Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Utility method for writing a PoseExtractor to an ObservationWriter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="writer"></param>
        /// <param name="settings"></param>
        /// <param name="poseExtractor"></param>
        /// <param name="baseOffset">The offset into the ObservationWriter to start writing at.</param>
        /// <returns>The number of observations written.</returns>
        public static int WritePoses(this ObservationWriter writer, PhysicsSensorSettings settings, PoseExtractor poseExtractor, int baseOffset = 0)
            var offset = baseOffset;

            if (settings.UseModelSpace)
                foreach (var pose in poseExtractor.GetEnabledModelSpacePoses())
                    if (settings.UseModelSpaceTranslations)
                        writer.Add(pose.position, offset);
                        offset += 3;

                    if (settings.UseModelSpaceRotations)
                        writer.Add(pose.rotation, offset);
                        offset += 4;

                foreach (var vel in poseExtractor.GetEnabledModelSpaceVelocities())
                    if (settings.UseModelSpaceLinearVelocity)
                        writer.Add(vel, offset);
                        offset += 3;

            if (settings.UseLocalSpace)
                foreach (var pose in poseExtractor.GetEnabledLocalSpacePoses())
                    if (settings.UseLocalSpaceTranslations)
                        writer.Add(pose.position, offset);
                        offset += 3;

                    if (settings.UseLocalSpaceRotations)
                        writer.Add(pose.rotation, offset);
                        offset += 4;

                foreach (var vel in poseExtractor.GetEnabledLocalSpaceVelocities())
                    if (settings.UseLocalSpaceLinearVelocity)
                        writer.Add(vel, offset);
                        offset += 3;

            return(offset - baseOffset);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public PhysicsBodySensor(ArticulationBody rootBody, PhysicsSensorSettings settings, string sensorName = null)
            var poseExtractor = new ArticulationBodyPoseExtractor(rootBody);

            m_PoseExtractor = poseExtractor;
            m_SensorName    = string.IsNullOrEmpty(sensorName) ? $"ArticulationBodySensor:{rootBody?.name}" : sensorName;
            m_Settings      = settings;

            var numJointExtractorObservations = 0;
            var articBodies = poseExtractor.Bodies;

            if (articBodies != null)
                m_JointExtractors = new IJointExtractor[articBodies.Length - 1]; // skip the root
                for (var i = 1; i < articBodies.Length; i++)
                    var jointExtractor = new ArticulationBodyJointExtractor(articBodies[i]);
                    numJointExtractorObservations += jointExtractor.NumObservations(settings);
                    m_JointExtractors[i - 1]       = jointExtractor;
                m_JointExtractors = new IJointExtractor[0];

            var numTransformObservations = m_PoseExtractor.GetNumPoseObservations(settings);

            m_Shape = new[] { numTransformObservations + numJointExtractorObservations };
        /// <summary>
        /// Utility method for writing a PoseExtractor to an ObservationWriter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="writer"></param>
        /// <param name="settings"></param>
        /// <param name="poseExtractor"></param>
        /// <param name="baseOffset">The offset into the ObservationWriter to start writing at.</param>
        /// <returns>The number of observations written.</returns>
        public static int WritePoses(this ObservationWriter writer, PhysicsSensorSettings settings, PoseExtractor poseExtractor, int baseOffset = 0)
            var offset = baseOffset;

            if (settings.UseModelSpace)
                var poses = poseExtractor.ModelSpacePoses;
                var vels  = poseExtractor.ModelSpaceVelocities;

                for (var i = 0; i < poseExtractor.NumPoses; i++)
                    var pose = poses[i];
                    if (settings.UseModelSpaceTranslations)
                        writer.Add(pose.position, offset);
                        offset += 3;
                    if (settings.UseModelSpaceRotations)
                        writer.Add(pose.rotation, offset);
                        offset += 4;
                    if (settings.UseModelSpaceLinearVelocity)
                        writer.Add(vels[i], offset);
                        offset += 3;

            if (settings.UseLocalSpace)
                var poses = poseExtractor.LocalSpacePoses;
                var vels  = poseExtractor.LocalSpaceVelocities;

                for (var i = 0; i < poseExtractor.NumPoses; i++)
                    var pose = poses[i];
                    if (settings.UseLocalSpaceTranslations)
                        writer.Add(pose.position, offset);
                        offset += 3;
                    if (settings.UseLocalSpaceRotations)
                        writer.Add(pose.rotation, offset);
                        offset += 4;
                    if (settings.UseLocalSpaceLinearVelocity)
                        writer.Add(vels[i], offset);
                        offset += 3;

            return(offset - baseOffset);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public PhysicsBodySensor(ArticulationBody rootBody, PhysicsSensorSettings settings, string sensorName = null)
            m_PoseExtractor = new ArticulationBodyPoseExtractor(rootBody);
            m_SensorName    = string.IsNullOrEmpty(sensorName) ? $"ArticulationBodySensor:{rootBody?.name}" : sensorName;
            m_Settings      = settings;

            var numTransformObservations = settings.TransformSize(m_PoseExtractor.NumPoses);

            m_Shape = new[] { numTransformObservations };
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        ///  Construct a new PhysicsBodySensor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rootBody"></param>
        /// <param name="settings"></param>
        /// <param name="sensorName"></param>
        public PhysicsBodySensor(Rigidbody rootBody, GameObject rootGameObject, PhysicsSensorSettings settings, string sensorName = null)
            m_PoseExtractor = new RigidBodyPoseExtractor(rootBody, rootGameObject);
            m_SensorName    = string.IsNullOrEmpty(sensorName) ? $"PhysicsBodySensor:{rootBody?.name}" : sensorName;
            m_Settings      = settings;

            var numTransformObservations = settings.TransformSize(m_PoseExtractor.NumPoses);

            m_Shape = new[] { numTransformObservations };
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Compute the number of floats needed to represent the poses for the given PhysicsSensorSettings.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="settings"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int GetNumPoseObservations(PhysicsSensorSettings settings)
            int obsPerPose = 0;

            obsPerPose += settings.UseModelSpaceTranslations ? 3 : 0;
            obsPerPose += settings.UseModelSpaceRotations ? 4 : 0;
            obsPerPose += settings.UseLocalSpaceTranslations ? 3 : 0;
            obsPerPose += settings.UseLocalSpaceRotations ? 4 : 0;

            obsPerPose += settings.UseModelSpaceLinearVelocity ? 3 : 0;
            obsPerPose += settings.UseLocalSpaceLinearVelocity ? 3 : 0;

            return(NumEnabledPoses * obsPerPose);
        public static int NumObservations(Rigidbody body, Joint joint, PhysicsSensorSettings settings)
            if (body == null || joint == null)

            var numObservations = 0;

            if (settings.UseJointForces)
                // 3 force and 3 torque values
                numObservations += 6;

        public int Write(PhysicsSensorSettings settings, ObservationWriter writer, int offset)
            if (m_Body == null || m_Body.isRoot)

            var currentOffset = offset;

            // Write joint positions
            if (settings.UseJointPositionsAndAngles)
                switch (m_Body.jointType)
                case ArticulationJointType.RevoluteJoint:
                case ArticulationJointType.SphericalJoint:
                    // All joint positions are angular
                    for (var dofIndex = 0; dofIndex < m_Body.dofCount; dofIndex++)
                        var jointRotationRads = m_Body.jointPosition[dofIndex];
                        writer[currentOffset++] = Mathf.Sin(jointRotationRads);
                        writer[currentOffset++] = Mathf.Cos(jointRotationRads);

                case ArticulationJointType.FixedJoint:
                    // No observations

                case ArticulationJointType.PrismaticJoint:
                    writer[currentOffset++] = GetPrismaticValue();

            if (settings.UseJointForces)
                for (var dofIndex = 0; dofIndex < m_Body.dofCount; dofIndex++)
                    // take tanh to keep in [-1, 1]
                    writer[currentOffset++] = (float)System.Math.Tanh(m_Body.jointForce[dofIndex]);

            return(currentOffset - offset);
Exemplo n.º 9
        public PhysicsBodySensor(ArticulationBody rootBody, PhysicsSensorSettings settings, string sensorName = null)
            var poseExtractor = new ArticulationBodyPoseExtractor(rootBody);

            m_PoseExtractor = poseExtractor;
            m_SensorName    = string.IsNullOrEmpty(sensorName) ? $"ArticulationBodySensor:{rootBody?.name}" : sensorName;
            m_Settings      = settings;

            var numJointExtractorObservations = 0;

            m_JointExtractors = new List <IJointExtractor>(poseExtractor.NumEnabledPoses);
            foreach (var articBody in poseExtractor.GetEnabledArticulationBodies())
                var jointExtractor = new ArticulationBodyJointExtractor(articBody);
                numJointExtractorObservations += jointExtractor.NumObservations(settings);

            var numTransformObservations = m_PoseExtractor.GetNumPoseObservations(settings);

            m_Shape = new[] { numTransformObservations + numJointExtractorObservations };
        public int Write(PhysicsSensorSettings settings, ObservationWriter writer, int offset)
            if (m_Body == null || m_Joint == null)

            var currentOffset = offset;

            if (settings.UseJointForces)
                // Take tanh of the forces and torques to ensure they're in [-1, 1]
                writer[currentOffset++] = (float)System.Math.Tanh(m_Joint.currentForce.x);
                writer[currentOffset++] = (float)System.Math.Tanh(m_Joint.currentForce.y);
                writer[currentOffset++] = (float)System.Math.Tanh(m_Joint.currentForce.z);

                writer[currentOffset++] = (float)System.Math.Tanh(m_Joint.currentTorque.x);
                writer[currentOffset++] = (float)System.Math.Tanh(m_Joint.currentTorque.y);
                writer[currentOffset++] = (float)System.Math.Tanh(m_Joint.currentTorque.z);
            return(currentOffset - offset);
        public static int NumObservations(ArticulationBody body, PhysicsSensorSettings settings)
            if (body == null || body.isRoot)

            var totalCount = 0;

            if (settings.UseJointPositionsAndAngles)
                switch (body.jointType)
                case ArticulationJointType.RevoluteJoint:
                case ArticulationJointType.SphericalJoint:
                    // Both RevoluteJoint and SphericalJoint have all angular components.
                    // We use sine and cosine of the angles for the observations.
                    totalCount += 2 * body.dofCount;

                case ArticulationJointType.FixedJoint:
                    // Since FixedJoint can't moved, there aren't any interesting observations for it.

                case ArticulationJointType.PrismaticJoint:
                    // One linear component
                    totalCount += body.dofCount;

            if (settings.UseJointForces)
                totalCount += body.dofCount;

Exemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct a new PhysicsBodySensor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="poseExtractor"></param>
        /// <param name="settings"></param>
        /// <param name="sensorName"></param>
        public PhysicsBodySensor(
            RigidBodyPoseExtractor poseExtractor,
            PhysicsSensorSettings settings,
            string sensorName
            m_PoseExtractor = poseExtractor;
            m_SensorName    = sensorName;
            m_Settings      = settings;

            var numJointExtractorObservations = 0;

            m_JointExtractors = new List <IJointExtractor>(poseExtractor.NumEnabledPoses);
            foreach (var rb in poseExtractor.GetEnabledRigidbodies())
                var jointExtractor = new RigidBodyJointExtractor(rb);
                numJointExtractorObservations += jointExtractor.NumObservations(settings);

            var numTransformObservations = m_PoseExtractor.GetNumPoseObservations(settings);

            m_Shape = new[] { numTransformObservations + numJointExtractorObservations };
Exemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        ///  Construct a new PhysicsBodySensor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rootBody">The root Rigidbody. This has no Joints on it (but other Joints may connect to it).</param>
        /// <param name="rootGameObject">Optional GameObject used to find Rigidbodies in the hierarchy.</param>
        /// <param name="virtualRoot">Optional GameObject used to determine the root of the poses,
        /// <param name="settings"></param>
        /// <param name="sensorName"></param>
        public PhysicsBodySensor(
            Rigidbody rootBody,
            GameObject rootGameObject,
            GameObject virtualRoot,
            PhysicsSensorSettings settings,
            string sensorName = null
            var poseExtractor = new RigidBodyPoseExtractor(rootBody, rootGameObject, virtualRoot);

            m_PoseExtractor = poseExtractor;
            m_SensorName    = string.IsNullOrEmpty(sensorName) ? $"PhysicsBodySensor:{rootBody?.name}" : sensorName;
            m_Settings      = settings;

            var numJointExtractorObservations = 0;
            var rigidBodies = poseExtractor.Bodies;

            if (rigidBodies != null)
                m_JointExtractors = new IJointExtractor[rigidBodies.Length - 1]; // skip the root
                for (var i = 1; i < rigidBodies.Length; i++)
                    var jointExtractor = new RigidBodyJointExtractor(rigidBodies[i]);
                    numJointExtractorObservations += jointExtractor.NumObservations(settings);
                    m_JointExtractors[i - 1]       = jointExtractor;
                m_JointExtractors = new IJointExtractor[0];

            var numTransformObservations = m_PoseExtractor.GetNumPoseObservations(settings);

            m_Shape = new[] { numTransformObservations + numJointExtractorObservations };
 public int NumObservations(PhysicsSensorSettings settings)
     return(NumObservations(m_Body, m_Joint, settings));