// Gets all skills associated with the input Queue name
        private string BuildSkillMap(ExcelSkill newQueue)
            // Template skillMap XML --> Uses Replace in order to build new skillMap string
            string templateSkill = "<skillCompetency><competencelevel>COMPETENCY_LEVEL</competencelevel><skillNameUriPair name=\"SKILL_NAME\"><refURL>REF_URL</refURL></skillNameUriPair></skillCompetency>";
            string skillMap      = "";
            string skillsReport  = "";
            //// DEBUG -- Prints the Queue Name and all associated Skills/Competency Levels #########################
            //foreach(KeyValuePair<string, int> kvp in newQueue.SkillsAdded)
            //    Console.WriteLine("   >Adding " + kvp.Key + ": " + kvp.Value);
            //    Console.WriteLine(templateSkill.Replace("COMPETENCY_LEVEL", kvp.Value.ToString()).Replace("SKILL_NAME", kvp.Key).Replace("REF_URL",addSkill.Self) + "\n\n");
            bool allSkillsFound = true;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> kvp in newQueue.SkillsAdded)
                    // Determine Skill refUrl by querying APIData
                    Skill addSkill = apiData.SkillsData.Skill.Where(p => p.SkillName.ToUpper() == kvp.Key.ToUpper()).First();
                    //Append skillMap string with new info
                    skillMap += templateSkill.Replace("COMPETENCY_LEVEL", kvp.Value.ToString()).Replace("SKILL_NAME", addSkill.SkillName).Replace("REF_URL", addSkill.Self);

                    skillsReport += $"{kvp.Key}({kvp.Value.ToString()}), ";
                    // Log and output to console Error
                    LogConsoleAndLogFile($"The skill {kvp.Key} was unable to be found within the API Skills. Skill name formatting is extremely strict.", 5);
                    allSkillsFound = false;
            if (allSkillsFound == true)
                if (skillsReport.Length > 3)
                    skillsReport = skillsReport.Substring(0, skillsReport.Length - 2);
                    skillsReport = skillsReport.Replace(", ", "");
                cm.LogMessage($"Building Skill Map required for {newQueue.Name.ToString()}: {skillsReport.ToString()}");
                // Add XML Outer Node onto new skillMap contents prior to replacing old skillMap XML Node
                skillMap = $"<skillMap>{skillMap}</skillMap>";

        public XmlDocument UpdateResourceGroup(XmlDocument currentDoc, ExcelSkill skill)
            if (skill.SkillTeam != null)
                // Find the Team from the API that matches the ExcelSkill's SkillTeam Name
                TeamData apiTD = apiData.teamsData.Team.Where(p => p.Teamname == skill.SkillTeam).First();
                // Build XML off of template
                string teamTemplate = "<team name=\"<TEAM_NAME>\"><refURL><REF_URL></refURL></team>";
                teamTemplate = teamTemplate.Replace("<TEAM_NAME>", apiTD.Teamname).Replace("<REF_URL>", apiTD.Self);

                // Create new XML Document to replace InnerXML of currentDoc with
                XmlDocument xmlTD = new XmlDocument();
                // Isolate the Nodes we want to edit
                XmlNode newNode = xmlTD.SelectSingleNode("/team");
                XmlNode oldNode = currentDoc.SelectSingleNode("/resource/team");
                // Replace the name attribute of the outerXml
                oldNode.Attributes[0].Value = apiTD.Teamname;

                // Replace the InnerXml
                oldNode.InnerXml = newNode.InnerXml;
        public XmlDocument UpdateTeam(XmlDocument currentDoc, ExcelSkill skill)
            if (skill.SkillResourceGroup != null)
                // Find Resource Group from the API that matches the ExcelSkill's SkillResourceGroup Name
                ResourceGroupData apiRG = apiData.resourceGroupsData.ResourceGroup.Where(p => p.Name == skill.SkillResourceGroup).First();
                // Build XML off of template
                string resourceTemplate = "<resourceGroup name=\"<RESOURCE_NAME>\"><refURL><REF_URL></refURL></resourceGroup>";
                resourceTemplate = resourceTemplate.Replace("<RESOURCE_NAME>", apiRG.Name).Replace("<REF_URL>", apiRG.Self);

                // Create new XML Document to replace InnerXML of currentDoc with
                XmlDocument xmlRG = new XmlDocument();
                // Isolate the Nodes we want to edit
                XmlNode newNode = xmlRG.SelectSingleNode("/resourceGroup");
                XmlNode oldNode = currentDoc.SelectSingleNode("/resource/resourceGroup");
                // Replace the name attribute of the outerXml
                oldNode.Attributes[0].Value = apiRG.Name;

                // Replace the InnerXml
                oldNode.InnerXml = newNode.InnerXml;
        public List <ExcelSkill> ReadSkillData(int sheetIndex)
            FileInfo          file      = new FileInfo(filePath);
            List <ExcelSkill> skillData = new List <ExcelSkill>();

            using (ExcelPackage package = new ExcelPackage(file))
                StringBuilder  sb        = new StringBuilder();
                ExcelWorksheet worksheet = package.Workbook.Worksheets[sheetIndex];
                int            rowCount  = worksheet.Dimension.Rows;
                int            colCount  = worksheet.Dimension.Columns;
                //Console.WriteLine("ROWS: " + rowCount.ToString() + "\nCOLUMNS: " + colCount.ToString());

                for (int i = 2; i <= rowCount; i++)
                    string name          = String.Empty;
                    string add           = String.Empty;
                    string remove        = String.Empty;
                    string skillTeam     = String.Empty;
                    string skillResource = String.Empty;
                    for (int j = 1; j <= colCount; j++)
                        if (j == 1 && worksheet.Cells[i, j].Value != null)
                            name = worksheet.Cells[i, j].Value.ToString().Trim();
                        else if (j == 2 && worksheet.Cells[i, j].Value != null)
                            add = worksheet.Cells[i, j].Value.ToString().Replace(" ", "").Trim();
                        else if (j == 3 && worksheet.Cells[i, j].Value != null)
                            remove = worksheet.Cells[i, j].Value.ToString().Replace(" ", "").Trim();
                        else if (j == 4 && worksheet.Cells[i, j].Value != null)
                            skillResource = worksheet.Cells[i, j].Value.ToString().Replace(" ", "").Trim();
                        else if (j == 5 && worksheet.Cells[i, j].Value != null)
                            skillTeam = worksheet.Cells[i, j].Value.ToString().Replace(" ", "").Trim();
                        else if (add == String.Empty || add == null)
                        if (add != String.Empty && add != null && add != "" && add.Length > 2)
                            //Console.WriteLine("Adding " + name);
                            ExcelSkill skill = new ExcelSkill(name, add, remove);
                            if (skillResource != String.Empty && skillResource != null)
                                skill.SkillResourceGroup = skillResource;
                            if (skillTeam != String.Empty && skillTeam != null)
                                skill.SkillTeam = skillTeam;
                    catch (Exception e)
        // Method used to update agent queues based on the results of the Excel File built by WFM
        public void ExcelQueueUpdate(ExcelData excelData, bool wipeData = false)
            failedLogging = new List <string>();
            long totalTime = 0;

            UpdateConsoleStep("WFM Agent Queue Update Process using the UCCX API...");
            // Variables to track for logging/reporting
            int numFailed          = 0;
            int numAgentsProcessed = 0;

            Console.SetCursorPosition(Console.CursorLeft, Console.CursorTop + 1);
            UpdateConsoleStep("\t>Agents Processed: " + numAgentsProcessed.ToString() + "/" + excelData.excelAgents.Count.ToString());
            cm.LogMessage("Beginning WFM Agent Queue Update Process using the UCCX API.");

            // Begin iterating through each agent to build and update skillmaps
            foreach (ExcelAgent excelAgent in excelData.excelAgents)
                    Stopwatch isw = new Stopwatch();
                    catch (Exception n)
                        cm.LogMessage($"Error occurred starting StopWatch object: {n.Message.ToString()} -- {n.StackTrace.ToString()}");
                    // Determine Agent URL via apiData.ResourcesData
                    string agentUserId = apiData.ResourcesData.Resource.Where(p => p.FirstName + " " + p.LastName == excelAgent.agentName).First().UserID;
                    string agentUrl    = $"{cm.RootURL}/resource/{agentUserId}";
                    cm.LogMessage($"Updating {excelAgent.agentName}");
                    //// DEBUG -- Prints the built Agent URL for verification ###############################################

                    // Determine which Resource from APIData.ResourcesData corresponds to the current excelAgent being processed
                    Resource agentInfo = apiData.ResourcesData.Resource.Where(p => p.FirstName + " " + p.LastName == excelAgent.agentName).First();
                    // Serialize XML related to the current excelAgent being processed using Resource Object
                    XmlDocument xml = SerializeXml(agentInfo);

                    // Isolate Old skillMap Node
                    XmlNode node = xml.SelectSingleNode("/resource/skillMap");

                    // Determine Agent's desired Queue
                    ExcelSkill newQueue = excelData.excelSkills.Where(p => p.Name == excelAgent.Queue).First();

                    // Build Skill Map XML to replace current using Agent's desired Queue
                    XmlDocument xmlSkillMap    = new XmlDocument();
                    string      skillMapString = BuildSkillMap(newQueue);

                    // BuildSkillMap() Returns "ERROR" if the skill was unable to be found
                    if (skillMapString != "ERROR")

                        // Create new XmlNode object to replace old skillMap with
                        XmlNode newNode = xmlSkillMap.SelectSingleNode("/skillMap");
                        //// DEBUG -- Prints the updated Skill Map XML ##########################################################
                        //Console.WriteLine("########################### NEW SKILL MAP ###########################\n" + node.OuterXml + "\n\n");

                        // If wipeData == True, remove all skills from Agents
                        if (wipeData == false)
                            // Replace skillMap Node with new skillMap Node
                            node.InnerXml = newNode.InnerXml;
                            // Remove all skills from Agents
                            node.InnerXml = "";
                        if (newQueue.SkillResourceGroup != null)
                            cm.LogMessage($"Updating Resource Group of {excelAgent.agentName} ({agentUserId}) to {newQueue.SkillResourceGroup}.");
                            xml = UpdateResourceGroup(xml, newQueue);
                        if (newQueue.SkillTeam != null)
                            cm.LogMessage($"Updating Team of {excelAgent.agentName} ({agentUserId}) to {newQueue.SkillTeam}.");
                            xml = UpdateTeam(xml, newQueue);
                            // Call Method to make PUT Request to API to update Agent skillMap and Log Action/Results
                            cm.LogMessage($"Attempting to update {excelAgent.agentName} ({agentUserId}) to new Queue: {excelAgent.Queue} -- Agent refURL: {agentUrl}");
                            HttpWebResponse requestResponse = UpdateAgentResource(xml.OuterXml, agentUrl);
                            cm.LogMessage($"Status Code Returned: {requestResponse.StatusCode} -- {requestResponse.StatusDescription}\n");
                            //// DEBUG -- Prints HttpWebResponse from PUT Request ###################################################
                            //Console.WriteLine($"{requestResponse.StatusCode}: {requestResponse.StatusDescription}");
                        catch (Exception e)
                            numFailed += 1;
                            // Log Error and update Console
                            LogConsoleAndLogFile($"ERROR: {e.Message.ToString()}", 5);
                            cm.LogMessage($"Source: {e.Source.ToString()}");
                            cm.LogMessage($"Stack Trace: {e.StackTrace.ToString()}");
                            if (e.Message.ToString().Contains("SSL"))
                                throw new System.Exception("SSL Error", e);
                        cm.LogMessage($"Unable to successfully update {excelAgent.agentName}, moving to the next Agent if available.");
                        numFailed += 1;
                    numAgentsProcessed += 1;
                    if (isw != null)
                        if (isw.IsRunning)
                            totalTime += isw.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                            // End Process Console Output
                            UpdateConsoleStep($"\t>Agents Processed: {numAgentsProcessed.ToString()}/{excelData.excelAgents.Count.ToString()} ({isw.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString()}ms, {totalTime.ToString()}ms Total)");
                            LogConsoleAndLogFile($"\t>Successfully updated: {(numAgentsProcessed - numFailed).ToString()}.", 1, false, false);
                            LogConsoleAndLogFile($"\t>Failed to Update: {numFailed.ToString()}.", 2, false, false);
                            cm.LogMessage($"Time Elapsed: {isw.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString()}ms, Total Time Elapsed: {totalTime.ToString()}ms");
                        totalTime += 5000;
                        UpdateConsoleStep($"\t>Agents Processed: {numAgentsProcessed.ToString()}/{excelData.excelAgents.Count.ToString()} (N/A ms, {totalTime.ToString()}ms Total)");
                        LogConsoleAndLogFile($"\t>Successfully updated: {(numAgentsProcessed - numFailed).ToString()}.", 1, false, false);
                        LogConsoleAndLogFile($"\t>Failed to Update: {numFailed.ToString()}.", 2, false, false);
                        cm.LogMessage($"Time Elapsed: N/A ms, Total Time Elapsed: {totalTime.ToString()}ms");
                catch (Exception e)
                    numAgentsProcessed += 1;
                    numFailed          += 1;
                    cm.LogMessage($"Error Occurred Updating Agent: {excelAgent.agentName} -- {e.Message.ToString()}");
                    cm.LogMessage($"Source: {e.Source.ToString()}");
                    cm.LogMessage($"Stack Trace: {e.StackTrace.ToString()}");
                    if (e.Message.ToString().Contains("SSL"))
                        throw new System.Exception("SSL Error", e);
                        failedLogging.Add($"{excelAgent.agentName} - {excelAgent.Queue}");
            updatesFailed = numFailed;
            cm.LogMessage("----------------------------------- END OF PROCESS REPORT ------------------------------------");
            EndConsoleLog(excelData.excelAgents.Count, numFailed, totalTime);
            reportingMessage  = $"------------- WFM Queue Update has completed -------------";
            reportingMessage += $"\n|\t>Agents Processed: {numAgentsProcessed.ToString()}/{excelData.excelAgents.Count.ToString()} (Total Elapsed Time: {totalTime.ToString()}ms)";
            reportingMessage += $"\n|\t>Successfully updated: {(numAgentsProcessed - numFailed).ToString()}.";
            reportingMessage += $"\n|\t>Failed to Update: {numFailed.ToString()}.";
            reportingMessage += $"\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";