Exemplo n.º 1
		public override void Draw (CGRect rect)
			TintColor.SetColor ();
			CGRect bounds = Bounds;
			float x = (float)bounds.Right - LineWidth;

			for (int n = 0; n < Count; n++) {
				x -= LineMargin;
				if ((n + 1) % LineGroupCount == 0) {
					UIBezierPath path = new UIBezierPath ();
					path.MoveTo (
						new CGPoint (x + 0.5f * LineWidth,
					             bounds.Top + 0.5f * LineWidth));
					path.AddLineTo (
						new CGPoint (x + 0.5f * LineWidth + LineGroupCount * LineMargin,
					             bounds.Bottom - 0.5f * LineWidth));
					path.Stroke ();
				} else {
					CGRect lineRect = bounds;
					lineRect.X = x;
					lineRect.Width = LineWidth;
					UIGraphics.RectFill (lineRect);
Exemplo n.º 2
        //// Drawing Methods
        public static void DrawRefreshIcon(UIColor strokeColor)
            //// Group 2
                //// Bezier Drawing
                UIBezierPath bezierPath = new UIBezierPath();
                bezierPath.MoveTo(new CGPoint(22.65f, 2.0f));
                bezierPath.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(36.33f, 7.67f), new CGPoint(27.6f, 2.0f), new CGPoint(32.55f, 3.89f));
                bezierPath.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(38.13f, 32.97f), new CGPoint(43.23f, 14.57f), new CGPoint(43.83f, 25.39f));
                bezierPath.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(34.26f, 36.84f));
                bezierPath.LineWidth = 1.0f;

                //// Bezier 2 Drawing
                UIBezierPath bezier2Path = new UIBezierPath();
                bezier2Path.MoveTo(new CGPoint(21.35f, 42.0f));
                bezier2Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(7.67f, 36.33f), new CGPoint(16.4f, 42.0f), new CGPoint(11.45f, 40.11f));
                bezier2Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(5.87f, 11.03f), new CGPoint(0.77f, 29.43f), new CGPoint(0.17f, 18.61f));
                bezier2Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(9.74f, 7.16f));
                bezier2Path.LineWidth = 1.0f;

                //// Bezier 3 Drawing
                UIBezierPath bezier3Path = new UIBezierPath();
                bezier3Path.MoveTo(new CGPoint(34.26f, 29.74f));
                bezier3Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(34.26f, 36.84f));
                bezier3Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(41.35f, 36.84f));
                bezier3Path.LineJoinStyle = CGLineJoin.Bevel;

                bezier3Path.LineWidth = 1.0f;

                //// Bezier 4 Drawing
                UIBezierPath bezier4Path = new UIBezierPath();
                bezier4Path.MoveTo(new CGPoint(9.74f, 14.26f));
                bezier4Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(9.74f, 7.16f));
                bezier4Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(2.65f, 7.16f));
                bezier4Path.LineJoinStyle = CGLineJoin.Bevel;

                bezier4Path.LineWidth = 1.0f;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public override void Draw(CGRect frame)
            // General Declarations
            var context = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext();

            // Color Declarations
            var color4 = UIColor.FromRGBA(1.000f, 1.000f, 1.000f, 1.000f);
            var color5 = UIColor.FromRGBA(0.793f, 0.793f, 0.793f, 1.000f);

            // Shadow Declarations
            var shadow = new NSShadow();
            shadow.ShadowColor = UIColor.Black.ColorWithAlpha(0.28f);
            shadow.ShadowOffset = new CGSize(3.1f, 3.1f);
            shadow.ShadowBlurRadius = 5.0f;

            // Rectangle Drawing
            var rectanglePath =
                    new CGRect(frame.GetMinX() + 10.5f, frame.GetMinY() + 7.5f, frame.Width - 20.0f, 76.0f), 4.0f);
            context.SetShadow(shadow.ShadowOffset, shadow.ShadowBlurRadius, shadow.ShadowColor.CGColor);

            rectanglePath.LineWidth = 1.0f;

            // Bezier 2 Drawing
            var bezier2Path = new UIBezierPath();
            bezier2Path.MoveTo(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 0.02386f*frame.Width,
                frame.GetMinY() + 0.50543f*frame.Height));
            bezier2Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 0.97841f*frame.Width,
                frame.GetMinY() + 0.50543f*frame.Height));
            context.SetShadow(shadow.ShadowOffset, shadow.ShadowBlurRadius, shadow.ShadowColor.CGColor);

            bezier2Path.LineWidth = 1.0f;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static void DrawArrowIcon(UIColor strokeColor)
            //// Group
                //// Oval Drawing
                var ovalPath = UIBezierPath.FromOval(new CGRect(2.0f, 2.0f, 40.0f, 40.0f));
                ovalPath.LineWidth = 1.0f;

                //// Bezier Drawing
                UIBezierPath bezierPath = new UIBezierPath();
                bezierPath.MoveTo(new CGPoint(18.77f, 11.03f));
                bezierPath.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(29.74f, 22.0f));
                bezierPath.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(18.77f, 32.97f));
                bezierPath.LineJoinStyle = CGLineJoin.Bevel;

                bezierPath.LineWidth = 1.0f;
Exemplo n.º 5
			public override void Draw (CGRect rect)
				rect = rect.Inset (4, 4);

				rect = new CGRect ((rect.Size.Width - rect.Size.Height) / 2 + 4, 8, rect.Size.Height, rect.Size.Height);
				UIBezierPath path = UIBezierPath.FromOval (rect);
				UIColor.Black.SetStroke ();
				UIColor.White.SetFill ();
				path.LineWidth = 2;
				path.Fill ();
				path.Stroke ();

				UIBezierPath rightEye, leftEye, mouth = new UIBezierPath ();
				if (MovingRight) {
					rightEye = UIBezierPath.FromArc (new CGPoint (rect.GetMidX () - 5, rect.Y + 15), 4, 0, 180, true);
					leftEye = UIBezierPath.FromArc (new CGPoint (rect.GetMidX () + 10, rect.Y + 15), 4, 0, 180, true);

					mouth.MoveTo (new CGPoint (rect.GetMidX (), rect.Y + 30));
					mouth.AddLineTo (new CGPoint (rect.GetMidX () + 13, rect.Y + 30));
				} else {
					rightEye = UIBezierPath.FromArc (new CGPoint (rect.GetMidX () - 10, rect.Y + 15), 4, 0, 180, true);
					leftEye = UIBezierPath.FromArc (new CGPoint (rect.GetMidX () + 5, rect.Y + 15), 4, 0, 180, true);

					mouth.MoveTo (new CGPoint (rect.GetMidX (), rect.Y + 30));
					mouth.AddLineTo (new CGPoint (rect.GetMidX () - 13, rect.Y + 30));

				rightEye.LineWidth = 2;
				rightEye.Stroke ();

				leftEye.LineWidth = 2;
				leftEye.Stroke ();

				mouth.LineWidth = 2;
				mouth.Stroke ();
		// To intermix custom drawing with the drawing performed by an associated print formatter,
		// this method is called for each print formatter associated with a given page.
		// We do this to intermix/overlay our custom drawing onto the recipe presentation.
		// We draw the upper portion of the recipe presentation by hand (image, title, desc),
		// and the bottom portion is drawn via the UIMarkupTextPrintFormatter.
		public override void DrawPrintFormatterForPage (UIPrintFormatter printFormatter, nint page)
			base.DrawPrintFormatterForPage (printFormatter, page);

			// To keep our custom drawing in sync with the printFormatter, base our drawing
			// on the formatters rect.
			CGRect rect = printFormatter.RectangleForPage (page);

			// Use a bezier path to draw the borders.
			// We may potentially choose not to draw either the top or bottom line
			// of the border depending on whether our recipe extended from the previous
			// page, or carries onto the subsequent page.
			UIBezierPath border = new UIBezierPath ();

			if (page == printFormatter.StartPage) {
				// For border drawing, get the rect that includes the formatter area plus the header area.
				// Move the formatter's rect up the size of the custom drawn recipe presentation
				// and essentially grow the rect's height by this amount.
				rect.Height += RecipeInfoHeight;
				rect.Y -= RecipeInfoHeight;

				border.MoveTo (rect.Location);
				border.AddLineTo (new CGPoint (rect.Right, rect.Top));

				Recipe recipe = recipeFormatterMap[printFormatter];

				// Run custom code to draw upper portion of the recipe presentation (image, title, desc)
				DrawRecipe (recipe, rect);

			// Draw the left border
			border.MoveTo (rect.Location);
			border.AddLineTo (new CGPoint (rect.Left, rect.Bottom));

			// Draw the right border
			border.MoveTo (new CGPoint (rect.Right, rect.Top));
			border.AddLineTo (new CGPoint (rect.Right, rect.Bottom));

			if (page == printFormatter.StartPage + printFormatter.PageCount - 1)
				border.AddLineTo (new CGPoint (rect.Left, rect.Bottom));

			// Set the UIColor to be used by the current graphics context, and then stroke
			// stroke the current path that is defined by the border bezier path.
			UIColor.Black.SetColor ();
			border.Stroke ();
        public override void Draw(CGRect rect)
            //// General Declarations
            var context = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext();

            //// Color Declarations
            var fillColor = UIColor.FromRGBA(1.000f, 1.000f, 1.000f, 1.000f);
            var strokeColor3 = UIColor.FromRGBA(0.716f, 0.716f, 0.716f, 1.000f);
            var shadowTint2 = UIColor.FromRGBA(0.000f, 0.000f, 0.000f, 1.000f);
            var strokeColor4 = UIColor.FromRGBA(0.807f, 0.807f, 0.807f, 1.000f);
            var fillColor4 = UIColor.FromRGBA(0.969f, 0.969f, 0.969f, 1.000f);
            var fillColor6 = UIColor.FromRGBA(0.314f, 0.824f, 0.761f, 1.000f);
            var strokeColor5 = UIColor.FromRGBA(0.855f, 0.855f, 0.855f, 1.000f);

            //// Shadow Declarations
            var shadow3 = new NSShadow();
            shadow3.ShadowColor = shadowTint2.ColorWithAlpha(shadowTint2.CGColor.Alpha * 0.13f);
            shadow3.ShadowOffset = new CGSize(1450.1f, 2.1f);
            shadow3.ShadowBlurRadius = 4.0f;

            //// Group 5

                //// Clip Clip 5
                var clip5Path = UIBezierPath.FromRect(new CGRect(rect.GetMinX() + 4.0f, rect.GetMinY() + 248.55f, 686.9f, 265.6f));

                //// Rectangle 6 Drawing
                var rectangle6Path = UIBezierPath.FromRect(new CGRect(rect.GetMinX() + 4.0f, rect.GetMinY() + 248.55f, 686.9f, 265.6f));
                rectangle6Path.LineWidth = 2.0f;


            //// Bezier Drawing
            UIBezierPath bezierPath = new UIBezierPath();
            bezierPath.MoveTo(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 687.41f, rect.GetMinY() + 349.29f));
            bezierPath.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 5.5f, rect.GetMinY() + 353.29f));
            bezierPath.LineCapStyle = CGLineCap.Square;

            bezierPath.LineWidth = 1.0f;

            //// Group

                //// Clip Clip
                var clipPath = UIBezierPath.FromRect(new CGRect(rect.GetMinX() - 13.0f, rect.GetMinY() - 17.0f, 725.0f, 556.0f));

                //// Bezier 2 Drawing
                UIBezierPath bezier2Path = new UIBezierPath();
                bezier2Path.MoveTo(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() - 1448.0f, rect.GetMinY() + 2.0f));
                bezier2Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() - 1444.0f, rect.GetMinY() - 2.0f), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() - 1448.0f, rect.GetMinY() - 0.21f), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() - 1446.2f, rect.GetMinY() - 2.0f));
                bezier2Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() - 765.08f, rect.GetMinY() - 2.0f));
                bezier2Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() - 761.09f, rect.GetMinY() + 2.0f), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() - 762.87f, rect.GetMinY() - 2.0f), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() - 761.09f, rect.GetMinY() - 0.21f));
                bezier2Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() - 761.09f, rect.GetMinY() + 509.16f));
                bezier2Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() - 765.08f, rect.GetMinY() + 513.16f), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() - 761.09f, rect.GetMinY() + 511.37f), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() - 762.88f, rect.GetMinY() + 513.16f));
                bezier2Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() - 1444.0f, rect.GetMinY() + 513.16f));
                bezier2Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() - 1448.0f, rect.GetMinY() + 509.16f), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() - 1446.21f, rect.GetMinY() + 513.16f), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() - 1448.0f, rect.GetMinY() + 511.37f));
                bezier2Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() - 1448.0f, rect.GetMinY() + 2.0f));
                bezier2Path.UsesEvenOddFillRule = true;

                context.SetShadow(shadow3.ShadowOffset, shadow3.ShadowBlurRadius, shadow3.ShadowColor.CGColor);


            //// Group 2

                //// Clip Clip 3
                UIBezierPath clip3Path = new UIBezierPath();
                clip3Path.MoveTo(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() - 15.49f, rect.GetMinY() - 22.5f));
                clip3Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 712.41f, rect.GetMinY() - 22.5f));
                clip3Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 712.41f, rect.GetMinY() + 533.66f));
                clip3Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() - 15.49f, rect.GetMinY() + 533.66f));
                clip3Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() - 15.49f, rect.GetMinY() - 22.5f));
                clip3Path.MoveTo(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 5.51f, rect.GetMinY() + 2.0f));
                clip3Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 9.0f, rect.GetMinY() - 1.5f), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 5.51f, rect.GetMinY() + 0.07f), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 7.07f, rect.GetMinY() - 1.5f));
                clip3Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 687.92f, rect.GetMinY() - 1.5f));
                clip3Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 691.41f, rect.GetMinY() + 2.0f), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 689.85f, rect.GetMinY() - 1.5f), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 691.41f, rect.GetMinY() + 0.07f));
                clip3Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 691.41f, rect.GetMinY() + 509.16f));
                clip3Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 687.92f, rect.GetMinY() + 512.66f), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 691.41f, rect.GetMinY() + 511.09f), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 689.85f, rect.GetMinY() + 512.66f));
                clip3Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 9.0f, rect.GetMinY() + 512.66f));
                clip3Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 5.51f, rect.GetMinY() + 509.16f), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 7.07f, rect.GetMinY() + 512.66f), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 5.51f, rect.GetMinY() + 511.09f));
                clip3Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 5.51f, rect.GetMinY() + 2.0f));
                clip3Path.MoveTo(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 4.51f, rect.GetMinY() + 2.0f));
                clip3Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 4.51f, rect.GetMinY() + 509.16f));
                clip3Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 9.0f, rect.GetMinY() + 513.66f), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 4.51f, rect.GetMinY() + 511.65f), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 6.52f, rect.GetMinY() + 513.66f));
                clip3Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 687.92f, rect.GetMinY() + 513.66f));
                clip3Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 692.41f, rect.GetMinY() + 509.16f), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 690.4f, rect.GetMinY() + 513.66f), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 692.41f, rect.GetMinY() + 511.64f));
                clip3Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 692.41f, rect.GetMinY() + 2.0f));
                clip3Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 687.92f, rect.GetMinY() - 2.5f), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 692.41f, rect.GetMinY() - 0.49f), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 690.4f, rect.GetMinY() - 2.5f));
                clip3Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 9.0f, rect.GetMinY() - 2.5f));
                clip3Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 4.51f, rect.GetMinY() + 2.0f), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 6.52f, rect.GetMinY() - 2.5f), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 4.51f, rect.GetMinY() - 0.48f));
                clip3Path.UsesEvenOddFillRule = true;


                //// Group 3

                    //// Clip Clip 2
                    var clip2Path = UIBezierPath.FromRoundedRect(new CGRect(rect.GetMinX() + 5.0f, rect.GetMinY() - 1.98f, 686.9f, 515.15f), 4.0f);

                    //// Rectangle 2 Drawing
                    var rectangle2Path = UIBezierPath.FromRoundedRect(new CGRect(rect.GetMinX() + 5.0f, rect.GetMinY() - 1.98f, 686.9f, 515.15f), 4.0f);



            //// Group 4

                //// Clip Clip 4
                var clip4Path = UIBezierPath.FromRoundedRect(new CGRect(rect.GetMinX() + 4.0f, rect.GetMinY() + 3.02f, 686.9f, 515.15f), 4.0f);

                //// Rectangle 4 Drawing
                var rectangle4Path = UIBezierPath.FromRoundedRect(new CGRect(rect.GetMinX() + 4.0f, rect.GetMinY() + 3.02f, 686.9f, 515.15f), 4.0f);
                rectangle4Path.LineWidth = 2.0f;


            //// Bezier 4 Drawing
            UIBezierPath bezier4Path = new UIBezierPath();
            bezier4Path.MoveTo(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 689.51f, rect.GetMinY() + 248.57f));
            bezier4Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 690.01f, rect.GetMinY() + 249.06f), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 689.51f, rect.GetMinY() + 248.56f), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 690.01f, rect.GetMinY() + 249.06f));
            bezier4Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 689.51f, rect.GetMinY() + 249.06f));
            bezier4Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 689.51f, rect.GetMinY() + 248.56f), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 689.51f, rect.GetMinY() + 248.73f), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 689.51f, rect.GetMinY() + 248.56f));
            bezier4Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 689.51f, rect.GetMinY() + 248.57f));
            bezier4Path.MoveTo(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 5.5f, rect.GetMinY() + 248.57f));
            bezier4Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 5.5f, rect.GetMinY() + 249.06f), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 5.5f, rect.GetMinY() + 248.56f), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 5.5f, rect.GetMinY() + 248.73f));
            bezier4Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 689.51f, rect.GetMinY() + 249.06f));
            bezier4Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 689.51f, rect.GetMinY() + 513.66f), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 689.51f, rect.GetMinY() + 261.48f), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 689.51f, rect.GetMinY() + 501.24f));
            bezier4Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 690.01f, rect.GetMinY() + 513.66f));
            bezier4Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 689.51f, rect.GetMinY() + 514.16f));
            bezier4Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 689.51f, rect.GetMinY() + 513.66f), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 689.51f, rect.GetMinY() + 514.16f), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 689.51f, rect.GetMinY() + 513.99f));
            bezier4Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 5.5f, rect.GetMinY() + 513.66f));
            bezier4Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 5.5f, rect.GetMinY() + 249.06f), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 5.5f, rect.GetMinY() + 501.24f), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 5.5f, rect.GetMinY() + 261.48f));
            bezier4Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 5.01f, rect.GetMinY() + 249.06f));
            bezier4Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 5.5f, rect.GetMinY() + 248.56f));
            bezier4Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 5.5f, rect.GetMinY() + 248.57f));
            bezier4Path.MoveTo(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 5.5f, rect.GetMinY() + 513.66f));
            bezier4Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 5.5f, rect.GetMinY() + 514.16f), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 5.5f, rect.GetMinY() + 513.99f), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 5.5f, rect.GetMinY() + 514.16f));
            bezier4Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 5.01f, rect.GetMinY() + 513.66f));
            bezier4Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 5.5f, rect.GetMinY() + 513.66f));

            //// Bezier 5 Drawing
            UIBezierPath bezier5Path = new UIBezierPath();
            bezier5Path.MoveTo(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 4.01f, rect.GetMinY() + 513.16f));
            bezier5Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 690.91f, rect.GetMinY() + 513.16f));
            bezier5Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 690.91f, rect.GetMinY() + 589.34f));
            bezier5Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 686.91f, rect.GetMinY() + 593.34f), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 690.91f, rect.GetMinY() + 591.55f), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 689.13f, rect.GetMinY() + 593.34f));
            bezier5Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 350.63f, rect.GetMinY() + 593.34f));
            bezier5Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 342.63f, rect.GetMinY() + 593.34f), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 348.42f, rect.GetMinY() + 593.34f), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 344.84f, rect.GetMinY() + 593.34f));
            bezier5Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 8.01f, rect.GetMinY() + 593.34f));
            bezier5Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 4.01f, rect.GetMinY() + 589.34f), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 5.8f, rect.GetMinY() + 593.34f), new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 4.01f, rect.GetMinY() + 591.55f));
            bezier5Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 4.01f, rect.GetMinY() + 513.16f));
            bezier5Path.UsesEvenOddFillRule = true;


            //// Bezier 6 Drawing
            UIBezierPath bezier6Path = new UIBezierPath();
            bezier6Path.MoveTo(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 345.0f, rect.GetMinY() + 110.0f));
            bezier6Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 345.46f, rect.GetMinY() + 4.0f));
            bezier6Path.LineCapStyle = CGLineCap.Square;

            bezier6Path.LineWidth = 2.0f;

            //// Bezier 7 Drawing
            UIBezierPath bezier7Path = new UIBezierPath();
            bezier7Path.MoveTo(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 689.01f, rect.GetMinY() + 399.9f));
            bezier7Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 5.01f, rect.GetMinY() + 399.9f));
            bezier7Path.LineCapStyle = CGLineCap.Square;

            bezier7Path.LineWidth = 2.0f;

            //// Bezier 8 Drawing
            UIBezierPath bezier8Path = new UIBezierPath();
            bezier8Path.MoveTo(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 688.91f, rect.GetMinY() + 110.25f));
            bezier8Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(rect.GetMinX() + 6.01f, rect.GetMinY() + 110.25f));
            bezier8Path.LineCapStyle = CGLineCap.Square;

            bezier8Path.LineWidth = 2.0f;
Exemplo n.º 8
		public override void Draw (CGRect rect)
			base.Draw (rect);

			// ------------- START PAINTCODE ----------------

			//// General Declarations
			using (var colorSpace = CGColorSpace.CreateDeviceRGB ()) {
				using (var context = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext ()) {

//// Color Declarations
					UIColor gold = UIColor.FromRGBA (1.00f, 0.95f, 0.57f, 1.00f);
					UIColor brown = UIColor.FromRGBA (0.79f, 0.75f, 0.18f, 1.00f);
					UIColor lightBrown = UIColor.FromRGBA (0.69f, 0.57f, 0.23f, 1.00f);
					UIColor darkishBlue = UIColor.FromRGBA (0.20f, 0.39f, 0.98f, 1.00f);
					UIColor bottomColorDown = UIColor.FromRGBA (0.21f, 0.21f, 0.21f, 1.00f);

//// Gradient Declarations
					var newGradientColors = new CGColor [] {
					var newGradientLocations = new nfloat [] { 0, 1 };
					var newGradient = new CGGradient (colorSpace, newGradientColors, newGradientLocations);
					var calendarGradientColors = new CGColor [] {
						UIColor.FromRGBA (0.72f, 0.72f, 0.72f, 1.00f).CGColor,
					var calendarGradientLocations = new nfloat [] { 0, 0.26f, 0.26f };
					var calendarGradient = new CGGradient (colorSpace, calendarGradientColors, calendarGradientLocations);

//// Shadow Declarations
					var shadow = UIColor.DarkGray.CGColor;
					var shadowOffset = new CGSize (2, 2);
					var shadowBlurRadius = 2;

//// Abstracted Graphic Attributes
					var monthContent = "MAR";
					var dayContent = "24";
					var dayFont = UIFont.FromName ("Helvetica-Bold", 24);
					var textContent = "News Headline";

//// Oval 11 Drawing
					var oval11Path = UIBezierPath.FromOval (new CGRect (256.5f, 46.5f, 13, 14));
					lightBrown.SetFill ();
					oval11Path.Fill ();

					UIColor.Black.SetStroke ();
					oval11Path.LineWidth = 1;
					oval11Path.Stroke ();

//// Oval 12 Drawing
					var oval12Path = UIBezierPath.FromOval (new CGRect (280.5f, 46.5f, 13, 14));
					lightBrown.SetFill ();
					oval12Path.Fill ();

					UIColor.Black.SetStroke ();
					oval12Path.LineWidth = 1;
					oval12Path.Stroke ();

//// Rounded Rectangle Drawing
					var roundedRectanglePath = UIBezierPath.FromRoundedRect (new CGRect (8.5f, 60.5f, 37, 36), 4);
					context.SaveState ();
					context.SetShadow (shadowOffset, shadowBlurRadius, shadow);
					context.BeginTransparencyLayer (null);
					roundedRectanglePath.AddClip ();
					context.DrawLinearGradient (calendarGradient, new CGPoint (27, 96.5f), new CGPoint (27, 60.5f), 0);
					context.EndTransparencyLayer ();
					context.RestoreState ();

					UIColor.DarkGray.SetStroke ();
					roundedRectanglePath.LineWidth = 1;
					roundedRectanglePath.Stroke ();

//// Rounded Rectangle 3 Drawing
					UIBezierPath roundedRectangle3Path = new UIBezierPath ();
					roundedRectangle3Path.MoveTo (new CGPoint (9, 91.2f));
					roundedRectangle3Path.AddCurveToPoint (new CGPoint (12.56f, 95), new CGPoint (9, 93.3f), new CGPoint (10.32f, 95));
					roundedRectangle3Path.AddLineTo (new CGPoint (40.94f, 95));
					roundedRectangle3Path.AddCurveToPoint (new CGPoint (45, 91.2f), new CGPoint (43.18f, 95), new CGPoint (45, 93.3f));
					roundedRectangle3Path.AddLineTo (new CGPoint (45, 87));
					roundedRectangle3Path.AddCurveToPoint (new CGPoint (43.42f, 85.5f), new CGPoint (45, 84.9f), new CGPoint (45.66f, 85.5f));
					roundedRectangle3Path.AddLineTo (new CGPoint (10.94f, 85.5f));
					roundedRectangle3Path.AddCurveToPoint (new CGPoint (9, 87), new CGPoint (8.7f, 85.5f), new CGPoint (9, 84.9f));
					roundedRectangle3Path.AddLineTo (new CGPoint (9, 91.2f));
					roundedRectangle3Path.ClosePath ();
					UIColor.Red.SetFill ();
					roundedRectangle3Path.Fill ();

//// Month Drawing
					var monthRect = new CGRect (10, 84, 34, 15);
					UIColor.White.SetFill ();
					new NSString (monthContent).DrawString (
						UIFont.FromName ("Helvetica-Bold", 9),

//// Day Drawing
					var dayRect = new CGRect (0, 58, 54, 31);
					UIColor.Black.SetFill ();
					new NSString (dayContent).DrawString (dayRect, dayFont, UILineBreakMode.WordWrap, UITextAlignment.Center);

//// Text Drawing
					var textRect = new CGRect (54, 60, 75, 38);
					UIColor.Black.SetFill ();
					new NSString (textContent).DrawString (
						UIFont.FromName ("Helvetica", 16),

//// Star Drawing
					UIBezierPath starPath = new UIBezierPath ();
					starPath.MoveTo (new CGPoint (31, 14.5f));
					starPath.AddLineTo (new CGPoint (26.24f, 21.45f));
					starPath.AddLineTo (new CGPoint (18.16f, 23.83f));
					starPath.AddLineTo (new CGPoint (23.3f, 30.5f));
					starPath.AddLineTo (new CGPoint (23.06f, 38.92f));
					starPath.AddLineTo (new CGPoint (31, 36.1f));
					starPath.AddLineTo (new CGPoint (38.94f, 38.92f));
					starPath.AddLineTo (new CGPoint (38.7f, 30.5f));
					starPath.AddLineTo (new CGPoint (43.84f, 23.83f));
					starPath.AddLineTo (new CGPoint (35.76f, 21.45f));
					starPath.ClosePath ();
					gold.SetFill ();
					starPath.Fill ();

					brown.SetStroke ();
					starPath.LineWidth = 1;
					starPath.Stroke ();

//// Blue blob Drawing
					UIBezierPath blueBlobPath = new UIBezierPath ();
					blueBlobPath.MoveTo (new CGPoint (256.5f, 16.5f));
					blueBlobPath.AddCurveToPoint (new CGPoint (240.5f, 41.5f), new CGPoint (235.5f, 37.5f), new CGPoint (217.53f, 41.55f));
					blueBlobPath.AddCurveToPoint (new CGPoint (265.5f, 30.5f), new CGPoint (263.47f, 41.45f), new CGPoint (265.5f, 30.5f));
					blueBlobPath.AddCurveToPoint (new CGPoint (256.5f, 16.5f), new CGPoint (265.5f, 30.5f), new CGPoint (277.5f, -4.5f));
					blueBlobPath.ClosePath ();
					blueBlobPath.MiterLimit = 2;
					blueBlobPath.LineJoinStyle = CGLineJoin.Round;
					darkishBlue.SetFill ();
					blueBlobPath.Fill ();

					bottomColorDown.SetStroke ();
					blueBlobPath.LineWidth = 1;
					blueBlobPath.Stroke ();

//// Button Drawing
					var buttonPath = UIBezierPath.FromRoundedRect (new CGRect (54.5f, 10.5f, 163, 31), 4);
					context.SaveState ();
					buttonPath.AddClip ();
					context.DrawRadialGradient (newGradient,
						new CGPoint (100.39f, 55.13f), 7.84f,
						new CGPoint (136, 26), 86.67f,
						CGGradientDrawingOptions.DrawsBeforeStartLocation | CGGradientDrawingOptions.DrawsAfterEndLocation);
					context.RestoreState ();

					UIColor.Black.SetStroke ();
					buttonPath.LineWidth = 1;
					buttonPath.Stroke ();

//// Smiley face Drawing
					var smileyFacePath = UIBezierPath.FromOval (new CGRect (159.5f, 49.5f, 47, 47));
					gold.SetFill ();
					smileyFacePath.Fill ();

					UIColor.Black.SetStroke ();
					smileyFacePath.LineWidth = 1;
					smileyFacePath.Stroke ();

//// Oval 2 Drawing
					var oval2Path = UIBezierPath.FromOval (new CGRect (169.5f, 64.5f, 8, 8));
					UIColor.Black.SetFill ();
					oval2Path.Fill ();

					UIColor.Black.SetStroke ();
					oval2Path.LineWidth = 1;
					oval2Path.Stroke ();

//// Oval 3 Drawing
					var oval3Path = UIBezierPath.FromOval (new CGRect (188.5f, 64.5f, 8, 8));
					UIColor.Black.SetFill ();
					oval3Path.Fill ();

					UIColor.Black.SetStroke ();
					oval3Path.LineWidth = 1;
					oval3Path.Stroke ();

//// Bezier 2 Drawing
					UIBezierPath bezier2Path = new UIBezierPath ();
					bezier2Path.MoveTo (new CGPoint (172.5f, 80.5f));
					bezier2Path.AddCurveToPoint (new CGPoint (185.5f, 85.5f), new CGPoint (177.75f, 85), new CGPoint (182.04f, 86.03f));
					bezier2Path.AddCurveToPoint (new CGPoint (194.5f, 79.5f), new CGPoint (191.27f, 84.62f), new CGPoint (194.5f, 79.5f));
					UIColor.Black.SetStroke ();
					bezier2Path.LineWidth = 2;
					bezier2Path.Stroke ();

//// Oval 5 Drawing
					var oval5Path = UIBezierPath.FromOval (new CGRect (256.5f, 52.5f, 36, 33));
					lightBrown.SetFill ();
					oval5Path.Fill ();

					UIColor.Black.SetStroke ();
					oval5Path.LineWidth = 1;
					oval5Path.Stroke ();

//// Oval 6 Drawing
					var oval6Path = UIBezierPath.FromOval (new CGRect (262.5f, 59.5f, 10, 19));
					UIColor.White.SetFill ();
					oval6Path.Fill ();

					UIColor.Black.SetStroke ();
					oval6Path.LineWidth = 1;
					oval6Path.Stroke ();

//// Oval 7 Drawing
					var oval7Path = UIBezierPath.FromOval (new CGRect (275.5f, 59.5f, 10, 19));
					UIColor.White.SetFill ();
					oval7Path.Fill ();

					UIColor.Black.SetStroke ();
					oval7Path.LineWidth = 1;
					oval7Path.Stroke ();

//// Oval 9 Drawing
					var oval9Path = UIBezierPath.FromOval (new CGRect (264.5f, 68.5f, 6, 5));
					UIColor.Black.SetFill ();
					oval9Path.Fill ();

					UIColor.Black.SetStroke ();
					oval9Path.LineWidth = 1;
					oval9Path.Stroke ();

//// Oval 10 Drawing
					var oval10Path = UIBezierPath.FromOval (new CGRect (277.5f, 68.5f, 6, 5));
					UIColor.Black.SetFill ();
					oval10Path.Fill ();

					UIColor.Black.SetStroke ();
					oval10Path.LineWidth = 1;
					oval10Path.Stroke ();

//// Oval 4 Drawing
					var oval4Path = UIBezierPath.FromOval (new CGRect (250.5f, 70.5f, 47, 24));
					lightBrown.SetFill ();
					oval4Path.Fill ();

					UIColor.Black.SetStroke ();
					oval4Path.LineWidth = 1;
					oval4Path.Stroke ();

//// Oval 8 Drawing
					var oval8Path = UIBezierPath.FromOval (new CGRect (267.5f, 77.5f, 9, 4));
					UIColor.Black.SetFill ();
					oval8Path.Fill ();

					UIColor.Black.SetStroke ();
					oval8Path.LineWidth = 1;
					oval8Path.Stroke ();

//// Bezier 5 Drawing
					UIBezierPath bezier5Path = new UIBezierPath ();
					bezier5Path.MoveTo (new CGPoint (270.5f, 81.5f));
					bezier5Path.AddCurveToPoint (new CGPoint (267.5f, 88.5f), new CGPoint (269.5f, 85.5f), new CGPoint (267.5f, 88.5f));
					UIColor.Black.SetStroke ();
					bezier5Path.LineWidth = 1;
					bezier5Path.Stroke ();

//// Bezier 6 Drawing
					UIBezierPath bezier6Path = new UIBezierPath ();
					bezier6Path.MoveTo (new CGPoint (272.5f, 81.5f));
					bezier6Path.AddLineTo (new CGPoint (274.5f, 87.5f));
					UIColor.Black.SetStroke ();
					bezier6Path.LineWidth = 1;
					bezier6Path.Stroke ();


			// ------------- END PAINTCODE ----------------
Exemplo n.º 9
        void DrawControl(CGRect frame, string name, string country, string abv, string ibu, string srm)
            BackgroundColor = UIColor.Clear;
            Layer.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Clear.CGColor;

            //// General Declarations
            var context = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext();

            //// Color Declarations
            var fillColor = UIColor.FromRGBA(0.110f, 0.122f, 0.153f, 1.000f);
            var textForeground = UIColor.FromRGBA(1.000f, 1.000f, 1.000f, 1.000f);
            var fillColor2 = UIColor.FromRGBA(0.773f, 0.816f, 0.871f, 1.000f);
            var textForeground2 = UIColor.FromRGBA(0.773f, 0.816f, 0.871f, 1.000f);
            var fillColor3 = UIColor.FromRGBA(0.169f, 0.188f, 0.231f, 1.000f);

            //// Bezier Drawing
            UIBezierPath bezierPath = new UIBezierPath();
            bezierPath.MoveTo(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 0.00145f * frame.Width, frame.GetMinY() + 0.04170f * frame.Height));
            bezierPath.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 0.01299f * frame.Width, frame.GetMinY() + 0.00467f * frame.Height), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 0.00145f * frame.Width, frame.GetMinY() + 0.02125f * frame.Height), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 0.00664f * frame.Width, frame.GetMinY() + 0.00467f * frame.Height));
            bezierPath.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 0.98701f * frame.Width, frame.GetMinY() + 0.00467f * frame.Height));
            bezierPath.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 0.99855f * frame.Width, frame.GetMinY() + 0.04170f * frame.Height), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 0.99338f * frame.Width, frame.GetMinY() + 0.00467f * frame.Height), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 0.99855f * frame.Width, frame.GetMinY() + 0.02125f * frame.Height));
            bezierPath.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 0.99855f * frame.Width, frame.GetMinY() + 0.95830f * frame.Height));
            bezierPath.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 0.98701f * frame.Width, frame.GetMinY() + 0.99533f * frame.Height), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 0.99855f * frame.Width, frame.GetMinY() + 0.97875f * frame.Height), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 0.99336f * frame.Width, frame.GetMinY() + 0.99533f * frame.Height));
            bezierPath.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 0.01299f * frame.Width, frame.GetMinY() + 0.99533f * frame.Height));
            bezierPath.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 0.00145f * frame.Width, frame.GetMinY() + 0.95830f * frame.Height), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 0.00662f * frame.Width, frame.GetMinY() + 0.99533f * frame.Height), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 0.00145f * frame.Width, frame.GetMinY() + 0.97875f * frame.Height));
            bezierPath.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 0.00145f * frame.Width, frame.GetMinY() + 0.04170f * frame.Height));
            bezierPath.LineJoinStyle = CGLineJoin.Round;

            bezierPath.UsesEvenOddFillRule = true;

            bezierPath.LineWidth = 0.5f;

            //// lblName Drawing
            CGRect lblNameRect = new CGRect(frame.GetMinX() + 13.25f, frame.GetMinY() + 9.45f, frame.Width - 23.25f, NMath.Floor((frame.Height - 9.45f) * 0.31777f + 9.39f) - 8.89f);
            var lblNameStyle = new NSMutableParagraphStyle();
            lblNameStyle.Alignment = UITextAlignment.Left;

            var lblNameFontAttributes = new UIStringAttributes() { Font = UIFont.FromName("Avenir-Heavy", 18.0f), ForegroundColor = textForeground, ParagraphStyle = lblNameStyle };
            var lblNameTextHeight = new NSString(name).GetBoundingRect(new CGSize(lblNameRect.Width, nfloat.MaxValue), NSStringDrawingOptions.UsesLineFragmentOrigin, lblNameFontAttributes, null).Height;
            new NSString(name).DrawString(new CGRect(lblNameRect.GetMinX(), lblNameRect.GetMinY() + (lblNameRect.Height - lblNameTextHeight) / 2.0f, lblNameRect.Width, lblNameTextHeight), UIFont.FromName("Avenir-Heavy", 18.0f), UILineBreakMode.WordWrap, UITextAlignment.Left);

            //// Bezier 2 Drawing
            UIBezierPath bezier2Path = new UIBezierPath();
            bezier2Path.MoveTo(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 18.25f, frame.GetMinY() + 39.0f));
            bezier2Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 15.0f, frame.GetMinY() + 42.08f), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 16.46f, frame.GetMinY() + 39.0f), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 15.0f, frame.GetMinY() + 40.38f));
            bezier2Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 18.26f, frame.GetMinY() + 46.96f), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 15.0f, frame.GetMinY() + 44.42f), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 17.63f, frame.GetMinY() + 46.96f));
            bezier2Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 21.5f, frame.GetMinY() + 42.08f), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 18.89f, frame.GetMinY() + 46.96f), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 21.5f, frame.GetMinY() + 44.42f));
            bezier2Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 18.25f, frame.GetMinY() + 39.0f), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 21.5f, frame.GetMinY() + 40.38f), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 20.05f, frame.GetMinY() + 39.0f));
            bezier2Path.MoveTo(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 18.25f, frame.GetMinY() + 43.98f));
            bezier2Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 20.0f, frame.GetMinY() + 42.23f), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 19.22f, frame.GetMinY() + 43.98f), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 20.0f, frame.GetMinY() + 43.2f));
            bezier2Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 18.25f, frame.GetMinY() + 40.49f), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 20.0f, frame.GetMinY() + 41.27f), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 19.22f, frame.GetMinY() + 40.49f));
            bezier2Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 16.5f, frame.GetMinY() + 42.23f), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 17.28f, frame.GetMinY() + 40.49f), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 16.5f, frame.GetMinY() + 41.27f));
            bezier2Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 18.25f, frame.GetMinY() + 43.98f), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 16.5f, frame.GetMinY() + 43.2f), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 17.28f, frame.GetMinY() + 43.98f));
            bezier2Path.UsesEvenOddFillRule = true;


            //// lblCountry Drawing
            CGRect lblCountryRect = new CGRect(frame.GetMinX() + 24.0f, frame.GetMinY() + 31.0f, frame.Width - 34.0f, NMath.Floor((frame.Height - 31.0f) * 0.30263f + 0.5f));
            var lblCountryStyle = new NSMutableParagraphStyle();
            lblCountryStyle.Alignment = UITextAlignment.Left;

            var lblCountryFontAttributes = new UIStringAttributes() { Font = UIFont.FromName("Avenir-Medium", 13.0f), ForegroundColor = textForeground2, ParagraphStyle = lblCountryStyle };
            var lblCountryTextHeight = new NSString(country).GetBoundingRect(new CGSize(lblCountryRect.Width, nfloat.MaxValue), NSStringDrawingOptions.UsesLineFragmentOrigin, lblCountryFontAttributes, null).Height;
            new NSString(country).DrawString(new CGRect(lblCountryRect.GetMinX(), lblCountryRect.GetMinY() + (lblCountryRect.Height - lblCountryTextHeight) / 2.0f, lblCountryRect.Width, lblCountryTextHeight), UIFont.FromName("Avenir-Medium", 13.0f), UILineBreakMode.WordWrap, UITextAlignment.Left);

            //// Rectangle 3 Drawing
            var rectangle3Path = UIBezierPath.FromRect(new CGRect(frame.GetMinX(), frame.GetMinY() + NMath.Floor((frame.Height - 40.0f) * 0.98507f + 0.5f), frame.Width, frame.Height - 40.0f - NMath.Floor((frame.Height - 40.0f) * 0.98507f + 0.5f)));

            //// Rectangle 4 Drawing
            var rectangle4Path = UIBezierPath.FromRect(new CGRect(frame.GetMinX() + 114.3f, frame.GetMinY() + NMath.Floor((frame.Height) * 0.62804f + 0.5f), NMath.Floor((frame.Width - 114.3f) * 0.00433f + 0.5f), frame.Height - NMath.Floor((frame.Height) * 0.62804f + 0.5f)));

            //// Rectangle 5 Drawing
            var rectangle5Path = UIBezierPath.FromRect(new CGRect(frame.GetMinX() + NMath.Floor((frame.Width - 114.25f) * 0.99567f - 0.25f) + 0.75f, frame.GetMinY() + NMath.Floor((frame.Height) * 0.62804f + 0.5f), frame.Width - 115.0f - NMath.Floor((frame.Width - 114.25f) * 0.99567f - 0.25f), frame.Height - NMath.Floor((frame.Height) * 0.62804f + 0.5f)));

            //// lblAbv Drawing
            CGRect lblAbvRect = new CGRect(frame.GetMinX() + NMath.Floor(frame.Width * -0.00000f - 0.5f) + 1.0f, frame.GetMinY() + NMath.Floor((frame.Height - 11.81f) * 0.78989f - 0.31f) + 0.81f, NMath.Floor(frame.Width * 0.16812f - 0.5f) - NMath.Floor(frame.Width * -0.00000f - 0.5f), frame.Height - 12.63f - NMath.Floor((frame.Height - 11.81f) * 0.78989f - 0.31f));
            var lblAbvStyle = new NSMutableParagraphStyle();
            lblAbvStyle.Alignment = UITextAlignment.Right;

            var lblAbvFontAttributes = new UIStringAttributes() { Font = UIFont.FromName("Avenir-Heavy", 12.0f), ForegroundColor = textForeground2, ParagraphStyle = lblAbvStyle };
            var lblAbvTextHeight = new NSString(abv).GetBoundingRect(new CGSize(lblAbvRect.Width, nfloat.MaxValue), NSStringDrawingOptions.UsesLineFragmentOrigin, lblAbvFontAttributes, null).Height;
            new NSString(abv).DrawString(new CGRect(lblAbvRect.GetMinX(), lblAbvRect.GetMinY() + (lblAbvRect.Height - lblAbvTextHeight) / 2.0f, lblAbvRect.Width, lblAbvTextHeight), UIFont.FromName("Avenir-Heavy", 12.0f), UILineBreakMode.WordWrap, UITextAlignment.Right);

            //// Label 4 Drawing
            CGRect label4Rect = new CGRect(frame.GetMinX() + NMath.Floor((frame.Width - 231.0f) * 0.52961f + 0.12f) + 0.38f, frame.GetMinY() + NMath.Floor((frame.Height - 11.81f) * 0.78989f - 0.31f) + 0.81f, frame.Width - 231.38f - NMath.Floor((frame.Width - 231.0f) * 0.52961f + 0.12f), frame.Height - 12.63f - NMath.Floor((frame.Height - 11.81f) * 0.78989f - 0.31f));
                var textContent = "ABV";
                var label4Style = new NSMutableParagraphStyle();
                label4Style.Alignment = UITextAlignment.Left;

                var label4FontAttributes = new UIStringAttributes() { Font = UIFont.FromName("Avenir-Heavy", 12.0f), ForegroundColor = textForeground, ParagraphStyle = label4Style };
                var label4TextHeight = new NSString(textContent).GetBoundingRect(new CGSize(label4Rect.Width, nfloat.MaxValue), NSStringDrawingOptions.UsesLineFragmentOrigin, label4FontAttributes, null).Height;
                new NSString(textContent).DrawString(new CGRect(label4Rect.GetMinX(), label4Rect.GetMinY() + (label4Rect.Height - label4TextHeight) / 2.0f, label4Rect.Width, label4TextHeight), UIFont.FromName("Avenir-Heavy", 12.0f), UILineBreakMode.WordWrap, UITextAlignment.Left);

            //// lblIbu Drawing
            CGRect lblIbuRect = new CGRect(frame.GetMinX() + NMath.Floor(frame.Width * 0.33623f + 0.5f), frame.GetMinY() + NMath.Floor((frame.Height - 11.81f) * 0.78989f - 0.31f) + 0.81f, NMath.Floor(frame.Width * 0.49855f + 0.5f) - NMath.Floor(frame.Width * 0.33623f + 0.5f), frame.Height - 12.63f - NMath.Floor((frame.Height - 11.81f) * 0.78989f - 0.31f));
            var lblIbuStyle = new NSMutableParagraphStyle();
            lblIbuStyle.Alignment = UITextAlignment.Right;

            var lblIbuFontAttributes = new UIStringAttributes() { Font = UIFont.FromName("Avenir-Heavy", 12.0f), ForegroundColor = textForeground2, ParagraphStyle = lblIbuStyle };
            var lblIbuTextHeight = new NSString(ibu).GetBoundingRect(new CGSize(lblIbuRect.Width, nfloat.MaxValue), NSStringDrawingOptions.UsesLineFragmentOrigin, lblIbuFontAttributes, null).Height;
            new NSString(ibu).DrawString(new CGRect(lblIbuRect.GetMinX(), lblIbuRect.GetMinY() + (lblIbuRect.Height - lblIbuTextHeight) / 2.0f, lblIbuRect.Width, lblIbuTextHeight), UIFont.FromName("Avenir-Heavy", 12.0f), UILineBreakMode.WordWrap, UITextAlignment.Right);

            //// Label 6 Drawing
            CGRect label6Rect = new CGRect(frame.GetMinX() + NMath.Floor(frame.Width * 0.50435f + 0.5f), frame.GetMinY() + NMath.Floor((frame.Height - 11.81f) * 0.78989f - 0.31f) + 0.81f, NMath.Floor(frame.Width * 0.66667f + 0.5f) - NMath.Floor(frame.Width * 0.50435f + 0.5f), frame.Height - 12.63f - NMath.Floor((frame.Height - 11.81f) * 0.78989f - 0.31f));
                var textContent = "IBU";
                var label6Style = new NSMutableParagraphStyle();
                label6Style.Alignment = UITextAlignment.Left;

                var label6FontAttributes = new UIStringAttributes() { Font = UIFont.FromName("Avenir-Heavy", 12.0f), ForegroundColor = textForeground, ParagraphStyle = label6Style };
                var label6TextHeight = new NSString(textContent).GetBoundingRect(new CGSize(label6Rect.Width, nfloat.MaxValue), NSStringDrawingOptions.UsesLineFragmentOrigin, label6FontAttributes, null).Height;
                new NSString(textContent).DrawString(new CGRect(label6Rect.GetMinX(), label6Rect.GetMinY() + (label6Rect.Height - label6TextHeight) / 2.0f, label6Rect.Width, label6TextHeight), UIFont.FromName("Avenir-Heavy", 12.0f), UILineBreakMode.WordWrap, UITextAlignment.Left);

            //// lblSrm Drawing
            CGRect lblSrmRect = new CGRect(frame.GetMinX() + NMath.Floor(frame.Width * 0.66957f + 0.5f), frame.GetMinY() + NMath.Floor((frame.Height - 11.81f) * 0.78989f - 0.31f) + 0.81f, NMath.Floor(frame.Width * 0.83478f + 0.5f) - NMath.Floor(frame.Width * 0.66957f + 0.5f), frame.Height - 12.63f - NMath.Floor((frame.Height - 11.81f) * 0.78989f - 0.31f));
            var lblSrmStyle = new NSMutableParagraphStyle();
            lblSrmStyle.Alignment = UITextAlignment.Right;

            var lblSrmFontAttributes = new UIStringAttributes() { Font = UIFont.FromName("Avenir-Heavy", 12.0f), ForegroundColor = textForeground2, ParagraphStyle = lblSrmStyle };
            var lblSrmTextHeight = new NSString(srm).GetBoundingRect(new CGSize(lblSrmRect.Width, nfloat.MaxValue), NSStringDrawingOptions.UsesLineFragmentOrigin, lblSrmFontAttributes, null).Height;
            new NSString(srm).DrawString(new CGRect(lblSrmRect.GetMinX(), lblSrmRect.GetMinY() + (lblSrmRect.Height - lblSrmTextHeight) / 2.0f, lblSrmRect.Width, lblSrmTextHeight), UIFont.FromName("Avenir-Heavy", 12.0f), UILineBreakMode.WordWrap, UITextAlignment.Right);

            //// Label 8 Drawing
            CGRect label8Rect = new CGRect(frame.GetMinX() + NMath.Floor(frame.Width * 0.83460f - 0.44f) + 0.94f, frame.GetMinY() + NMath.Floor((frame.Height - 11.81f) * 0.78989f - 0.31f) + 0.81f, NMath.Floor(frame.Width * 1.00000f - 0.5f) - NMath.Floor(frame.Width * 0.83460f - 0.44f) + 0.06f, frame.Height - 12.63f - NMath.Floor((frame.Height - 11.81f) * 0.78989f - 0.31f));
                var textContent = "SRM";
                var label8Style = new NSMutableParagraphStyle();
                label8Style.Alignment = UITextAlignment.Left;

                var label8FontAttributes = new UIStringAttributes() { Font = UIFont.FromName("Avenir-Heavy", 12.0f), ForegroundColor = textForeground, ParagraphStyle = label8Style };
                var label8TextHeight = new NSString(textContent).GetBoundingRect(new CGSize(label8Rect.Width, nfloat.MaxValue), NSStringDrawingOptions.UsesLineFragmentOrigin, label8FontAttributes, null).Height;
                new NSString(textContent).DrawString(new CGRect(label8Rect.GetMinX(), label8Rect.GetMinY() + (label8Rect.Height - label8TextHeight) / 2.0f, label8Rect.Width, label8TextHeight), UIFont.FromName("Avenir-Heavy", 12.0f), UILineBreakMode.WordWrap, UITextAlignment.Left);
Exemplo n.º 10
			public override void Draw (CGRect rect)
				UIView head = ((WalkingDead)Superview).head;
				var path = new UIBezierPath {
					LineCapStyle = CGLineCap.Round
				CGRect headFrame = head.Frame;

				if (!MovingRight) {
					rect.X -= 20;
					path.MoveTo (new CGPoint (rect.GetMidX () + 20, headFrame.GetMaxY () + 10));
					path.AddLineTo (new CGPoint (rect.GetMidX () + 20 + rect.Size.Width / 6, headFrame.GetMaxY () + 10));
					path.AddLineTo (new CGPoint (rect.GetMidX () + 20 + rect.Size.Width / 6 + 10, headFrame.GetMaxY () + 10 + 20));
				} else {
					path.MoveTo (new CGPoint (rect.GetMidX () - 20, headFrame.GetMaxY () + 10));
					path.AddLineTo (new CGPoint (rect.GetMidX () - 20 - rect.Size.Width / 6, headFrame.GetMaxY () + 10));
					path.AddLineTo (new CGPoint (rect.GetMidX () - 20 - rect.Size.Width / 6 - 10, headFrame.GetMaxY () + 10 + 20));

				UIColor.Black.SetStroke ();
				path.LineWidth = 12;
				path.Stroke ();

				UIColor.White.SetStroke ();
				path.LineWidth = 8;
				path.Stroke ();
Exemplo n.º 11
        public override void Draw (CGRect rect)
            base.Draw (rect);

            var posX = (rect.Width - radius) / 2;
            var posY = (rect.Height - radius) / 2;

            using (var context = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext ()) {

                UIBezierPath ovalPath;
                UIBezierPath bezierPath;

                if (isActive) {
                    if (isRunning) {

                        // Oval Drawing
                        ovalPath = UIBezierPath.FromOval (new CGRect (posX, posY, radius, radius));

                        // Rectangle Drawing
                        var rectanglePath = UIBezierPath.FromRect (new CGRect (posX + 12.0f, posY + 12.0f, 8.0f, 8.0f));

                    } else {

                        // Oval Drawing
                        ovalPath = UIBezierPath.FromOval (new CGRect (posX, posY, radius, radius));
                        greenColor.SetFill ();
                        ovalPath.Fill ();

                        // Bezier Drawing
                        bezierPath = new UIBezierPath ();
                        bezierPath.MoveTo (new CGPoint (posX + 13.0f, posY + 8.0f));
                        bezierPath.AddLineTo (new CGPoint (posX + 20.0f, posY + 16.47f));
                        bezierPath.AddLineTo (new CGPoint (posX + 13.0f, posY + 24.0f));
                        UIColor.White.SetStroke ();
                        bezierPath.LineWidth = 1.0f;
                        bezierPath.Stroke ();
                } else {
                    // Oval Drawing
                    UIColor.White.SetStroke ();

                    ovalPath = UIBezierPath.FromOval (new CGRect (posX, posY, radius, radius));
                    ovalPath.LineWidth = 1.0f;
                    ovalPath.Stroke ();
                    context.AddPath (ovalPath.CGPath);

                    // Bezier Drawing
                    bezierPath = new UIBezierPath ();
                    bezierPath.MoveTo (new CGPoint (posX + 13.0f, posY + 8.0f));
                    bezierPath.AddLineTo (new CGPoint (posX + 20.0f, posY + 16.47f));
                    bezierPath.AddLineTo (new CGPoint (posX + 13.0f, posY + 24.0f));
                    bezierPath.LineWidth = 1.0f;
                    bezierPath.Stroke ();
                    context.AddPath (bezierPath.CGPath);
Exemplo n.º 12
        public override void Draw (CGRect rect)
            base.Draw (rect);

            using (var context = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext ()) {

                UIBezierPath mainAxis = UIBezierPath.FromRoundedRect ( new CGRect (xAxisMargin, 0.0f, 2.0f, rect.Height), 2.0f);
                UIColor.FromRGB ( 203, 203, 203).SetFill();

                nfloat sepInterval = (nfloat)Math.Floor ((rect.Width - xAxisMargin - xTextMargin)/ 5);
                for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++) {
                    var separatorAxis = new UIBezierPath();
                    separatorAxis.MoveTo (new CGPoint (xAxisMargin + sepInterval * i, 0));
                    separatorAxis.AddLineTo (new CGPoint ( xAxisMargin + sepInterval * i, rect.Height - yAxisMargin));
                    UIColor.FromRGB ( 203, 203, 203).SetStroke();
                    separatorAxis.LineWidth = 1.0f;
                    separatorAxis.SetLineDash ( new nfloat[] {1.0f,1.0f}, 1);
                    separatorAxis.Stroke ();

                    var textLayer = new CATextLayer ();
                    textLayer.ContentsScale = UIScreen.MainScreen.Scale;
                    CGFont font = CGFont.CreateWithFontName (LabelFont.Name);

                    if (font != null) {
                        textLayer.SetFont (font);
                        font.Dispose ();

                    textLayer.FontSize = LabelFont.PointSize;
                    textLayer.AnchorPoint = new CGPoint ( 0.5f, 0.0f);
                    textLayer.AlignmentMode = CATextLayer.AlignmentCenter;
                    textLayer.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Clear.CGColor;
                    textLayer.ForegroundColor = LabelColor.CGColor;

                    CGSize size = ((NSString)"0000 h").StringSize (LabelFont);
                    textLayer.String = "00 h";
                    textLayer.Bounds = new CGRect (0, 0, size.Width, size.Height);
                    textLayer.Position = new CGPoint ( xAxisMargin + sepInterval * i, rect.Height - yAxisMargin + 5.0f);
                    Layer.AddSublayer (textLayer);
                    xAxisText [i - 1] = textLayer;
Exemplo n.º 13
        public override void Draw(CGRect frame)
            // General Declarations
            var context = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext();

            // Color Declarations
            var minimumTrackColor = UIColor.FromRGBA(0.502f, 0.812f, 0.769f, 1.000f);
            var maximumTrackColor = UIColor.FromRGBA(0.314f, 0.314f, 0.314f, 1.000f);
            var color = UIColor.FromRGBA(0.376f, 0.490f, 0.722f, 1.000f);

            // Variable Declarations
            var expression2 = percentage*2.0f;
            var expression = new CGPoint(25.0f + expression2, 61.0f);
            var expression3 = 200.0f - percentage*2.0f;

            // Minimum Track Drawing
            var minimumTrackPath =
                    new CGRect(frame.GetMinX(), frame.GetMinY() + 24.0f, frame.Width, frame.Height - 29.0f), 2.0f);

            // Maximum Track Drawing
            context.TranslateCTM(frame.GetMinX() + 1.00000f*frame.Width, frame.GetMinY() + 0.85714f*frame.Height);

            var maximumTrackPath = UIBezierPath.FromRoundedRect(new CGRect(0.0f, 0.0f, expression3, 6.0f),
                UIRectCorner.TopLeft | UIRectCorner.BottomLeft, new CGSize(2.0f, 2.0f));


            // Bezier Drawing
            context.TranslateCTM(expression.X, expression.Y);

            UIBezierPath bezierPath = new UIBezierPath();
            bezierPath.MoveTo(new CGPoint(0.0f, 2.01f));
            bezierPath.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(2.6f, 0.0f), new CGPoint(0.0f, 0.9f), new CGPoint(1.17f, 0.0f));
            bezierPath.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(10.4f, 0.0f));
            bezierPath.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(13.0f, 2.01f), new CGPoint(11.84f, 0.0f), new CGPoint(13.0f, 0.9f));
            bezierPath.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(13.0f, 13.04f));
            bezierPath.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(11.29f, 16.56f), new CGPoint(13.0f, 14.15f),
                new CGPoint(12.23f, 15.73f));
            bezierPath.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(6.5f, 20.81f));
            bezierPath.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(6.5f, 23.65f));
            bezierPath.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(6.5f, 20.81f));
            bezierPath.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(1.71f, 16.56f));
            bezierPath.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(0.0f, 13.04f), new CGPoint(0.76f, 15.73f), new CGPoint(0.0f, 14.15f));
            bezierPath.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(0.0f, 2.01f));
            bezierPath.UsesEvenOddFillRule = true;

            bezierPath.LineWidth = 1.5f;

        void DrawCanvas(CGRect frame2)
            //// General Declarations
            var context = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext();

            //// Color Declarations
            var fillColor = UIColor.FromRGBA(1.000f, 1.000f, 1.000f, 1.000f);
            var strokeColor = UIColor.FromRGBA(0.807f, 0.807f, 0.807f, 1.000f);
            var strokeColor2 = UIColor.FromRGBA(0.851f, 0.851f, 0.851f, 1.000f);

            //// Frames
            CGRect frame = new CGRect(1.0f, 0.0f, 771.0f, 356.0f);

            //// Subframes
            CGRect group3 = new CGRect(frame.GetMinX(), frame.GetMinY(), frame.Width, frame.Height);
            CGRect group5 = new CGRect(frame.GetMinX() + 3.0f, frame.GetMinY() + 3.0f, frame.Width - 7.0f, frame.Height - 7.0f);

            //// Group 2
                //// Group 3

                    //// Clip Clip 2
                    UIBezierPath clip2Path = new UIBezierPath();
                    clip2Path.MoveTo(new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.00130f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + 0.00000f * group3.Height));
                    clip2Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 1.00130f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + 0.00000f * group3.Height));
                    clip2Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 1.00130f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + 1.00000f * group3.Height));
                    clip2Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.00130f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + 1.00000f * group3.Height));
                    clip2Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.00130f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + 0.00000f * group3.Height));
                    clip2Path.MoveTo(new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.02853f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + 0.06901f * group3.Height));
                    clip2Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.03307f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + 0.05915f * group3.Height), new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.02853f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + 0.06356f * group3.Height), new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.03056f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + 0.05915f * group3.Height));
                    clip2Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.96953f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + 0.05915f * group3.Height));
                    clip2Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.97406f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + 0.06901f * group3.Height), new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.97203f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + 0.05915f * group3.Height), new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.97406f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + 0.06356f * group3.Height));
                    clip2Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.97406f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + 0.93099f * group3.Height));
                    clip2Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.96953f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + 0.94085f * group3.Height), new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.97406f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + 0.93644f * group3.Height), new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.97204f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + 0.94085f * group3.Height));
                    clip2Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.03307f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + 0.94085f * group3.Height));
                    clip2Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.02853f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + 0.93099f * group3.Height), new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.03056f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + 0.94085f * group3.Height), new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.02853f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + 0.93644f * group3.Height));
                    clip2Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.02853f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + 0.06901f * group3.Height));
                    clip2Path.MoveTo(new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.02724f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + 0.06901f * group3.Height));
                    clip2Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.02724f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + 0.93099f * group3.Height));
                    clip2Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.03307f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + 0.94366f * group3.Height), new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.02724f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + 0.93800f * group3.Height), new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.02984f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + 0.94366f * group3.Height));
                    clip2Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.96953f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + 0.94366f * group3.Height));
                    clip2Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.97536f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + 0.93099f * group3.Height), new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.97275f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + 0.94366f * group3.Height), new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.97536f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + 0.93799f * group3.Height));
                    clip2Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.97536f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + 0.06901f * group3.Height));
                    clip2Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.96953f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + 0.05634f * group3.Height), new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.97536f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + 0.06200f * group3.Height), new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.97275f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + 0.05634f * group3.Height));
                    clip2Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.03307f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + 0.05634f * group3.Height));
                    clip2Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.02724f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + 0.06901f * group3.Height), new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.02984f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + 0.05634f * group3.Height), new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.02724f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + 0.06201f * group3.Height));
                    clip2Path.UsesEvenOddFillRule = true;


                    //// Group 4

                        //// Clip Clip
                        UIBezierPath clipPath = new UIBezierPath();
                        clipPath.MoveTo(new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.00065f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + 0.00425f * group3.Height));
                        clipPath.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.00583f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + -0.00702f * group3.Height), new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.00065f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + -0.00198f * group3.Height), new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.00296f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + -0.00702f * group3.Height));
                        clipPath.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.94229f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + -0.00702f * group3.Height));
                        clipPath.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.94747f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + 0.00425f * group3.Height), new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.94515f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + -0.00702f * group3.Height), new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.94747f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + -0.00199f * group3.Height));
                        clipPath.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.94747f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + 0.86654f * group3.Height));
                        clipPath.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.94229f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + 0.87781f * group3.Height), new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.94747f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + 0.87276f * group3.Height), new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.94516f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + 0.87781f * group3.Height));
                        clipPath.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.00583f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + 0.87781f * group3.Height));
                        clipPath.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.00065f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + 0.86654f * group3.Height), new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.00297f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + 0.87781f * group3.Height), new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.00065f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + 0.87278f * group3.Height));
                        clipPath.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.00065f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + 0.00425f * group3.Height));
                        clipPath.UsesEvenOddFillRule = true;


                        //// Bezier Drawing
                        UIBezierPath bezierPath = new UIBezierPath();
                        bezierPath.MoveTo(new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.00065f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + 0.00425f * group3.Height));
                        bezierPath.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.00583f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + -0.00702f * group3.Height), new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.00065f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + -0.00198f * group3.Height), new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.00296f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + -0.00702f * group3.Height));
                        bezierPath.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.94229f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + -0.00702f * group3.Height));
                        bezierPath.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.94747f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + 0.00425f * group3.Height), new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.94515f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + -0.00702f * group3.Height), new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.94747f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + -0.00199f * group3.Height));
                        bezierPath.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.94747f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + 0.86654f * group3.Height));
                        bezierPath.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.94229f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + 0.87781f * group3.Height), new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.94747f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + 0.87276f * group3.Height), new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.94516f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + 0.87781f * group3.Height));
                        bezierPath.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.00583f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + 0.87781f * group3.Height));
                        bezierPath.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.00065f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + 0.86654f * group3.Height), new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.00297f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + 0.87781f * group3.Height), new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.00065f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + 0.87278f * group3.Height));
                        bezierPath.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(group3.GetMinX() + 0.00065f * group3.Width, group3.GetMinY() + 0.00425f * group3.Height));



                //// Group 5

                    //// Clip Clip 3
                    UIBezierPath clip3Path = new UIBezierPath();
                    clip3Path.MoveTo(new CGPoint(group5.GetMinX() + 0.00131f * group5.Width, group5.GetMinY() + 0.01273f * group5.Height));
                    clip3Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(group5.GetMinX() + 0.00678f * group5.Width, group5.GetMinY() + 0.00000f * group5.Height), new CGPoint(group5.GetMinX() + 0.00131f * group5.Width, group5.GetMinY() + 0.00570f * group5.Height), new CGPoint(group5.GetMinX() + 0.00375f * group5.Width, group5.GetMinY() + 0.00000f * group5.Height));
                    clip3Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(group5.GetMinX() + 0.99584f * group5.Width, group5.GetMinY() + 0.00000f * group5.Height));
                    clip3Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(group5.GetMinX() + 1.00131f * group5.Width, group5.GetMinY() + 0.01273f * group5.Height), new CGPoint(group5.GetMinX() + 0.99886f * group5.Width, group5.GetMinY() + 0.00000f * group5.Height), new CGPoint(group5.GetMinX() + 1.00131f * group5.Width, group5.GetMinY() + 0.00569f * group5.Height));
                    clip3Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(group5.GetMinX() + 1.00131f * group5.Width, group5.GetMinY() + 0.98727f * group5.Height));
                    clip3Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(group5.GetMinX() + 0.99584f * group5.Width, group5.GetMinY() + 1.00000f * group5.Height), new CGPoint(group5.GetMinX() + 1.00131f * group5.Width, group5.GetMinY() + 0.99430f * group5.Height), new CGPoint(group5.GetMinX() + 0.99887f * group5.Width, group5.GetMinY() + 1.00000f * group5.Height));
                    clip3Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(group5.GetMinX() + 0.00678f * group5.Width, group5.GetMinY() + 1.00000f * group5.Height));
                    clip3Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(group5.GetMinX() + 0.00131f * group5.Width, group5.GetMinY() + 0.98727f * group5.Height), new CGPoint(group5.GetMinX() + 0.00376f * group5.Width, group5.GetMinY() + 1.00000f * group5.Height), new CGPoint(group5.GetMinX() + 0.00131f * group5.Width, group5.GetMinY() + 0.99431f * group5.Height));
                    clip3Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(group5.GetMinX() + 0.00131f * group5.Width, group5.GetMinY() + 0.01273f * group5.Height));
                    clip3Path.UsesEvenOddFillRule = true;


                    //// Bezier 4 Drawing
                    UIBezierPath bezier4Path = new UIBezierPath();
                    bezier4Path.MoveTo(new CGPoint(group5.GetMinX() + 0.00131f * group5.Width, group5.GetMinY() + 0.01273f * group5.Height));
                    bezier4Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(group5.GetMinX() + 0.00678f * group5.Width, group5.GetMinY() + 0.00000f * group5.Height), new CGPoint(group5.GetMinX() + 0.00131f * group5.Width, group5.GetMinY() + 0.00570f * group5.Height), new CGPoint(group5.GetMinX() + 0.00375f * group5.Width, group5.GetMinY() + 0.00000f * group5.Height));
                    bezier4Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(group5.GetMinX() + 0.99584f * group5.Width, group5.GetMinY() + 0.00000f * group5.Height));
                    bezier4Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(group5.GetMinX() + 1.00131f * group5.Width, group5.GetMinY() + 0.01273f * group5.Height), new CGPoint(group5.GetMinX() + 0.99886f * group5.Width, group5.GetMinY() + 0.00000f * group5.Height), new CGPoint(group5.GetMinX() + 1.00131f * group5.Width, group5.GetMinY() + 0.00569f * group5.Height));
                    bezier4Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(group5.GetMinX() + 1.00131f * group5.Width, group5.GetMinY() + 0.98727f * group5.Height));
                    bezier4Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(group5.GetMinX() + 0.99584f * group5.Width, group5.GetMinY() + 1.00000f * group5.Height), new CGPoint(group5.GetMinX() + 1.00131f * group5.Width, group5.GetMinY() + 0.99430f * group5.Height), new CGPoint(group5.GetMinX() + 0.99887f * group5.Width, group5.GetMinY() + 1.00000f * group5.Height));
                    bezier4Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(group5.GetMinX() + 0.00678f * group5.Width, group5.GetMinY() + 1.00000f * group5.Height));
                    bezier4Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(group5.GetMinX() + 0.00131f * group5.Width, group5.GetMinY() + 0.98727f * group5.Height), new CGPoint(group5.GetMinX() + 0.00376f * group5.Width, group5.GetMinY() + 1.00000f * group5.Height), new CGPoint(group5.GetMinX() + 0.00131f * group5.Width, group5.GetMinY() + 0.99431f * group5.Height));
                    bezier4Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(group5.GetMinX() + 0.00131f * group5.Width, group5.GetMinY() + 0.01273f * group5.Height));
                    bezier4Path.LineWidth = 2.0f;


                //// Bezier 6 Drawing
                UIBezierPath bezier6Path = new UIBezierPath();
                bezier6Path.MoveTo(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 0.04789f * frame.Width, frame.GetMinY() + 0.43141f * frame.Height));
                bezier6Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 0.90281f * frame.Width, frame.GetMinY() + 0.43141f * frame.Height));
                bezier6Path.LineCapStyle = CGLineCap.Square;

                bezier6Path.LineWidth = 1.0f;

        public override void Draw(CGRect rect)
            //// General Declarations
            var context = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext();

            //// Color Declarations
            var fillColor = UIColor.FromRGBA(1.000f, 1.000f, 1.000f, 1.000f);
            var strokeColor = UIColor.FromRGBA(0.807f, 0.807f, 0.807f, 1.000f);
            var strokeColor2 = UIColor.FromRGBA(0.851f, 0.851f, 0.851f, 1.000f);

            //// Frames
            CGRect frame = new CGRect(0.0f, 0.0f, 772.0f, 356.0f);

            //// Group 2
                //// Group 3

                    //// Clip Clip 2
                    UIBezierPath clip2Path = new UIBezierPath();
                    clip2Path.MoveTo(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() - 41.0f, frame.GetMinY() - 45.0f));
                    clip2Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 730.0f, frame.GetMinY() - 45.0f));
                    clip2Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 730.0f, frame.GetMinY() + 310.0f));
                    clip2Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() - 41.0f, frame.GetMinY() + 310.0f));
                    clip2Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() - 41.0f, frame.GetMinY() - 45.0f));
                    clip2Path.MoveTo(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() - 20.0f, frame.GetMinY() - 20.5f));
                    clip2Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() - 16.51f, frame.GetMinY() - 24.0f), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() - 20.0f, frame.GetMinY() - 22.44f), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() - 18.44f, frame.GetMinY() - 24.0f));
                    clip2Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 705.51f, frame.GetMinY() - 24.0f));
                    clip2Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 709.0f, frame.GetMinY() - 20.5f), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 707.44f, frame.GetMinY() - 24.0f), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 709.0f, frame.GetMinY() - 22.44f));
                    clip2Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 709.0f, frame.GetMinY() + 285.5f));
                    clip2Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 705.51f, frame.GetMinY() + 289.0f), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 709.0f, frame.GetMinY() + 287.44f), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 707.44f, frame.GetMinY() + 289.0f));
                    clip2Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() - 16.51f, frame.GetMinY() + 289.0f));
                    clip2Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() - 20.0f, frame.GetMinY() + 285.5f), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() - 18.44f, frame.GetMinY() + 289.0f), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() - 20.0f, frame.GetMinY() + 287.44f));
                    clip2Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() - 20.0f, frame.GetMinY() - 20.5f));
                    clip2Path.MoveTo(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() - 21.0f, frame.GetMinY() - 20.5f));
                    clip2Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() - 21.0f, frame.GetMinY() + 285.5f));
                    clip2Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() - 16.51f, frame.GetMinY() + 290.0f), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() - 21.0f, frame.GetMinY() + 287.99f), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() - 18.99f, frame.GetMinY() + 290.0f));
                    clip2Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 705.51f, frame.GetMinY() + 290.0f));
                    clip2Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 710.0f, frame.GetMinY() + 285.5f), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 707.99f, frame.GetMinY() + 290.0f), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 710.0f, frame.GetMinY() + 287.99f));
                    clip2Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 710.0f, frame.GetMinY() - 20.5f));
                    clip2Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 705.51f, frame.GetMinY() - 25.0f), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 710.0f, frame.GetMinY() - 22.99f), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 707.99f, frame.GetMinY() - 25.0f));
                    clip2Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() - 16.51f, frame.GetMinY() - 25.0f));
                    clip2Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() - 21.0f, frame.GetMinY() - 20.5f), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() - 18.99f, frame.GetMinY() - 25.0f), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() - 21.0f, frame.GetMinY() - 22.99f));
                    clip2Path.UsesEvenOddFillRule = true;


                    //// Group 4

                        //// Clip Clip
                        UIBezierPath clipPath = new UIBezierPath();
                        clipPath.MoveTo(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() - 20.5f, frame.GetMinY() - 20.5f));
                        clipPath.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() - 16.51f, frame.GetMinY() - 24.5f), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() - 20.5f, frame.GetMinY() - 22.71f), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() - 18.72f, frame.GetMinY() - 24.5f));
                        clipPath.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 705.51f, frame.GetMinY() - 24.5f));
                        clipPath.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 709.5f, frame.GetMinY() - 20.5f), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 707.71f, frame.GetMinY() - 24.5f), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 709.5f, frame.GetMinY() - 22.71f));
                        clipPath.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 709.5f, frame.GetMinY() + 285.5f));
                        clipPath.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 705.51f, frame.GetMinY() + 289.5f), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 709.5f, frame.GetMinY() + 287.71f), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 707.72f, frame.GetMinY() + 289.5f));
                        clipPath.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() - 16.51f, frame.GetMinY() + 289.5f));
                        clipPath.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() - 20.5f, frame.GetMinY() + 285.5f), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() - 18.71f, frame.GetMinY() + 289.5f), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() - 20.5f, frame.GetMinY() + 287.71f));
                        clipPath.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() - 20.5f, frame.GetMinY() - 20.5f));
                        clipPath.UsesEvenOddFillRule = true;


                        //// Bezier Drawing
                        UIBezierPath bezierPath = new UIBezierPath();
                        bezierPath.MoveTo(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() - 20.5f, frame.GetMinY() - 20.5f));
                        bezierPath.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() - 16.51f, frame.GetMinY() - 24.5f), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() - 20.5f, frame.GetMinY() - 22.71f), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() - 18.72f, frame.GetMinY() - 24.5f));
                        bezierPath.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 705.51f, frame.GetMinY() - 24.5f));
                        bezierPath.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 709.5f, frame.GetMinY() - 20.5f), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 707.71f, frame.GetMinY() - 24.5f), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 709.5f, frame.GetMinY() - 22.71f));
                        bezierPath.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 709.5f, frame.GetMinY() + 285.5f));
                        bezierPath.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 705.51f, frame.GetMinY() + 289.5f), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 709.5f, frame.GetMinY() + 287.71f), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 707.72f, frame.GetMinY() + 289.5f));
                        bezierPath.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() - 16.51f, frame.GetMinY() + 289.5f));
                        bezierPath.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() - 20.5f, frame.GetMinY() + 285.5f), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() - 18.71f, frame.GetMinY() + 289.5f), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() - 20.5f, frame.GetMinY() + 287.71f));
                        bezierPath.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() - 20.5f, frame.GetMinY() - 20.5f));



                //// Group 5

                    //// Clip Clip 3
                    UIBezierPath clip3Path = new UIBezierPath();
                    clip3Path.MoveTo(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() - 13.5f, frame.GetMinY() - 11.14f));
                    clip3Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() - 9.35f, frame.GetMinY() - 15.5f), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() - 13.5f, frame.GetMinY() - 13.55f), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() - 11.65f, frame.GetMinY() - 15.5f));
                    clip3Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 740.35f, frame.GetMinY() - 15.5f));
                    clip3Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 744.5f, frame.GetMinY() - 11.14f), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 742.64f, frame.GetMinY() - 15.5f), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 744.5f, frame.GetMinY() - 13.56f));
                    clip3Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 744.5f, frame.GetMinY() + 322.14f));
                    clip3Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 740.35f, frame.GetMinY() + 326.5f), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 744.5f, frame.GetMinY() + 324.55f), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 742.65f, frame.GetMinY() + 326.5f));
                    clip3Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() - 9.35f, frame.GetMinY() + 326.5f));
                    clip3Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() - 13.5f, frame.GetMinY() + 322.14f), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() - 11.64f, frame.GetMinY() + 326.5f), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() - 13.5f, frame.GetMinY() + 324.56f));
                    clip3Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() - 13.5f, frame.GetMinY() - 11.14f));
                    clip3Path.UsesEvenOddFillRule = true;


                    //// Bezier 4 Drawing
                    UIBezierPath bezier4Path = new UIBezierPath();
                    bezier4Path.MoveTo(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() - 13.5f, frame.GetMinY() - 11.14f));
                    bezier4Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() - 9.35f, frame.GetMinY() - 15.5f), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() - 13.5f, frame.GetMinY() - 13.55f), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() - 11.65f, frame.GetMinY() - 15.5f));
                    bezier4Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 740.35f, frame.GetMinY() - 15.5f));
                    bezier4Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 744.5f, frame.GetMinY() - 11.14f), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 742.64f, frame.GetMinY() - 15.5f), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 744.5f, frame.GetMinY() - 13.56f));
                    bezier4Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 744.5f, frame.GetMinY() + 322.14f));
                    bezier4Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 740.35f, frame.GetMinY() + 326.5f), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 744.5f, frame.GetMinY() + 324.55f), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 742.65f, frame.GetMinY() + 326.5f));
                    bezier4Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() - 9.35f, frame.GetMinY() + 326.5f));
                    bezier4Path.AddCurveToPoint(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() - 13.5f, frame.GetMinY() + 322.14f), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() - 11.64f, frame.GetMinY() + 326.5f), new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() - 13.5f, frame.GetMinY() + 324.56f));
                    bezier4Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() - 13.5f, frame.GetMinY() - 11.14f));
                    bezier4Path.LineWidth = 2.0f;


                //// Bezier 6 Drawing
                UIBezierPath bezier6Path = new UIBezierPath();
                bezier6Path.MoveTo(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 36.0f, frame.GetMinY() + 155.6f));
                bezier6Path.AddLineTo(new CGPoint(frame.GetMinX() + 696.0f, frame.GetMinY() + 155.6f));
                bezier6Path.LineCapStyle = CGLineCap.Square;

                bezier6Path.LineWidth = 1.0f;

Exemplo n.º 16
		public override void Draw (CGRect rect)
			base.Draw (rect);

			var drawPath = new UIBezierPath ();

			drawPath.LineCapStyle = CGLineCap.Round;

			foreach (var line in Lines) {
				drawPath.MoveTo (line.Start);
				drawPath.AddLineTo (line.End);

			drawPath.LineWidth = LineWidth;
			Color.SetColor ();
			drawPath.Stroke ();
Exemplo n.º 17
        public override void Draw(CGRect rect)
            base.Draw (rect);
            using (CGContext g = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext ())
                // draw grid
                UIBezierPath path = new UIBezierPath();
                path.LineWidth = 1.0f;
                UIColor.Red.SetStroke ();
                for ( float y = GRID_GAP; y < rect.Height; y += GRID_GAP )
                    path.MoveTo( new CGPoint( 0, y ) );
                    path.AddLineTo( new CGPoint( rect.Width, y ) );

                UIColor.Blue.SetStroke ();
                foreach(var aMPathList in mPathList)
                    aMPathList.Stroke ();
                mPath.Stroke ();