Exemplo n.º 1
    // =============================================================================================================================================================

    IEnumerator DownloadZipFile()
        Debug.Log("starting download");

        myFile = "testZip.zip";

        //make sure a previous zip file having the same name with the one we want to download does not exist in the ppath folder
        if (File.Exists(ppath + "/" + myFile))
            downloadDone = true; yield break;
        }                                                                           //File.Delete(ppath + "/" + myFile);

        //replace the link to the zip file with your own (although this will work also)
        www = new WWW("https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/xve34ldz3pqvmh1/" + myFile);

        yield return(www);

        if (www.error != null)

        downloadDone = true;

        //write the downloaded zip file to the ppath directory so we can have access to it
        //depending on the Install Location you have set for your app, set the Write Access accordingly!
        File.WriteAllBytes(ppath + "/" + myFile, www.bytes);

        www = null;
Exemplo n.º 2
    IEnumerator Download7ZFile()
        Debug.Log("starting download");

        //make sure a previous 7z file having the same name with the one we want to download does not exist in the ppath folder
        if (File.Exists(ppath + "/" + myFile))
            File.Delete(ppath + "/" + myFile);

        www = new WWW(uri + myFile);
        yield return(www);

        if (www.error != null)
        downloadDone = true;
        log          = "";

        //write the downloaded 7z file to the ppath directory so we can have access to it
        //depending on the Install Location you have set for your app, set the Write Access accordingly!
        File.WriteAllBytes(ppath + "/" + myFile, www.bytes);
        www.Dispose(); www = null;
Exemplo n.º 3
    IEnumerator DoTestsWSA81()
        yield return(true);

        //File tests
        //compress a file to flz with highest level of compression (2).
        lz1 = fLZ.compressFile(ppath + "/" + myFile, ppath + "/" + myFile + ".flz", 2, true, progress);

        //decompress the previously compressed archive
        lz2 = fLZ.decompressFile(ppath + "/" + myFile + ".flz", ppath + "/" + myFile + "B.tif", true, progress2);

        //Buffer tests
        if (File.Exists(ppath + "/" + myFile))
            byte[] bt = File.ReadAllBytes(ppath + "/" + myFile);

            //compress a byte buffer (we write the output buffer to a file for debug purposes.)
            if (fLZ.compressBuffer(bt, ref buff, 2, true))
                lz3 = 1;
                File.WriteAllBytes(ppath + "/buffer1.flzbuf", buff);

            byte[] bt2 = File.ReadAllBytes(ppath + "/buffer1.flzbuf");

            //decompress a byte buffer (we write the output buffer to a file for debug purposes.)
            if (fLZ.decompressBuffer(bt2, ref buff, true))
                lz4 = 1;
                File.WriteAllBytes(ppath + "/buffer1.tif", buff);
            bt2 = null; bt = null;
Exemplo n.º 4
    IEnumerator DoTestsWebGL()
        yield return(true);

        //File tests
        //compress a file to lz4 with highest level of compression (9).
        lz1 = LZ4.compress(ppath + "/" + myFile, ppath + "/" + myFile + ".lz4", 9, progress);

        //decompress the previously compressed archive
        lz2 = LZ4.decompress(ppath + "/" + myFile + ".lz4", ppath + "/" + myFile + "B.tif", bytes);

        //Buffer tests
        if (File.Exists(ppath + "/" + myFile))
            byte[] bt = File.ReadAllBytes(ppath + "/" + myFile);

            //compress a byte buffer (we write the output buffer to a file for debug purposes.)
            if (LZ4.compressBuffer(bt, ref buff, 9, true))
                lz3 = 1;
                File.WriteAllBytes(ppath + "/buffer1.lz4buf", buff);

            byte[] bt2 = File.ReadAllBytes(ppath + "/buffer1.lz4buf");

            //decompress a byte buffer (we write the output buffer to a file for debug purposes.)
            if (LZ4.decompressBuffer(bt2, ref buff, true))
                lz4 = 1;
                File.WriteAllBytes(ppath + "/buffer1.tif", buff);
            bt2 = null; bt = null;
Exemplo n.º 5
    IEnumerator DownloadTestFile()
        Debug.Log("starting download");

        //make sure a previous flz file having the same name with the one we want to download does not exist in the ppath folder
        if (File.Exists(ppath + "/" + myFile))
            File.Delete(ppath + "/" + myFile);

        //replace the link to the flz file with your own (although this will work also)
        // string esc = WWW.UnEscapeURL(uri + myFile);
        www = new WWW(uri + myFile);
        yield return(www);

        if (www.error != null)

        downloadDone = true;

        //write the downloaded flz file to the ppath directory so we can have access to it
        //depending on the Install Location you have set for your app, set the Write Access accordingly!
        File.WriteAllBytes(ppath + "/" + myFile, www.bytes);
        www.Dispose(); www = null;
Exemplo n.º 6
    IEnumerator DoTestsWSA81()
        yield return(true);

        //File tests
        //compress a file to brotli format.
        lz1 = brotli.compressFile(ppath + "/" + myFile, ppath + "/" + myFile + ".br", progress);

        //decompress the previously compressed archive
        lz2 = brotli.decompressFile(ppath + "/" + myFile + ".br", ppath + "/" + myFile + "Br.tif", progress2);

        //Buffer tests
        if (File.Exists(ppath + "/" + myFile))
            byte[] bt = File.ReadAllBytes(ppath + "/" + myFile);

            //compress a byte buffer (we write the output buffer to a file for debug purposes.)
            if (brotli.compressBuffer(bt, ref buff, progress3))
                lz3 = 1;
                File.WriteAllBytes(ppath + "/buffer1.brbuf", buff);

            byte[] bt2 = File.ReadAllBytes(ppath + "/buffer1.brbuf");

            //decompress a byte buffer (we write the output buffer to a file for debug purposes.)
            if (brotli.decompressBuffer(bt2, ref buff))
                lz4 = 1;
                File.WriteAllBytes(ppath + "/buffer1.tif", buff);

            bt2 = null; bt = null;
Exemplo n.º 7
    void DoTests()
        //File tests
        //compress a file to brotli format.
        lz1 = brotli.compressFile(ppath + "/" + myFile, ppath + "/" + myFile + ".br", progress);

        //decompress the previously compressed archive
        lz2 = brotli.decompressFile(ppath + "/" + myFile + ".br", ppath + "/" + myFile + "Br.tif", progress2);

        //Buffer tests
        if (File.Exists(ppath + "/" + myFile))
            byte[] bt = File.ReadAllBytes(ppath + "/" + myFile);

            //compress a byte buffer (we write the output buffer to a file for debug purposes.)
            if (brotli.compressBuffer(bt, ref buff, progress3))
                lz3 = 1;
                File.WriteAllBytes(ppath + "/buffer1.brbuf", buff);

            byte[] bt2 = File.ReadAllBytes(ppath + "/buffer1.brbuf");

            //decompress a byte buffer (we write the output buffer to a file for debug purposes.)
            if (brotli.decompressBuffer(bt2, ref buff))
                lz4 = 1;
                File.WriteAllBytes(ppath + "/buffer1.tif", buff);

            int decompressedSize = brotli.decompressBuffer(bt2, fixedOutBuffer);
            if (decompressedSize > 0)
                Debug.Log(" # Decompress Fixed size Buffer: " + decompressedSize);

            var newBuffer = brotli.decompressBuffer(bt2);
            if (newBuffer != null)
                File.WriteAllBytes(ppath + "/buffer1NEW.tif", newBuffer); Debug.Log(" # new Buffer: " + newBuffer.Length);

            bt2 = null; bt = null; newBuffer = null;

        //make FileBuffer test on supported platfoms.
        //make a temp buffer to read a br file in.
        if (File.Exists(ppath + "/" + myFile + ".br"))
            progress2[0] = 0;
            byte[] FileBuffer = File.ReadAllBytes(ppath + "/" + myFile + ".br");
            fbuftest = brotli.decompressFile(ppath + "/" + myFile + ".br", ppath + "/" + myFile + "FB.tif", progress2, FileBuffer);
    public void ExportToFile()
        var path        = Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, $"{Guid.NewGuid().ToString()}");
        var levelString = new TokenizedLevelMap(_builder.Build()).ToString();

        File.WriteAllBytes(path, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(levelString));
        Debug.Log($"Wrote Level to {path}");
Exemplo n.º 9
 public static void Write(string path, string contents)
     byte[] bytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(contents);
     File.WriteAllBytes(path, bytes);
     File.WriteAllText(path, contents);
Exemplo n.º 10
    public void Save()
        string[] scores = new string[3];
        scores[0] = highScores.highscore1.ToString();
        scores[1] = highScores.highscore2.ToString();
        scores[2] = highScores.highscore3.ToString();
        string scoresAsString = string.Join(",", scores);
        var    bytes          = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(scoresAsString);

        File.WriteAllBytes(Application.persistentDataPath + "/hsdata.tm", bytes);
Exemplo n.º 11
    void DoTests()
        //File tests
        //compress a file to flz with highest level of compression (2).
        lz1 = fLZ.compressFile(ppath + "/" + myFile, ppath + "/" + myFile + ".flz", 2, true, progress);

        //decompress the previously compressed archive
        lz2 = fLZ.decompressFile(ppath + "/" + myFile + ".flz", ppath + "/" + myFile + "B.tif", true, progress2);

        //Buffer tests
        if (File.Exists(ppath + "/" + myFile))
            byte[] bt = File.ReadAllBytes(ppath + "/" + myFile);

            //compress a byte buffer (we write the output buffer to a file for debug purposes.)
            if (fLZ.compressBuffer(bt, ref buff, 2, true))
                lz3 = 1;
                File.WriteAllBytes(ppath + "/buffer1.flzbuf", buff);

            byte[] bt2 = File.ReadAllBytes(ppath + "/buffer1.flzbuf");

            //decompress a byte buffer (we write the output buffer to a file for debug purposes.)
            if (fLZ.decompressBuffer(bt2, ref buff, true))
                lz4 = 1;
                File.WriteAllBytes(ppath + "/buffer1.tif", buff);

            int decommpressedSize = fLZ.decompressBufferFixed(bt2, ref fixedOutBuffer);
            if (decommpressedSize > 0)
                Debug.Log(" # Decompress Fixed size Buffer: " + decommpressedSize);

            bt2 = null; bt = null;

        //make FileBuffer test on supported platfoms.
        //make a temp buffer to read an flz file in.
        if (File.Exists(ppath + "/" + myFile + ".flz"))
            byte[] FileBuffer = File.ReadAllBytes(ppath + "/" + myFile + ".flz");
            fbuftest = fLZ.decompressFile(null, ppath + "/" + myFile + ".flzFILE_BUFF.tif", true, progress2, FileBuffer);
Exemplo n.º 12
    void Start()
        string filePath = Application.persistentDataPath + "/data";

        if (File.Exists(filePath))
            string text = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(File.ReadAllBytes(filePath));
            num = Int32.Parse(text);
        File.WriteAllBytes(filePath, Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(num.ToString()));
        Text uiText = gameObject.GetComponent <Text>();

        uiText.text = "You have launched this app " + num + " times.";
Exemplo n.º 13
    void doFileBufferTest()
        //For iOS, Android, MacOSX and Linux the plugins can handle a byte buffer as a file. (in this case the www.bytes)
        //This way you can extract the file or parts of it without writing it to disk.
        // !!! Caution !!! Linux: While this works ok with unity 4.x.x, there is a bug introduced with unity5.x versions and might crash the app on
        // some Linux distributions. Use with caution!
        if (File.Exists(ppath + "/" + myFile))
            byte[] www = File.ReadAllBytes(ppath + "/" + myFile);
            log   = "";
            lzres = lzma.doDecompress7zip(null, ppath + "/", true, true, null, www);
            log  += lzres.ToString() + " | ";
            lzres = lzma.doDecompress7zip(null, ppath + "/", progress, false, true, null, www);
            log  += lzres + " - prg: " + progress[0].ToString() + " | ";
            tsize = lzma.get7zInfo(null, null, www);
            log  += "tsiz: " + tsize.ToString() + " #files: " + lzma.trueTotalFiles.ToString() + " | ";
            tsize = lzma.get7zSize(null, null, null, www);
            log  += "tsiz: " + tsize.ToString() + " | ";

            var buffer = lzma.decode2Buffer(null, "2.txt", null, www);

            if (buffer != null)
                log += "dec2buffer: ok" + "\n";
                File.WriteAllBytes(ppath + "/2AAA_FILEBUFFER.txt", buffer);
                if (buffer.Length > 0)
                    Debug.Log("FileBuffer_Decode2Buffer: " + buffer.Length);
    void OnRenderImage(RenderTexture src, RenderTexture dest)
        Graphics.Blit(src, dest, nothing);

        Texture2D     outputTex = new Texture2D(width, height, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false);
        RenderTexture buffer    = new RenderTexture(
            0,                                               // No depth/stencil buffer
            RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32,                      // Standard colour format
            RenderTextureReadWrite.Linear                    // No sRGB conversions

        Graphics.Blit(dest, buffer, nothing, -1);
        RenderTexture.active = new RenderTexture(src);                               // If not using a scene camera
            new Rect(0, 0, RenderTexture.active.width, RenderTexture.active.height), // Capture the whole texture
            0, 0,                                                                    // Write starting at the top-left texel
            false                                                                    // No mipmaps

        File.WriteAllBytes(Application.persistentDataPath + "/renderedPNGs/" + fileName + i++ + ".png", outputTex.EncodeToPNG());
        Debug.Log(Application.persistentDataPath + "/" + fileName + ".png");
Exemplo n.º 15
    void DoDecompression()
        //Now decompress the 7z file (Note: you might decompress it to any folder you have in the ppath directory)
        //Parameters: lzma.doDecompress7zip(string filePath, string exctractionPath, int[] progress, bool largeFiles=false, bool fullPaths=false, string entry=null, byte[] FileBuffer=null);

        //filePath			: the full path to the archive, including the archives name. (/myPath/myArchive.7z)
        //exctractionPath	: the path in where you want your files to be extracted
        //progress          : a referenced integer to get the progress of the extracted files (second function without the need of ref progress exists also. see examples.)
        //largeFiles		: set this to true if you are extracting files larger then 30-40 Mb. It is slower though but prevents crashing your app when extracting large files!
        //fullPaths			: set this to true if you want to keep the folder structure of the 7z file.
        //entry				: set the name of a single file file you want to extract from your archive. If the file resides in a folder, the full path should be added.
        //					   (for examle  game/meshes/small/table.mesh )
        //FileBuffer		: A buffer that holds a 7zip file. When assigned the function will decompress from this buffer and will ignore the filePath. (Linux, iOS, Android, MacOSX)

        t = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

        //the referenced progress int is new. It will indicate the current index of file beeing decompressed. Use in a separate thread to show it realtime.
        lzres = lzma.doDecompress7zip(ppath + "/" + myFile, ppath + "/", true, true);

        //read file names and file sizes of the 7z archive, store them in the lzma.ninfo & lzma.sinfo ArrayLists and return the total uncompressed size of the included files.
        //On WSA call get7zInfo with 'Application.persistentDataPath + "/sevenZip.log"' as the 2nd parameter!
        tsize = lzma.get7zInfo(ppath + "/" + myFile);

        Debug.Log("Total Size: " + tsize + "      trueTotalFiles: " + lzma.trueTotalFiles);

        //Look through the ninfo and info ArrayLists where the file names and sizes are stored.
        if (lzma.ninfo != null)
            for (int i = 0; i < lzma.ninfo.Count; i++)
                log += lzma.ninfo[i] + " - " + lzma.sinfo[i] + "\n";
                //Debug.Log(i.ToString()+" " +lzma.ninfo[i]+"|"+lzma.sinfo[i].ToString());

        //get size of a specific file. (if the file path is null it will look in the arraylists created by the get7zInfo function
        Debug.Log("--->" + lzma.get7zSize(ppath + "/" + myFile, "1.txt"));

                        #if !(UNITY_WSA || UNITY_WSA_8_1 || UNITY_WP_8_1 || UNITY_WINRT_8_1) || UNITY_EDITOR
        //setup the lzma compression level. (see more at the function declaration at lzma.cs)
        //This function is not multiple threads safe so call it before starting multiple threads with lzma compress operations.

        //these functions do not work for now on windows phone or windows store apps
        //encode an archive to lzma alone format
        lzres2 = lzma.LzmaUtilEncode(ppath + "/1.txt", ppath + "/1.txt.lzma");

        //decode an archive from lzma alone format
        lzres3 = lzma.LzmaUtilDecode(ppath + "/1.txt.lzma", ppath + "/1BCD.txt");

        //decode a specific file from a 7z archive to a byte buffer
        var buffer = lzma.decode2Buffer(ppath + "/" + myFile, "1.txt");

        if (buffer != null)
            File.WriteAllBytes(ppath + "/1AAA.txt", buffer);
            if (buffer.Length > 0)
                Debug.Log("Decode2Buffer: " + buffer.Length); lzres4 = 1;

        //you might want to call this function in another thread to not halt the main thread and to get the progress of the extracted files.
        //for example:
                #if !(UNITY_WSA_8_1 || UNITY_WP_8_1 || UNITY_WINRT_8_1) || UNITY_EDITOR
                        #if !NETFX_CORE
        th = new Thread(Decompress);  th.Start();                         // faster then coroutine
                        #if NETFX_CORE && UNITY_WSA_10_0
        task = new Task(new Action(Decompress)); task.Start();

        //calculate the time it took to decompress the file
        t1 = Time.realtimeSinceStartup - t;
Exemplo n.º 16
    //Test all the plugin functions.
    void DoDecompression()
        //commented out example on how to set the permissions of a MacOSX executbale that has been unzipped so it can run.
        //lzip.setFilePermissions(ppath + "/Untitled.app", "rwx","rx","rx");
        //lzip.setFilePermissions(ppath + "/Untitled.app/Contents/MacOS/Untitled", "rwx","rx","rx");

        //Windows & WSA10 only (see lzip.cs for more info)
        lzip.setEncoding(65001);        //CP_UTF8  // CP_OEMCP/UNICODE = 1

        //validate sanity of a zip archive
        plog("Validate: " + lzip.validateFile(ppath + "/testZip.zip").ToString());

        //decompress the downloaded file
        zres = lzip.decompress_File(ppath + "/testZip.zip", ppath + "/", progress, null, progress2);
        plog("decompress: " + zres.ToString());

        //get the true total files of the zip
        plog("true total files: " + lzip.getTotalFiles(ppath + "/testZip.zip"));

        //get the total entries of the zip
        plog("true total entries: " + lzip.getTotalEntries(ppath + "/testZip.zip"));

        //entry exists
        bool eres = lzip.entryExists(ppath + "/testZip.zip", "dir1/dir2/test2.bmp");
        plog("entry exists: " + eres.ToString());

        //get entry dateTime
        plog("DateTime: " + lzip.entryDateTime(ppath + "/testZip.zip", "dir1/dir2/test2.bmp").ToString());

        //extract an entry
        zres = lzip.extract_entry(ppath + "/testZip.zip", "dir1/dir2/test2.bmp", ppath + "/test22P.bmp", null, progress2);
        plog("extract entry: " + zres.ToString());


        //compress a file and add it to a new zip
        zres = lzip.compress_File(9, ppath + "/test2Zip.zip", ppath + "/dir1/dir2/test2.bmp", false, "dir1/dir2/test2.bmp");
        plog("compress: " + zres.ToString());

        //append a file to it
        zres = lzip.compress_File(9, ppath + "/test2Zip.zip", ppath + "/dir1/dir2/dir3/Unity_1.jpg", true, "dir1/dir2/dir3/Unity_1.jpg");
        plog("append: " + zres.ToString());

        //compress multiple files added in some lists, and protect them with a password (disabled for WSA due to certification reasons)
                #if !UNITY_WSA || UNITY_EDITOR
        //create a list of files to get compressed
        List <string> myFiles = new List <string>();
        myFiles.Add(ppath + "/test22P.bmp");
        myFiles.Add(ppath + "/dir1/dir2/test2.bmp");
        //create an optional list with new names for the above listings
        List <string> myNames = new List <string>();
        //use password and bz2 method
        zres = lzip.compress_File_List(9, ppath + "/newTestZip.zip", myFiles.ToArray(), progress, false, myNames.ToArray(), "password");
        plog("MultiFile Compress password: "******"/newTestZip.zip", ppath + "/", progress, null, progress2, "password");
        plog("decompress password: "******"");

        //compress a buffer to a file and name it.
        plog("Buffer2File: " + lzip.buffer2File(9, ppath + "/test3Zip.zip", "buffer.bin", reusableBuffer).ToString());

        //compress a buffer, name it and append it to an existing zip archive
        plog("Buffer2File append: " + lzip.buffer2File(9, ppath + "/test3Zip.zip", "dir4/buffer.bin", reusableBuffer, true).ToString());
        // Debug.Log(reusableBuffer.Length);

        //get the uncompressed size of a specific file in the zip archive
        plog("get entry size: " + lzip.getEntrySize(ppath + "/testZip.zip", "dir1/dir2/test2.bmp").ToString());

        //extract a file in a zip archive to a byte buffer (referenced buffer method)
        plog("entry2Buffer1: " + lzip.entry2Buffer(ppath + "/testZip.zip", "dir1/dir2/test2.bmp", ref reusableBuffer2).ToString());
        // File.WriteAllBytes(ppath + "/out.bmp", reusableBuffer2);

        //extract an entry in a zip archive to a fixed size buffer
        plog("entry2FixedBuffer: " + lzip.entry2FixedBuffer(ppath + "/testZip.zip", "dir1/dir2/test2.bmp", ref fixedBuffer).ToString());

        //GZIP TESTS---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        //create a buffer that will store the compressed gzip data.
        //it should be at least the size of the input buffer +18 bytes.
        var btt = new byte[reusableBuffer2.Length + 18];

        //compress a buffer to gzip format and add gzip header and footer
        //returns total size of compressed buffer.
        int rr = lzip.gzip(reusableBuffer2, btt, 9, true, true);
        plog("gzip compressed size: " + rr);

        //create a buffer to store the compressed data (optional, if you want to write out a gzip file)
        var bt2 = new byte[rr];
        //copy the data to the new buffer
        Buffer.BlockCopy(btt, 0, bt2, 0, rr);

        //write a .gz file
        File.WriteAllBytes(ppath + "/test2.bmp.gz", bt2);

        //create a buffer to decompress a gzip buffer
        var bt3 = new byte[lzip.gzipUncompressedSize(bt2)];

        //decompress the gzip compressed buffer
        int gzres = lzip.unGzip(bt2, bt3);

        if (gzres > 0)
            File.WriteAllBytes(ppath + "/test2GZIP.bmp", bt3); plog("gzip decompression: success " + gzres.ToString());
            plog("gzip decompression error: " + gzres.ToString());

        btt = null; bt2 = null; bt3 = null;
        //END GZIP TESTS-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        //extract a file in a zip archive to a byte buffer (new buffer method)
        var newBuffer = lzip.entry2Buffer(ppath + "/testZip.zip", "dir1/dir2/test2.bmp");
        zres = 0;
        if (newBuffer != null)
            zres = 1;
        plog("entry2Buffer2: " + zres.ToString());
        // write a file out to confirm all was ok
        //File.WriteAllBytes(ppath + "/out.bmp", newBuffer);

        int compressedSize = lzip.compressBufferFixed(newBuffer, ref fixedInBuffer, 9);
        plog(" # Compress Fixed size Buffer: " + compressedSize.ToString());

        if (compressedSize > 0)
            int decommpressedSize = lzip.decompressBufferFixed(fixedInBuffer, ref fixedOutBuffer);
            if (decommpressedSize > 0)
                plog(" # Decompress Fixed size Buffer: " + decommpressedSize.ToString());

        //compress a buffer into a referenced buffer
        pass = lzip.compressBuffer(reusableBuffer2, ref reusableBuffer3, 9);
        plog("compressBuffer1: " + pass.ToString());
        // write a file out to confirm all was ok
        //File.WriteAllBytes(ppath + "/out.bin", reusableBuffer3);

        //compress a buffer and return a new buffer with the compresed data.
        newBuffer = lzip.compressBuffer(reusableBuffer2, 9);
        zres      = 0;
        if (newBuffer != null)
            zres = 1;
        plog("compressBuffer2: " + zres.ToString());

        //decompress a previously compressed buffer into a referenced buffer
        pass = lzip.decompressBuffer(reusableBuffer3, ref reusableBuffer2);
        plog("decompressBuffer1: " + pass.ToString());
        // write a file out to confirm all was ok
        //File.WriteAllBytes(ppath + "/out.bmp", reusableBuffer2);
        zres = 0;
        if (newBuffer != null)
            zres = 1;

        //decompress a previously compressed buffer into a new returned buffer
        newBuffer = lzip.decompressBuffer(reusableBuffer3);
        plog("decompressBuffer2: " + zres.ToString());

        //get file info of the zip file (names, uncompressed and compressed sizes)
        plog("total bytes: " + lzip.getFileInfo(ppath + "/testZip.zip").ToString());

        //Look through the ninfo, uinfo and cinfo Lists where the file names and sizes are stored.
        if (lzip.ninfo != null)
            for (int i = 0; i < lzip.ninfo.Count; i++)
                log += lzip.ninfo[i] + " - " + lzip.uinfo[i] + " / " + lzip.cinfo[i] + "\n";

                #if !(UNITY_WSA_8_1 || UNITY_WP_8_1 || UNITY_WINRT_8_1) || UNITY_EDITOR
        //Until a replacement function is made for 'Directory.GetFiles' on WSA8.1 this function is disabled for it.
        //Recursively compress a directory
        lzip.compressDir(ppath + "/dir1", 9, ppath + "/recursive.zip", false, null);
        plog("recursive - no. of files: " + lzip.cProgress.ToString());

        //decompress the above compressed zip to make sure all was ok.
        zres = lzip.decompress_File(ppath + "/recursive.zip", ppath + "/recursive/", progress, null, progress2);
        plog("decompress recursive: " + zres.ToString());

        //multithreading example to show progress of extraction, using the ref progress int
        //in this example it happens to fast, because I didn't want the user to download a big file with many entrie.
                #if !NETFX_CORE
        Thread th = new Thread(decompressFunc); th.Start();
                #if NETFX_CORE && UNITY_WSA_10_0
        Task task = new Task(new Action(decompressFunc)); task.Start();

        //delete/replace entry example
        if (File.Exists(ppath + "/test-Zip.zip"))
            File.Delete(ppath + "/test-Zip.zip");
                #if UNITY_WSA && !UNITY_EDITOR
        if (File.Exists(ppath + "/testZip.zip"))
            lzip.fileCopy(ppath + "/testZip.zip", ppath + "/test-Zip.zip");
        if (File.Exists(ppath + "/testZip.zip"))
            File.Copy(ppath + "/testZip.zip", ppath + "/test-Zip.zip");

        //replace an entry with a byte buffer
        var newBuffer3 = lzip.entry2Buffer(ppath + "/testZip.zip", "dir1/dir2/test2.bmp");
        plog("replace entry: " + lzip.replace_entry(ppath + "/test-Zip.zip", "dir1/dir2/test2.bmp", newBuffer3, 9, null).ToString());

        //replace an entry with a file in the disk (ability to asign a password or bz2 compression)
        plog("replace entry 2: " + lzip.replace_entry(ppath + "/test-Zip.zip", "dir1/dir2/test2.bmp", ppath + "/dir1/dir2/test2.bmp", 9, null, null).ToString());

        //delete an entry in the zip
        plog("delete entry: " + lzip.delete_entry(ppath + "/test-Zip.zip", "dir1/dir2/test2.bmp").ToString());
Exemplo n.º 17
    IEnumerator buff2buffTest()
        //Example on how to decompress an lzma compressed asset bundle from the streaming assets folder.
        //(editor, standalone example) for iOS, Android or WSA use an apropriate method to get the bytes buffer from the file.
        byte[] sa = File.ReadAllBytes(saPath + "/female_eyes.assetbundle");

        if (lzma.decompressAssetBundle(sa, ref buff) == 0)
            File.WriteAllBytes(ppath + "/female_eyes.assetbundle", buff);
            Debug.Log(" #-> AssetBundle Decompressed: ok");
        sa = null;

        //BUFFER TO BUFFER lzma alone compression/decompression EXAMPLE
        //An example on how to decompress an lzma alone file downloaded through www without storing it to disk
        //using just the www.bytes buffer.
        //Download a file.
        WWW w = new WWW("https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/tzptxugk909pia1/google.jpg.lzma");
        yield return(w);

        if (w.error == null)
            //we decompress the lzma file in the buff buffer.
            if (lzma.decompressBuffer(w.bytes, ref buff) == 0)
                pass1 = true;
                //we write it to disk just to check that the decompression was ok
                File.WriteAllBytes(ppath + "/google.jpg", buff);
                Debug.Log("Error decompressing www.bytes to buffer"); pass1 = false;

        w.Dispose(); w = null;
        #if !(UNITY_WSA || UNITY_WSA_8_1 || UNITY_WP_8_1 || UNITY_WINRT_8_1) || UNITY_EDITOR
        //Example on how to compress a buffer.
        if (File.Exists(ppath + "/google.jpg"))
            byte[] bt = File.ReadAllBytes(ppath + "/google.jpg");

            //compress the data buffer into a compressed buffer
            if (lzma.compressBuffer(bt, ref buff))
                pass2 = true;
                //write it to disk just for checking purposes
                File.WriteAllBytes(ppath + "/google.jpg.lzma", buff);
                //print info
                Debug.Log("uncompressed size in lzma: " + BitConverter.ToUInt64(buff, 5));
                Debug.Log("lzma size: " + buff.Length);
                pass2 = false;
                Debug.Log("could not compress to buffer ...");

            int compressedSize = lzma.compressBufferFixed(bt, ref fixedInBuffer);
            Debug.Log(" #-> Compress Fixed size Buffer: " + compressedSize);

            if (compressedSize > 0)
                int decommpressedSize = lzma.decompressBufferFixed(fixedInBuffer, ref fixedOutBuffer);
                if (decommpressedSize > 0)
                    Debug.Log(" #-> Decompress Fixed size Buffer: " + decommpressedSize);

            bt = null;
        yield return(false);