Exemplo n.º 1
        private void bakingGridPoint(Vector3 startPoint, Vector3 gameObjectCenter, Vector3 gameObjectSize, Vector3 position)
            NavMesh2DNode newNode = new NavMesh2DNode();

            newNode.position   = position;
            newNode.neighbours = new List <int> ();
            // check if there is obstacles exist at/near(within unit error) the node
            Collider2D center      = Physics2D.OverlapPoint(new Vector2(newNode.position.x, newNode.position.y));
            Collider2D top         = Physics2D.OverlapPoint(new Vector2(newNode.position.x, newNode.position.y + unitError));
            Collider2D bottom      = Physics2D.OverlapPoint(new Vector2(newNode.position.x, newNode.position.y - unitError));
            Collider2D left        = Physics2D.OverlapPoint(new Vector2(newNode.position.x - unitError, newNode.position.y));
            Collider2D right       = Physics2D.OverlapPoint(new Vector2(newNode.position.x + unitError, newNode.position.y));
            Collider2D topLeft     = Physics2D.OverlapPoint(new Vector2(newNode.position.x - unitError, newNode.position.y + unitError));
            Collider2D topRight    = Physics2D.OverlapPoint(new Vector2(newNode.position.x + unitError, newNode.position.y + unitError));
            Collider2D bottomLeft  = Physics2D.OverlapPoint(new Vector2(newNode.position.x - unitError, newNode.position.y - unitError));
            Collider2D bottomRight = Physics2D.OverlapPoint(new Vector2(newNode.position.x + unitError, newNode.position.y - unitError));

            if ((center != null && center.gameObject.GetComponent <NavMesh2DObstacle>() != null) ||
                (top != null && top.gameObject.GetComponent <NavMesh2DObstacle>() != null) ||
                (bottom != null && bottom.gameObject.GetComponent <NavMesh2DObstacle>() != null) ||
                (left != null && left.gameObject.GetComponent <NavMesh2DObstacle>() != null) ||
                (right != null && right.gameObject.GetComponent <NavMesh2DObstacle>() != null) ||
                (topLeft != null && topLeft.gameObject.GetComponent <NavMesh2DObstacle>() != null) ||
                (topRight != null && topRight.gameObject.GetComponent <NavMesh2DObstacle>() != null) ||
                (bottomLeft != null && bottomLeft.gameObject.GetComponent <NavMesh2DObstacle>() != null) ||
                (bottomRight != null && bottomRight.gameObject.GetComponent <NavMesh2DObstacle>() != null) ||
                newNode.position.x < gameObjectCenter.x - gameObjectSize.x / 2 || newNode.position.x > gameObjectCenter.x + gameObjectSize.x / 2 ||
                newNode.position.y < gameObjectCenter.y - gameObjectSize.y / 2 || newNode.position.y > gameObjectCenter.y + gameObjectSize.y / 2)
                // there is obstacle or out of bound
                newNode.id = obstacleNodes.nodes.Count;
            else if (!navMeshNodes.nodes.Contains(newNode) && !obstacleNodes.nodes.Contains(newNode))
                newNode.id = navMeshNodes.nodes.Count;
                // find neighbours
                for (int k = 0; k < navMeshNodes.nodes.Count - 1; k++)
                    float distance = Vector3.Distance(navMeshNodes.nodes [k].position, navMeshNodes.nodes [navMeshNodes.nodes.Count - 1].position);
                    if (navMeshNodes.nodes [k].neighbours.Count < 8 && distance <= unitLength)
                        Vector2      origin = new Vector2(navMeshNodes.nodes [k].position.x, navMeshNodes.nodes [k].position.y);
                        Vector2      dest   = new Vector2(navMeshNodes.nodes [navMeshNodes.nodes.Count - 1].position.x, navMeshNodes.nodes [navMeshNodes.nodes.Count - 1].position.y);
                        RaycastHit2D hit    = Physics2D.Linecast(origin, dest);
                        if (hit.transform == null || hit.transform.gameObject.GetComponent <NavMesh2DObstacle>() == null)
                            navMeshNodes.nodes [k].neighbours.Add(navMeshNodes.nodes [navMeshNodes.nodes.Count - 1].id);
                            navMeshNodes.nodes [navMeshNodes.nodes.Count - 1].neighbours.Add(navMeshNodes.nodes [k].id);
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Set the target position of the agent.
        /// </summary>
        public void setTarget(Vector3 target)
            this.target = target;
            target.z    = 0;
            // find the path
            if (TopDown2DNavMeshBaker.navMeshNodes == null)
            NavMesh2DNode closestStart       = TopDown2DNavMeshBaker.navMeshNodes.findNearestNode(transform.position);
            NavMesh2DNode closestGoal        = TopDown2DNavMeshBaker.navMeshNodes.findNearestNode(target);
            List <IAStarable <Vector3> > map = new List <IAStarable <Vector3> > ();

            for (int i = 0; i < TopDown2DNavMeshBaker.navMeshNodes.nodes.Count; i++)
                IAStarable <Vector3> newNode = (IAStarable <Vector3>)TopDown2DNavMeshBaker.navMeshNodes.nodes [i];
                newNode.heuristicFunction = () => {
                    return(Vector3.Distance(newNode.value, closestGoal.position));
            StartCoroutine(AStarAlgorithm.findPath <Vector3> (map, (IAStarable <Vector3>)closestStart, (IAStarable <Vector3>)closestGoal, pathHandler));
Exemplo n.º 3
 /// <summary>
 /// Handle the recieved path.
 /// </summary>
 public void pathHandler(List <IAStarable <Vector3> > result)
     if (result != null)
         List <NavMesh2DNode> newPath = new List <NavMesh2DNode> ();
         if (path == null)
             path = new List <Vector3> ();
         else if (path.Count > 0)
         for (int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++)
             NavMesh2DNode newNode = (NavMesh2DNode)result [i];
             newNode.heuristicFunction = null;
         Vector3 curPosition = transform.position;
         curPosition.z = 0;
         // do linear optimization to the path
         Vector3 lastStartPoint = curPosition;
         Vector3 lastEndPoint   = newPath[0].position;
         bool    canSkip        = true;
         for (int i = 1; i < newPath.Count; i++)
             canSkip = true;
             RaycastHit2D hit = Physics2D.Linecast(lastStartPoint + (newPath [i].position - lastStartPoint).normalized * customBoundOffset, newPath [i].position);
             if (hit.transform != null)
                 if (hit.transform.gameObject == gameObject)
                     RaycastHit2D[] targetPoint = Physics2D.LinecastAll(lastStartPoint + (newPath [i].position - lastStartPoint).normalized * customBoundOffset, newPath [i].position);
                     int            j           = 0;
                     for (j = 0; j < targetPoint.Length; j++)
                         if (targetPoint [j].transform != null && targetPoint [j].transform.gameObject.GetComponent <NavMesh2DObstacle> () != null)
                             canSkip = false;
                 else if (hit.transform.gameObject.GetComponent <NavMesh2DObstacle> () != null)
                     canSkip = false;
             if (canSkip)
                 lastEndPoint = newPath [i].position;
                 lastStartPoint = newPath [i].position;
             // Debug.Log ("Path point " + i + " is (" + newPath [i].position.x + ", " + newPath [i].position.y + ").");
         if (!path.Contains(lastEndPoint))
         if (!UpdateManager.IsRegistered(this))