Inheritance: ITransactionRepository
Exemplo n.º 1
        public static async Task RefillSearchIndex(TextWriter log)
                log.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now} :: Function is invoked");

                var custRepo = new CustomerRepository();
                var sRepo = new SearchRepository();
                var tRepo = new TransactionRepository();

                var customers = custRepo.GetAllCustomers();
                log.WriteLine($"Total customers: {customers.Count()}");

                DateTime dtLimit = DateTime.UtcNow.Date.AddDays(-Constants.DaysToKeepTransactions);
                DateTime dtLimitWoDay = dtLimit.AddDays(-dtLimit.Day + 1);    //remove day component from DateTime
                DateTime dtEnd = DateTime.UtcNow.Date;
                DateTime dtEndWoDay = dtEnd.AddDays(-dtEnd.Day + 1);

                foreach (var customer in customers)
                    log.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now} :: Processing customer {customer.InternalID} {customer.Name}");

                    for (DateTime d = dtLimitWoDay; d <= dtEndWoDay; d = d.AddMonths(1))
                        string strDate = d.ToString(Constants.DateStringFormat);
                        int dateVal = int.Parse(strDate);

                        var res =await  tRepo.GetTransactionsForCustomer(customer.InternalID.Value, dateVal);
                        var matchingEnts = res.Where(r => r.DateTime >= dtLimit);


                int i = 1;
                TableContinuationToken continuationToken = null;
                    var items = tRepo.GetTransactionTotalsItemBatch(ref continuationToken);
                    var searchItems = items.Select(item => new TotalsSearchItem(item));
                    log.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now} :: Added totals item batch {i++} ({searchItems.Count()} items)");

                    if (continuationToken != null)
                while (continuationToken != null);

                log.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now} :: DONE");
            catch (Exception ex)
                var tags = new List<string> { "RefillSearchIndex" };
                new RaygunWebApiClient(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[Constants.SettingKey_RaygunKey])
                    .SendInBackground(ex, tags, null);
        public IHttpActionResult AddTransaction(int mvanumber, Transaction t)
            if (t.ID != null)
                return BadRequest();

            t.MvaNumber = mvanumber;
            t = new TransactionRepository().AddTransactionToUpdateQueue(t);

            return Ok(t);
        public IHttpActionResult AddTransactionBatch(int mvanumber, IEnumerable<Transaction> batch)
            if(batch.Count() == 0 || batch.Count() > Constants.MaxTransactionBatchSizeForQueue)
                return BadRequest("Invalid batch size");

            if(!batch.All(t => t.MvaNumber == mvanumber))
                return BadRequest("MVA number does not match");

            if(!batch.All(t => t.ID == null))
                return BadRequest();
            batch = new TransactionRepository().AddTransactionBatchToUpdateQueue(batch);

            return Ok(batch);
        public IHttpActionResult SetTransactionBilled(int mvanumber, IEnumerable<TransactionBilledItem> billedItems)
            var tRepo = new TransactionRepository();

            foreach (var item in billedItems)
                    tRepo.SetTransactionAsBilled(mvanumber, item.ID, item.OrderItemID);                 
                catch(Exception ex)
                    return InternalServerError(new Exception($"Failed to set transaction {item.ID} as billed {ex.Message})"));

            return Ok();
Exemplo n.º 5
        private static void AddTestData()
            var transactRepo = new TransactionRepository();
            var custRepo = new CustomerRepository();
            var customers = custRepo.GetAllCustomers().ToList();
            int productCount = 3;
            List<string> prodIDs = new List<string>();
            for (int i = 1; i <= productCount; i++)
                prodIDs.Add("Signature" + i);

            DateTime minDt = new DateTime(2015, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
            DateTime maxDt = DateTime.UtcNow;
            TimeSpan timeSpan = maxDt - minDt;

            var transactionBatch = new List<Transaction>(100);

            Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            for (int i = 0; i < 50000; i++)
                string prodId = prodIDs[_rand.Next(0, productCount)];
                TimeSpan randSpan = new TimeSpan(0, 0, _rand.Next(0, (int)timeSpan.TotalSeconds));
                DateTime date = minDt + randSpan;
                var curCustomer = customers[_rand.Next(0, customers.Count)];
                Guid clientId = curCustomer.InternalID.Value;
                int transactDuplicates = _rand.Next(0, 10) >= 9 ? 2 : 1;

                Transaction t = new Transaction
                    MvaNumber = curCustomer.MvaNumber,
                    ExternalRef = curCustomer.ExternalIDs.First(),
                    //InternalRef = curCustomer.InternalID,
                    CustomerNumber = curCustomer.CustomerNumber,
                    Date = date,
                    Description = "test item",
                    ProductID = prodId,
                    Amount = transactDuplicates


                if (i % 100 == 0)

                    Console.WriteLine($"{i} transactions have been added :: {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms");
Exemplo n.º 6
        private static async Task ProcessTransactions(SearchRepository sRepo, TransactionRepository tRepo, Customer customer, string productID, int? dateVal)
            //any transaction newer than 'dtLimit' should not be processed because it's kept as an individual search item
            DateTime dtLimit = DateTime.UtcNow.Date.AddDays(-Constants.DaysToKeepTransactions);
            int curDateVal;
                curDateVal = dateVal.Value;
                curDateVal = int.Parse(dtLimit.AddDays(-1).ToString(Constants.DateStringFormat));

            var existingItems = sRepo.GetTotalsItemsForCustomer(customer.InternalID.Value, productID, curDateVal);
            HashSet<string> existingItemIDs = new HashSet<string>(existingItems.Select(e => e.DocUniqueID));

            Dictionary<string, int> productTotals = new Dictionary<string, int>();

            var res =await  tRepo.GetTransactionsForCustomer(customer.InternalID.Value, curDateVal);
                res = res.Where(r => r.ProductID == productID);
            res = res.Where(r => r.DateTime < dtLimit);

            foreach (var transaction in res)
                if (productTotals.ContainsKey(transaction.ProductID))
                    productTotals[transaction.ProductID] = productTotals[transaction.ProductID] + transaction.Amount.Value;
                    productTotals.Add(transaction.ProductID, transaction.Amount.Value);

            var searchItems = new List<TotalsSearchItem>();
            foreach (var entry in productTotals)
                var newItem = new TotalsSearchItem
                    DocUniqueID = TotalsSearchItem.CreateUID(curDateVal, entry.Key, customer.InternalID.Value),
                    ClientInternalID = customer.InternalID.Value.ToString(),
                    CustomerNumber = customer.CustomerNumber,
                    Date = curDateVal,
                    MvaNumber = customer.MvaNumber,
                    ProductID = entry.Key,
                    Amount = entry.Value


            tRepo.AddOrUpdateTransactionTotalsItem(searchItems.Select(item => new TotalsItemTableEntity(item)).ToArray());

            //in case a transaction was deleted, remove all totals items from search index that are no longer valid
Exemplo n.º 7
        public static async Task UpdateTotals(TextWriter log)
                log.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now} :: Function is invoked");
                List<Task> tasks = new List<Task>();

                var custRepo = new CustomerRepository();
                var sRepo = new SearchRepository();
                var tRepo = new TransactionRepository();

                var customers = custRepo.GetAllCustomers();
                log.WriteLine($"Total customers: {customers.Count()}");

                foreach (var customer in customers)
                    log.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now} :: Processing customer {customer.InternalID} {customer.Name}");

                    tasks.Add(ProcessTransactions(sRepo, tRepo, customer, null, null));

                if (tasks.Any())
                    await Task.WhenAll(tasks);

                log.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now} :: All customers processed");
                tasks = new List<Task>();
                log.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now} :: Old transactions processed");
                TableContinuationToken continuationToken = null;
                    var items = tRepo.GetReIndexableItemBatch(ref continuationToken);
                    log.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now} :: Current re-index batch items: {items.Count()}");

                    foreach (ReIndexTableEntity item in items)
                        log.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now} :: Processing re-index item {item.RowKey}");
                        int reIndexDateVal = int.Parse(item.Date);

                            var reIndexCustomer = custRepo.GetCustomerByInternalID(item.CustomerInternalID.Value);
                            if(reIndexCustomer == null)
                                throw new Exception($"Error while processing re-index item, customer with ID {item.CustomerInternalID.Value} not found.");

                            tasks.Add(ProcessTransactions(sRepo, tRepo, reIndexCustomer, item.ProductID, reIndexDateVal));
                            //no customer ID specified, process all of them
                            foreach (var customer in customers)
                                tasks.Add(ProcessTransactions(sRepo, tRepo, customer, item.ProductID, reIndexDateVal));

                    //TODO: should ignore errors that are caused by the ETag mismatch. 
                    //These can happen when an existing request was overwritten during the processing above.
                    //The correct thing to do would be to ignore it and to process the item again next time.
                while (continuationToken != null);

                if (tasks.Any())
                    await Task.WhenAll(tasks);

                log.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now} :: DONE");
            catch (Exception ex)
                var tags = new List<string> { "UpdateTotals" };
                new RaygunWebApiClient(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[Constants.SettingKey_RaygunKey])
                    .SendInBackground(ex, tags, null);