Exemplo n.º 1
        public override void InitTower(int ID)

            subClass         = _UnitSubClass.Hero;
            gameObject.layer = LayerManager.LayerTower();
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static Vector3 ClickOnTerrain(Vector3 pointer)
            int layer = LayerManager.LayerTower();

            LayerMask  mask = 1 << LayerManager.LayerTerrain();
            Ray        ray  = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(pointer);
            RaycastHit hit;

            if (!Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, Mathf.Infinity, mask))

Exemplo n.º 3
        public static UnitTower Select(Vector3 pointer)
            int layer = LayerManager.LayerTower();

            LayerMask  mask = 1 << layer;
            Ray        ray  = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(pointer);
            RaycastHit hit;

            if (!Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, Mathf.Infinity, mask))

            Unit unit = hit.transform.GetComponent <Unit>();

            if (unit.IsTower() || unit.IsHero())

Exemplo n.º 4
        //called in every frame, execute if there's an ability is selected and pending target selection
        //use only mouse input atm.
        void SelectAbilityTarget()
            if (selectedAbilityID < 0)

            //only cast on terrain and platform
            LayerMask mask         = 1 << LayerManager.LayerPlatform();
            int       terrainLayer = LayerManager.LayerTerrain();

            if (terrainLayer >= 0)
                mask |= 1 << terrainLayer;

            Ability ability = abilityList[selectedAbilityID];

            if (ability.singleUnitTargeting)
                if (ability.targetType == Ability._TargetType.Hybrid)
                    mask |= 1 << LayerManager.LayerTower();
                    mask |= 1 << LayerManager.LayerCreep();
                else if (ability.targetType == Ability._TargetType.Friendly)
                    mask |= 1 << LayerManager.LayerTower();
                else if (ability.targetType == Ability._TargetType.Hostile)
                    mask |= 1 << LayerManager.LayerCreep();

            Unit targetUnit = null;
            if (Input.touchCount >= 1)
                Camera mainCam = Camera.main;
                if (mainCam != null)
                    Ray        ray = mainCam.ScreenPointToRay(Input.touches[0].position);
                    RaycastHit hit;
                    if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, Mathf.Infinity, mask))
                        currentIndicator.position = hit.point + new Vector3(0, 0.1f, 0);
                        validTarget = true;

                        if (ability.singleUnitTargeting)
                            targetUnit = hit.transform.GetComponent <Unit>();
                            if (targetUnit != null)
                                currentIndicator.position = targetUnit.thisT.position;
                                validTarget = false;
                        validTarget = false;
                if (validTarget)
                    ActivateAbility(ability, currentIndicator.position, targetUnit);
                    GameControl.DisplayMessage("Invalid target for ability");
            Camera mainCam = Camera.main;
            if (mainCam != null)
                Ray        ray = mainCam.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
                RaycastHit hit;
                if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, Mathf.Infinity, mask))
                    currentIndicator.position = hit.point + new Vector3(0, 0.1f, 0);

                    Unit targetUnit = null;

                    validTarget = true;
                    if (ability.singleUnitTargeting)
                        targetUnit = hit.transform.GetComponent <Unit>();
                        if (targetUnit != null)
                            currentIndicator.position = targetUnit.thisT.position;
                            validTarget = false;

                    if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
                        if (validTarget)
                            ActivateAbility(ability, currentIndicator.position, targetUnit);
                            GameControl.DisplayMessage("Invalid target for ability");

            if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1))
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static NodeTD[] GenerateNode(PlatformTD platform, float heightOffset)
            if (instance == null)

            Transform platformT = platform.thisT;

            float gridSize = BuildManager.GetGridSize();

            float scaleX = platform.thisT.localScale.x;
            float scaleZ = platform.thisT.localScale.z;

            int countX = (int)(scaleX / gridSize);
            int countZ = (int)(scaleZ / gridSize);

            float x = -scaleX / 2 / scaleX;
            float z = -scaleZ / 2 / scaleZ;

            Vector3 point = platformT.TransformPoint(new Vector3(x, 0, z));

            thisT.position = point;
            thisT.rotation = platformT.rotation;

            thisT.position = thisT.TransformPoint(new Vector3(gridSize / 2, heightOffset, gridSize / 2));

            NodeTD[] nodeGraph = new NodeTD[countZ * countX];

            int counter = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < countZ; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < countX; j++)
                    Vector3 pos = thisT.position;
                    pos.y = pos.y + 5000;

                    LayerMask  mask = 1 << LayerManager.LayerTower();
                    RaycastHit hit1;
                    if (Physics.Raycast(pos, Vector3.down, out hit1, Mathf.Infinity, ~mask))
                        nodeGraph[counter] = new NodeTD(new Vector3(pos.x, hit1.point.y + heightOffset, pos.z), counter);
                        nodeGraph[counter]          = new NodeTD(pos, counter);
                        nodeGraph[counter].walkable = false;

                    counter += 1;

                    thisT.position = thisT.TransformPoint(new Vector3(gridSize, 0, 0));
                thisT.position = thisT.TransformPoint(new Vector3(-(countX) * gridSize, 0, gridSize));

            thisT.position = Vector3.zero;
            thisT.rotation = Quaternion.identity;

            counter = 0;
            foreach (NodeTD cNode in nodeGraph)
                if (cNode.walkable)
                    //check if there's anything within the point
                    LayerMask mask = 1 << LayerManager.LayerPlatform();
                    mask |= 1 << LayerManager.LayerTower();
                    if (LayerManager.LayerTerrain() >= 0)
                        mask |= 1 << LayerManager.LayerTerrain();
                    Collider[] cols = Physics.OverlapSphere(cNode.pos, gridSize * 0.45f, ~mask);
                    if (cols.Length > 0)
                        cNode.walkable = false;
                        counter       += 1;

            float neighbourDistance = 0;
            float neighbourRange;

            if (instance.connectDiagonalNeighbour)
                neighbourRange = gridSize * 1.5f;
                neighbourRange = gridSize * 1.1f;

            counter = 0;
            //assign the neighouring  node for each node in the grid
            foreach (NodeTD currentNode in nodeGraph)
                //only if that node is walkable
                if (currentNode.walkable)
                    //create an empty array
                    List <NodeTD> neighbourNodeList = new List <NodeTD>();
                    List <float>  neighbourCostList = new List <float>();

                    NodeTD[] neighbour = new NodeTD[8];
                    int      id        = currentNode.ID;

                    if (id > countX - 1 && id < countX * countZ - countX)
                        //print("middle rows");
                        if (id != countX)
                            neighbour[0] = nodeGraph[id - countX - 1];
                        neighbour[1] = nodeGraph[id - countX];
                        neighbour[2] = nodeGraph[id - countX + 1];
                        neighbour[3] = nodeGraph[id - 1];
                        neighbour[4] = nodeGraph[id + 1];
                        neighbour[5] = nodeGraph[id + countX - 1];
                        neighbour[6] = nodeGraph[id + countX];
                        if (id != countX * countZ - countX - 1)
                            neighbour[7] = nodeGraph[id + countX + 1];
                    else if (id <= countX - 1)
                        //print("first row");
                        if (id != 0)
                            neighbour[0] = nodeGraph[id - 1];
                        if (nodeGraph.Length > id + 1)
                            neighbour[1] = nodeGraph[id + 1];
                        if (countZ > 0)
                            if (nodeGraph.Length > id + countX - 1)
                                neighbour[2] = nodeGraph[id + countX - 1];
                            if (nodeGraph.Length > id + countX)
                                neighbour[3] = nodeGraph[id + countX];
                            if (nodeGraph.Length > id + countX + 1)
                                neighbour[4] = nodeGraph[id + countX + 1];
                    else if (id >= countX * countZ - countX)
                        //print("last row");
                        neighbour[0] = nodeGraph[id - 1];
                        if (id != countX * countZ - 1)
                            neighbour[1] = nodeGraph[id + 1];
                        if (id != countX * (countZ - 1))
                            neighbour[2] = nodeGraph[id - countX - 1];
                        neighbour[3] = nodeGraph[id - countX];
                        neighbour[4] = nodeGraph[id - countX + 1];

                    //scan through all the node in the grid
                    foreach (NodeTD node in neighbour)
                        //if this the node is not currentNode
                        if (node != null && node.walkable)
                            //if this node is within neighbour node range
                            neighbourDistance = GetHorizontalDistance(currentNode.pos, node.pos);
                            if (neighbourDistance < neighbourRange)
                                //if nothing's in the way between these two
                                LayerMask mask = 1 << LayerManager.LayerPlatform();
                                mask |= 1 << LayerManager.LayerTower();
                                if (!Physics.Linecast(currentNode.pos, node.pos, ~mask))
                                    //if the slop is not too steep
                                    //if(Mathf.Abs(GetSlope(currentNode.pos, node.pos))<=maxSlope){
                                    //add to list
                                    //if(!node.walkable) Debug.Log("error");
                                    //}//else print("too steep");
                                }                //else print("something's in the way");
                            }                    //else print("out of range "+neighbourDistance);
                        }                        //else print("unwalkable");

                    //set the list as the node neighbours array
                    currentNode.SetNeighbour(neighbourNodeList, neighbourCostList);

                    //Debug.Log("no heighbour. node number "+counter+"  "+neighbourNodeList.Count);

                counter += 1;
