void SimulatePhysics(float fixedDeltaTime)
            //Debug.LogError("Simulating on head node");

            //should only be run on head

            //wait for children to simulate before simulating on head again
            UniCAVEInputSystem.PhysicsState = UniCAVEInputSystem.PhysicsStates.WaitingForChildSimulate;
        void RpcSimulatePhysics(float fixedDeltaTime)
            Debug.LogError("Child is simulating");
            //should only be run on children

            //wait for head to simulate before simulating again
            UniCAVEInputSystem.PhysicsState = UniCAVEInputSystem.PhysicsStates.WaitingForHeadSimulate;

            //tell head this child has simulated
            //commands can only be run from the player object
            Debug.LogError($"Child sent command (hasAuthority: {hasAuthority}, localPlayer: {isLocalPlayer})");