Exemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Asynchronously creates a new component instance from the given configuration.
 /// To optimize the loading process, additional <code>asyncHints</code> can be provided. The structure of these hints and how they impact the loading of components is an internal feature of this API and reserved for UI5 internal use only. Code that wants to be safe wrt. version updates, should not use the <code>asyncHints</code> property.
 /// If Components and/or libraries are listed in the <code>asyncHints</code>, all the corresponding preload files will be requested in parallel, loading errors (404s) will be ignored. The constructor class will only be required after all preloads have been rejected or resolved. Only then, the new instance will be created.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="mOptions">Configuration options</param>
 /// <returns>A Promise that resolves with the newly created component instance</returns>
 public extern static es5.Promise <sap.ui.core.Component> create(sap.ui.core.Component.CreateOptions mOptions);
Exemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Asynchronously creates a new component instance from the given configuration.
 /// To optimize the loading process, additional <code>asyncHints</code> can be provided. The structure of these hints and how they impact the loading of components is an internal feature of this API and reserved for UI5 internal use only. Code that wants to be safe wrt. version updates, should not use the <code>asyncHints</code> property.
 /// If Components and/or libraries are listed in the <code>asyncHints</code>, all the corresponding preload files will be requested in parallel, loading errors (404s) will be ignored. The constructor class will only be required after all preloads have been rejected or resolved. Only then, the new instance will be created.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="mOptions">Configuration options</param>
 /// <returns>A Promise that resolves with the newly created component instance</returns>
 public extern static jquery.JQueryPromise <sap.ui.core.Component> create(sap.ui.core.Component.CreateOptions mOptions);