Exemplo n.º 1
 private static void ReleaseCapture()
        void ProcessEvent(EventBase evt, IPanel panel)
            using (new Gate(this))

                var panelDebug = (panel as BaseVisualElementPanel)?.panelDebug;
                if (panelDebug != null && panelDebug.showOverlay)
                    if (panelDebug.InterceptEvents(evt.imguiEvent))

                IMouseEvent         mouseEvent         = evt as IMouseEvent;
                IMouseEventInternal mouseEventInternal = evt as IMouseEventInternal;
                if (mouseEvent != null && mouseEventInternal != null && mouseEventInternal.hasUnderlyingPhysicalEvent)
                    m_LastMousePositionPanel = panel;
                    m_LastMousePosition      = mouseEvent.mousePosition;

                bool eventHandled = false;

                // Release mouse capture if capture element is not in a panel.
                VisualElement captureVE = MouseCaptureController.mouseCapture as VisualElement;
                if (evt.GetEventTypeId() != MouseCaptureOutEvent.TypeId() && captureVE != null && captureVE.panel == null)
                    Event e = evt.imguiEvent;
                    Debug.Log(String.Format("Capture has no panel, forcing removal (capture={0} eventType={1})", MouseCaptureController.mouseCapture, e != null ? e.type.ToString() : "null"));

                // Send all IMGUI events (for backward compatibility) and MouseEvents with null target (because thats what we want to do in the new system)
                // to the capture, if there is one. Note that events coming from IMGUI have their target set to null.
                bool sendEventToMouseCapture = false;
                bool mouseEventWasCaptured   = false;
                if (MouseCaptureController.mouseCapture != null)
                    if (evt.imguiEvent != null && evt.target == null)
                        // Non exclusive processing by capturing element.
                        sendEventToMouseCapture = true;
                        mouseEventWasCaptured   = false;

                    if (mouseEvent != null && (evt.target == null || evt.target == MouseCaptureController.mouseCapture))
                        // Exclusive processing by capturing element.
                        sendEventToMouseCapture = true;
                        mouseEventWasCaptured   = true;

                    if (panel != null)
                        if (captureVE != null && captureVE.panel.contextType != panel.contextType)
                            // Capturing element is not in the right context. Ignore it.
                            sendEventToMouseCapture = false;
                            mouseEventWasCaptured   = false;

                    if (evt.GetEventTypeId() == WheelEvent.TypeId())
                        sendEventToMouseCapture = false;
                        mouseEventWasCaptured   = false;

                evt.skipElement = null;

                if (sendEventToMouseCapture)
                    BaseVisualElementPanel basePanel = panel as BaseVisualElementPanel;

                    if (mouseEvent != null && basePanel != null)
                        VisualElement currentTopElementUnderMouse = basePanel.topElementUnderMouse;

                        if (evt.target == null)
                            basePanel.topElementUnderMouse = basePanel.Pick(mouseEvent.mousePosition);

                        DispatchEnterLeaveEvents(currentTopElementUnderMouse, basePanel.topElementUnderMouse, evt);

                    IEventHandler originalCaptureElement = MouseCaptureController.mouseCapture;

                    eventHandled = true;

                    evt.dispatch         = true;
                    evt.target           = MouseCaptureController.mouseCapture;
                    evt.currentTarget    = MouseCaptureController.mouseCapture;
                    evt.propagationPhase = PropagationPhase.AtTarget;

                    // Do further processing with a target computed the usual way.
                    // However, if mouseEventWasCaptured, the only thing remaining to do is ExecuteDefaultAction,
                    // which whould be done with mouseCapture as the target.
                    if (!mouseEventWasCaptured)
                        evt.target = null;

                    evt.currentTarget    = null;
                    evt.propagationPhase = PropagationPhase.None;
                    evt.dispatch         = false;

                    // Do not call HandleEvent again for this element.
                    evt.skipElement = originalCaptureElement;

                if (!mouseEventWasCaptured && !evt.isPropagationStopped)
                    if (evt is IKeyboardEvent && panel != null)
                        eventHandled = true;
                        if (panel.focusController.focusedElement != null)
                            IMGUIContainer imguiContainer = panel.focusController.focusedElement as IMGUIContainer;

                            if (imguiContainer != null)
                                // THINK ABOUT THIS PF: shoudln't we allow for the TrickleDown dispatch phase?
                                if (imguiContainer != evt.skipElement && imguiContainer.HandleIMGUIEvent(evt.imguiEvent))
                                evt.target = panel.focusController.focusedElement;
                            evt.target = panel.visualTree;

                            if (!evt.isPropagationStopped)
                                PropagateToIMGUIContainer(panel.visualTree, evt);
                    else if (mouseEvent != null)
                        // FIXME: we should not change hover state when capture is true.
                        // However, when doing drag and drop, drop target should be highlighted.

                        // TODO when EditorWindow is docked MouseLeaveWindow is not always sent
                        // this is a problem in itself but it could leave some elements as "hover"

                        BaseVisualElementPanel basePanel = panel as BaseVisualElementPanel;

                        if (basePanel != null && evt.GetEventTypeId() == MouseLeaveWindowEvent.TypeId())
                            VisualElement currentTopElementUnderMouse = basePanel.topElementUnderMouse;
                            basePanel.topElementUnderMouse = null;
                            DispatchMouseEnterMouseLeave(currentTopElementUnderMouse, basePanel.topElementUnderMouse, mouseEvent);
                            DispatchMouseOverMouseOut(currentTopElementUnderMouse, basePanel.topElementUnderMouse, mouseEvent);
                        else if (basePanel != null && evt.GetEventTypeId() == DragExitedEvent.TypeId())
                            VisualElement currentTopElementUnderMouse = basePanel.topElementUnderMouse;
                            basePanel.topElementUnderMouse = null;
                            DispatchDragEnterDragLeave(currentTopElementUnderMouse, basePanel.topElementUnderMouse, mouseEvent);
                        // update element under mouse and fire necessary events
                            VisualElement currentTopElementUnderMouse = null;
                            if (evt.target == null && basePanel != null)
                                currentTopElementUnderMouse    = basePanel.topElementUnderMouse;
                                basePanel.topElementUnderMouse = panel.Pick(mouseEvent.mousePosition);
                                evt.target = basePanel.topElementUnderMouse;

                            if (evt.target != null)
                                eventHandled = true;

                            if (basePanel != null)
                                DispatchEnterLeaveEvents(currentTopElementUnderMouse, basePanel.topElementUnderMouse, evt);
                    else if (panel != null && evt is ICommandEvent)
                        IMGUIContainer imguiContainer = panel.focusController.focusedElement as IMGUIContainer;

                        eventHandled = true;
                        if (imguiContainer != null)
                            if (imguiContainer != evt.skipElement && imguiContainer.HandleIMGUIEvent(evt.imguiEvent))
                        else if (panel.focusController.focusedElement != null)
                            evt.target = panel.focusController.focusedElement;
                            PropagateToIMGUIContainer(panel.visualTree, evt);
                    else if (evt is IPropagatableEvent ||
                             evt is IFocusEvent ||
                             evt is IChangeEvent ||
                             evt.GetEventTypeId() == InputEvent.TypeId() ||
                             evt.GetEventTypeId() == GeometryChangedEvent.TypeId())
                        Debug.Assert(evt.target != null);
                        eventHandled = true;

                if (!mouseEventWasCaptured && !evt.isPropagationStopped && panel != null)
                    Event e = evt.imguiEvent;
                    if (!eventHandled || (e != null && e.type == EventType.Used) ||
                        evt.GetEventTypeId() == MouseEnterWindowEvent.TypeId() ||
                        evt.GetEventTypeId() == MouseLeaveWindowEvent.TypeId())
                        PropagateToIMGUIContainer(panel.visualTree, evt);

                if (evt.target == null && panel != null)
                    evt.target = panel.visualTree;

