Exemplo n.º 1
        private static void PackConstants(Model model, Dictionary <string, Layer> constantLayers)
            for (int l = 0; l < model.layers.Count; ++l)
                var layer = model.layers[l];

                if (!LinearLayerFusing.IsLayerLinearMathOp(layer))
                var constInputs = layer.inputs.Count(x => constantLayers.ContainsKey(x));
                // @TODO fuse multi const inputs here
                if (!(layer.inputs.Length == 2 && constInputs == 1))

                var constInput = layer.inputs.ToList().Find(x => constantLayers.ContainsKey(x));

                layer.datasets = new Layer.DataSet[constantLayers[constInput].datasets.Length];
                Array.Copy(constantLayers[constInput].datasets, layer.datasets, constantLayers[constInput].datasets.Length);
                layer.weights = new float[constantLayers[constInput].weights.Length];
                Array.Copy(constantLayers[constInput].weights, layer.weights, constantLayers[constInput].weights.Length);

                model.layers[l].inputs = layer.inputs.Where(x => x != constInput).ToArray();
Exemplo n.º 2
        private static void UnpackConstants(Model model)
            List <Layer> newConstants = new List <Layer>();

            for (int l = 0; l < model.layers.Count; ++l)
                var layer = model.layers[l];
                if (!LinearLayerFusing.IsLayerLinearMathOp(layer))

                if (layer.datasets == null || layer.datasets.Length != 1)

                var   name       = "c" + layer.name;
                Layer constInput = new Layer(name, Layer.Type.Load);

                constInput.datasets = new Layer.DataSet[layer.datasets.Length];
                Array.Copy(layer.datasets, constInput.datasets, layer.datasets.Length);
                for (int d = 0; d < constInput.datasets.Length; ++d)
                    constInput.datasets[d].name = name;

                constInput.weights = new float[layer.weights.Length];
                Array.Copy(layer.weights, constInput.weights, layer.weights.Length);

                Array.Resize(ref layer.inputs, layer.inputs.Length + 1);
                layer.inputs[layer.inputs.Length - 1] = constInput.name;


                layer.datasets = new Layer.DataSet[0];
                layer.weights  = new float[0];
            model.layers = newConstants;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static void FuseLinear(Model model, HashSet <string> keepLayers = null)
            // outputs and memories can be queried by the user, make sure they are not removed
            var preserve = new HashSet <string>(
                model.memories.Select(mem => mem.input).Concat(
                    model.memories.Select(mem => mem.output)).Concat(

            var constantLayers = new Dictionary <string, Layer>();

            foreach (var l in model.layers)
                if (IsLayerConstant(l))
                    constantLayers[l.name] = l;

            // pack constants into layer database
            PackConstants(model, constantLayers);

            var remap        = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            var mergedLayers = new HashSet <Layer>();

            for (int l = 0; l < model.layers.Count; ++l)
                var layer = model.layers[l];

                bool isLayerLinear      = LinearLayerFusing.IsLayerLinear(layer, constantLayers);
                bool isLayerPreserved   = preserve.Contains(layer.name);
                bool layerHasActivation = IsLayerFusedActivation(layer);

                if (!isLayerLinear)

                // if layer has an activation, we fuse it, but treat it as non linear for future children
                if (!layerHasActivation)
                    remap[layer.name] = layer.name;

                // Multi input nodes can only fuse constants and same inputs
                // only merge constants. @TODO: fuse equal input nodes
                var nonLinearInputs = layer.inputs.Where(x => !remap.ContainsKey(x) && !constantLayers.ContainsKey(x)).ToList();
                var linearInputs    = layer.inputs.Where(x => remap.ContainsKey(x)).ToList();

                // merge layer with one linearInput and eventual constants
                if (nonLinearInputs.Count > 0 || linearInputs.Count > 1)

                var input = linearInputs[0];

                // input is a linear layer, fuse it
                int   inputLayerIndex = model.layers.FindIndex(x => x.name == remap[input]);
                Layer inputLayer      = model.layers[inputLayerIndex];

                if (!AreLayersFusable(inputLayer, layer))

                // convention: layer will be fused into inputLayer
                // => fused layer will have the same inputs as inputLayer
                Layer fusedLayer = FuseConsecutiveLayers(inputLayer, layer);

                if (LayerComplextity(fusedLayer) > LayerComplextity(inputLayer) + LayerComplextity(layer))

                if (layerHasActivation)
                    fusedLayer.activation = layer.activation;

                bool hasNoSkipConnection = (model.GetDownStreamLayersCount(input) == 1);
                //  if input has more than 1 child, we can't override input with fused result
                //  same if input is preserved
                if (!hasNoSkipConnection || preserve.Contains(input))
                    fusedLayer.name = layer.name;
                    model.layers[l] = fusedLayer;

                // preserve layer if output/memory
                if (isLayerPreserved)
                    // cannot merge layer into input:
                    // remove input, no need to remap as inputs == input.inputs
                    fusedLayer.name = layer.name;
                    model.layers[l] = fusedLayer;
                    // merge layer into input
                    // remove current and remap input names
                    remap[layer.name]             = fusedLayer.name;
                    model.layers[inputLayerIndex] = fusedLayer;

            // remove merged layers
            model.layers.RemoveAll(x => mergedLayers.Contains(x));

            // update remapped inputs
            for (int l = 0; l < model.layers.Count; ++l)
                Layer layer = model.layers[l];
                for (int i = 0; i < layer.inputs.Length; ++i)
                    var input = layer.inputs[i];
                    if (remap.ContainsKey(input))
                        model.layers[l].inputs[i] = remap[input];

            // unpack constants

            // remove unused constants
            foreach (var l in model.layers)
                foreach (var i in l.inputs)
                    if (constantLayers.ContainsKey(i))
            model.layers.RemoveAll(x => constantLayers.ContainsKey(x.name) &&
                                   !preserve.Contains(x.name) &&
                                   (keepLayers == null ? true : !keepLayers.Contains(x.name)));