Exemplo n.º 1
        internal void DrawWithTextSelection(Rect position, GUIContent content, bool isActive, bool hasKeyboardFocus,
                                            int firstSelectedCharacter, int lastSelectedCharacter, bool drawSelectionAsComposition, Color selectionColor)
            if (Event.current.type != EventType.Repaint)
                Debug.LogError("Style.Draw may not be called if it is not a repaint event");

            // Figure out the cursor color...
            Color cursorColor      = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0);
            float cursorFlashSpeed = GUI.skin.settings.cursorFlashSpeed;
            float cursorFlashRel   = (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - Internal_GetCursorFlashOffset()) % cursorFlashSpeed / cursorFlashSpeed;

            if (cursorFlashSpeed == 0 || cursorFlashRel < .5f)
                cursorColor = GUI.skin.settings.cursorColor;

            bool hovered    = position.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition);
            var  drawStates = new DrawStates(-1, hovered, isActive, false, hasKeyboardFocus,
                                             drawSelectionAsComposition, firstSelectedCharacter, lastSelectedCharacter, cursorColor, selectionColor);

            if (onDraw == null || !onDraw(this, position, content, drawStates))
                Internal_DrawWithTextSelection(position, content, hovered, isActive, false, hasKeyboardFocus,
                                               drawSelectionAsComposition, firstSelectedCharacter, lastSelectedCharacter, cursorColor, selectionColor);
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void Draw(Rect position, GUIContent content, int controlId, bool isHover, bool isActive, bool on, bool hasKeyboardFocus)
            if (Event.current.type != EventType.Repaint)
                throw new Exception("Style.Draw may not be called if it is not a repaint event");

            if (content == null)
                throw new Exception("Style.Draw may not be called with GUIContent that is null.");

            var drawStates = new DrawStates(controlId, isHover, isActive, on, hasKeyboardFocus);

            if (onDraw == null || !onDraw(this, position, content, drawStates))
                if (controlId == -1)
                    Internal_Draw(position, content, isHover, isActive, on, hasKeyboardFocus);
                    Internal_Draw2(position, content, controlId, on);
Exemplo n.º 3
        internal void DrawWithTextSelection(Rect position, GUIContent content, bool isActive, bool hasKeyboardFocus, int firstSelectedCharacter, int lastSelectedCharacter, bool drawSelectionAsComposition, Color selectionColor)
            bool flag = Event.current.type != EventType.Repaint;

            if (flag)
                Debug.LogError("Style.Draw may not be called if it is not a repaint event");
                Color cursorColor      = new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f);
                float cursorFlashSpeed = GUI.skin.settings.cursorFlashSpeed;
                float num   = (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - GUIStyle.Internal_GetCursorFlashOffset()) % cursorFlashSpeed / cursorFlashSpeed;
                bool  flag2 = cursorFlashSpeed == 0f || num < 0.5f;
                if (flag2)
                    cursorColor = GUI.skin.settings.cursorColor;
                bool       isHover = position.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition);
                DrawStates states  = new DrawStates(-1, isHover, isActive, false, hasKeyboardFocus, drawSelectionAsComposition, firstSelectedCharacter, lastSelectedCharacter, cursorColor, selectionColor);
                bool       flag3   = GUIStyle.onDraw == null || !GUIStyle.onDraw(this, position, content, states);
                if (flag3)
                    this.Internal_DrawWithTextSelection(position, content, isHover, isActive, false, hasKeyboardFocus, drawSelectionAsComposition, firstSelectedCharacter, lastSelectedCharacter, cursorColor, selectionColor);
Exemplo n.º 4
        private void Draw(Rect position, GUIContent content, int controlId, bool isHover, bool isActive, bool on, bool hasKeyboardFocus)
            bool flag = Event.current.type != EventType.Repaint;

            if (flag)
                throw new Exception("Style.Draw may not be called if it is not a repaint event");
            bool flag2 = content == null;

            if (flag2)
                throw new Exception("Style.Draw may not be called with GUIContent that is null.");
            DrawStates states = new DrawStates(controlId, isHover, isActive, on, hasKeyboardFocus);
            bool       flag3  = GUIStyle.onDraw == null || !GUIStyle.onDraw(this, position, content, states);

            if (flag3)
                bool flag4 = controlId == -1;
                if (flag4)
                    this.Internal_Draw(position, content, isHover, isActive, on, hasKeyboardFocus);
                    this.Internal_Draw2(position, content, controlId, on);
Exemplo n.º 5
 public DrawStates(int controlId, bool isHover, bool isActive, bool on, bool hasKeyboardFocus, bool drawSelectionAsComposition, int cursorFirst, int cursorLast, Color cursorColor, Color selectionColor)
     this = new DrawStates(controlId, isHover, isActive, on, hasKeyboardFocus);
     this.hasTextInput = true;
     this.drawSelectionAsComposition = drawSelectionAsComposition;
     this.cursorFirst    = cursorFirst;
     this.cursorLast     = cursorLast;
     this.cursorColor    = cursorColor;
     this.selectionColor = selectionColor;
Exemplo n.º 6
 // PrefixLabel has to be drawn with an alternative draw method.
 // The normal draw methods use MonoGUIContentToTempNative which means they all share the same temp GUIContent on the native side.
 // A native IMGUI control such as GUIButton is already using this temp GUIContent when it calls GetControlID, which,
 // because of the delayed feature in PrefixLabel, can end up calling a style draw function again to draw the PrefixLabel.
 // This draw call cannot use the same temp GUIContent that is already needed for the GUIButton control itself,
 // so it has to use this alternative code path that uses a different GUIContent to store the content in.
 // We can all agree this workaround is not nice at all. But nobody seemed to be able to come up with something better.
 internal void DrawPrefixLabel(Rect position, GUIContent content, int controlID)
     if (content != null)
         var drawStates = new DrawStates(controlID, position.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition), false, false,
                                         GUIUtility.keyboardControl == controlID);
         if (onDraw == null || !onDraw(this, position, content, drawStates))
             Internal_DrawPrefixLabel(position, content, controlID, false);
         Debug.LogError("Style.DrawPrefixLabel may not be called with GUIContent that is null.");
Exemplo n.º 7
        internal void DrawPrefixLabel(Rect position, GUIContent content, int controlID)
            bool flag = content != null;

            if (flag)
                DrawStates states = new DrawStates(controlID, position.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition), false, false, GUIUtility.HasKeyFocus(controlID));
                bool       flag2  = GUIStyle.onDraw == null || !GUIStyle.onDraw(this, position, content, states);
                if (flag2)
                    this.Internal_DrawPrefixLabel(position, content, controlID, false);
                Debug.LogError("Style.DrawPrefixLabel may not be called with GUIContent that is null.");
Exemplo n.º 8
 public DrawStates(bool isHover, bool isActive, bool on, bool hasKeyboardFocus)
     this = new DrawStates(-1, isHover, isActive, on, hasKeyboardFocus);