/// <summary>
        /// Gets everything that this file includes from our cache (direct and indirect!)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="AbsoluteFilePath">Path to the file</param>
        /// <returns>The list of includes</returns>
        public List <FileItem> GetDependenciesForFile(FileReference AbsoluteFilePath)
            FlatCPPIncludeDependencyInfo DependencyInfo;

            if (DependencyMap.TryGetValue(AbsoluteFilePath, out DependencyInfo))
                // Update our transient cache of FileItems for each of the included files
                if (DependencyInfo.IncludeFileItems == null)
                    DependencyInfo.IncludeFileItems = new List <FileItem>(DependencyInfo.Includes.Count);
                    foreach (FileReference Dependency in DependencyInfo.Includes)

        public override CPPOutput CompileCPPFiles(CppCompileEnvironment CompileEnvironment, List <FileItem> InputFiles, DirectoryReference OutputDir, string ModuleName, List <Action> Actions)
            // Create a compile action for each source file.
            CPPOutput Result = new CPPOutput();

            foreach (FileItem SourceFile in InputFiles)
                FileItem ObjectFile = FileItem.GetItemByFileReference(FileReference.Combine(OutputDir, Path.GetFileName(SourceFile.AbsolutePath) + ".xo"));

                Action CompileAction = new Action(ActionType.Compile);
                CompileAction.CommandDescription = "FakeCompile";
                CompileAction.CommandPath        = BuildHostPlatform.Current.Shell;
                // we use type/cat instead of copy so that timestamp gets updated
                if (BuildHostPlatform.Current.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64)
                    CompileAction.CommandArguments = String.Format("/C \"type \"{0}\" > \"{1}\"\"", SourceFile, ObjectFile);
                    CompileAction.CommandArguments = String.Format("cat {0} > {1}", Utils.EscapeShellArgument(SourceFile.AbsolutePath), Utils.EscapeShellArgument(ObjectFile.AbsolutePath));
                CompileAction.WorkingDirectory = UnrealBuildTool.EngineSourceDirectory;
                CompileAction.StatusDescription   = ObjectFile.Location.GetFileName();
                CompileAction.bCanExecuteRemotely = false;

                foreach (FileItem ForceIncludeFile in CompileEnvironment.ForceIncludeFiles)


Exemplo n.º 3
        private LinkEnvironment SetupBinaryLinkEnvironment(ReadOnlyTargetRules Target, UEToolChain ToolChain, LinkEnvironment LinkEnvironment, CppCompileEnvironment CompileEnvironment, FileReference SingleFileToCompile, ISourceFileWorkingSet WorkingSet, DirectoryReference ExeDir, TargetMakefile Makefile)
            LinkEnvironment         BinaryLinkEnvironment         = new LinkEnvironment(LinkEnvironment);
            HashSet <UEBuildModule> LinkEnvironmentVisitedModules = new HashSet <UEBuildModule>();
            List <UEBuildBinary>    BinaryDependencies            = new List <UEBuildBinary>();

            CppCompileEnvironment BinaryCompileEnvironment = CreateBinaryCompileEnvironment(CompileEnvironment);

            if (BinaryCompileEnvironment.bUseSharedBuildEnvironment && Target.ProjectFile != null && IntermediateDirectory.IsUnderDirectory(Target.ProjectFile.Directory))
                BinaryCompileEnvironment.bUseSharedBuildEnvironment = false;

            foreach (UEBuildModule Module in Modules)
                List <FileItem> LinkInputFiles;
                if (Module.Binary == null || Module.Binary == this)
                    // Compile each module.
                    Log.TraceVerbose("Compile module: " + Module.Name);
                    LinkInputFiles = Module.Compile(Target, ToolChain, BinaryCompileEnvironment, SingleFileToCompile, WorkingSet, Makefile);

                    // Save the module outputs. In monolithic builds, this is just the object files.
                    if (Target.LinkType == TargetLinkType.Monolithic)
                        Makefile.ModuleNameToOutputItems[Module.Name] = LinkInputFiles.ToArray();

                    // NOTE: Because of 'Shared PCHs', in monolithic builds the same PCH file may appear as a link input
                    // multiple times for a single binary.  We'll check for that here, and only add it once.  This avoids
                    // a linker warning about redundant .obj files.
                    foreach (FileItem LinkInputFile in LinkInputFiles)
                        if (!BinaryLinkEnvironment.InputFiles.Contains(LinkInputFile))

                    // Force a reference to initialize module for this binary
                    if (Module.Rules.bRequiresImplementModule.Value)
                        BinaryLinkEnvironment.IncludeFunctions.Add(String.Format("IMPLEMENT_MODULE_{0}", Module.Name));

                // Allow the module to modify the link environment for the binary.
                Module.SetupPrivateLinkEnvironment(this, BinaryLinkEnvironment, BinaryDependencies, LinkEnvironmentVisitedModules, ExeDir);

            // Allow the binary dependencies to modify the link environment.
            foreach (UEBuildBinary BinaryDependency in BinaryDependencies)

            // Set the link output file.
            BinaryLinkEnvironment.OutputFilePaths = OutputFilePaths.ToList();

            // Set whether the link is allowed to have exports.
            BinaryLinkEnvironment.bHasExports = bAllowExports;

            // Set the output folder for intermediate files
            BinaryLinkEnvironment.IntermediateDirectory = IntermediateDirectory;

            // Put the non-executable output files (PDB, import library, etc) in the same directory as the production
            BinaryLinkEnvironment.OutputDirectory = OutputFilePaths[0].Directory;

            // Setup link output type
            BinaryLinkEnvironment.bIsBuildingDLL     = IsBuildingDll(Type);
            BinaryLinkEnvironment.bIsBuildingLibrary = IsBuildingLibrary(Type);

            // If we don't have any resource file, use the default or compile a custom one for this module
            if (BinaryLinkEnvironment.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win32 || BinaryLinkEnvironment.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64)
                // Figure out if this binary has any custom resource files. Hacky check to ignore the resource file in the Launch module, since it contains dialogs that the engine needs and always needs to be included.
                FileItem[] CustomResourceFiles = BinaryLinkEnvironment.InputFiles.Where(x => x.Location.HasExtension(".res") && !x.Location.FullName.EndsWith("\\Launch\\PCLaunch.rc.res", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).ToArray();
                if (CustomResourceFiles.Length == 0)
                    if (BinaryLinkEnvironment.DefaultResourceFiles.Count > 0)
                        // Use the default resource file if possible
                        // Get the intermediate directory
                        DirectoryReference ResourceIntermediateDirectory = BinaryLinkEnvironment.IntermediateDirectory;

                        // Create a compile environment for resource files
                        CppCompileEnvironment ResourceCompileEnvironment = new CppCompileEnvironment(BinaryCompileEnvironment);

                        // @todo: This should be in some Windows code somewhere...
                        // Set the original file name macro; used in Default.rc2 to set the binary metadata fields.
                        ResourceCompileEnvironment.Definitions.Add("ORIGINAL_FILE_NAME=\"" + OutputFilePaths[0].GetFileName() + "\"");

                        // Set the other version fields
                        ResourceCompileEnvironment.Definitions.Add(String.Format("BUILT_FROM_CHANGELIST={0}", Target.Version.Changelist));
                        ResourceCompileEnvironment.Definitions.Add(String.Format("BUILD_VERSION={0}", Target.BuildVersion));

                        // Otherwise compile the default resource file per-binary, so that it gets the correct ORIGINAL_FILE_NAME macro.
                        FileItem  DefaultResourceFile   = FileItem.GetItemByFileReference(FileReference.Combine(UnrealBuildTool.EngineDirectory, "Build", "Windows", "Resources", "Default.rc2"));
                        CPPOutput DefaultResourceOutput = ToolChain.CompileRCFiles(ResourceCompileEnvironment, new List <FileItem> {
                        }, ResourceIntermediateDirectory, Makefile.Actions);

            // Add all the common resource files

Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds the files directly or indirectly included by the given C++ file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="CPPFile">C++ file to get the dependencies for.</param>
        /// <param name="Result">List of CPPFile dependencies.</param>
        /// <returns>false if CPPFile is still being processed further down the callstack, true otherwise.</returns>
        public static bool FindAndCacheAllIncludedFiles(UEBuildTarget Target, FileItem CPPFile, UEBuildPlatform BuildPlatform, CPPIncludeInfo CPPIncludeInfo, ref IncludedFilesSet Result, bool bOnlyCachedDependencies)
            IncludedFilesSet IncludedFileList;
            Dictionary <FileItem, IncludedFilesSet> IncludedFilesMap = bOnlyCachedDependencies ? OnlyCachedIncludedFilesMap : ExhaustiveIncludedFilesMap;

            if (!IncludedFilesMap.TryGetValue(CPPFile, out IncludedFileList))
                DateTime TimerStartTime = DateTime.UtcNow;

                IncludedFileList = new IncludedFilesSet();

                // Add an uninitialized entry for the include file to avoid infinitely recursing on include file loops.
                IncludedFilesMap.Add(CPPFile, IncludedFileList);

                // Gather a list of names of files directly included by this C++ file.
                List <DependencyInclude> DirectIncludes = GetDirectIncludeDependencies(Target, CPPFile, BuildPlatform, bOnlyCachedDependencies: bOnlyCachedDependencies);

                // Build a list of the unique set of files that are included by this file.
                HashSet <FileItem> DirectlyIncludedFiles = new HashSet <FileItem>();
                // require a for loop here because we need to keep track of the index in the list.
                for (int DirectlyIncludedFileNameIndex = 0; DirectlyIncludedFileNameIndex < DirectIncludes.Count; ++DirectlyIncludedFileNameIndex)
                    // Resolve the included file name to an actual file.
                    DependencyInclude DirectInclude = DirectIncludes[DirectlyIncludedFileNameIndex];
                    if (!DirectInclude.HasAttemptedResolve ||
                        // ignore any preexisting resolve cache if we are not configured to use it.
                        !BuildConfiguration.bUseIncludeDependencyResolveCache ||
                        // if we are testing the resolve cache, we force UBT to resolve every time to look for conflicts

                        // search the include paths to resolve the file
                        FileItem DirectIncludeResolvedFile = CPPEnvironment.FindIncludedFile(DirectInclude.IncludeName, !BuildConfiguration.bCheckExternalHeadersForModification, CPPIncludeInfo.GetIncludesPathsToSearch(CPPFile), CPPIncludeInfo.IncludeFileSearchDictionary);
                        if (DirectIncludeResolvedFile != null)
                        IncludeDependencyCache[Target].CacheResolvedIncludeFullPath(CPPFile, DirectlyIncludedFileNameIndex, DirectIncludeResolvedFile != null ? DirectIncludeResolvedFile.Reference : null);
                        // we might have cached an attempt to resolve the file, but couldn't actually find the file (system headers, etc).
                        if (DirectInclude.IncludeResolvedNameIfSuccessful != null)
                TotalDirectIncludeResolves += DirectIncludes.Count;

                // Convert the dictionary of files included by this file into a list.
                foreach (FileItem DirectlyIncludedFile in DirectlyIncludedFiles)
                    // Add the file we're directly including

                    // Also add all of the indirectly included files!
                    if (FindAndCacheAllIncludedFiles(Target, DirectlyIncludedFile, BuildPlatform, CPPIncludeInfo, ref IncludedFileList, bOnlyCachedDependencies: bOnlyCachedDependencies) == false)
                        // DirectlyIncludedFile is a circular dependency which is still being processed
                        // further down the callstack. Add this file to its circular dependencies list
                        // so that it can update its dependencies later.
                        IncludedFilesSet DirectlyIncludedFileIncludedFileList;
                        if (IncludedFilesMap.TryGetValue(DirectlyIncludedFile, out DirectlyIncludedFileIncludedFileList))

                // All dependencies have been processed by now so update all circular dependencies
                // with the full list.
                foreach (FileItem CircularDependency in IncludedFileList.CircularDependencies)
                    IncludedFilesSet CircularDependencyIncludedFiles = IncludedFilesMap[CircularDependency];
                    foreach (FileItem IncludedFile in IncludedFileList)
                // No need to keep this around anymore.

                // Done collecting files.
                IncludedFileList.bIsInitialized = true;

                TimeSpan TimerDuration = DateTime.UtcNow - TimerStartTime;
                TotalTimeSpentGettingIncludes += TimerDuration.TotalSeconds;

            if (IncludedFileList.bIsInitialized)
                // Copy the list of files included by this file into the result list.
                foreach (FileItem IncludedFile in IncludedFileList)
                    // If the result list doesn't contain this file yet, add the file and the files it includes.
                    // NOTE: For some reason in .NET 4, Add() is over twice as fast as calling UnionWith() on the set

                // The IncludedFileList.bIsInitialized was false because we added a dummy entry further down the call stack.  We're already processing
                // the include list for this header elsewhere in the stack frame, so we don't need to add anything here.
Exemplo n.º 5
        public override FileItem LinkFiles(LinkEnvironment LinkEnvironment, bool bBuildImportLibraryOnly)
            var EnvVars = VCEnvironment.SetEnvironment(LinkEnvironment.Config.Target.Platform, false);

            if (LinkEnvironment.Config.bIsBuildingDotNetAssembly)

            bool bIsBuildingLibrary = LinkEnvironment.Config.bIsBuildingLibrary || bBuildImportLibraryOnly;
            bool bIncludeDependentLibrariesInLibrary = bIsBuildingLibrary && LinkEnvironment.Config.bIncludeDependentLibrariesInLibrary;

            // Get link arguments.
            StringBuilder Arguments = new StringBuilder();

            if (bIsBuildingLibrary)
                AppendLibArguments(LinkEnvironment, Arguments);
                AppendLinkArguments(LinkEnvironment, Arguments);

            // If we're only building an import library, add the '/DEF' option that tells the LIB utility
            // to simply create a .LIB file and .EXP file, and don't bother validating imports
            if (bBuildImportLibraryOnly)
                Arguments.Append(" /DEF");

                // Ensure that the import library references the correct filename for the linked binary.
                Arguments.AppendFormat(" /NAME:\"{0}\"", LinkEnvironment.Config.OutputFilePath.GetFileName());

            // Add delay loaded DLLs.
            if (!bIsBuildingLibrary)
                // Delay-load these DLLs.
                foreach (string DelayLoadDLL in LinkEnvironment.Config.DelayLoadDLLs)
                    Arguments.AppendFormat(" /DELAYLOAD:\"{0}\"", DelayLoadDLL);

            // @todo UE4 DLL: Why do I need LIBPATHs to build only export libraries with /DEF? (tbbmalloc.lib)
            if (!LinkEnvironment.Config.bIsBuildingLibrary || (LinkEnvironment.Config.bIsBuildingLibrary && bIncludeDependentLibrariesInLibrary))
                // Add the library paths to the argument list.
                foreach (string LibraryPath in LinkEnvironment.Config.LibraryPaths)
                    Arguments.AppendFormat(" /LIBPATH:\"{0}\"", LibraryPath);

                // Add the excluded default libraries to the argument list.
                foreach (string ExcludedLibrary in LinkEnvironment.Config.ExcludedLibraries)
                    Arguments.AppendFormat(" /NODEFAULTLIB:\"{0}\"", ExcludedLibrary);

            // For targets that are cross-referenced, we don't want to write a LIB file during the link step as that
            // file will clobber the import library we went out of our way to generate during an earlier step.  This
            // file is not needed for our builds, but there is no way to prevent MSVC from generating it when
            // linking targets that have exports.  We don't want this to clobber our LIB file and invalidate the
            // existing timstamp, so instead we simply emit it with a different name
            FileReference ImportLibraryFilePath = FileReference.Combine(LinkEnvironment.Config.IntermediateDirectory,
                                                                        LinkEnvironment.Config.OutputFilePath.GetFileNameWithoutExtension() + ".lib");

            if (LinkEnvironment.Config.bIsCrossReferenced && !bBuildImportLibraryOnly)
                ImportLibraryFilePath += ".suppressed";

            FileItem OutputFile;

            if (bBuildImportLibraryOnly)
                OutputFile = FileItem.GetItemByFileReference(ImportLibraryFilePath);
                OutputFile = FileItem.GetItemByFileReference(LinkEnvironment.Config.OutputFilePath);
                OutputFile.bNeedsHotReloadNumbersDLLCleanUp = LinkEnvironment.Config.bIsBuildingDLL;

            List <FileItem> ProducedItems = new List <FileItem>();


            List <FileItem> PrerequisiteItems = new List <FileItem>();

            // Add the input files to a response file, and pass the response file on the command-line.
            List <string> InputFileNames = new List <string>();

            foreach (FileItem InputFile in LinkEnvironment.InputFiles)
                InputFileNames.Add(string.Format("\"{0}\"", InputFile.AbsolutePath));

            if (!bBuildImportLibraryOnly)
                // Add input libraries as prerequisites, too!
                foreach (FileItem InputLibrary in LinkEnvironment.InputLibraries)
                    InputFileNames.Add(string.Format("\"{0}\"", InputLibrary.AbsolutePath));

            if (!bIsBuildingLibrary || (LinkEnvironment.Config.bIsBuildingLibrary && bIncludeDependentLibrariesInLibrary))
                foreach (string AdditionalLibrary in LinkEnvironment.Config.AdditionalLibraries)
                    InputFileNames.Add(string.Format("\"{0}\"", AdditionalLibrary));

                    // If the library file name has a relative path attached (rather than relying on additional
                    // lib directories), then we'll add it to our prerequisites list.  This will allow UBT to detect
                    // when the binary needs to be relinked because a dependent external library has changed.
                    //if( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( Path.GetDirectoryName( AdditionalLibrary ) ) )

            // Create a response file for the linker
            FileReference ResponseFileName = GetResponseFileName(LinkEnvironment, OutputFile);

            // Never create response files when we are only generating IntelliSense data
            if (!ProjectFileGenerator.bGenerateProjectFiles)
                ResponseFile.Create(ResponseFileName, InputFileNames);
            Arguments.AppendFormat(" @\"{0}\"", ResponseFileName);

            // Add the output file to the command-line.
            Arguments.AppendFormat(" /OUT:\"{0}\"", OutputFile.AbsolutePath);

            if (bBuildImportLibraryOnly || (LinkEnvironment.Config.bHasExports && !bIsBuildingLibrary))
                // An export file is written to the output directory implicitly; add it to the produced items list.
                FileReference ExportFilePath = ImportLibraryFilePath.ChangeExtension(".exp");
                FileItem      ExportFile     = FileItem.GetItemByFileReference(ExportFilePath);

            if (!bIsBuildingLibrary)
                // Xbox 360 LTCG does not seem to produce those.
                if (LinkEnvironment.Config.bHasExports &&
                    (LinkEnvironment.Config.Target.Configuration != CPPTargetConfiguration.Shipping))
                    // Write the import library to the output directory for nFringe support.
                    FileItem ImportLibraryFile = FileItem.GetItemByFileReference(ImportLibraryFilePath);
                    Arguments.AppendFormat(" /IMPLIB:\"{0}\"", ImportLibraryFilePath);

                if (LinkEnvironment.Config.bCreateDebugInfo)
                    // Write the PDB file to the output directory.
                    FileReference PDBFilePath = FileReference.Combine(LinkEnvironment.Config.OutputDirectory, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(OutputFile.AbsolutePath) + ".pdb");
                    FileItem      PDBFile     = FileItem.GetItemByFileReference(PDBFilePath);
                    Arguments.AppendFormat(" /PDB:\"{0}\"", PDBFilePath);

                    // Write the MAP file to the output directory.
#if false
                    if (true)
                        string   MAPFilePath = Path.Combine(LinkEnvironment.Config.OutputDirectory, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(OutputFile.AbsolutePath) + ".map");
                        FileItem MAPFile     = FileItem.GetItemByFileReference(MAPFilePath);
                        LinkAction.CommandArguments += string.Format(" /MAP:\"{0}\"", MAPFilePath);

                // Add the additional arguments specified by the environment.

            // Create an action that invokes the linker.
            Action LinkAction = new Action(ActionType.Link);
            LinkAction.CommandDescription = "Link";
            LinkAction.WorkingDirectory   = UnrealBuildTool.EngineSourceDirectory.FullName;
            LinkAction.CommandPath        = bIsBuildingLibrary ? EnvVars.LibraryLinkerPath : EnvVars.LinkerPath;
            LinkAction.CommandArguments   = Arguments.ToString();
            LinkAction.StatusDescription = Path.GetFileName(OutputFile.AbsolutePath);

            // Tell the action that we're building an import library here and it should conditionally be
            // ignored as a prerequisite for other actions
            LinkAction.bProducesImportLibrary = bBuildImportLibraryOnly || LinkEnvironment.Config.bIsBuildingDLL;

            // Only execute linking on the local PC.
            LinkAction.bCanExecuteRemotely = false;

            Log.TraceVerbose("     Linking: " + LinkAction.StatusDescription);
            Log.TraceVerbose("     Command: " + LinkAction.CommandArguments);

Exemplo n.º 6
        public override CPPOutput CompileCPPFiles(UEBuildTarget Target, CPPEnvironment CompileEnvironment, List <FileItem> SourceFiles, string ModuleName)
            var EnvVars = VCEnvironment.SetEnvironment(CompileEnvironment.Config.Target.Platform, false);

            StringBuilder Arguments = new StringBuilder();

            AppendCLArguments_Global(CompileEnvironment, EnvVars, Arguments);

            // Add include paths to the argument list.
            foreach (string IncludePath in CompileEnvironment.Config.CPPIncludeInfo.IncludePaths)
                string IncludePathRelative = Utils.CleanDirectorySeparators(Utils.MakePathRelativeTo(IncludePath, Path.Combine(ProjectFileGenerator.RootRelativePath, "Engine/Source")), '/');
                Arguments.AppendFormat(" /I \"{0}\"", IncludePathRelative);
            foreach (string IncludePath in CompileEnvironment.Config.CPPIncludeInfo.SystemIncludePaths)
                string IncludePathRelative = Utils.CleanDirectorySeparators(Utils.MakePathRelativeTo(IncludePath, Path.Combine(ProjectFileGenerator.RootRelativePath, "Engine/Source")), '/');
                Arguments.AppendFormat(" /I \"{0}\"", IncludePathRelative);

            if (CompileEnvironment.Config.CLRMode == CPPCLRMode.CLREnabled)
                // Add .NET framework assembly paths.  This is needed so that C++/CLI projects
                // can reference assemblies with #using, without having to hard code a path in the
                // .cpp file to the assembly's location.
                foreach (string AssemblyPath in CompileEnvironment.Config.SystemDotNetAssemblyPaths)
                    Arguments.AppendFormat(" /AI \"{0}\"", AssemblyPath);

                // Add explicit .NET framework assembly references
                foreach (string AssemblyName in CompileEnvironment.Config.FrameworkAssemblyDependencies)
                    Arguments.AppendFormat(" /FU \"{0}\"", AssemblyName);

                // Add private assembly references
                foreach (PrivateAssemblyInfo CurAssemblyInfo in CompileEnvironment.PrivateAssemblyDependencies)
                    Arguments.AppendFormat(" /FU \"{0}\"", CurAssemblyInfo.FileItem.AbsolutePath);

            // Add preprocessor definitions to the argument list.
            foreach (string Definition in CompileEnvironment.Config.Definitions)
                // Escape all quotation marks so that they get properly passed with the command line.
                var DefinitionArgument = Definition.Contains("\"") ? Definition.Replace("\"", "\\\"") : Definition;
                Arguments.AppendFormat(" /D\"{0}\"", DefinitionArgument);

            var BuildPlatform = UEBuildPlatform.GetBuildPlatformForCPPTargetPlatform(CompileEnvironment.Config.Target.Platform);

            // Create a compile action for each source file.
            CPPOutput Result = new CPPOutput();

            foreach (FileItem SourceFile in SourceFiles)
                Action CompileAction = new Action(ActionType.Compile);
                CompileAction.CommandDescription = "Compile";

                StringBuilder FileArguments = new StringBuilder();
                bool          bIsPlainCFile = Path.GetExtension(SourceFile.AbsolutePath).ToUpperInvariant() == ".C";

                // Add the C++ source file and its included files to the prerequisite item list.
                AddPrerequisiteSourceFile(Target, BuildPlatform, CompileEnvironment, SourceFile, CompileAction.PrerequisiteItems);

                // If this is a CLR file then make sure our dependent assemblies are added as prerequisites
                if (CompileEnvironment.Config.CLRMode == CPPCLRMode.CLREnabled)
                    foreach (PrivateAssemblyInfo CurPrivateAssemblyDependency in CompileEnvironment.PrivateAssemblyDependencies)

                bool bEmitsObjectFile = true;
                if (CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderAction == PrecompiledHeaderAction.Create)
                    // Generate a CPP File that just includes the precompiled header.
                    string        PCHCPPFilename = "PCH." + ModuleName + "." + CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderIncludeFilename.GetFileName() + ".cpp";
                    FileReference PCHCPPPath     = FileReference.Combine(CompileEnvironment.Config.OutputDirectory, PCHCPPFilename);
                    FileItem      PCHCPPFile     = FileItem.CreateIntermediateTextFile(
                        string.Format("#include \"{0}\"\r\n", CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderIncludeFilename)

                    // Make sure the original source directory the PCH header file existed in is added as an include
                    // path -- it might be a private PCH header and we need to make sure that its found!
                    string OriginalPCHHeaderDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(SourceFile.AbsolutePath);
                    FileArguments.AppendFormat(" /I \"{0}\"", OriginalPCHHeaderDirectory);

                    var PrecompiledFileExtension = UEBuildPlatform.GetBuildPlatform(UnrealTargetPlatform.UWP).GetBinaryExtension(UEBuildBinaryType.PrecompiledHeader);
                    // Add the precompiled header file to the produced items list.
                    FileItem PrecompiledHeaderFile = FileItem.GetItemByFileReference(
                            Path.GetFileName(SourceFile.AbsolutePath) + PrecompiledFileExtension
                    Result.PrecompiledHeaderFile = PrecompiledHeaderFile;

                    // Add the parameters needed to compile the precompiled header file to the command-line.
                    FileArguments.AppendFormat(" /Yc\"{0}\"", CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderIncludeFilename);
                    FileArguments.AppendFormat(" /Fp\"{0}\"", PrecompiledHeaderFile.AbsolutePath);

                    // If we're creating a PCH that will be used to compile source files for a library, we need
                    // the compiled modules to retain a reference to PCH's module, so that debugging information
                    // will be included in the library.  This is also required to avoid linker warning "LNK4206"
                    // when linking an application that uses this library.
                    if (CompileEnvironment.Config.bIsBuildingLibrary)
                        // NOTE: The symbol name we use here is arbitrary, and all that matters is that it is
                        // unique per PCH module used in our library
                        string FakeUniquePCHSymbolName = CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderIncludeFilename.GetFileNameWithoutExtension();
                        FileArguments.AppendFormat(" /Yl{0}", FakeUniquePCHSymbolName);

                    FileArguments.AppendFormat(" \"{0}\"", PCHCPPFile.AbsolutePath);

                    CompileAction.StatusDescription = PCHCPPFilename;
                    if (CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderAction == PrecompiledHeaderAction.Include)
                        CompileAction.bIsUsingPCH = true;

                        FileArguments.AppendFormat(" /Yu\"{0}\"", CompileEnvironment.Config.PCHHeaderNameInCode);
                        FileArguments.AppendFormat(" /Fp\"{0}\"", CompileEnvironment.PrecompiledHeaderFile.AbsolutePath);

                        // Is it unsafe to always force inclusion?  Clang is doing it, and .generated.cpp files
                        // won't work otherwise, because they're not located in the context of the module,
                        // so they can't access the module's PCH without an absolute path.
                        //if( CompileEnvironment.Config.bForceIncludePrecompiledHeader )
                            // Force include the precompiled header file.  This is needed because we may have selected a
                            // precompiled header that is different than the first direct include in the C++ source file, but
                            // we still need to make sure that our precompiled header is the first thing included!
                            FileArguments.AppendFormat(" /FI\"{0}\"", CompileEnvironment.Config.PCHHeaderNameInCode);

                    // Add the source file path to the command-line.
                    FileArguments.AppendFormat(" \"{0}\"", SourceFile.AbsolutePath);

                    CompileAction.StatusDescription = Path.GetFileName(SourceFile.AbsolutePath);

                if (bEmitsObjectFile)
                    var ObjectFileExtension = UEBuildPlatform.GetBuildPlatform(UnrealTargetPlatform.UWP).GetBinaryExtension(UEBuildBinaryType.Object);
                    // Add the object file to the produced item list.
                    FileItem ObjectFile = FileItem.GetItemByFileReference(
                            Path.GetFileName(SourceFile.AbsolutePath) + ObjectFileExtension
                    FileArguments.AppendFormat(" /Fo\"{0}\"", ObjectFile.AbsolutePath);

                // Create PDB files if we were configured to do that.
                // Also, when debug info is off and XGE is enabled, force PDBs, otherwise it will try to share
                // a PDB file, which causes PCH creation to be serial rather than parallel (when debug info is disabled)
                //		--> See https://udn.epicgames.com/lists/showpost.php?id=50619&list=unprog3
                if (BuildConfiguration.bUsePDBFiles ||
                    (BuildConfiguration.bAllowXGE && !CompileEnvironment.Config.bCreateDebugInfo))
                    string PDBFileName;
                    bool   bActionProducesPDB = false;

                    // All files using the same PCH are required to share the same PDB that was used when compiling the PCH
                    if (CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderAction == PrecompiledHeaderAction.Include)
                        PDBFileName = "PCH." + ModuleName + "." + CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderIncludeFilename.GetFileName();
                    // Files creating a PCH use a PDB per file.
                    else if (CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderAction == PrecompiledHeaderAction.Create)
                        PDBFileName        = "PCH." + ModuleName + "." + CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderIncludeFilename.GetFileName();
                        bActionProducesPDB = true;
                    // Ungrouped C++ files use a PDB per file.
                    else if (!bIsPlainCFile)
                        PDBFileName        = Path.GetFileName(SourceFile.AbsolutePath);
                        bActionProducesPDB = true;
                    // Group all plain C files that doesn't use PCH into the same PDB
                        PDBFileName = "MiscPlainC";

                    // Specify the PDB file that the compiler should write to.
                    FileItem PDBFile = FileItem.GetItemByFileReference(
                            PDBFileName + ".pdb"
                    FileArguments.AppendFormat(" /Fd\"{0}\"", PDBFile.AbsolutePath);

                    // Only use the PDB as an output file if we want PDBs and this particular action is
                    // the one that produces the PDB (as opposed to no debug info, where the above code
                    // is needed, but not the output PDB, or when multiple files share a single PDB, so
                    // only the action that generates it should count it as output directly)
                    if (BuildConfiguration.bUsePDBFiles && bActionProducesPDB)

                // Add C or C++ specific compiler arguments.
                if (bIsPlainCFile)
                    AppendCLArguments_CPP(CompileEnvironment, FileArguments);

                CompileAction.WorkingDirectory = UnrealBuildTool.EngineSourceDirectory.FullName;
                CompileAction.CommandPath      = EnvVars.CompilerPath;
                CompileAction.CommandArguments = Arguments.ToString() + FileArguments.ToString() + CompileEnvironment.Config.AdditionalArguments;

                if (CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderAction == PrecompiledHeaderAction.Create)
                    Log.TraceVerbose("Creating PCH: " + CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderIncludeFilename);
                    Log.TraceVerbose("     Command: " + CompileAction.CommandArguments);
                    Log.TraceVerbose("   Compiling: " + CompileAction.StatusDescription);
                    Log.TraceVerbose("     Command: " + CompileAction.CommandArguments);

                // VC++ always outputs the source file name being compiled, so we don't need to emit this ourselves
                CompileAction.bShouldOutputStatusDescription = false;

                // Don't farm out creation of precompiled headers as it is the critical path task.
                CompileAction.bCanExecuteRemotely =
                    CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderAction != PrecompiledHeaderAction.Create ||

                // @todo: XGE has problems remote compiling C++/CLI files that use .NET Framework 4.0
                if (CompileEnvironment.Config.CLRMode == CPPCLRMode.CLREnabled)
                    CompileAction.bCanExecuteRemotely = false;
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Patches a set of actions for use with live coding. The new action list will output object files to a different location.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Actions">Set of actions</param>
        /// <param name="OriginalFileToPatchedFile">Dictionary that receives a map of original object file to patched object file</param>
        public static void PatchActionGraphForLiveCoding(IEnumerable <Action> Actions, Dictionary <FileReference, FileReference> OriginalFileToPatchedFile)
            foreach (Action Action in Actions)
                if (Action.ActionType == ActionType.Compile)
                    if (!Action.CommandPath.GetFileName().Equals("cl-filter.exe", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        throw new BuildException("Unable to patch action graph - unexpected executable in compile action ({0})", Action.CommandPath);

                    List <string> Arguments = Utils.ParseArgumentList(Action.CommandArguments);

                    // Find the index of the cl-filter argument delimiter
                    int DelimiterIdx = Arguments.IndexOf("--");
                    if (DelimiterIdx == -1)
                        throw new BuildException("Unable to patch action graph - missing '--' delimiter to cl-filter");

                    // Fix the dependencies path
                    const string DependenciesPrefix = "-dependencies=";

                    int DependenciesIdx = 0;
                    for (;; DependenciesIdx++)
                        if (DependenciesIdx == DelimiterIdx)
                            throw new BuildException("Unable to patch action graph - missing '{0}' argument to cl-filter", DependenciesPrefix);
                        else if (Arguments[DependenciesIdx].StartsWith(DependenciesPrefix, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

                    FileReference OldDependenciesFile     = new FileReference(Arguments[DependenciesIdx].Substring(DependenciesPrefix.Length));
                    FileItem      OldDependenciesFileItem = Action.ProducedItems.First(x => x.Location == OldDependenciesFile);

                    FileReference NewDependenciesFile     = OldDependenciesFile.ChangeExtension(".lc.response");
                    FileItem      NewDependenciesFileItem = FileItem.GetItemByFileReference(NewDependenciesFile);

                    Arguments[DependenciesIdx] = DependenciesPrefix + NewDependenciesFile.FullName;

                    // Fix the response file
                    int ResponseFileIdx = DelimiterIdx + 1;
                    for (; ; ResponseFileIdx++)
                        if (ResponseFileIdx == Arguments.Count)
                            throw new BuildException("Unable to patch action graph - missing response file argument to cl-filter");
                        else if (Arguments[ResponseFileIdx].StartsWith("@", StringComparison.Ordinal))

                    FileReference OldResponseFile = new FileReference(Arguments[ResponseFileIdx].Substring(1));
                    FileReference NewResponseFile = new FileReference(OldResponseFile.FullName + ".lc");

                    const string OutputFilePrefix = "/Fo";

                    string[] ResponseLines = FileReference.ReadAllLines(OldResponseFile);
                    for (int Idx = 0; Idx < ResponseLines.Length; Idx++)
                        string ResponseLine = ResponseLines[Idx];
                        if (ResponseLine.StartsWith(OutputFilePrefix, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                            FileReference OldOutputFile     = new FileReference(ResponseLine.Substring(3).Trim('\"'));
                            FileItem      OldOutputFileItem = Action.ProducedItems.First(x => x.Location == OldOutputFile);

                            FileReference NewOutputFile     = OldOutputFile.ChangeExtension(".lc.obj");
                            FileItem      NewOutputFileItem = FileItem.GetItemByFileReference(NewOutputFile);

                            OriginalFileToPatchedFile[OldOutputFile] = NewOutputFile;

                            ResponseLines[Idx] = OutputFilePrefix + "\"" + NewOutputFile.FullName + "\"";
                    FileReference.WriteAllLines(NewResponseFile, ResponseLines);

                    Arguments[ResponseFileIdx] = "@" + NewResponseFile.FullName;

                    // Update the final arguments
                    Action.CommandArguments = Utils.FormatCommandLine(Arguments);
Exemplo n.º 8
        private LinkEnvironment SetupBinaryLinkEnvironment(ReadOnlyTargetRules Target, UEToolChain ToolChain, LinkEnvironment LinkEnvironment, CppCompileEnvironment CompileEnvironment, List <PrecompiledHeaderTemplate> SharedPCHs, ISourceFileWorkingSet WorkingSet, ActionGraph ActionGraph)
            LinkEnvironment         BinaryLinkEnvironment         = new LinkEnvironment(LinkEnvironment);
            HashSet <UEBuildModule> LinkEnvironmentVisitedModules = new HashSet <UEBuildModule>();
            List <UEBuildBinary>    BinaryDependencies            = new List <UEBuildBinary>();

            CppCompileEnvironment BinaryCompileEnvironment = CreateBinaryCompileEnvironment(CompileEnvironment);

            foreach (UEBuildModule Module in Modules)
                List <FileItem> LinkInputFiles;
                if (Module.Binary == null || Module.Binary == this)
                    // Compile each module.
                    Log.TraceVerbose("Compile module: " + Module.Name);
                    LinkInputFiles = Module.Compile(Target, ToolChain, BinaryCompileEnvironment, SharedPCHs, WorkingSet, ActionGraph);

                    // NOTE: Because of 'Shared PCHs', in monolithic builds the same PCH file may appear as a link input
                    // multiple times for a single binary.  We'll check for that here, and only add it once.  This avoids
                    // a linker warning about redundant .obj files.
                    foreach (FileItem LinkInputFile in LinkInputFiles)
                        if (!BinaryLinkEnvironment.InputFiles.Contains(LinkInputFile))

                // Allow the module to modify the link environment for the binary.
                Module.SetupPrivateLinkEnvironment(this, BinaryLinkEnvironment, BinaryDependencies, LinkEnvironmentVisitedModules);

            // Allow the binary dependencies to modify the link environment.
            foreach (UEBuildBinary BinaryDependency in BinaryDependencies)

            // Remove the default resource file on Windows (PCLaunch.rc) if the user has specified their own
            if (BinaryLinkEnvironment.InputFiles.Select(Item => Path.GetFileName(Item.AbsolutePath).ToLower()).Any(Name => Name.EndsWith(".res") && !Name.EndsWith(".inl.res") && Name != "pclaunch.rc.res"))
                BinaryLinkEnvironment.InputFiles.RemoveAll(x => Path.GetFileName(x.AbsolutePath).ToLower() == "pclaunch.rc.res");

            // Set the link output file.
            BinaryLinkEnvironment.OutputFilePaths = OutputFilePaths.ToList();

            // Set whether the link is allowed to have exports.
            BinaryLinkEnvironment.bHasExports = bAllowExports;

            // Set the output folder for intermediate files
            BinaryLinkEnvironment.IntermediateDirectory = IntermediateDirectory;

            // Put the non-executable output files (PDB, import library, etc) in the same directory as the production
            BinaryLinkEnvironment.OutputDirectory = OutputFilePaths[0].Directory;

            // Setup link output type
            BinaryLinkEnvironment.bIsBuildingDLL     = IsBuildingDll(Type);
            BinaryLinkEnvironment.bIsBuildingLibrary = IsBuildingLibrary(Type);

            // If we don't have any resource file, use the default or compile a custom one for this module
            if (BinaryLinkEnvironment.Platform == CppPlatform.Win32 || BinaryLinkEnvironment.Platform == CppPlatform.Win64)
                if (!BinaryLinkEnvironment.InputFiles.Any(x => x.Location.HasExtension(".res")))
                    if (BinaryLinkEnvironment.DefaultResourceFiles.Count > 0)
                        // Use the default resource file if possible
                        // Create a compile environment for resource files
                        CppCompileEnvironment ResourceCompileEnvironment = new CppCompileEnvironment(BinaryCompileEnvironment);

                        // @todo: This should be in some Windows code somewhere...
                        // Set the original file name macro; used in PCLaunch.rc to set the binary metadata fields.
                        string OriginalFilename = (OriginalOutputFilePaths != null) ? OriginalOutputFilePaths[0].GetFileName() : OutputFilePaths[0].GetFileName();
                        ResourceCompileEnvironment.Definitions.Add("ORIGINAL_FILE_NAME=\"" + OriginalFilename + "\"");

                        // Set the other version fields
                        ResourceCompileEnvironment.Definitions.Add(String.Format("BUILT_FROM_CHANGELIST={0}", Target.Version.Changelist));
                        ResourceCompileEnvironment.Definitions.Add(String.Format("BUILD_VERSION={0}", Target.BuildVersion));

                        // Otherwise compile the default resource file per-binary, so that it gets the correct ORIGINAL_FILE_NAME macro.
                        FileItem  DefaultResourceFile   = FileItem.GetItemByFileReference(FileReference.Combine(UnrealBuildTool.EngineSourceDirectory, "Runtime", "Launch", "Resources", "Windows", "PCLaunch.rc"));
                        CPPOutput DefaultResourceOutput = ToolChain.CompileRCFiles(BinaryCompileEnvironment, new List <FileItem> {
                        }, ((UEBuildModuleCPP)Modules.First()).IntermediateDirectory, ActionGraph);

            // Add all the common resource files

Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if the makefile is valid for the current set of source files. This is done separately to the Load() method to allow pre-build steps to modify source files.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Makefile">The makefile that has been loaded</param>
        /// <param name="ProjectFile">Path to the project file</param>
        /// <param name="WorkingSet">The current working set of source files</param>
        /// <param name="ReasonNotLoaded">If the makefile is not valid, is set to a message describing why</param>
        /// <returns>True if the makefile is valid, false otherwise</returns>
        public static bool IsValidForSourceFiles(TargetMakefile Makefile, FileReference ProjectFile, ISourceFileWorkingSet WorkingSet, out string ReasonNotLoaded)
            using (Timeline.ScopeEvent("TargetMakefile.IsValidForSourceFiles()"))
                // Check if any source files have been added or removed
                foreach (KeyValuePair <DirectoryItem, FileItem[]> Pair in Makefile.DirectoryToSourceFiles)
                    DirectoryItem InputDirectory = Pair.Key;
                    if (!InputDirectory.Exists || InputDirectory.LastWriteTimeUtc > Makefile.CreateTimeUtc)
                        FileItem[] SourceFiles = UEBuildModuleCPP.GetSourceFiles(InputDirectory);
                        if (SourceFiles.Length < Pair.Value.Length)
                            ReasonNotLoaded = "source file removed";
                        else if (SourceFiles.Length > Pair.Value.Length)
                            ReasonNotLoaded = "source file added";
                        else if (SourceFiles.Intersect(Pair.Value).Count() != SourceFiles.Length)
                            ReasonNotLoaded = "source file modified";

                // Check if any of the additional dependencies has changed
                foreach (FileItem AdditionalDependency in Makefile.AdditionalDependencies)
                    if (!AdditionalDependency.Exists)
                        Log.TraceLog("{0} has been deleted since makefile was built.", AdditionalDependency.Location);
                        ReasonNotLoaded = string.Format("{0} deleted", AdditionalDependency.Location.GetFileName());
                    if (AdditionalDependency.LastWriteTimeUtc > Makefile.CreateTimeUtc)
                        Log.TraceLog("{0} has been modified since makefile was built.", AdditionalDependency.Location);
                        ReasonNotLoaded = string.Format("{0} modified", AdditionalDependency.Location.GetFileName());

                // Check that no new plugins have been added
                foreach (FileReference PluginFile in Plugins.EnumeratePlugins(ProjectFile))
                    FileItem PluginFileItem = FileItem.GetItemByFileReference(PluginFile);
                    if (!Makefile.PluginFiles.Contains(PluginFileItem))
                        Log.TraceLog("{0} has been added", PluginFile.GetFileName());
                        ReasonNotLoaded = string.Format("{0} has been added", PluginFile.GetFileName());

                // We do a check to see if any modules' headers have changed which have
                // acquired or lost UHT types.  If so, which should be rare,
                // we'll just invalidate the entire makefile and force it to be rebuilt.

                // Get all H files in processed modules newer than the makefile itself
                HashSet <FileItem> HFilesNewerThanMakefile = new HashSet <FileItem>();
                foreach (UHTModuleHeaderInfo ModuleHeaderInfo in Makefile.UObjectModuleHeaders)
                    foreach (FileItem HeaderFile in ModuleHeaderInfo.SourceFolder.EnumerateFiles())
                        if (HeaderFile.HasExtension(".h") && HeaderFile.LastWriteTimeUtc > Makefile.CreateTimeUtc)

                // Get all H files in all modules processed in the last makefile build
                HashSet <FileItem> AllUHTHeaders = new HashSet <FileItem>(Makefile.UObjectModuleHeaders.SelectMany(x => x.HeaderFiles));

                // Check whether any headers have been deleted. If they have, we need to regenerate the makefile since the module might now be empty. If we don't,
                // and the file has been moved to a different module, we may include stale generated headers.
                foreach (FileItem HeaderFile in AllUHTHeaders)
                    if (!HeaderFile.Exists)
                        Log.TraceLog("File processed by UHT was deleted ({0}); invalidating makefile", HeaderFile);
                        ReasonNotLoaded = string.Format("UHT file was deleted");

                // Makefile is invalid if:
                // * There are any newer files which contain no UHT data, but were previously in the makefile
                // * There are any newer files contain data which needs processing by UHT, but weren't not previously in the makefile
                SourceFileMetadataCache MetadataCache = SourceFileMetadataCache.CreateHierarchy(ProjectFile);
                foreach (FileItem HeaderFile in HFilesNewerThanMakefile)
                    bool bContainsUHTData = MetadataCache.ContainsReflectionMarkup(HeaderFile);
                    bool bWasProcessed    = AllUHTHeaders.Contains(HeaderFile);
                    if (bContainsUHTData != bWasProcessed)
                        Log.TraceLog("{0} {1} contain UHT types and now {2} , ignoring it", HeaderFile, bWasProcessed ? "used to" : "didn't", bWasProcessed ? "doesn't" : "does");
                        ReasonNotLoaded = string.Format("new files with reflected types");

                // If adaptive unity build is enabled, do a check to see if there are any source files that became part of the
                // working set since the Makefile was created (or, source files were removed from the working set.)  If anything
                // changed, then we'll force a new Makefile to be created so that we have fresh unity build blobs.  We always
                // want to make sure that source files in the working set are excluded from those unity blobs (for fastest possible
                // iteration times.)

                // Check if any source files in the working set no longer belong in it
                foreach (FileItem SourceFile in Makefile.WorkingSet)
                    if (!WorkingSet.Contains(SourceFile) && SourceFile.LastWriteTimeUtc > Makefile.CreateTimeUtc)
                        Log.TraceLog("{0} was part of source working set and now is not; invalidating makefile", SourceFile.AbsolutePath);
                        ReasonNotLoaded = string.Format("working set of source files changed");

                // Check if any source files that are eligible for being in the working set have been modified
                foreach (FileItem SourceFile in Makefile.CandidatesForWorkingSet)
                    if (WorkingSet.Contains(SourceFile) && SourceFile.LastWriteTimeUtc > Makefile.CreateTimeUtc)
                        Log.TraceLog("{0} was part of source working set and now is not", SourceFile.AbsolutePath);
                        ReasonNotLoaded = string.Format("working set of source files changed");

            ReasonNotLoaded = null;
Exemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if the makefile is valid for the current set of source files. This is done separately to the Load() method to allow pre-build steps to modify source files.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Makefile">The makefile that has been loaded</param>
        /// <param name="ProjectFile">Path to the project file</param>
        /// <param name="Platform">The platform being built</param>
        /// <param name="WorkingSet">The current working set of source files</param>
        /// <param name="ReasonNotLoaded">If the makefile is not valid, is set to a message describing why</param>
        /// <returns>True if the makefile is valid, false otherwise</returns>
        public static bool IsValidForSourceFiles(TargetMakefile Makefile, FileReference ProjectFile, UnrealTargetPlatform Platform, ISourceFileWorkingSet WorkingSet, out string ReasonNotLoaded)
            using (Timeline.ScopeEvent("TargetMakefile.IsValidForSourceFiles()"))
                // Get the list of excluded folder names for this platform
                ReadOnlyHashSet <string> ExcludedFolderNames = UEBuildPlatform.GetBuildPlatform(Platform).GetExcludedFolderNames();

                // Check if any source files have been added or removed
                foreach (KeyValuePair <DirectoryItem, FileItem[]> Pair in Makefile.DirectoryToSourceFiles)
                    DirectoryItem InputDirectory = Pair.Key;
                    if (!InputDirectory.Exists || InputDirectory.LastWriteTimeUtc > Makefile.CreateTimeUtc)
                        FileItem[] SourceFiles = UEBuildModuleCPP.GetSourceFiles(InputDirectory);
                        if (SourceFiles.Length < Pair.Value.Length)
                            ReasonNotLoaded = "source file removed";
                        else if (SourceFiles.Length > Pair.Value.Length)
                            ReasonNotLoaded = "source file added";
                        else if (SourceFiles.Intersect(Pair.Value).Count() != SourceFiles.Length)
                            ReasonNotLoaded = "source file modified";

                        foreach (DirectoryItem Directory in InputDirectory.EnumerateDirectories())
                            if (!Makefile.DirectoryToSourceFiles.ContainsKey(Directory) && ContainsSourceFiles(Directory, ExcludedFolderNames))
                                ReasonNotLoaded = "directory added";

                // Check if any external dependencies have changed. These comparisons are done against the makefile creation time.
                foreach (FileItem ExternalDependency in Makefile.ExternalDependencies)
                    if (!ExternalDependency.Exists)
                        Log.TraceLog("{0} has been deleted since makefile was built.", ExternalDependency.Location);
                        ReasonNotLoaded = string.Format("{0} deleted", ExternalDependency.Location.GetFileName());
                    if (ExternalDependency.LastWriteTimeUtc > Makefile.CreateTimeUtc)
                        Log.TraceLog("{0} has been modified since makefile was built.", ExternalDependency.Location);
                        ReasonNotLoaded = string.Format("{0} modified", ExternalDependency.Location.GetFileName());

                // Check if any internal dependencies has changed. These comparisons are done against the makefile modified time.
                foreach (FileItem InternalDependency in Makefile.InternalDependencies)
                    if (!InternalDependency.Exists)
                        Log.TraceLog("{0} has been deleted since makefile was written.", InternalDependency.Location);
                        ReasonNotLoaded = string.Format("{0} deleted", InternalDependency.Location.GetFileName());
                    if (InternalDependency.LastWriteTimeUtc > Makefile.ModifiedTimeUtc)
                        Log.TraceLog("{0} has been modified since makefile was written.", InternalDependency.Location);
                        ReasonNotLoaded = string.Format("{0} modified", InternalDependency.Location.GetFileName());

                // Check that no new plugins have been added
                foreach (FileReference PluginFile in Plugins.EnumeratePlugins(ProjectFile))
                    FileItem PluginFileItem = FileItem.GetItemByFileReference(PluginFile);
                    if (!Makefile.PluginFiles.Contains(PluginFileItem))
                        Log.TraceLog("{0} has been added", PluginFile.GetFileName());
                        ReasonNotLoaded = string.Format("{0} has been added", PluginFile.GetFileName());

                // Load the metadata cache
                SourceFileMetadataCache MetadataCache = SourceFileMetadataCache.CreateHierarchy(ProjectFile);

                // Find the set of files that contain reflection markup
                ConcurrentBag <FileItem> NewFilesWithMarkupBag = new ConcurrentBag <FileItem>();
                using (ThreadPoolWorkQueue Queue = new ThreadPoolWorkQueue())
                    foreach (DirectoryItem SourceDirectory in Makefile.SourceDirectories)
                        Queue.Enqueue(() => FindFilesWithMarkup(SourceDirectory, MetadataCache, ExcludedFolderNames, NewFilesWithMarkupBag, Queue));

                // Check whether the list has changed
                List <FileItem> PrevFilesWithMarkup = Makefile.UObjectModuleHeaders.Where(x => !x.bUsePrecompiled).SelectMany(x => x.HeaderFiles).ToList();
                List <FileItem> NextFilesWithMarkup = NewFilesWithMarkupBag.ToList();
                if (NextFilesWithMarkup.Count != PrevFilesWithMarkup.Count || NextFilesWithMarkup.Intersect(PrevFilesWithMarkup).Count() != PrevFilesWithMarkup.Count)
                    ReasonNotLoaded = "UHT files changed";

                // If adaptive unity build is enabled, do a check to see if there are any source files that became part of the
                // working set since the Makefile was created (or, source files were removed from the working set.)  If anything
                // changed, then we'll force a new Makefile to be created so that we have fresh unity build blobs.  We always
                // want to make sure that source files in the working set are excluded from those unity blobs (for fastest possible
                // iteration times.)

                // Check if any source files in the working set no longer belong in it
                foreach (FileItem SourceFile in Makefile.WorkingSet)
                    if (!WorkingSet.Contains(SourceFile) && SourceFile.LastWriteTimeUtc > Makefile.CreateTimeUtc)
                        Log.TraceLog("{0} was part of source working set and now is not; invalidating makefile", SourceFile.AbsolutePath);
                        ReasonNotLoaded = string.Format("working set of source files changed");

                // Check if any source files that are eligible for being in the working set have been modified
                foreach (FileItem SourceFile in Makefile.CandidatesForWorkingSet)
                    if (WorkingSet.Contains(SourceFile) && SourceFile.LastWriteTimeUtc > Makefile.CreateTimeUtc)
                        Log.TraceLog("{0} was part of source working set and now is not", SourceFile.AbsolutePath);
                        ReasonNotLoaded = string.Format("working set of source files changed");

            ReasonNotLoaded = null;
Exemplo n.º 11
 static public bool FileExists(FileReference File)
Exemplo n.º 12
        public override FileItem LinkFiles(LinkEnvironment LinkEnvironment, bool bBuildImportLibraryOnly)
            if (LinkEnvironment.Config.Target.Architecture == "-win32")             // simulator
                return(base.LinkFiles(LinkEnvironment, bBuildImportLibraryOnly));

            FileItem OutputFile;

            // Make the final javascript file
            Action LinkAction = new Action(ActionType.Link);

            // ResponseFile lines.
            List <string> ReponseLines = new List <string>();

            LinkAction.bCanExecuteRemotely = false;
            LinkAction.WorkingDirectory    = UnrealBuildTool.EngineSourceDirectory.FullName;
            LinkAction.CommandPath         = HTML5SDKInfo.Python();
            LinkAction.CommandArguments    = HTML5SDKInfo.EmscriptenCompiler();

            // Add the input files to a response file, and pass the response file on the command-line.
            foreach (FileItem InputFile in LinkEnvironment.InputFiles)
                //System.Console.WriteLine("File  {0} ", InputFile.AbsolutePath);
                ReponseLines.Add(string.Format(" \"{0}\"", InputFile.AbsolutePath));

            if (!LinkEnvironment.Config.bIsBuildingLibrary)
                // Make sure ThirdParty libs are at the end.
                List <string> ThirdParty = (from Lib in LinkEnvironment.Config.AdditionalLibraries
                                            where Lib.Contains("ThirdParty")
                                            select Lib).ToList();

                LinkEnvironment.Config.AdditionalLibraries.RemoveAll(Element => Element.Contains("ThirdParty"));

                foreach (string InputFile in LinkEnvironment.Config.AdditionalLibraries)
                    FileItem Item = FileItem.GetItemByPath(InputFile);

                    if (Item.AbsolutePath.Contains(".lib"))

                    if (Item != null)
                        if (Item.ToString().Contains(".js"))
                            ReponseLines.Add(string.Format(" --js-library \"{0}\"", Item.AbsolutePath));
                            ReponseLines.Add(string.Format(" \"{0}\"", Item.AbsolutePath));
            // make the file we will create

            OutputFile = FileItem.GetItemByFileReference(LinkEnvironment.Config.OutputFilePath);
            ReponseLines.Add(string.Format(" -o \"{0}\"", OutputFile.AbsolutePath));

            FileItem OutputBC = FileItem.GetItemByPath(LinkEnvironment.Config.OutputFilePath.FullName.Replace(".js", ".bc").Replace(".html", ".bc"));

            ReponseLines.Add(" --emit-symbol-map " + string.Format(" --save-bc \"{0}\"", OutputBC.AbsolutePath));

            LinkAction.StatusDescription = Path.GetFileName(OutputFile.AbsolutePath);

            FileReference ResponseFileName = GetResponseFileName(LinkEnvironment, OutputFile);

            LinkAction.CommandArguments += string.Format(" @\"{0}\"", ResponseFile.Create(ResponseFileName, ReponseLines));

            LinkAction.OutputEventHandler = new DataReceivedEventHandler(RemoteOutputReceivedEventHandler);

Exemplo n.º 13
        public override CPPOutput CompileCPPFiles(UEBuildTarget Target, CPPEnvironment CompileEnvironment, List <FileItem> SourceFiles, string ModuleName)
            if (CompileEnvironment.Config.Target.Architecture == "-win32")             // simulator
                return(base.CompileCPPFiles(Target, CompileEnvironment, SourceFiles, ModuleName));

            string Arguments = GetCLArguments_Global(CompileEnvironment);

            CPPOutput Result = new CPPOutput();

            // Add include paths to the argument list.
            foreach (string IncludePath in CompileEnvironment.Config.CPPIncludeInfo.IncludePaths)
                Arguments += string.Format(" -I\"{0}\"", IncludePath);
            foreach (string IncludePath in CompileEnvironment.Config.CPPIncludeInfo.SystemIncludePaths)
                Arguments += string.Format(" -I\"{0}\"", IncludePath);

            // Add preprocessor definitions to the argument list.
            foreach (string Definition in CompileEnvironment.Config.Definitions)
                Arguments += string.Format(" -D{0}", Definition);

            if (bEnableTracing)
                Arguments += string.Format(" -D__EMSCRIPTEN_TRACING__");

            var BuildPlatform = UEBuildPlatform.GetBuildPlatformForCPPTargetPlatform(CompileEnvironment.Config.Target.Platform);

            foreach (FileItem SourceFile in SourceFiles)
                Action CompileAction = new Action(ActionType.Compile);
                bool   bIsPlainCFile = Path.GetExtension(SourceFile.AbsolutePath).ToUpperInvariant() == ".C";

                // Add the C++ source file and its included files to the prerequisite item list.
                AddPrerequisiteSourceFile(Target, BuildPlatform, CompileEnvironment, SourceFile, CompileAction.PrerequisiteItems);

                // Add the source file path to the command-line.
                string FileArguments       = string.Format(" \"{0}\"", SourceFile.AbsolutePath);
                var    ObjectFileExtension = UEBuildPlatform.GetBuildPlatform(UnrealTargetPlatform.HTML5).GetBinaryExtension(UEBuildBinaryType.Object);
                // Add the object file to the produced item list.
                FileItem ObjectFile = FileItem.GetItemByFileReference(
                        Path.GetFileName(SourceFile.AbsolutePath) + ObjectFileExtension
                FileArguments += string.Format(" -o \"{0}\"", ObjectFile.AbsolutePath);

                // Add C or C++ specific compiler arguments.
                if (bIsPlainCFile)
                    FileArguments += GetCLArguments_C(CompileEnvironment.Config.Target.Architecture);
                    FileArguments += GetCLArguments_CPP(CompileEnvironment);

                CompileAction.WorkingDirectory = UnrealBuildTool.EngineSourceDirectory.FullName;
                CompileAction.CommandPath      = HTML5SDKInfo.Python();

                CompileAction.CommandArguments = HTML5SDKInfo.EmscriptenCompiler() + " " + Arguments + FileArguments + CompileEnvironment.Config.AdditionalArguments;

                CompileAction.StatusDescription  = Path.GetFileName(SourceFile.AbsolutePath);
                CompileAction.OutputEventHandler = new DataReceivedEventHandler(CompileOutputReceivedDataEventHandler);

                // Don't farm out creation of precomputed headers as it is the critical path task.
                CompileAction.bCanExecuteRemotely = CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderAction != PrecompiledHeaderAction.Create;

                // this is the final output of the compile step (a .abc file)

                // VC++ always outputs the source file name being compiled, so we don't need to emit this ourselves
                CompileAction.bShouldOutputStatusDescription = true;

                // Don't farm out creation of precompiled headers as it is the critical path task.
                CompileAction.bCanExecuteRemotely =
                    CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderAction != PrecompiledHeaderAction.Create ||

Exemplo n.º 14
 /// <summary>
 /// Read a file item from a binary archive
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Reader">Reader to serialize data from</param>
 /// <returns>Instance of the serialized file item</returns>
 public static FileItem ReadFileItem(this BinaryArchiveReader Reader)
     return(Reader.ReadObjectReference <FileItem>(() => FileItem.GetItemByFileReference(Reader.ReadFileReference())));
Exemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets up the environment for compiling any module that includes the public interface of this module.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void AddModuleToCompileEnvironment(
            UEBuildBinary SourceBinary,
            HashSet <DirectoryReference> IncludePaths,
            HashSet <DirectoryReference> SystemIncludePaths,
            List <string> Definitions,
            List <UEBuildFramework> AdditionalFrameworks,
            List <FileItem> AdditionalPrerequisites,
            bool bLegacyPublicIncludePaths
            // Add the module's parent directory to the include path, so we can root #includes from generated source files to it

            // Add this module's public include paths and definitions.
            AddIncludePaths(IncludePaths, PublicIncludePaths);
            if (bLegacyPublicIncludePaths)
                AddIncludePaths(IncludePaths, LegacyPublicIncludePaths);

            // Add the import or export declaration for the module
            if (Rules.Type == ModuleRules.ModuleType.CPlusPlus)
                if (Rules.Target.LinkType == TargetLinkType.Monolithic)
                    if (Rules.Target.bShouldCompileAsDLL && (Rules.Target.bHasExports || Rules.ModuleSymbolVisibility == ModuleRules.SymbolVisibility.VisibileForDll))
                        Definitions.Add(ModuleApiDefine + "=DLLEXPORT");
                        Definitions.Add(ModuleApiDefine + "=");
                else if (Binary == null || SourceBinary != Binary)
                    Definitions.Add(ModuleApiDefine + "=DLLIMPORT");
                else if (!Binary.bAllowExports)
                    Definitions.Add(ModuleApiDefine + "=");
                    Definitions.Add(ModuleApiDefine + "=DLLEXPORT");

            // Add the additional frameworks so that the compiler can know about their #include paths

            // Add any generated type library headers
            if (Rules.TypeLibraries.Count > 0)
                foreach (ModuleRules.TypeLibrary TypeLibrary in Rules.TypeLibraries)
                    AdditionalPrerequisites.Add(FileItem.GetItemByFileReference(FileReference.Combine(IntermediateDirectory, TypeLibrary.Header)));
Exemplo n.º 16
        public override CPPOutput CompileISPCFiles(CppCompileEnvironment CompileEnvironment, List <FileItem> InputFiles, DirectoryReference OutputDir, IActionGraphBuilder Graph)
            CPPOutput Result = new CPPOutput();

            if (!CompileEnvironment.bCompileISPC)

            List <string> CompileTargets = GetISPCCompileTargets(CompileEnvironment.Platform, null);

            foreach (FileItem ISPCFile in InputFiles)
                Action CompileAction = Graph.CreateAction(ActionType.Compile);
                CompileAction.CommandDescription = "Compile";
                CompileAction.WorkingDirectory   = UnrealBuildTool.EngineSourceDirectory;
                CompileAction.CommandPath        = new FileReference(GetISPCHostCompilerPath(BuildHostPlatform.Current.Platform));
                CompileAction.StatusDescription  = Path.GetFileName(ISPCFile.AbsolutePath);

                // Disable remote execution to workaround mismatched case on XGE
                CompileAction.bCanExecuteRemotely = false;

                List <string> Arguments = new List <string>();

                // Add the ISPC file to be compiled.
                Arguments.Add(String.Format(" \"{0}\"", ISPCFile.AbsolutePath));

                List <FileItem> CompiledISPCObjFiles = new List <FileItem>();
                string          TargetString         = "";

                foreach (string Target in CompileTargets)
                    string ObjTarget = Target;

                    if (Target.Contains("-"))
                        // Remove lane width and gang size from obj file name
                        ObjTarget = Target.Split('-')[0];

                    FileItem CompiledISPCObjFile;

                    if (CompileTargets.Count > 1)
                        CompiledISPCObjFile = FileItem.GetItemByFileReference(
                                Path.GetFileName(ISPCFile.AbsolutePath) + "_" + ObjTarget + GetISPCObjectFileSuffix(CompileEnvironment.Platform)
                        CompiledISPCObjFile = FileItem.GetItemByFileReference(
                                Path.GetFileName(ISPCFile.AbsolutePath) + GetISPCObjectFileSuffix(CompileEnvironment.Platform)

                    // Add the ISA specific ISPC obj files to the produced item list.

                    // Build target string. No comma on last
                    if (Target == CompileTargets[CompileTargets.Count - 1])                   // .Last()
                        TargetString += Target;
                        TargetString += Target + ",";

                // Add the common ISPC obj file to the produced item list.
                FileItem CompiledISPCObjFileNoISA = FileItem.GetItemByFileReference(
                        Path.GetFileName(ISPCFile.AbsolutePath) + GetISPCObjectFileSuffix(CompileEnvironment.Platform)


                // Add the output ISPC obj file
                Arguments.Add(String.Format("-o \"{0}\"", CompiledISPCObjFileNoISA));

                // Build target triplet
                Arguments.Add(String.Format("--target-os=\"{0}\"", GetISPCOSTarget(CompileEnvironment.Platform)));
                Arguments.Add(String.Format("--arch=\"{0}\"", GetISPCArchTarget(CompileEnvironment.Platform, null)));
                Arguments.Add(String.Format("--target=\"{0}\"", TargetString));

                if (CompileEnvironment.Configuration == CppConfiguration.Debug)
                    Arguments.Add("-g -O0");

                // PIC is needed for modular builds except on Windows
                if ((CompileEnvironment.bIsBuildingDLL ||
                     CompileEnvironment.bIsBuildingLibrary) &&
                    !UEBuildPlatform.IsPlatformInGroup(CompileEnvironment.Platform, UnrealPlatformGroup.Windows))

                // Include paths. Don't use AddIncludePath() here, since it uses the full path and exceeds the max command line length.
                foreach (DirectoryReference IncludePath in CompileEnvironment.UserIncludePaths)
                    Arguments.Add(String.Format("-I\"{0}\"", IncludePath));

                // System include paths.
                foreach (DirectoryReference SystemIncludePath in CompileEnvironment.SystemIncludePaths)
                    Arguments.Add(String.Format("-I\"{0}\"", SystemIncludePath));

                // Preprocessor definitions.
                foreach (string Definition in CompileEnvironment.Definitions)
                    Arguments.Add(String.Format("-D\"{0}\"", Definition));

                // Consume the included header dependency list
                if (CompileEnvironment.bGenerateDependenciesFile)
                    FileItem DependencyListFile = FileItem.GetItemByFileReference(FileReference.Combine(OutputDir, Path.GetFileName(ISPCFile.AbsolutePath) + ".txt"));
                    CompileAction.DependencyListFile = DependencyListFile;


                FileReference ResponseFileName = new FileReference(CompiledISPCObjFileNoISA.AbsolutePath + ".response");
                FileItem      ResponseFileItem = Graph.CreateIntermediateTextFile(ResponseFileName, Arguments.Select(x => Utils.ExpandVariables(x)));
                CompileAction.CommandArguments = " @\"" + ResponseFileName + "\"";

                // Add the source file and its included files to the prerequisite item list.

                Log.TraceVerbose("   ISPC Compiling " + CompileAction.StatusDescription + ": \"" + CompileAction.CommandPath + "\"" + CompileAction.CommandArguments);

Exemplo n.º 17
 /// <summary>
 /// Determines all the actions that should be executed for a target (filtering for single module/file, etc..)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="TargetDescriptor">The target being built</param>
 /// <param name="Makefile">Makefile for the target</param>
 /// <param name="OutputItems">Set of all output items</param>
 /// <returns>List of actions that need to be executed</returns>
 static void GatherOutputItems(TargetDescriptor TargetDescriptor, TargetMakefile Makefile, HashSet <FileItem> OutputItems)
     if (TargetDescriptor.SpecificFilesToCompile.Count > 0)
         // If we're just compiling a specific files, set the target items to be all the derived items
         List <FileItem> FilesToCompile = TargetDescriptor.SpecificFilesToCompile.ConvertAll(x => FileItem.GetItemByFileReference(x));
             Makefile.Actions.Where(x => x.PrerequisiteItems.Any(y => FilesToCompile.Contains(y)))
             .SelectMany(x => x.ProducedItems));
     else if (TargetDescriptor.OnlyModuleNames.Count > 0)
         // Find the output items for this module
         foreach (string OnlyModuleName in TargetDescriptor.OnlyModuleNames)
             FileItem[] OutputItemsForModule;
             if (!Makefile.ModuleNameToOutputItems.TryGetValue(OnlyModuleName, out OutputItemsForModule))
                 throw new BuildException("Unable to find output items for module '{0}'", OnlyModuleName);
         // Use all the output items from the target
Exemplo n.º 18
        private LinkEnvironment SetupBinaryLinkEnvironment(UEBuildTarget Target, UEToolChain ToolChain, LinkEnvironment LinkEnvironment, CPPEnvironment CompileEnvironment, List <PrecompiledHeaderTemplate> SharedPCHs, ActionGraph ActionGraph)
            LinkEnvironment         BinaryLinkEnvironment         = LinkEnvironment.DeepCopy();
            HashSet <UEBuildModule> LinkEnvironmentVisitedModules = new HashSet <UEBuildModule>();
            List <UEBuildBinary>    BinaryDependencies            = new List <UEBuildBinary>();

            CompileEnvironment.Config.bIsBuildingDLL     = IsBuildingDll(Config.Type);
            CompileEnvironment.Config.bIsBuildingLibrary = IsBuildingLibrary(Config.Type);

            CPPEnvironment BinaryCompileEnvironment = CompileEnvironment.DeepCopy();

            // @Hack: This to prevent UHT from listing CoreUObject.generated.cpp as its dependency.
            // We flag the compile environment when we build UHT so that we don't need to check
            // this for each file when generating their dependencies.
            BinaryCompileEnvironment.bHackHeaderGenerator = (Target.GetAppName() == "UnrealHeaderTool");

            // @todo: This should be in some Windows code somewhere...
            // Set the original file name macro; used in PCLaunch.rc to set the binary metadata fields.
            string OriginalFilename = (Config.OriginalOutputFilePaths != null) ?
                                      Config.OriginalOutputFilePaths[0].GetFileName() :

            BinaryCompileEnvironment.Config.Definitions.Add("ORIGINAL_FILE_NAME=\"" + OriginalFilename + "\"");

            foreach (UEBuildModule Module in Modules)
                List <FileItem> LinkInputFiles;
                if (Module.Binary == null || Module.Binary == this)
                    // Compile each module.
                    Log.TraceVerbose("Compile module: " + Module.Name);
                    LinkInputFiles = Module.Compile(Target, ToolChain, BinaryCompileEnvironment, SharedPCHs, ActionGraph);

                    // NOTE: Because of 'Shared PCHs', in monolithic builds the same PCH file may appear as a link input
                    // multiple times for a single binary.  We'll check for that here, and only add it once.  This avoids
                    // a linker warning about redundant .obj files.
                    foreach (FileItem LinkInputFile in LinkInputFiles)
                        if (!BinaryLinkEnvironment.InputFiles.Contains(LinkInputFile))

                if (!BuildConfiguration.bRunUnrealCodeAnalyzer)
                    // Allow the module to modify the link environment for the binary.
                    Module.SetupPrivateLinkEnvironment(this, BinaryLinkEnvironment, BinaryDependencies, LinkEnvironmentVisitedModules);

            // Allow the binary dependencies to modify the link environment.
            foreach (UEBuildBinary BinaryDependency in BinaryDependencies)

            // Remove the default resource file on Windows (PCLaunch.rc) if the user has specified their own
            if (BinaryLinkEnvironment.InputFiles.Select(Item => Path.GetFileName(Item.AbsolutePath).ToLower()).Any(Name => Name.EndsWith(".res") && !Name.EndsWith(".inl.res") && Name != "pclaunch.rc.res"))
                BinaryLinkEnvironment.InputFiles.RemoveAll(x => Path.GetFileName(x.AbsolutePath).ToLower() == "pclaunch.rc.res");

            // Set the link output file.
            BinaryLinkEnvironment.Config.OutputFilePaths = Config.OutputFilePaths.ToList();

            // Set whether the link is allowed to have exports.
            BinaryLinkEnvironment.Config.bHasExports = Config.bAllowExports;

            // Set the output folder for intermediate files
            BinaryLinkEnvironment.Config.IntermediateDirectory = Config.IntermediateDirectory;

            // Put the non-executable output files (PDB, import library, etc) in the same directory as the production
            BinaryLinkEnvironment.Config.OutputDirectory = Config.OutputFilePaths[0].Directory;

            // Setup link output type
            BinaryLinkEnvironment.Config.bIsBuildingDLL     = IsBuildingDll(Config.Type);
            BinaryLinkEnvironment.Config.bIsBuildingLibrary = IsBuildingLibrary(Config.Type);

            BinaryLinkEnvironment.Config.ProjectFile = Target.ProjectFile;

            // Add the default resources for dlls
            if (Config.Type == UEBuildBinaryType.DynamicLinkLibrary)
                // Check if there's already a custom resource file
                if (!BinaryLinkEnvironment.InputFiles.Any(x => x.Reference.HasExtension(".res")))
                    if (UEBuildConfiguration.bFormalBuild)
                        // For formal builds, compile the default resource file per-binary, so that it gets the correct ORIGINAL_FILE_NAME macro.
                        CPPEnvironment BinaryResourceCompileEnvironment = BinaryCompileEnvironment.DeepCopy();
                        BinaryResourceCompileEnvironment.Config.OutputDirectory = DirectoryReference.Combine(BinaryResourceCompileEnvironment.Config.OutputDirectory, Modules.First().Name);
                        FileItem  DefaultResourceFile   = FileItem.GetItemByFileReference(FileReference.Combine(UnrealBuildTool.EngineSourceDirectory, "Runtime", "Launch", "Resources", "Windows", "PCLaunch.rc"));
                        CPPOutput DefaultResourceOutput = ToolChain.CompileRCFiles(BinaryResourceCompileEnvironment, new List <FileItem> {
                        }, ActionGraph);
                        // For non-formal builds, we just want to share the default resource file between modules

                // Add all the common resource files

        public override CPPOutput CompileCPPFiles(CppCompileEnvironment CompileEnvironment, List <FileItem> InputFiles, DirectoryReference OutputDir, string ModuleName, ActionGraph ActionGraph)
            // Get the MSVC arguments required to compile all files in this batch
            List <string> SharedArguments = new List <string>();

            SharedArguments.Add("/P");             // Preprocess
            SharedArguments.Add("/C");             // Preserve comments when preprocessing
            SharedArguments.Add("/D PVS_STUDIO");
            if (EnvVars.Compiler >= WindowsCompiler.VisualStudio2015)
                SharedArguments.Add("/D _SILENCE_STDEXT_HASH_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS=1");
            foreach (DirectoryReference IncludePath in CompileEnvironment.IncludePaths.UserIncludePaths)
                SharedArguments.Add(String.Format("/I \"{0}\"", IncludePath));
            foreach (DirectoryReference IncludePath in CompileEnvironment.IncludePaths.SystemIncludePaths)
                SharedArguments.Add(String.Format("/I \"{0}\"", IncludePath));
            foreach (DirectoryReference IncludePath in EnvVars.IncludePaths)
                SharedArguments.Add(String.Format("/I \"{0}\"", IncludePath));
            foreach (string Definition in CompileEnvironment.Definitions)
                SharedArguments.Add(String.Format("/D \"{0}\"", Definition));
            foreach (FileItem ForceIncludeFile in CompileEnvironment.ForceIncludeFiles)
                SharedArguments.Add(String.Format("/FI\"{0}\"", ForceIncludeFile.Location));

            CPPOutput Result = new CPPOutput();

            foreach (FileItem SourceFile in InputFiles)
                // Get the file names for everything we need
                string BaseFileName = SourceFile.Location.GetFileName();

                // Write the response file
                FileReference PreprocessedFileLocation = FileReference.Combine(OutputDir, BaseFileName + ".i");

                List <string> Arguments = new List <string>(SharedArguments);
                Arguments.Add(String.Format("/Fi\"{0}\"", PreprocessedFileLocation));                 // Preprocess to a file
                Arguments.Add(String.Format("\"{0}\"", SourceFile.AbsolutePath));

                FileReference ResponseFileLocation = FileReference.Combine(OutputDir, BaseFileName + ".i.response");
                FileItem      ResponseFileItem     = FileItem.CreateIntermediateTextFile(ResponseFileLocation, String.Join("\n", Arguments));

                // Preprocess the source file
                FileItem PreprocessedFileItem = FileItem.GetItemByFileReference(PreprocessedFileLocation);

                Action PreprocessAction = ActionGraph.Add(ActionType.Compile);
                PreprocessAction.CommandPath      = EnvVars.CompilerPath.FullName;
                PreprocessAction.WorkingDirectory = UnrealBuildTool.EngineSourceDirectory.FullName;
                PreprocessAction.CommandArguments = " @\"" + ResponseFileItem.AbsolutePath + "\"";
                PreprocessAction.bShouldOutputStatusDescription = false;

                // Write the PVS studio config file
                StringBuilder ConfigFileContents = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (DirectoryReference IncludePath in EnvVars.IncludePaths)
                    ConfigFileContents.AppendFormat("exclude-path={0}\n", IncludePath.FullName);
                foreach (string PathMask in ApplicationSettings.PathMasks)
                    if (PathMask.Contains(":") || PathMask.Contains("\\") || PathMask.Contains("/"))
                        if (Path.IsPathRooted(PathMask) && !PathMask.Contains(":"))
                            ConfigFileContents.AppendFormat("exclude-path=*{0}*\n", PathMask);
                            ConfigFileContents.AppendFormat("exclude-path={0}\n", PathMask);
                if (CppPlatform == CppPlatform.Win64)
                else if (CppPlatform == CppPlatform.Win32)
                    throw new BuildException("PVS-Studio does not support this platform");
                ConfigFileContents.AppendFormat("i-file={0}\n", PreprocessedFileItem.Location.FullName);

                FileReference ConfigFileLocation = FileReference.Combine(OutputDir, BaseFileName + ".cfg");
                FileItem      ConfigFileItem     = FileItem.CreateIntermediateTextFile(ConfigFileLocation, ConfigFileContents.ToString());

                // Run the analzyer on the preprocessed source file
                FileReference OutputFileLocation = FileReference.Combine(OutputDir, BaseFileName + ".pvslog");
                FileItem      OutputFileItem     = FileItem.GetItemByFileReference(OutputFileLocation);

                Action AnalyzeAction = ActionGraph.Add(ActionType.Compile);
                AnalyzeAction.CommandDescription = "Analyzing";
                AnalyzeAction.StatusDescription  = BaseFileName;
                AnalyzeAction.WorkingDirectory   = UnrealBuildTool.EngineSourceDirectory.FullName;
                AnalyzeAction.CommandPath        = AnalyzerFile.FullName;
                AnalyzeAction.CommandArguments   = String.Format("--cl-params \"{0}\" --source-file \"{1}\" --output-file \"{2}\" --cfg \"{3}\" --analysis-mode 4", PreprocessAction.CommandArguments, SourceFile.AbsolutePath, OutputFileLocation, ConfigFileItem.AbsolutePath);
                if (LicenseFile != null)
                    AnalyzeAction.CommandArguments += String.Format(" --lic-file \"{0}\"", LicenseFile);
                AnalyzeAction.bShouldDeleteProducedItems = true;                 // PVS Studio will append by default, so need to delete produced items

Exemplo n.º 20
        public override CPPOutput CompileCPPFiles(CppCompileEnvironment CompileEnvironment, List <FileItem> InputFiles, DirectoryReference OutputDir, string ModuleName, ActionGraph ActionGraph)
            string Arguments = GetCLArguments_Global(CompileEnvironment);

            CPPOutput Result = new CPPOutput();

            // Add include paths to the argument list.
            foreach (DirectoryReference IncludePath in CompileEnvironment.IncludePaths.UserIncludePaths)
                AddIncludePath(ref Arguments, IncludePath);
            foreach (DirectoryReference IncludePath in CompileEnvironment.IncludePaths.SystemIncludePaths)
                AddIncludePath(ref Arguments, IncludePath);

            // Add preprocessor definitions to the argument list.
            foreach (string Definition in CompileEnvironment.Definitions)
                Arguments += string.Format(" -D{0}", Definition);

            if (bEnableTracing)
                Arguments += string.Format(" -D__EMSCRIPTEN_TRACING__");

            // Force include all the requested headers
            foreach (FileItem ForceIncludeFile in CompileEnvironment.ForceIncludeFiles)
                Arguments += String.Format(" -include \"{0}\"", ForceIncludeFile.Location);

            foreach (FileItem SourceFile in InputFiles)
                Action CompileAction = ActionGraph.Add(ActionType.Compile);
                CompileAction.CommandDescription = "Compile";
//				CompileAction.bPrintDebugInfo = true;

                bool bIsPlainCFile = Path.GetExtension(SourceFile.AbsolutePath).ToUpperInvariant() == ".C";

                // Add the C++ source file and its included files to the prerequisite item list.
                AddPrerequisiteSourceFile(CompileEnvironment, SourceFile, CompileAction.PrerequisiteItems);

                // Add the source file path to the command-line.
                string FileArguments       = string.Format(" \"{0}\"", SourceFile.AbsolutePath);
                string ObjectFileExtension = UEBuildPlatform.GetBuildPlatform(UnrealTargetPlatform.HTML5).GetBinaryExtension(UEBuildBinaryType.Object);
                // Add the object file to the produced item list.
                FileItem ObjectFile = FileItem.GetItemByFileReference(
                        Path.GetFileName(SourceFile.AbsolutePath) + ObjectFileExtension
                FileArguments += string.Format(" -o \"{0}\"", ObjectFile.AbsolutePath);

                // Add C or C++ specific compiler arguments.
                if (bIsPlainCFile)
                    FileArguments += GetCLArguments_C(CompileEnvironment.Architecture);
                    FileArguments += GetCLArguments_CPP(CompileEnvironment);

                CompileAction.WorkingDirectory = UnrealBuildTool.EngineSourceDirectory.FullName;
                CompileAction.CommandPath      = HTML5SDKInfo.Python();

                CompileAction.CommandArguments = HTML5SDKInfo.EmscriptenCompiler() + " " + Arguments + FileArguments + CompileEnvironment.AdditionalArguments;

                CompileAction.StatusDescription = Path.GetFileName(SourceFile.AbsolutePath);

                // Don't farm out creation of precomputed headers as it is the critical path task.
                CompileAction.bCanExecuteRemotely = CompileEnvironment.PrecompiledHeaderAction != PrecompiledHeaderAction.Create;

                // this is the final output of the compile step (a .abc file)

                // VC++ always outputs the source file name being compiled, so we don't need to emit this ourselves
                CompileAction.bShouldOutputStatusDescription = true;

                // Don't farm out creation of precompiled headers as it is the critical path task.
                CompileAction.bCanExecuteRemotely =
                    CompileEnvironment.PrecompiledHeaderAction != PrecompiledHeaderAction.Create ||

Exemplo n.º 21
        /// <summary>
        /// Patch the action graph for hot reloading, mapping files according to the given dictionary.
        /// </summary>
        public static void PatchActionGraph(IEnumerable <Action> Actions, Dictionary <FileReference, FileReference> OriginalFileToHotReloadFile)
            // Gather all of the response files for link actions.  We're going to need to patch 'em up after we figure out new
            // names for all of the output files and import libraries
            List <string> ResponseFilePaths = new List <string>();

            // Same as Response files but for all of the link.sh files for link actions.
            // Only used on BuildHostPlatform Linux
            List <string> LinkScriptFilePaths = new List <string>();

            // Keep a map of the original file names and their new file names, so we can fix up response files after
            Dictionary <string, string> OriginalFileNameAndNewFileNameList_NoExtensions = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            // Finally, we'll keep track of any file items that we had to create counterparts for change file names, so we can fix those up too
            Dictionary <FileItem, FileItem> AffectedOriginalFileItemAndNewFileItemMap = new Dictionary <FileItem, FileItem>();

            foreach (Action Action in Actions.Where((Action) => Action.ActionType == ActionType.Link))
                // Assume that the first produced item (with no extension) is our output file name
                FileReference HotReloadFile;
                if (!OriginalFileToHotReloadFile.TryGetValue(Action.ProducedItems[0].Location, out HotReloadFile))

                string OriginalFileNameWithoutExtension = Utils.GetFilenameWithoutAnyExtensions(Action.ProducedItems[0].AbsolutePath);
                string NewFileNameWithoutExtension      = Utils.GetFilenameWithoutAnyExtensions(HotReloadFile.FullName);

                // Find the response file in the command line.  We'll need to make a copy of it with our new file name.
                string ResponseFileExtension  = ".response";
                int    ResponseExtensionIndex = Action.CommandArguments.IndexOf(ResponseFileExtension, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
                if (ResponseExtensionIndex != -1)
                    int ResponseFilePathIndex = Action.CommandArguments.LastIndexOf("@\"", ResponseExtensionIndex);
                    if (ResponseFilePathIndex == -1)
                        throw new BuildException("Couldn't find response file path in action's command arguments when hot reloading");

                    string OriginalResponseFilePathWithoutExtension = Action.CommandArguments.Substring(ResponseFilePathIndex + 2, (ResponseExtensionIndex - ResponseFilePathIndex) - 2);
                    string OriginalResponseFilePath = OriginalResponseFilePathWithoutExtension + ResponseFileExtension;

                    string NewResponseFilePath = ReplaceBaseFileName(OriginalResponseFilePath, OriginalFileNameWithoutExtension, NewFileNameWithoutExtension);

                    // Copy the old response file to the new path
                    if (String.Compare(OriginalResponseFilePath, NewResponseFilePath, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != 0)
                        File.Copy(OriginalResponseFilePath, NewResponseFilePath, overwrite: true);

                    // Keep track of the new response file name.  We'll have to do some edits afterwards.

                // Find the *.link.sh file in the command line.  We'll need to make a copy of it with our new file name.
                // Only currently used on Linux
                if (UEBuildPlatform.IsPlatformInGroup(BuildHostPlatform.Current.Platform, UnrealPlatformGroup.Unix))
                    string LinkScriptFileExtension  = ".link.sh";
                    int    LinkScriptExtensionIndex = Action.CommandArguments.IndexOf(LinkScriptFileExtension, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
                    if (LinkScriptExtensionIndex != -1)
                        // We expect the script invocation to be quoted
                        int LinkScriptFilePathIndex = Action.CommandArguments.LastIndexOf("\"", LinkScriptExtensionIndex);
                        if (LinkScriptFilePathIndex == -1)
                            throw new BuildException("Couldn't find link script file path in action's command arguments when hot reloading. Is the path quoted?");

                        string OriginalLinkScriptFilePathWithoutExtension = Action.CommandArguments.Substring(LinkScriptFilePathIndex + 1, (LinkScriptExtensionIndex - LinkScriptFilePathIndex) - 1);
                        string OriginalLinkScriptFilePath = OriginalLinkScriptFilePathWithoutExtension + LinkScriptFileExtension;

                        string NewLinkScriptFilePath = ReplaceBaseFileName(OriginalLinkScriptFilePath, OriginalFileNameWithoutExtension, NewFileNameWithoutExtension);

                        // Copy the old response file to the new path
                        File.Copy(OriginalLinkScriptFilePath, NewLinkScriptFilePath, overwrite: true);

                        // Keep track of the new response file name.  We'll have to do some edits afterwards.

                    // Update this action's list of prerequisite items too
                    for (int ItemIndex = 0; ItemIndex < Action.PrerequisiteItems.Count; ++ItemIndex)
                        FileItem OriginalPrerequisiteItem    = Action.PrerequisiteItems[ItemIndex];
                        string   NewPrerequisiteItemFilePath = ReplaceBaseFileName(OriginalPrerequisiteItem.AbsolutePath, OriginalFileNameWithoutExtension, NewFileNameWithoutExtension);

                        if (OriginalPrerequisiteItem.AbsolutePath != NewPrerequisiteItemFilePath)
                            // OK, the prerequisite item's file name changed so we'll update it to point to our new file
                            FileItem NewPrerequisiteItem = FileItem.GetItemByPath(NewPrerequisiteItemFilePath);
                            Action.PrerequisiteItems[ItemIndex] = NewPrerequisiteItem;

                            // Keep track of it so we can fix up dependencies in a second pass afterwards
                            AffectedOriginalFileItemAndNewFileItemMap.Add(OriginalPrerequisiteItem, NewPrerequisiteItem);

                            ResponseExtensionIndex = OriginalPrerequisiteItem.AbsolutePath.IndexOf(ResponseFileExtension, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
                            if (ResponseExtensionIndex != -1)
                                string OriginalResponseFilePathWithoutExtension = OriginalPrerequisiteItem.AbsolutePath.Substring(0, ResponseExtensionIndex);
                                string OriginalResponseFilePath = OriginalResponseFilePathWithoutExtension + ResponseFileExtension;

                                string NewResponseFilePath = ReplaceBaseFileName(OriginalResponseFilePath, OriginalFileNameWithoutExtension, NewFileNameWithoutExtension);

                                // Copy the old response file to the new path
                                File.Copy(OriginalResponseFilePath, NewResponseFilePath, overwrite: true);

                                // Keep track of the new response file name.  We'll have to do some edits afterwards.

                // Update this action's list of produced items too
                for (int ItemIndex = 0; ItemIndex < Action.ProducedItems.Count; ++ItemIndex)
                    FileItem OriginalProducedItem = Action.ProducedItems[ItemIndex];

                    string NewProducedItemFilePath = ReplaceBaseFileName(OriginalProducedItem.AbsolutePath, OriginalFileNameWithoutExtension, NewFileNameWithoutExtension);
                    if (OriginalProducedItem.AbsolutePath != NewProducedItemFilePath)
                        // OK, the produced item's file name changed so we'll update it to point to our new file
                        FileItem NewProducedItem = FileItem.GetItemByPath(NewProducedItemFilePath);
                        Action.ProducedItems[ItemIndex] = NewProducedItem;

                        // Keep track of it so we can fix up dependencies in a second pass afterwards
                        AffectedOriginalFileItemAndNewFileItemMap.Add(OriginalProducedItem, NewProducedItem);

                // Fix up the list of items to delete too
                for (int Idx = 0; Idx < Action.DeleteItems.Count; Idx++)
                    FileItem NewItem;
                    if (AffectedOriginalFileItemAndNewFileItemMap.TryGetValue(Action.DeleteItems[Idx], out NewItem))
                        Action.DeleteItems[Idx] = NewItem;

                // The status description of the item has the file name, so we'll update it too
                Action.StatusDescription = ReplaceBaseFileName(Action.StatusDescription, OriginalFileNameWithoutExtension, NewFileNameWithoutExtension);

                // Keep track of the file names, so we can fix up response files afterwards.
                if (!OriginalFileNameAndNewFileNameList_NoExtensions.ContainsKey(OriginalFileNameWithoutExtension))
                    OriginalFileNameAndNewFileNameList_NoExtensions[OriginalFileNameWithoutExtension] = NewFileNameWithoutExtension;
                else if (OriginalFileNameAndNewFileNameList_NoExtensions[OriginalFileNameWithoutExtension] != NewFileNameWithoutExtension)
                    throw new BuildException("Unexpected conflict in renaming files; {0} maps to {1} and {2}", OriginalFileNameWithoutExtension, OriginalFileNameAndNewFileNameList_NoExtensions[OriginalFileNameWithoutExtension], NewFileNameWithoutExtension);

            // Do another pass and update any actions that depended on the original file names that we changed
            foreach (Action Action in Actions)
                for (int ItemIndex = 0; ItemIndex < Action.PrerequisiteItems.Count; ++ItemIndex)
                    FileItem OriginalFileItem = Action.PrerequisiteItems[ItemIndex];

                    FileItem NewFileItem;
                    if (AffectedOriginalFileItemAndNewFileItemMap.TryGetValue(OriginalFileItem, out NewFileItem))
                        // OK, looks like we need to replace this file item because we've renamed the file
                        Action.PrerequisiteItems[ItemIndex] = NewFileItem;

            if (OriginalFileNameAndNewFileNameList_NoExtensions.Count > 0)
                // Update all the paths in link actions
                foreach (Action Action in Actions.Where((Action) => Action.ActionType == ActionType.Link))
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> FileNameTuple in OriginalFileNameAndNewFileNameList_NoExtensions)
                        string OriginalFileNameWithoutExtension = FileNameTuple.Key;
                        string NewFileNameWithoutExtension      = FileNameTuple.Value;

                        Action.CommandArguments = ReplaceBaseFileName(Action.CommandArguments, OriginalFileNameWithoutExtension, NewFileNameWithoutExtension);

                foreach (string ResponseFilePath in ResponseFilePaths)
                    // Load the file up
                    string FileContents = Utils.ReadAllText(ResponseFilePath);

                    // Replace all of the old file names with new ones
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> FileNameTuple in OriginalFileNameAndNewFileNameList_NoExtensions)
                        string OriginalFileNameWithoutExtension = FileNameTuple.Key;
                        string NewFileNameWithoutExtension      = FileNameTuple.Value;

                        FileContents = ReplaceBaseFileName(FileContents, OriginalFileNameWithoutExtension, NewFileNameWithoutExtension);

                    // Overwrite the original file
                    File.WriteAllText(ResponseFilePath, FileContents, new System.Text.UTF8Encoding(false));

                if (UEBuildPlatform.IsPlatformInGroup(BuildHostPlatform.Current.Platform, UnrealPlatformGroup.Unix))
                    foreach (string LinkScriptFilePath in LinkScriptFilePaths)
                        // Load the file up
                        string FileContents = Utils.ReadAllText(LinkScriptFilePath);

                        // Replace all of the old file names with new ones
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> FileNameTuple in OriginalFileNameAndNewFileNameList_NoExtensions)
                            string OriginalFileNameWithoutExtension = FileNameTuple.Key;
                            string NewFileNameWithoutExtension      = FileNameTuple.Value;

                            FileContents = ReplaceBaseFileName(FileContents, OriginalFileNameWithoutExtension, NewFileNameWithoutExtension);

                        // Overwrite the original file
                        File.WriteAllText(LinkScriptFilePath, FileContents, new System.Text.UTF8Encoding(false));

            // Update the action that writes out the module manifests
            foreach (Action Action in Actions)
                if (Action.ActionType == ActionType.WriteMetadata)
                    string Arguments = Action.CommandArguments;

                    // Find the argument for the metadata file
                    const string InputArgument = "-Input=";

                    int InputIdx = Arguments.IndexOf(InputArgument);
                    if (InputIdx == -1)
                        throw new Exception("Missing -Input= argument to WriteMetadata command when patching action graph.");

                    int FileNameIdx = InputIdx + InputArgument.Length;
                    if (Arguments[FileNameIdx] == '\"')

                    int FileNameEndIdx = FileNameIdx;
                    while (FileNameEndIdx < Arguments.Length && (Arguments[FileNameEndIdx] != ' ' || Arguments[FileNameIdx - 1] == '\"') && Arguments[FileNameEndIdx] != '\"')

                    // Read the metadata file
                    FileReference TargetInfoFile = new FileReference(Arguments.Substring(FileNameIdx, FileNameEndIdx - FileNameIdx));
                    if (!FileReference.Exists(TargetInfoFile))
                        throw new Exception(String.Format("Unable to find metadata file to patch action graph ({0})", TargetInfoFile));

                    // Update the module names
                    WriteMetadataTargetInfo TargetInfo = BinaryFormatterUtils.Load <WriteMetadataTargetInfo>(TargetInfoFile);
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <FileReference, ModuleManifest> FileNameToVersionManifest in TargetInfo.FileToManifest)
                        KeyValuePair <string, string>[] ManifestEntries = FileNameToVersionManifest.Value.ModuleNameToFileName.ToArray();
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> Manifest in ManifestEntries)
                            FileReference OriginalFile = FileReference.Combine(FileNameToVersionManifest.Key.Directory, Manifest.Value);

                            FileReference HotReloadFile;
                            if (OriginalFileToHotReloadFile.TryGetValue(OriginalFile, out HotReloadFile))
                                FileNameToVersionManifest.Value.ModuleNameToFileName[Manifest.Key] = HotReloadFile.GetFileName();

                    // Write the hot-reload metadata file and update the argument list
                    FileReference HotReloadTargetInfoFile = FileReference.Combine(TargetInfoFile.Directory, "Metadata-HotReload.dat");
                    BinaryFormatterUtils.SaveIfDifferent(HotReloadTargetInfoFile, TargetInfo);

                    Action.PrerequisiteItems.RemoveAll(x => x.Location == TargetInfoFile);

                    Action.CommandArguments = Arguments.Substring(0, FileNameIdx) + HotReloadTargetInfoFile + Arguments.Substring(FileNameEndIdx);
Exemplo n.º 22
        public override FileItem LinkFiles(LinkEnvironment LinkEnvironment, bool bBuildImportLibraryOnly, ActionGraph ActionGraph)
            FileItem OutputFile;

            // Make the final javascript file
            Action LinkAction = ActionGraph.Add(ActionType.Link);

            LinkAction.CommandDescription = "Link";
//			LinkAction.bPrintDebugInfo = true;

            // ResponseFile lines.
            List <string> ReponseLines = new List <string>();

            LinkAction.bCanExecuteRemotely = false;
            LinkAction.WorkingDirectory    = UnrealBuildTool.EngineSourceDirectory.FullName;
            LinkAction.CommandPath         = HTML5SDKInfo.Python();
            LinkAction.CommandArguments    = HTML5SDKInfo.EmscriptenCompiler();
//			bool bIsBuildingLibrary = LinkEnvironment.bIsBuildingLibrary || bBuildImportLibraryOnly;
//			ReponseLines.Add(
//					bIsBuildingLibrary ?
//					GetLibArguments(LinkEnvironment) :
//					GetLinkArguments(LinkEnvironment)
//				);

            // Add the input files to a response file, and pass the response file on the command-line.
            foreach (FileItem InputFile in LinkEnvironment.InputFiles)
                //System.Console.WriteLine("File  {0} ", InputFile.AbsolutePath);
                ReponseLines.Add(string.Format(" \"{0}\"", InputFile.AbsolutePath));

            if (!LinkEnvironment.bIsBuildingLibrary)
                // Make sure ThirdParty libs are at the end.
                List <string> ThirdParty = (from Lib in LinkEnvironment.AdditionalLibraries
                                            where Lib.Contains("ThirdParty")
                                            select Lib).ToList();

                LinkEnvironment.AdditionalLibraries.RemoveAll(Element => Element.Contains("ThirdParty"));

                foreach (string InputFile in LinkEnvironment.AdditionalLibraries)
                    FileItem Item = FileItem.GetItemByPath(InputFile);

                    if (Item.AbsolutePath.Contains(".lib"))

                    if (Item.ToString().EndsWith(".js"))
                        ReponseLines.Add(string.Format(" --js-library \"{0}\"", Item.AbsolutePath));

                    // WARNING: With --pre-js and --post-js, the order in which these directives are passed to
                    // the compiler is very critical, because that dictates the order in which they are appended.
                    // Set environment variable [ EMCC_DEBUG=1 ] to see the linker order used in packaging.
                    //     See GetSharedArguments_Global() above to set this environment variable

                    else if (Item.ToString().EndsWith(".jspre"))
                        ReponseLines.Add(string.Format(" --pre-js \"{0}\"", Item.AbsolutePath));

                    else if (Item.ToString().EndsWith(".jspost"))
                        ReponseLines.Add(string.Format(" --post-js \"{0}\"", Item.AbsolutePath));

                        ReponseLines.Add(string.Format(" \"{0}\"", Item.AbsolutePath));

            // make the file we will create

            OutputFile = FileItem.GetItemByFileReference(LinkEnvironment.OutputFilePath);
            ReponseLines.Add(string.Format(" -o \"{0}\"", OutputFile.AbsolutePath));

            FileItem OutputBC = FileItem.GetItemByPath(LinkEnvironment.OutputFilePath.FullName.Replace(".js", ".bc").Replace(".html", ".bc"));

            ReponseLines.Add(string.Format(" --save-bc \"{0}\"", OutputBC.AbsolutePath));

            LinkAction.StatusDescription = Path.GetFileName(OutputFile.AbsolutePath);

            FileReference ResponseFileName = GetResponseFileName(LinkEnvironment, OutputFile);

            FileItem ResponseFileItem = FileItem.CreateIntermediateTextFile(ResponseFileName, ReponseLines);

            LinkAction.CommandArguments += string.Format(" @\"{0}\"", ResponseFileName);

Exemplo n.º 23
        public override CPPOutput CompileRCFiles(UEBuildTarget Target, CPPEnvironment Environment, List <FileItem> RCFiles)
            var EnvVars = VCEnvironment.SetEnvironment(Environment.Config.Target.Platform, false);

            CPPOutput Result = new CPPOutput();

            var BuildPlatform = UEBuildPlatform.GetBuildPlatformForCPPTargetPlatform(Environment.Config.Target.Platform);

            foreach (FileItem RCFile in RCFiles)
                Action CompileAction = new Action(ActionType.Compile);
                CompileAction.CommandDescription = "Resource";
                CompileAction.WorkingDirectory   = UnrealBuildTool.EngineSourceDirectory.FullName;
                CompileAction.CommandPath        = EnvVars.ResourceCompilerPath;
                CompileAction.StatusDescription  = Path.GetFileName(RCFile.AbsolutePath);

                // Suppress header spew
                CompileAction.CommandArguments += " /nologo";

                // If we're compiling for 64-bit Windows, also add the _WIN64 definition to the resource
                // compiler so that we can switch on that in the .rc file using #ifdef.
                CompileAction.CommandArguments += " /D_WIN64";

                // Language
                CompileAction.CommandArguments += " /l 0x409";

                // Include paths.
                foreach (string IncludePath in Environment.Config.CPPIncludeInfo.IncludePaths)
                    CompileAction.CommandArguments += string.Format(" /i \"{0}\"", IncludePath);

                // System include paths.
                foreach (var SystemIncludePath in Environment.Config.CPPIncludeInfo.SystemIncludePaths)
                    CompileAction.CommandArguments += string.Format(" /i \"{0}\"", SystemIncludePath);

                // Preprocessor definitions.
                foreach (string Definition in Environment.Config.Definitions)
                    CompileAction.CommandArguments += string.Format(" /d \"{0}\"", Definition);

                // Add the RES file to the produced item list.
                FileItem CompiledResourceFile = FileItem.GetItemByFileReference(
                        Path.GetFileName(RCFile.AbsolutePath) + ".res"
                CompileAction.CommandArguments += string.Format(" /fo \"{0}\"", CompiledResourceFile.AbsolutePath);

                // Add the RC file as a prerequisite of the action.
                CompileAction.CommandArguments += string.Format(" \"{0}\"", RCFile.AbsolutePath);

                // Add the C++ source file and its included files to the prerequisite item list.
                AddPrerequisiteSourceFile(Target, BuildPlatform, Environment, RCFile, CompileAction.PrerequisiteItems);

Exemplo n.º 24
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks to see if the assembly needs compilation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="SourceFiles">Set of source files</param>
        /// <param name="AssemblyManifestFilePath">File containing information about this assembly, like which source files it was built with and engine version</param>
        /// <param name="OutputAssemblyPath">Output path for the assembly</param>
        /// <returns>True if the assembly needs to be built</returns>
        private static bool RequiresCompilation(HashSet <FileReference> SourceFiles, FileReference AssemblyManifestFilePath, FileReference OutputAssemblyPath)
            // Check to see if we already have a compiled assembly file on disk
            FileItem OutputAssemblyInfo = FileItem.GetItemByFileReference(OutputAssemblyPath);

            if (!OutputAssemblyInfo.Exists)
                Log.TraceLog("Compiling {0}: Assembly does not exist", OutputAssemblyPath);

            // Check the time stamp of the UnrealBuildTool.exe file.  If Unreal Build Tool was compiled more
            // recently than the dynamically-compiled assembly, then we'll always recompile it.  This is
            // because Unreal Build Tool's code may have changed in such a way that invalidate these
            // previously-compiled assembly files.
            FileItem ExecutableItem = FileItem.GetItemByFileReference(UnrealBuildTool.GetUBTPath());

            if (ExecutableItem.LastWriteTimeUtc > OutputAssemblyInfo.LastWriteTimeUtc)
                Log.TraceLog("Compiling {0}: {1} is newer", OutputAssemblyPath, ExecutableItem.Name);

            // Make sure we have a manifest of source files used to compile the output assembly.  If it doesn't exist
            // for some reason (not an expected case) then we'll need to recompile.
            FileItem AssemblySourceListFile = FileItem.GetItemByFileReference(AssemblyManifestFilePath);

            if (!AssemblySourceListFile.Exists)
                Log.TraceLog("Compiling {0}: Missing source file list ({1})", OutputAssemblyPath, AssemblyManifestFilePath);

            JsonObject Manifest = JsonObject.Read(AssemblyManifestFilePath);

            // check if the engine version is different
            string EngineVersionManifest = Manifest.GetStringField("EngineVersion");
            string EngineVersionCurrent  = FormatVersionNumber(ReadOnlyBuildVersion.Current);

            if (EngineVersionManifest != EngineVersionCurrent)
                Log.TraceLog("Compiling {0}: Engine Version changed from {1} to {2}", OutputAssemblyPath, EngineVersionManifest, EngineVersionCurrent);

            // Make sure the source files we're compiling are the same as the source files that were compiled
            // for the assembly that we want to load
            HashSet <FileItem> CurrentSourceFileItems = new HashSet <FileItem>();

            foreach (string Line in Manifest.GetStringArrayField("SourceFiles"))

            // Get the new source files
            HashSet <FileItem> SourceFileItems = new HashSet <FileItem>();

            foreach (FileReference SourceFile in SourceFiles)

            // Check if there are any differences between the sets
            foreach (FileItem CurrentSourceFileItem in CurrentSourceFileItems)
                if (!SourceFileItems.Contains(CurrentSourceFileItem))
                    Log.TraceLog("Compiling {0}: Removed source file ({1})", OutputAssemblyPath, CurrentSourceFileItem);
            foreach (FileItem SourceFileItem in SourceFileItems)
                if (!CurrentSourceFileItems.Contains(SourceFileItem))
                    Log.TraceLog("Compiling {0}: Added source file ({1})", OutputAssemblyPath, SourceFileItem);

            // Check if any of the timestamps are newer
            foreach (FileItem SourceFileItem in SourceFileItems)
                if (SourceFileItem.LastWriteTimeUtc > OutputAssemblyInfo.LastWriteTimeUtc)
                    Log.TraceLog("Compiling {0}: {1} is newer", OutputAssemblyPath, SourceFileItem);

Exemplo n.º 25
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds the header file that is referred to by a partial include filename.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="RelativeIncludePath">path relative to the project</param>
        /// <param name="bSkipExternalHeader">true to skip processing of headers in external path</param>
        /// <param name="SourceFilesDirectory">- The folder containing the source files we're generating a PCH for</param>
        public static FileItem FindIncludedFile(string RelativeIncludePath, bool bSkipExternalHeader, List <string> IncludePathsToSearch, Dictionary <string, FileItem> IncludeFileSearchDictionary)
            FileItem Result = null;

            if (IncludePathsToSearch == null)
                throw new BuildException("Was not expecting IncludePathsToSearch to be empty for file '{0}'!", RelativeIncludePath);


            // Only search for the include file if the result hasn't been cached.
            string InvariantPath = RelativeIncludePath.ToLowerInvariant();

            if (!IncludeFileSearchDictionary.TryGetValue(InvariantPath, out Result))
                int SearchAttempts = 0;
                if (Path.IsPathRooted(RelativeIncludePath))
                    FileReference Reference = new FileReference(RelativeIncludePath);
                    if (DirectoryLookupCache.FileExists(Reference))
                        Result = FileItem.GetItemByFileReference(Reference);
                    // Find the first include path that the included file exists in.
                    foreach (string IncludePath in IncludePathsToSearch)
                        string RelativeFilePath = "";
                            RelativeFilePath = Path.Combine(IncludePath, RelativeIncludePath);
                        catch (ArgumentException Exception)
                            throw new BuildException(Exception, "Failed to combine null or invalid include paths.");
                        FileReference FullFilePath = null;
                            FullFilePath = new FileReference(RelativeFilePath);
                        catch (Exception)
                        if (FullFilePath != null && DirectoryLookupCache.FileExists(FullFilePath))
                            Result = FileItem.GetItemByFileReference(FullFilePath);

                IncludePathSearchAttempts += SearchAttempts;

                if (BuildConfiguration.bPrintPerformanceInfo)
                    // More than two search attempts indicates:
                    //		- Include path was not relative to the directory that the including file was in
                    //		- Include path was not relative to the project's base
                    if (SearchAttempts > 2)
                        Trace.TraceInformation("   Cache miss: " + RelativeIncludePath + " found after " + SearchAttempts.ToString() + " attempts: " + (Result != null ? Result.AbsolutePath : "NOT FOUND!"));

                // Cache the result of the include path search.
                IncludeFileSearchDictionary.Add(InvariantPath, Result);

            // @todo ubtmake: The old UBT tried to skip 'external' (STABLE) headers here.  But it didn't work.  We might want to do this though!  Skip system headers and source/thirdparty headers!

            if (Result != null)
                Log.TraceVerbose("Resolved included file \"{0}\" to: {1}", RelativeIncludePath, Result.AbsolutePath);
                Log.TraceVerbose("Couldn't resolve included file \"{0}\"", RelativeIncludePath);

Exemplo n.º 26
		public override FileItem[] LinkAllFiles(LinkEnvironment LinkEnvironment, bool bBuildImportLibraryOnly)
			List<FileItem> Outputs = new List<FileItem>();

			var NDKRoot = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("NDKROOT").Replace("\\", "/");
			int NDKApiLevelInt = GetNdkApiLevelInt();
			string OptionalLinkArguments;

			for (int ArchIndex = 0; ArchIndex < Arches.Count; ArchIndex++)
				string Arch = Arches[ArchIndex];

				// 32-bit ABI may need fixup for removed bsd_signal in NDK11 for android-21+
				OptionalLinkArguments = "";
				if (NDKApiLevelInt >= 21)
					// this file was added in NDK11 so use existence to detect (RELEASE.TXT no longer present)
					if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(NDKRoot, "source.properties")))
						switch (Arch)
							case "-armv7":
								OptionalLinkArguments = string.Format(" \"{0}\"", Path.Combine(UnrealBuildTool.EngineDirectory.FullName, "Build/Android/Prebuilt/bsdsignal/lib/armeabi-v7a/libbsdsignal.a"));

							case "-x86":
								OptionalLinkArguments = string.Format(" \"{0}\"", Path.Combine(UnrealBuildTool.EngineDirectory.FullName, "Build/Android/Prebuilt/bsdsignal/lib/x86/libbsdsignal.a"));

				for (int GPUArchIndex = 0; GPUArchIndex < GPUArchitectures.Count; GPUArchIndex++)
					string GPUArchitecture = GPUArchitectures[GPUArchIndex];
					int OutputPathIndex = ArchIndex * GPUArchitectures.Count + GPUArchIndex;

					// Android will have an array of outputs
					if (LinkEnvironment.Config.OutputFilePaths.Count < OutputPathIndex ||
						!LinkEnvironment.Config.OutputFilePaths[OutputPathIndex].GetFileNameWithoutExtension().EndsWith(Arch + GPUArchitecture))
						throw new BuildException("The OutputFilePaths array didn't match the Arches array in AndroidToolChain.LinkAllFiles");

					// Create an action that invokes the linker.
					Action LinkAction = new Action(ActionType.Link);
					LinkAction.WorkingDirectory = UnrealBuildTool.EngineSourceDirectory.FullName;

					if (LinkEnvironment.Config.bIsBuildingLibrary)
						switch (Arch)
							case "-armv7": LinkAction.CommandPath = ArPathArm; break;
							case "-arm64": LinkAction.CommandPath = ArPathArm64; break;
							case "-x86": LinkAction.CommandPath = ArPathx86; ; break;
							case "-x64": LinkAction.CommandPath = ArPathx64; ; break;
							default: LinkAction.CommandPath = ArPathArm; ; break;
						LinkAction.CommandPath = ClangPath;

					string LinkerPath = LinkAction.WorkingDirectory;

					LinkAction.WorkingDirectory = LinkEnvironment.Config.IntermediateDirectory.FullName;

					// Get link arguments.
					LinkAction.CommandArguments = LinkEnvironment.Config.bIsBuildingLibrary ? GetArArguments(LinkEnvironment) : GetLinkArguments(LinkEnvironment, Arch);

					// Add the output file as a production of the link action.
					FileItem OutputFile;
					OutputFile = FileItem.GetItemByFileReference(LinkEnvironment.Config.OutputFilePaths[OutputPathIndex]);
					LinkAction.StatusDescription = string.Format("{0}", Path.GetFileName(OutputFile.AbsolutePath));

					// LinkAction.bPrintDebugInfo = true;

					// Add the output file to the command-line.
					if (LinkEnvironment.Config.bIsBuildingLibrary)
						LinkAction.CommandArguments += string.Format(" \"{0}\"", OutputFile.AbsolutePath);
						LinkAction.CommandArguments += string.Format(" -o \"{0}\"", OutputFile.AbsolutePath);

					// Add the input files to a response file, and pass the response file on the command-line.
					List<string> InputFileNames = new List<string>();
					foreach (FileItem InputFile in LinkEnvironment.InputFiles)
						// make sure it's for current Arch
						if (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(InputFile.AbsolutePath).EndsWith(Arch + GPUArchitecture))
							string AbsolutePath = InputFile.AbsolutePath.Replace("\\", "/");

							AbsolutePath = AbsolutePath.Replace(LinkEnvironment.Config.IntermediateDirectory.FullName.Replace("\\", "/"), "");
							AbsolutePath = AbsolutePath.TrimStart(new char[] { '/' });

							InputFileNames.Add(string.Format("\"{0}\"", AbsolutePath));

					FileReference ResponseFileName = GetResponseFileName(LinkEnvironment, OutputFile);
					LinkAction.CommandArguments += string.Format(" @\"{0}\"", ResponseFile.Create(ResponseFileName, InputFileNames));

					// libs don't link in other libs
					if (!LinkEnvironment.Config.bIsBuildingLibrary)
						// Add the library paths to the argument list.
						foreach (string LibraryPath in LinkEnvironment.Config.LibraryPaths)
							// LinkerPaths could be relative or absolute
							string AbsoluteLibraryPath = ActionThread.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(LibraryPath);
							if (IsDirectoryForArch(AbsoluteLibraryPath, Arch))
								// environment variables aren't expanded when using the $( style
								if (Path.IsPathRooted(AbsoluteLibraryPath) == false)
									AbsoluteLibraryPath = Path.Combine(LinkerPath, AbsoluteLibraryPath);
								LinkAction.CommandArguments += string.Format(" -L\"{0}\"", AbsoluteLibraryPath);

						// add libraries in a library group
						LinkAction.CommandArguments += string.Format(" -Wl,--start-group");
						foreach (string AdditionalLibrary in LinkEnvironment.Config.AdditionalLibraries)
							if (!ShouldSkipLib(AdditionalLibrary, Arch, GPUArchitecture))
								if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Path.GetDirectoryName(AdditionalLibrary)))
									LinkAction.CommandArguments += string.Format(" \"-l{0}\"", AdditionalLibrary);
									// full pathed libs are compiled by us, so we depend on linking them
									LinkAction.CommandArguments += string.Format(" \"{0}\"", Path.GetFullPath(AdditionalLibrary));
						LinkAction.CommandArguments += OptionalLinkArguments;
						LinkAction.CommandArguments += string.Format(" -Wl,--end-group");

					// Add the additional arguments specified by the environment.
					LinkAction.CommandArguments += LinkEnvironment.Config.AdditionalArguments;
					LinkAction.CommandArguments = LinkAction.CommandArguments.Replace("\\", "/");

					// Only execute linking on the local PC.
					LinkAction.bCanExecuteRemotely = false;

			return Outputs.ToArray();
Exemplo n.º 27
        public override CPPOutput CompileCPPFiles(CppCompileEnvironment CompileEnvironment, List <FileItem> InputFiles, DirectoryReference OutputDir, string ModuleName, IActionGraphBuilder Graph)
            // Use a subdirectory for PVS output, to avoid clobbering regular build artifacts
            OutputDir = DirectoryReference.Combine(OutputDir, "PVS");

            // Preprocess the source files with the regular toolchain
            CppCompileEnvironment PreprocessCompileEnvironment = new CppCompileEnvironment(CompileEnvironment);

            PreprocessCompileEnvironment.bPreprocessOnly = true;
            PreprocessCompileEnvironment.bEnableUndefinedIdentifierWarnings = false;             // Not sure why THIRD_PARTY_INCLUDES_START doesn't pick this up; the _Pragma appears in the preprocessed output. Perhaps in preprocess-only mode the compiler doesn't respect these?

            List <Action> PreprocessActions = new List <Action>();
            CPPOutput     Result            = InnerToolChain.CompileCPPFiles(PreprocessCompileEnvironment, InputFiles, OutputDir, ModuleName, new ActionGraphCapture(Graph, PreprocessActions));

            // Run the source files through PVS-Studio
            foreach (Action PreprocessAction in PreprocessActions)
                if (PreprocessAction.ActionType != ActionType.Compile)

                FileItem SourceFileItem = PreprocessAction.PrerequisiteItems.FirstOrDefault(x => x.HasExtension(".c") || x.HasExtension(".cc") || x.HasExtension(".cpp"));
                if (SourceFileItem == null)
                    Log.TraceWarning("Unable to find source file from command: {0} {1}", PreprocessAction.CommandArguments);

                FileItem PreprocessedFileItem = PreprocessAction.ProducedItems.FirstOrDefault(x => x.HasExtension(".i"));
                if (PreprocessedFileItem == null)
                    Log.TraceWarning("Unable to find preprocessed output file from command: {0} {1}", PreprocessAction.CommandArguments);

                // Disable a few warnings that seem to come from the preprocessor not respecting _Pragma
                PreprocessAction.CommandArguments += " /wd4005";                 // macro redefinition
                PreprocessAction.CommandArguments += " /wd4828";                 // file contains a character starting at offset xxxx that is illegal in the current source character set

                // Write the PVS studio config file
                StringBuilder ConfigFileContents = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (DirectoryReference IncludePath in Target.WindowsPlatform.Environment.IncludePaths)
                    ConfigFileContents.AppendFormat("exclude-path={0}\n", IncludePath.FullName);
                if (ApplicationSettings != null && ApplicationSettings.PathMasks != null)
                    foreach (string PathMask in ApplicationSettings.PathMasks)
                        if (PathMask.Contains(":") || PathMask.Contains("\\") || PathMask.Contains("/"))
                            if (Path.IsPathRooted(PathMask) && !PathMask.Contains(":"))
                                ConfigFileContents.AppendFormat("exclude-path=*{0}*\n", PathMask);
                                ConfigFileContents.AppendFormat("exclude-path={0}\n", PathMask);
                if (Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64)
                else if (Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win32)
                    throw new BuildException("PVS-Studio does not support this platform");
                ConfigFileContents.AppendFormat("i-file={0}\n", PreprocessedFileItem.Location.FullName);

                string BaseFileName = PreprocessedFileItem.Location.GetFileNameWithoutExtension();

                FileReference ConfigFileLocation = FileReference.Combine(OutputDir, BaseFileName + ".cfg");
                FileItem      ConfigFileItem     = Graph.CreateIntermediateTextFile(ConfigFileLocation, ConfigFileContents.ToString());

                // Run the analzyer on the preprocessed source file
                FileReference OutputFileLocation = FileReference.Combine(OutputDir, BaseFileName + ".pvslog");
                FileItem      OutputFileItem     = FileItem.GetItemByFileReference(OutputFileLocation);

                Action AnalyzeAction = Graph.CreateAction(ActionType.Compile);
                AnalyzeAction.CommandDescription = "Analyzing";
                AnalyzeAction.StatusDescription  = BaseFileName;
                AnalyzeAction.WorkingDirectory   = UnrealBuildTool.EngineSourceDirectory;
                AnalyzeAction.CommandPath        = AnalyzerFile;
                AnalyzeAction.CommandArguments   = String.Format("--cl-params \"{0}\" --source-file \"{1}\" --output-file \"{2}\" --cfg \"{3}\" --analysis-mode {4}", PreprocessAction.CommandArguments, SourceFileItem.AbsolutePath, OutputFileLocation, ConfigFileItem.AbsolutePath, (uint)Settings.ModeFlags);
                if (LicenseFile != null)
                    AnalyzeAction.CommandArguments += String.Format(" --lic-file \"{0}\"", LicenseFile);
                AnalyzeAction.PrerequisiteItems.AddRange(InputFiles);          // Add the InputFiles as PrerequisiteItems so that in SingleFileCompile mode the PVSAnalyze step is not filtered out
                AnalyzeAction.DeleteItems.Add(OutputFileItem);                 // PVS Studio will append by default, so need to delete produced items

Exemplo n.º 28
		public override CPPOutput CompileCPPFiles(UEBuildTarget Target, CPPEnvironment CompileEnvironment, List<FileItem> SourceFiles, string ModuleName)
			if (Arches.Count == 0)
				throw new BuildException("At least one architecture (armv7, x86, etc) needs to be selected in the project settings to build");

			if (!bHasPrintedApiLevel)
				Console.WriteLine("Compiling Native code with NDK API '{0}'", GetNdkApiLevel());
				bHasPrintedApiLevel = true;

			string BaseArguments = "";

			if (CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderAction != PrecompiledHeaderAction.Create)
				BaseArguments += " -Werror";


			// Directly added NDK files for NDK extensions
			ConditionallyAddNDKSourceFiles(SourceFiles, ModuleName);

			// Deal with dynamic modules removed by architecture
			GenerateEmptyLinkFunctionsForRemovedModules(SourceFiles, ModuleName, CompileEnvironment.Config.OutputDirectory);

			// Add preprocessor definitions to the argument list.
			foreach (string Definition in CompileEnvironment.Config.Definitions)
				BaseArguments += string.Format(" -D \"{0}\"", Definition);

			var BuildPlatform = UEBuildPlatform.GetBuildPlatformForCPPTargetPlatform(CompileEnvironment.Config.Target.Platform);
			var NDKRoot = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("NDKROOT").Replace("\\", "/");

			string BasePCHName = "";
			var PCHExtension = UEBuildPlatform.GetBuildPlatform(UnrealTargetPlatform.Android).GetBinaryExtension(UEBuildBinaryType.PrecompiledHeader);
			if (CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderAction == PrecompiledHeaderAction.Include)
				BasePCHName = RemoveArchName(CompileEnvironment.PrecompiledHeaderFile.AbsolutePath).Replace(PCHExtension, "");

			// Create a compile action for each source file.
			CPPOutput Result = new CPPOutput();
			foreach (string Arch in Arches)
				if (ShouldSkipModule(ModuleName, Arch))

				foreach (string GPUArchitecture in GPUArchitectures)
					// which toolchain to use
					string Arguments = GetCLArguments_Global(CompileEnvironment, Arch) + BaseArguments;

					switch (Arch)
						case "-armv7": Arguments += " -DPLATFORM_64BITS=0 -DPLATFORM_ANDROID_ARM=1"; break;
						case "-arm64": Arguments += " -DPLATFORM_64BITS=1 -DPLATFORM_ANDROID_ARM64=1"; break;
						case "-x86": Arguments += " -DPLATFORM_64BITS=0 -DPLATFORM_ANDROID_X86=1"; break;
						case "-x64": Arguments += " -DPLATFORM_64BITS=1 -DPLATFORM_ANDROID_X64=1"; break;
						default: Arguments += " -DPLATFORM_64BITS=0 -DPLATFORM_ANDROID_ARM=1"; break;

                    if (GPUArchitecture == "-esdeferred")

					// which PCH file to include
					string PCHArguments = "";
					if (CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderAction == PrecompiledHeaderAction.Include)
						// Add the precompiled header file's path to the include path so Clang can find it.
						// This needs to be before the other include paths to ensure Clang uses it instead of the source header file.
						PCHArguments += string.Format(" -include \"{0}\"", InlineArchName(BasePCHName, Arch, GPUArchitecture));

					// Add include paths to the argument list (filtered by architecture)
					foreach (string IncludePath in CompileEnvironment.Config.CPPIncludeInfo.SystemIncludePaths)
						if (IsDirectoryForArch(IncludePath, Arch))
							Arguments += string.Format(" -I\"{0}\"", IncludePath);
					foreach (string IncludePath in CompileEnvironment.Config.CPPIncludeInfo.IncludePaths)
						if (IsDirectoryForArch(IncludePath, Arch))
							Arguments += string.Format(" -I\"{0}\"", IncludePath);

					foreach (FileItem SourceFile in SourceFiles)
						Action CompileAction = new Action(ActionType.Compile);
						string FileArguments = "";
						bool bIsPlainCFile = Path.GetExtension(SourceFile.AbsolutePath).ToUpperInvariant() == ".C";
						bool bDisableShadowWarning = false;

						// should we disable optimizations on this file?
						// @todo android - We wouldn't need this if we could disable optimizations per function (via pragma)
						bool bDisableOptimizations = false;// SourceFile.AbsolutePath.ToUpperInvariant().IndexOf("\\SLATE\\") != -1;
						if (bDisableOptimizations && CompileEnvironment.Config.Target.Configuration != CPPTargetConfiguration.Debug)
							Log.TraceWarning("Disabling optimizations on {0}", SourceFile.AbsolutePath);

						bDisableOptimizations = bDisableOptimizations || CompileEnvironment.Config.Target.Configuration == CPPTargetConfiguration.Debug;

						// Add C or C++ specific compiler arguments.
						if (CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderAction == PrecompiledHeaderAction.Create)
							FileArguments += GetCompileArguments_PCH(bDisableOptimizations);
						else if (bIsPlainCFile)
							FileArguments += GetCompileArguments_C(bDisableOptimizations);

							// remove shadow variable warnings for NDK files
							if (SourceFile.AbsolutePath.Replace("\\", "/").StartsWith(NDKRoot))
								bDisableShadowWarning = true;
							FileArguments += GetCompileArguments_CPP(bDisableOptimizations);

							// only use PCH for .cpp files
							FileArguments += PCHArguments;

						// Add the C++ source file and its included files to the prerequisite item list.
						AddPrerequisiteSourceFile(Target, BuildPlatform, CompileEnvironment, SourceFile, CompileAction.PrerequisiteItems);

						if (CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderAction == PrecompiledHeaderAction.Create)
							// Add the precompiled header file to the produced item list.
							FileItem PrecompiledHeaderFile = FileItem.GetItemByFileReference(
									Path.GetFileName(InlineArchName(SourceFile.AbsolutePath, Arch, GPUArchitecture) + PCHExtension)

							Result.PrecompiledHeaderFile = PrecompiledHeaderFile;

							// Add the parameters needed to compile the precompiled header file to the command-line.
							FileArguments += string.Format(" -o \"{0}\"", PrecompiledHeaderFile.AbsolutePath, false);
							if (CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderAction == PrecompiledHeaderAction.Include)
								CompileAction.bIsUsingPCH = true;
								FileItem ArchPrecompiledHeaderFile = FileItem.GetItemByPath(InlineArchName(BasePCHName, Arch, GPUArchitecture) + PCHExtension);

							var ObjectFileExtension = UEBuildPlatform.GetBuildPlatform(UnrealTargetPlatform.Android).GetBinaryExtension(UEBuildBinaryType.Object);

							// Add the object file to the produced item list.
							FileItem ObjectFile = FileItem.GetItemByFileReference(
									InlineArchName(Path.GetFileName(SourceFile.AbsolutePath) + ObjectFileExtension, Arch, GPUArchitecture)

							FileArguments += string.Format(" -o \"{0}\"", ObjectFile.AbsolutePath, false);

						// Add the source file path to the command-line.
						FileArguments += string.Format(" \"{0}\"", SourceFile.AbsolutePath);

						// Build a full argument list
						string AllArguments = Arguments + FileArguments + CompileEnvironment.Config.AdditionalArguments;
						AllArguments = ActionThread.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(AllArguments);
						AllArguments = AllArguments.Replace("\\", "/");

						// Remove shadow warning for this file if requested
						if (bDisableShadowWarning)
							int WarningIndex = AllArguments.IndexOf(" -Wshadow");
							if (WarningIndex > 0)
								AllArguments = AllArguments.Remove(WarningIndex, 9);

						// Create the response file
						FileReference ResponseFileName = CompileAction.ProducedItems[0].Reference + "_" + AllArguments.GetHashCode().ToString("X") + ".response";
						string ResponseArgument = string.Format("@\"{0}\"", ResponseFile.Create(ResponseFileName, new List<string> { AllArguments }).FullName);

						CompileAction.WorkingDirectory = UnrealBuildTool.EngineSourceDirectory.FullName;
						CompileAction.CommandPath = ClangPath;
						CompileAction.CommandArguments = ResponseArgument;
						CompileAction.StatusDescription = string.Format("{0} [{1}-{2}]", Path.GetFileName(SourceFile.AbsolutePath), Arch.Replace("-", ""), GPUArchitecture.Replace("-", ""));

						// VC++ always outputs the source file name being compiled, so we don't need to emit this ourselves
						CompileAction.bShouldOutputStatusDescription = true;

						// Don't farm out creation of pre-compiled headers as it is the critical path task.
						CompileAction.bCanExecuteRemotely =
							CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderAction != PrecompiledHeaderAction.Create ||

			return Result;
Exemplo n.º 29
        public override CPPOutput CompileCPPFiles(CppCompileEnvironment CompileEnvironment, List <FileItem> InputFiles, DirectoryReference OutputDir, string ModuleName, ActionGraph ActionGraph)
            VCEnvironment EnvVars = VCEnvironment.SetEnvironment(CppPlatform, Compiler);

            // Get the MSVC arguments required to compile all files in this batch
            List <string> SharedArguments = new List <string>();

            SharedArguments.Add("/P");             // Preprocess
            SharedArguments.Add("/C");             // Preserve comments when preprocessing
            SharedArguments.Add("/D PVS_STUDIO");
            foreach (DirectoryReference IncludePath in CompileEnvironment.IncludePaths.UserIncludePaths)
                SharedArguments.Add(String.Format("/I \"{0}\"", IncludePath));
            foreach (DirectoryReference IncludePath in CompileEnvironment.IncludePaths.SystemIncludePaths)
                SharedArguments.Add(String.Format("/I \"{0}\"", IncludePath));
            foreach (string Definition in CompileEnvironment.Definitions)
                SharedArguments.Add(String.Format("/D \"{0}\"", Definition));

            // Get the path to PVS studio
            FileReference AnalyzerFile = new FileReference(Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFilesX86), "PVS-Studio", "x64", "PVS-Studio.exe"));

            if (!FileReference.Exists(AnalyzerFile))
                throw new BuildException("Unable to find PVS-Studio at {0}", AnalyzerFile);

            CPPOutput Result = new CPPOutput();

            foreach (FileItem SourceFile in InputFiles)
                // Get the file names for everything we need
                string BaseFileName = SourceFile.Location.GetFileName();

                // Write the response file
                FileReference PreprocessedFileLocation = FileReference.Combine(OutputDir, BaseFileName + ".i");

                List <string> Arguments = new List <string>(SharedArguments);
                Arguments.Add(String.Format("/Fi\"{0}\"", PreprocessedFileLocation));                 // Preprocess to a file
                Arguments.Add(String.Format("\"{0}\"", SourceFile.AbsolutePath));

                FileReference ResponseFileLocation = FileReference.Combine(OutputDir, BaseFileName + ".i.response");
                FileItem      ResponseFileItem     = FileItem.CreateIntermediateTextFile(ResponseFileLocation, String.Join("\n", Arguments));

                // Preprocess the source file
                FileItem PreprocessedFileItem = FileItem.GetItemByFileReference(PreprocessedFileLocation);

                Action PreprocessAction = ActionGraph.Add(ActionType.Compile);
                PreprocessAction.CommandPath      = EnvVars.CompilerPath.FullName;
                PreprocessAction.WorkingDirectory = UnrealBuildTool.EngineSourceDirectory.FullName;
                PreprocessAction.CommandArguments = " @\"" + ResponseFileItem.AbsolutePath + "\"";
                PreprocessAction.bShouldOutputStatusDescription = false;

                // Write the PVS studio config file
                StringBuilder ConfigFileContents = new StringBuilder();
                ConfigFileContents.AppendFormat("exclude-path={0}\n", EnvVars.VCInstallDir.FullName);
                if (CppPlatform == CppPlatform.Win64)
                else if (CppPlatform == CppPlatform.Win32)
                    throw new BuildException("PVS studio does not support this platform");
                ConfigFileContents.AppendFormat("i-file={0}\n", PreprocessedFileItem.Location.FullName);

                FileReference ConfigFileLocation = FileReference.Combine(OutputDir, BaseFileName + ".cfg");
                FileItem      ConfigFileItem     = FileItem.CreateIntermediateTextFile(ConfigFileLocation, ConfigFileContents.ToString());

                // Run the analzyer on the preprocessed source file
                FileReference OutputFileLocation = FileReference.Combine(OutputDir, BaseFileName + ".pvslog");
                FileItem      OutputFileItem     = FileItem.GetItemByFileReference(OutputFileLocation);

                Action AnalyzeAction = ActionGraph.Add(ActionType.Compile);
                AnalyzeAction.CommandDescription = "Analyzing";
                AnalyzeAction.StatusDescription  = BaseFileName;
                AnalyzeAction.WorkingDirectory   = UnrealBuildTool.EngineSourceDirectory.FullName;
                AnalyzeAction.CommandPath        = AnalyzerFile.FullName;
                AnalyzeAction.CommandArguments   = String.Format("--cl-params \"{0}\" --source-file \"{1}\" --output-file \"{2}\" --cfg \"{3}\" --analysis-mode 4", PreprocessAction.CommandArguments, SourceFile.AbsolutePath, OutputFileLocation, ConfigFileItem.AbsolutePath);
                AnalyzeAction.bShouldDeleteProducedItems = true;                 // PVS Studio will append by default, so need to delete produced items

Exemplo n.º 30
        public override CPPOutput GenerateISPCHeaders(CppCompileEnvironment CompileEnvironment, List <FileItem> InputFiles, DirectoryReference OutputDir, IActionGraphBuilder Graph)
            CPPOutput Result = new CPPOutput();

            if (!CompileEnvironment.bCompileISPC)

            List <string> CompileTargets = GetISPCCompileTargets(CompileEnvironment.Platform, null);

            foreach (FileItem ISPCFile in InputFiles)
                Action CompileAction = Graph.CreateAction(ActionType.Compile);
                CompileAction.CommandDescription = "Compile";
                CompileAction.WorkingDirectory   = UnrealBuildTool.EngineSourceDirectory;
                CompileAction.CommandPath        = new FileReference(GetISPCHostCompilerPath(BuildHostPlatform.Current.Platform));
                CompileAction.StatusDescription  = Path.GetFileName(ISPCFile.AbsolutePath);

                // Disable remote execution to workaround mismatched case on XGE
                CompileAction.bCanExecuteRemotely = false;

                List <string> Arguments = new List <string>();

                // Add the ISPC obj file as a prerequisite of the action.
                CompileAction.CommandArguments = String.Format("\"{0}\" ", ISPCFile.AbsolutePath);

                // Add the ISPC h file to the produced item list.
                FileItem ISPCIncludeHeaderFile = FileItem.GetItemByFileReference(
                        Path.GetFileName(ISPCFile.AbsolutePath) + ".generated.dummy.h"

                // Add the ISPC file to be compiled.
                Arguments.Add(String.Format("-h \"{0}\"", ISPCIncludeHeaderFile));

                // Build target string. No comma on last
                string TargetString = "";
                foreach (string Target in CompileTargets)
                    if (Target == CompileTargets[CompileTargets.Count - 1])                   // .Last()
                        TargetString += Target;
                        TargetString += Target + ",";

                // Build target triplet
                Arguments.Add(String.Format("--target-os={0}", GetISPCOSTarget(CompileEnvironment.Platform)));
                Arguments.Add(String.Format("--arch={0}", GetISPCArchTarget(CompileEnvironment.Platform, null)));
                Arguments.Add(String.Format("--target={0}", TargetString));

                // PIC is needed for modular builds except on Windows
                if ((CompileEnvironment.bIsBuildingDLL ||
                     CompileEnvironment.bIsBuildingLibrary) &&
                    !UEBuildPlatform.IsPlatformInGroup(CompileEnvironment.Platform, UnrealPlatformGroup.Windows))

                // Include paths. Don't use AddIncludePath() here, since it uses the full path and exceeds the max command line length.
                // Because ISPC response files don't support white space in arguments, paths with white space need to be passed to the command line directly.
                foreach (DirectoryReference IncludePath in CompileEnvironment.UserIncludePaths)
                    Arguments.Add(String.Format("-I\"{0}\"", IncludePath));

                // System include paths.
                foreach (DirectoryReference SystemIncludePath in CompileEnvironment.SystemIncludePaths)
                    Arguments.Add(String.Format("-I\"{0}\"", SystemIncludePath));

                // Generate the included header dependency list
                if (CompileEnvironment.bGenerateDependenciesFile)
                    FileItem DependencyListFile = FileItem.GetItemByFileReference(FileReference.Combine(OutputDir, Path.GetFileName(ISPCFile.AbsolutePath) + ".txt"));
                    Arguments.Add(String.Format("-MMM \"{0}\"", DependencyListFile.AbsolutePath.Replace('\\', '/')));
                    CompileAction.DependencyListFile = DependencyListFile;


                FileReference ResponseFileName = new FileReference(ISPCIncludeHeaderFile.AbsolutePath + ".response");
                FileItem      ResponseFileItem = Graph.CreateIntermediateTextFile(ResponseFileName, Arguments.Select(x => Utils.ExpandVariables(x)));
                CompileAction.CommandArguments += String.Format("@\"{0}\"", ResponseFileName);

                // Add the source file and its included files to the prerequisite item list.

                FileItem ISPCFinalHeaderFile = FileItem.GetItemByFileReference(
                        Path.GetFileName(ISPCFile.AbsolutePath) + ".generated.h"

                // Fix interrupted build issue by copying header after generation completes
                FileReference SourceFile = ISPCIncludeHeaderFile.Location;
                FileReference TargetFile = ISPCFinalHeaderFile.Location;

                FileItem SourceFileItem = FileItem.GetItemByFileReference(SourceFile);
                FileItem TargetFileItem = FileItem.GetItemByFileReference(TargetFile);

                Action CopyAction = Graph.CreateAction(ActionType.BuildProject);
                CopyAction.CommandDescription = "Copy";
                CopyAction.CommandPath        = BuildHostPlatform.Current.Shell;
                if (BuildHostPlatform.Current.ShellType == ShellType.Cmd)
                    CopyAction.CommandArguments = String.Format("/C \"copy /Y \"{0}\" \"{1}\" 1>nul\"", SourceFile, TargetFile);
                    CopyAction.CommandArguments = String.Format("-c 'cp -f \"{0}\" \"{1}\"'", SourceFile.FullName, TargetFile.FullName);
                CopyAction.WorkingDirectory = UnrealBuildTool.EngineSourceDirectory;
                CopyAction.StatusDescription              = TargetFileItem.Location.GetFileName();
                CopyAction.bCanExecuteRemotely            = false;
                CopyAction.bShouldOutputStatusDescription = false;


                Log.TraceVerbose("   ISPC Generating Header " + CompileAction.StatusDescription + ": \"" + CompileAction.CommandPath + "\"" + CompileAction.CommandArguments);
