public AmbientOcclusionSystem(HDRenderPipelineAsset hdAsset)
            m_Settings  = hdAsset.currentPlatformRenderPipelineSettings;
            m_Resources = hdAsset.renderPipelineResources;
            m_RTResources = hdAsset.renderPipelineRayTracingResources;

            if (!hdAsset.currentPlatformRenderPipelineSettings.supportSSAO)

        public void Initialize(RenderPipelineResources rpResources, HDRenderPipelineRayTracingResources rpRTResources, HDRaytracingManager raytracingManager, SharedRTManager sharedRTManager, HDRenderPipeline renderPipeline)
            // Keep track of the external buffers
            m_RenderPipelineResources           = rpResources;
            m_RenderPipelineRayTracingResources = rpRTResources;
            m_RaytracingManager = raytracingManager;

            // Keep track of the render pipeline
            m_RenderPipeline = renderPipeline;

            // Keep track of the shader rt manager
            m_SharedRTManager = sharedRTManager;

            // Texture used to output debug information
            m_DebugLightClusterTexture = RTHandles.Alloc(, filterMode: FilterMode.Point, colorFormat: GraphicsFormat.R16G16B16A16_SFloat, enableRandomWrite: true, useDynamicScale: true, useMipMap: false, name: "DebugLightClusterTexture");

            // Pre allocate the cluster with a dummy size
            m_LightCluster = new ComputeBuffer(1, sizeof(uint));
        public void Init(RenderPipelineResources rpResources, HDRenderPipelineRayTracingResources rpRTResources, RenderPipelineSettings pipelineSettings, HDRaytracingManager raytracingManager, SharedRTManager sharedRTManager)
            // Keep track of the pipeline asset
            m_PipelineSettings            = pipelineSettings;
            m_PipelineResources           = rpResources;
            m_PipelineRayTracingResources = rpRTResources;

            // keep track of the ray tracing manager
            m_RaytracingManager = raytracingManager;

            // Keep track of the shared rt manager
            m_SharedRTManager = sharedRTManager;

            // Intermediate buffer that holds the pre-denoised texture
            m_IntermediateBuffer = RTHandles.Alloc(, TextureXR.slices, colorFormat: GraphicsFormat.R16G16B16A16_SFloat, dimension: TextureXR.dimension, enableRandomWrite: true, useDynamicScale: true, useMipMap: false, autoGenerateMips: false, name: "IntermediateAOBuffer");

            // Buffer that holds the uncompressed normal buffer
            m_ViewSpaceNormalBuffer = RTHandles.Alloc(, TextureXR.slices, colorFormat: GraphicsFormat.R16G16B16A16_SFloat, dimension: TextureXR.dimension, enableRandomWrite: true, useDynamicScale: true, useMipMap: false, autoGenerateMips: false, name: "ViewSpaceNormalBuffer");
        public void Init(HDRenderPipelineRayTracingResources rayTracingResources, DebugDisplaySettings currentDebugDisplaySettings)
            // Keep track of the external resources
            m_DebugDisplaySettings = currentDebugDisplaySettings;
            m_PipelineResources    = rayTracingResources;

            m_RayCountTexture = RTHandles.Alloc(, filterMode: FilterMode.Point, colorFormat: GraphicsFormat.R32G32B32A32_UInt, enableRandomWrite: true, useMipMap: false, name: "RayCountTexture");

            // We only require 3 buffers (this supports a maximal size of 8192x8192)
            m_ReducedRayCountBuffer0 = new ComputeBuffer(4 * 256 * 256, sizeof(uint));
            m_ReducedRayCountBuffer1 = new ComputeBuffer(4 * 32 * 32, sizeof(uint));
            m_ReducedRayCountBuffer2 = new ComputeBuffer(4, sizeof(uint));

            // Initialize the cpu ray count (Optional)
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                m_ReducedRayCountValues[i] = 0;
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void Init(RenderPipelineSettings settings, RenderPipelineResources rpResources, HDRenderPipelineRayTracingResources rayTracingResources, BlueNoise blueNoise, HDRenderPipeline renderPipeline, SharedRTManager sharedRTManager, DebugDisplaySettings currentDebugDisplaySettings)
            // Keep track of the resources
            m_Resources   = rpResources;
            m_RTResources = rayTracingResources;

            // Keep track of the settings
            m_Settings = settings;

            // Keep track of the render pipeline
            m_RenderPipeline = renderPipeline;

            // Keep track of the shared RT manager
            m_SharedRTManager = sharedRTManager;

            // Keep track of the blue noise manager
            m_BlueNoise = blueNoise;

            // Create the list of environments
            m_Environments = new List <HDRaytracingEnvironment>();

            // Grab all the ray-tracing graphs that have been created before (in case the order of initialization has not been respected, which happens when we open unity the first time)
            HDRaytracingEnvironment[] environmentArray = Object.FindObjectsOfType <HDRaytracingEnvironment>();
            for (int envIdx = 0; envIdx < environmentArray.Length; ++envIdx)

            // Init the simple denoiser
            m_SimpleDenoiser.Init(rayTracingResources, m_SharedRTManager);

            // Init the ray count manager
            m_RayCountManager.Init(rayTracingResources, currentDebugDisplaySettings);

            // We need to invalidate the acceleration structures in case the hierarchy changed
            EditorApplication.hierarchyChanged += OnHierarchyChanged;
Exemplo n.º 6
        public AmbientOcclusionSystem(HDRenderPipelineAsset hdAsset)
            m_Settings  = hdAsset.currentPlatformRenderPipelineSettings;
            m_Resources = hdAsset.renderPipelineResources;
            m_RTResources = hdAsset.renderPipelineRayTracingResources;

            if (!hdAsset.currentPlatformRenderPipelineSettings.supportSSAO)

            bool supportMSAA = hdAsset.currentPlatformRenderPipelineSettings.supportMSAA;

            // Destination targets
            m_AmbientOcclusionTex = RTHandles.Alloc(,
                                                    filterMode: FilterMode.Bilinear,
                                                    colorFormat: GraphicsFormat.R8_UNorm,
                                                    slices: TextureXR.slices,
                                                    dimension: TextureXR.dimension,
                                                    enableRandomWrite: true,
                                                    useDynamicScale: true,
                                                    name: "Ambient Occlusion"

            if (supportMSAA)
                m_MultiAmbientOcclusionTex = RTHandles.Alloc(,
                                                             filterMode: FilterMode.Bilinear,
                                                             colorFormat: GraphicsFormat.R8G8_UNorm,
                                                             slices: TextureXR.slices,
                                                             dimension: TextureXR.dimension,
                                                             enableRandomWrite: true,
                                                             useDynamicScale: true,
                                                             name: "Ambient Occlusion MSAA"

                m_ResolveMaterial      = CoreUtils.CreateEngineMaterial(m_Resources.shaders.aoResolvePS);
                m_ResolvePropertyBlock = new MaterialPropertyBlock();

            // Prepare scale functors
            m_ScaleFunctors    = new ScaleFunc[(int)MipLevel.Count];
            m_ScaleFunctors[0] = size => size; // 0 is original size (mip0)

            for (int i = 1; i < m_ScaleFunctors.Length; i++)
                int mult = i;
                m_ScaleFunctors[i] = size =>
                    int div = 1 << mult;
                    return(new Vector2Int(
                               (size.x + (div - 1)) / div,
                               (size.y + (div - 1)) / div

            var fmtFP16 = supportMSAA ? GraphicsFormat.R16G16_SFloat  : GraphicsFormat.R16_SFloat;
            var fmtFP32 = supportMSAA ? GraphicsFormat.R32G32_SFloat : GraphicsFormat.R32_SFloat;
            var fmtFX8  = supportMSAA ? GraphicsFormat.R8G8_UNorm    : GraphicsFormat.R8_UNorm;

            // All of these are pre-allocated to 1x1 and will be automatically scaled properly by
            // the internal RTHandle system
            Alloc(out m_LinearDepthTex, MipLevel.Original, fmtFP16, true, "AOLinearDepth");

            Alloc(out m_LowDepth1Tex, MipLevel.L1, fmtFP32, true, "AOLowDepth1");
            Alloc(out m_LowDepth2Tex, MipLevel.L2, fmtFP32, true, "AOLowDepth2");
            Alloc(out m_LowDepth3Tex, MipLevel.L3, fmtFP32, true, "AOLowDepth3");
            Alloc(out m_LowDepth4Tex, MipLevel.L4, fmtFP32, true, "AOLowDepth4");

            AllocArray(out m_TiledDepth1Tex, MipLevel.L3, fmtFP16, true, "AOTiledDepth1");
            AllocArray(out m_TiledDepth2Tex, MipLevel.L4, fmtFP16, true, "AOTiledDepth2");
            AllocArray(out m_TiledDepth3Tex, MipLevel.L5, fmtFP16, true, "AOTiledDepth3");
            AllocArray(out m_TiledDepth4Tex, MipLevel.L6, fmtFP16, true, "AOTiledDepth4");

            Alloc(out m_Occlusion1Tex, MipLevel.L1, fmtFX8, true, "AOOcclusion1");
            Alloc(out m_Occlusion2Tex, MipLevel.L2, fmtFX8, true, "AOOcclusion2");
            Alloc(out m_Occlusion3Tex, MipLevel.L3, fmtFX8, true, "AOOcclusion3");
            Alloc(out m_Occlusion4Tex, MipLevel.L4, fmtFX8, true, "AOOcclusion4");

            Alloc(out m_Combined1Tex, MipLevel.L1, fmtFX8, true, "AOCombined1");
            Alloc(out m_Combined2Tex, MipLevel.L2, fmtFX8, true, "AOCombined2");
            Alloc(out m_Combined3Tex, MipLevel.L3, fmtFX8, true, "AOCombined3");