]> Pair in Makefile.DirectoryToSourceFiles)
                    DirectoryItem InputDirectory = Pair.Key;
                    if (!InputDirectory.Exists || InputDirectory.LastWriteTimeUtc > Makefile.CreateTimeUtc)
                        FileItem[] SourceFiles = UEBuildModuleCPP.GetSourceFiles(InputDirectory);
                        if (SourceFiles.Length < Pair.Value.Length)
                            ReasonNotLoaded = "source file removed";
                        else if (SourceFiles.Length > Pair.Value.Length)
                            ReasonNotLoaded = "source file added";
                        else if (SourceFiles.Intersect(Pair.Value).Count() != SourceFiles.Length)
                            ReasonNotLoaded = "source file modified";

                        foreach (DirectoryItem Directory in InputDirectory.EnumerateDirectories())
                            if (!Makefile.DirectoryToSourceFiles.ContainsKey(Directory) && ContainsSourceFiles(Directory, ExcludedFolderNames))
                                ReasonNotLoaded = "directory added";

                // Check if any external dependencies have changed. These comparisons are done against the makefile creation time.
                foreach (FileItem ExternalDependency in Makefile.ExternalDependencies)
                    if (!ExternalDependency.Exists)
                        Log.TraceLog("{0} has been deleted since makefile was built.", ExternalDependency.Location);
                        ReasonNotLoaded = string.Format("{0} deleted", ExternalDependency.Location.GetFileName());
                    if (ExternalDependency.LastWriteTimeUtc > Makefile.CreateTimeUtc)
                        Log.TraceLog("{0} has been modified since makefile was built.", ExternalDependency.Location);
                        ReasonNotLoaded = string.Format("{0} modified", ExternalDependency.Location.GetFileName());

                // Check if any internal dependencies has changed. These comparisons are done against the makefile modified time.
                foreach (FileItem InternalDependency in Makefile.InternalDependencies)
                    if (!InternalDependency.Exists)
                        Log.TraceLog("{0} has been deleted since makefile was written.", InternalDependency.Location);
                        ReasonNotLoaded = string.Format("{0} deleted", InternalDependency.Location.GetFileName());
                    if (InternalDependency.LastWriteTimeUtc > Makefile.ModifiedTimeUtc)
                        Log.TraceLog("{0} has been modified since makefile was written.", InternalDependency.Location);
                        ReasonNotLoaded = string.Format("{0} modified", InternalDependency.Location.GetFileName());

                // Check that no new plugins have been added
                foreach (FileReference PluginFile in Plugins.EnumeratePlugins(ProjectFile))
                    FileItem PluginFileItem = FileItem.GetItemByFileReference(PluginFile);
                    if (!Makefile.PluginFiles.Contains(PluginFileItem))
                        Log.TraceLog("{0} has been added", PluginFile.GetFileName());
                        ReasonNotLoaded = string.Format("{0} has been added", PluginFile.GetFileName());

                // Load the metadata cache
                SourceFileMetadataCache MetadataCache = SourceFileMetadataCache.CreateHierarchy(ProjectFile);

                // Find the set of files that contain reflection markup
                ConcurrentBag <FileItem> NewFilesWithMarkupBag = new ConcurrentBag <FileItem>();
                using (ThreadPoolWorkQueue Queue = new ThreadPoolWorkQueue())
                    foreach (DirectoryItem SourceDirectory in Makefile.SourceDirectories)
                        Queue.Enqueue(() => FindFilesWithMarkup(SourceDirectory, MetadataCache, ExcludedFolderNames, NewFilesWithMarkupBag, Queue));

                // Check whether the list has changed
                List <FileItem> PrevFilesWithMarkup = Makefile.UObjectModuleHeaders.Where(x => !x.bUsePrecompiled).SelectMany(x => x.HeaderFiles).ToList();
                List <FileItem> NextFilesWithMarkup = NewFilesWithMarkupBag.ToList();
                if (NextFilesWithMarkup.Count != PrevFilesWithMarkup.Count || NextFilesWithMarkup.Intersect(PrevFilesWithMarkup).Count() != PrevFilesWithMarkup.Count)
                    ReasonNotLoaded = "UHT files changed";

                // If adaptive unity build is enabled, do a check to see if there are any source files that became part of the
                // working set since the Makefile was created (or, source files were removed from the working set.)  If anything
                // changed, then we'll force a new Makefile to be created so that we have fresh unity build blobs.  We always
                // want to make sure that source files in the working set are excluded from those unity blobs (for fastest possible
                // iteration times.)

                // Check if any source files in the working set no longer belong in it
                foreach (FileItem SourceFile in Makefile.WorkingSet)
                    if (!WorkingSet.Contains(SourceFile) && SourceFile.LastWriteTimeUtc > Makefile.CreateTimeUtc)
                        Log.TraceLog("{0} was part of source working set and now is not; invalidating makefile", SourceFile.AbsolutePath);
                        ReasonNotLoaded = string.Format("working set of source files changed");

                // Check if any source files that are eligible for being in the working set have been modified
                foreach (FileItem SourceFile in Makefile.CandidatesForWorkingSet)
                    if (WorkingSet.Contains(SourceFile) && SourceFile.LastWriteTimeUtc > Makefile.CreateTimeUtc)
                        Log.TraceLog("{0} was part of source working set and now is not", SourceFile.AbsolutePath);
                        ReasonNotLoaded = string.Format("working set of source files changed");

            ReasonNotLoaded = null;
Exemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Main entry point
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Arguments">Command-line arguments</param>
        /// <returns>One of the values of ECompilationResult</returns>
        public override int Execute(CommandLineArguments Arguments)

            // Initialize the log system, buffering the output until we can create the log file
            StartupTraceListener StartupListener = new StartupTraceListener();


            // Write the command line
            Log.TraceLog("Command line: {0}", Environment.CommandLine);

            // Grab the environment.
            UnrealBuildTool.InitialEnvironment = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariables();
            if (UnrealBuildTool.InitialEnvironment.Count < 1)
                throw new BuildException("Environment could not be read");

            // Read the XML configuration files

            // Create the log file, and flush the startup listener to it
            if (!Arguments.HasOption("-NoLog") && !Log.HasFileWriter())
                FileReference LogFile = new FileReference(BaseLogFileName);
                foreach (string LogSuffix in Arguments.GetValues("-LogSuffix="))
                    LogFile = LogFile.ChangeExtension(null) + "_" + LogSuffix + LogFile.GetExtension();

                TextWriterTraceListener LogTraceListener = Log.AddFileWriter("DefaultLogTraceListener", LogFile);

            // Create the build configuration object, and read the settings
            BuildConfiguration BuildConfiguration = new BuildConfiguration();


            // now that we know the available platforms, we can delete other platforms' junk. if we're only building specific modules from the editor, don't touch anything else (it may be in use).
            if (!bIgnoreJunk && !UnrealBuildTool.IsEngineInstalled())
                using (Timeline.ScopeEvent("DeleteJunk()"))

            // Parse and build the targets
                // Parse all the target descriptors
                List <TargetDescriptor> TargetDescriptors;
                using (Timeline.ScopeEvent("TargetDescriptor.ParseCommandLine()"))
                    TargetDescriptors = TargetDescriptor.ParseCommandLine(Arguments, BuildConfiguration.bUsePrecompiled, BuildConfiguration.bSkipRulesCompile);

                // Hack for single file compile; don't build the ShaderCompileWorker target that's added to the command line for generated project files
                if (TargetDescriptors.Count >= 2)
                    TargetDescriptors.RemoveAll(x => x.Name == "ShaderCompileWorker" && x.SingleFileToCompile != null);

                // Handle remote builds
                for (int Idx = 0; Idx < TargetDescriptors.Count; Idx++)
                    TargetDescriptor TargetDesc = TargetDescriptors[Idx];
                    if (RemoteMac.HandlesTargetPlatform(TargetDesc.Platform))
                        FileReference BaseLogFile   = Log.OutputFile ?? new FileReference(BaseLogFileName);
                        FileReference RemoteLogFile = FileReference.Combine(BaseLogFile.Directory, BaseLogFile.GetFileNameWithoutExtension() + "_Remote.txt");

                        RemoteMac RemoteMac = new RemoteMac(TargetDesc.ProjectFile);
                        if (!RemoteMac.Build(TargetDesc, RemoteLogFile))


                // Handle local builds
                if (TargetDescriptors.Count > 0)
                    // Get a set of all the project directories
                    HashSet <DirectoryReference> ProjectDirs = new HashSet <DirectoryReference>();
                    foreach (TargetDescriptor TargetDesc in TargetDescriptors)
                        if (TargetDesc.ProjectFile != null)
                            DirectoryReference ProjectDirectory = TargetDesc.ProjectFile.Directory;

                    // Get all the build options
                    BuildOptions Options = BuildOptions.None;
                    if (bSkipBuild)
                        Options |= BuildOptions.SkipBuild;
                    if (bXGEExport)
                        Options |= BuildOptions.XGEExport;

                    // Create the working set provider
                    using (ISourceFileWorkingSet WorkingSet = SourceFileWorkingSet.Create(UnrealBuildTool.RootDirectory, ProjectDirs))
                        Build(TargetDescriptors, BuildConfiguration, WorkingSet, Options);
                // Save all the caches