Exemplo n.º 1
        public unsafe bool UpdateSimpleMaterialBGFX(RendererBGFXInstance *sys, ref SimpleMaterial mat, ref SimpleMaterialBGFX matBGFX, bool srgbColors)
            // if constants changed, need to update packed value
            matBGFX.constAlbedo_Opacity = srgbColors ?
                                          new float4(Color.LinearToSRGB(mat.constAlbedo), mat.constOpacity) :
                                          new float4(mat.constAlbedo, mat.constOpacity);
            // if texture entity OR load state changed need to update texture handles
            // content of texture change should transparently update texture referenced by handle
            bool stillLoading = false;

            if (InitTexture(ref matBGFX.texAlbedoOpacity, mat.texAlbedoOpacity, sys->m_whiteTexture))
                stillLoading = true;

            // if twoSided or hasalpha changed, need to update state
            matBGFX.state = (ulong)(bgfx.StateFlags.WriteRgb | bgfx.StateFlags.WriteA | bgfx.StateFlags.DepthTestLess);
            if (!mat.twoSided && !mat.billboarded)
                matBGFX.state |= (ulong)bgfx.StateFlags.CullCw;
            if (mat.transparent)
                matBGFX.state |= RendererBGFXStatic.MakeBGFXBlend(bgfx.StateFlags.BlendOne, bgfx.StateFlags.BlendInvSrcAlpha);
                matBGFX.state |= (ulong)bgfx.StateFlags.WriteZ;
            matBGFX.mainTextureScaleTranslate = new float4(mat.scale, mat.offset);

            matBGFX.billboarded = new float4(mat.billboarded ? 1 : 0, 0, 0, 0);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public bool UpdateSimpleMaterialBGFX(RendererBGFXSystem sys, ref SimpleMaterial mat, ref SimpleMaterialBGFX matBGFX)
            // if constants changed, need to update packed value
            matBGFX.constAlbedo_Opacity = new float4(mat.constAlbedo, mat.constOpacity);
            // if texture entity OR load state changed need to update texture handles
            // content of texture change should transparently update texture referenced by handle
            bool stillLoading = false;

            if (InitTexture(ref matBGFX.texAlbedo, mat.texAlbedo, sys.WhiteTexture))
                stillLoading = true;
            if (InitTexture(ref matBGFX.texOpacity, mat.texOpacity, sys.WhiteTexture))
                stillLoading = true;

            // if twoSided or hasalpha changed, need to update state
            matBGFX.state = (ulong)(bgfx.StateFlags.WriteRgb | bgfx.StateFlags.WriteA | bgfx.StateFlags.DepthTestLess);
            if (!mat.twoSided)
                matBGFX.state |= (ulong)bgfx.StateFlags.CullCw;
            if (mat.transparent)
                matBGFX.state |= RendererBGFXSystem.MakeBGFXBlend(bgfx.StateFlags.BlendOne, bgfx.StateFlags.BlendInvSrcAlpha);
                matBGFX.state |= (ulong)bgfx.StateFlags.WriteZ;
            matBGFX.mainTextureScaleTranslate = new float4(mat.scale, mat.offset);