Exemplo n.º 1
        static GlyphImage ReadGlyphImages(string filename)
            PixelFarm.CpuBlit.ActualBitmap bmp = StorageService.Provider.ReadPngBitmap(filename);
            GlyphImage img = new GlyphImage(bmp.Width, bmp.Height);

            int[] buffer = new int[bmp.Width * bmp.Height];
                PixelFarm.CpuBlit.Imaging.TempMemPtr tmp = PixelFarm.CpuBlit.ActualBitmap.GetBufferPtr(bmp);
                System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(tmp.Ptr, buffer, 0, bmp.Width * bmp.Height);
                img.SetImageBuffer(buffer, true);
Exemplo n.º 2
 static GlyphImage ReadGlyphImages(System.IO.Stream stream)
     using (PixelFarm.CpuBlit.MemBitmap bmp = PixelFarm.CpuBlit.MemBitmap.LoadBitmap(stream))
         GlyphImage img    = new GlyphImage(bmp.Width, bmp.Height);
         int[]      buffer = new int[bmp.Width * bmp.Height];
             PixelFarm.CpuBlit.Imaging.TempMemPtr tmp = PixelFarm.CpuBlit.MemBitmap.GetBufferPtr(bmp);
             System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(tmp.Ptr, buffer, 0, bmp.Width * bmp.Height);
             img.SetImageBuffer(buffer, true);
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// test only, shapen org image with Paint.net sharpen filter
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="org"></param>
        /// <param name="radius"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        static GlyphImage Sharpen(GlyphImage org, int radius)
            GlyphImage newImg = new GlyphImage(org.Width, org.Height);

            PixelFarm.CpuBlit.Imaging.ShapenFilterPdn sharpen1 = new PixelFarm.CpuBlit.Imaging.ShapenFilterPdn();
            int[] orgBuffer = org.GetImageBuffer();
                fixed(int *orgHeader = &orgBuffer[0])
                    int[] output = sharpen1.Sharpen(orgHeader, org.Width, org.Height, org.Width * 4, radius);
                    newImg.SetImageBuffer(output, org.IsBigEndian);

Exemplo n.º 4
        public static GlyphImage CreateMsdfImage(Msdfgen.Shape shape)
            double left, bottom, right, top;

            shape.findBounds(out left, out bottom, out right, out top);
            int w = (int)Math.Ceiling((right - left));
            int h = (int)Math.Ceiling((top - bottom));

            if (w < 5)
                w = 5;
            if (h < 5)
                h = 5;

            int borderW   = (int)((float)w / 5f);
            var translate = new Msdfgen.Vector2(left < 0 ? -left + borderW : borderW, bottom < 0 ? -bottom + borderW : borderW);

            w += borderW * 2; //borders,left- right
            h += borderW * 2; //borders, top- bottom

            Msdfgen.FloatRGBBmp frgbBmp = new Msdfgen.FloatRGBBmp(w, h);
            Msdfgen.EdgeColoring.edgeColoringSimple(shape, 3);

                                               new Msdfgen.Vector2(1, 1), //scale
                                               translate,                 //translate to positive quadrant
            int[] buffer = Msdfgen.MsdfGenerator.ConvertToIntBmp(frgbBmp);

            GlyphImage img = new GlyphImage(w, h);

            img.TextureOffsetX = translate.x;
            img.TextureOffsetY = translate.y;
            img.SetImageBuffer(buffer, false);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public GlyphImage BuildSingleImage()
            //1. add to list
            var glyphList = new List <CacheGlyph>(glyphs.Count);

            foreach (CacheGlyph glyphImg in glyphs.Values)
                //sort data

            int totalMaxLim  = MaxAtlasWidth;
            int maxRowHeight = 0;
            int currentY     = 0;
            int currentX     = 0;

            if (CompactGlyphSpace)
                //2. sort by glyph width
                glyphList.Sort((a, b) =>
                //3. layout
                for (int i = glyphList.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                    CacheGlyph g = glyphList[i];
                    if (g.img.Height > maxRowHeight)
                        maxRowHeight = g.img.Height;
                    if (currentX + g.img.Width > totalMaxLim)
                        //start new row
                        currentY += maxRowHeight;
                        currentX  = 0;
                    g.area    = new Rectangle(currentX, currentY, g.img.Width, g.img.Height);
                    currentX += g.img.Width;
            {    //3. layout
                int glyphCount = glyphList.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < glyphCount; ++i)
                    CacheGlyph g = glyphList[i];
                    if (g.img.Height > maxRowHeight)
                        maxRowHeight = g.img.Height;
                    if (currentX + g.img.Width > totalMaxLim)
                        //start new row
                        currentY += maxRowHeight;
                        currentX  = 0;
                    g.area    = new Rectangle(currentX, currentY, g.img.Width, g.img.Height);
                    currentX += g.img.Width;

            currentY += maxRowHeight;
            int imgH = currentY;
            // -------------------------------
            //compact image location
            // TODO: review performance here again***

            int totalImgWidth = totalMaxLim;

            if (CompactGlyphSpace)
                totalImgWidth = 0;//reset
                BinPacker binPacker = new BinPacker(totalMaxLim, currentY);
                for (int i = glyphList.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                    CacheGlyph  g       = glyphList[i];
                    BinPackRect newRect = binPacker.Insert(g.img.Width, g.img.Height);
                    g.area = new Rectangle(newRect.X, newRect.Y,
                                           g.img.Width, g.img.Height);

                    //recalculate proper max midth again, after arrange and compact space
                    if (newRect.Right > totalImgWidth)
                        totalImgWidth = newRect.Right;

            // -------------------------------
            //4. create array that can hold data
            int[] totalBuffer = new int[totalImgWidth * imgH];
            if (CompactGlyphSpace)
                for (int i = glyphList.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                    CacheGlyph g = glyphList[i];
                    //copy data to totalBuffer
                    GlyphImage img = g.img;
                    CopyToDest(img.GetImageBuffer(), img.Width, img.Height, totalBuffer, g.area.Left, g.area.Top, totalImgWidth);
                int glyphCount = glyphList.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < glyphCount; ++i)
                    CacheGlyph g = glyphList[i];
                    //copy data to totalBuffer
                    GlyphImage img = g.img;
                    CopyToDest(img.GetImageBuffer(), img.Width, img.Height, totalBuffer, g.area.Left, g.area.Top, totalImgWidth);

            GlyphImage glyphImage = new GlyphImage(totalImgWidth, imgH);

            glyphImage.SetImageBuffer(totalBuffer, true);
            latestGenGlyphImage = glyphImage;
Exemplo n.º 6
        public static GlyphImage CreateMsdfImage(Msdfgen.Shape shape, MsdfGenParams genParams)
            double left, bottom, right, top;

            shape.findBounds(out left, out bottom, out right, out top);
            int w = (int)Math.Ceiling((right - left));
            int h = (int)Math.Ceiling((top - bottom));

            if (w < genParams.minImgWidth)
                w = genParams.minImgWidth;
            if (h < genParams.minImgHeight)
                h = genParams.minImgHeight;

            //temp, for debug with glyph 'I', tahoma font
            //double edgeThreshold = 1.00000001;//default, if edgeThreshold < 0 then  set  edgeThreshold=1
            //Msdfgen.Vector2 scale = new Msdfgen.Vector2(0.98714652956298199, 0.98714652956298199);
            //double pxRange = 4;
            //translate = new Msdfgen.Vector2(12.552083333333332, 4.0520833333333330);
            //double range = pxRange / Math.Min(scale.x, scale.y);

            int borderW   = (int)((float)w / 5f);
            var translate = new Msdfgen.Vector2(left < 0 ? -left + borderW : borderW, bottom < 0 ? -bottom + borderW : borderW);

            w += borderW * 2; //borders,left- right
            h += borderW * 2; //borders, top- bottom

            double edgeThreshold = genParams.edgeThreshold;

            if (edgeThreshold < 0)
                edgeThreshold = 1.00000001; //use default if  edgeThreshold <0

            var    scale = new Msdfgen.Vector2(genParams.scaleX, genParams.scaleY); //scale
            double range = genParams.pxRange / Math.Min(scale.x, scale.y);

            Msdfgen.FloatRGBBmp frgbBmp = new Msdfgen.FloatRGBBmp(w, h);
            Msdfgen.EdgeColoring.edgeColoringSimple(shape, genParams.angleThreshold);
                                               translate,//translate to positive quadrant
            int[] buffer = Msdfgen.MsdfGenerator.ConvertToIntBmp(frgbBmp);

            GlyphImage img = new GlyphImage(w, h);

            img.TextureOffsetX = (short)translate.x;
            img.TextureOffsetY = (short)translate.y;
            img.SetImageBuffer(buffer, false);
        public GlyphImage BuildSingleImage()
            //1. add to list
            var glyphList = new List <CacheGlyph>(glyphs.Count);

            foreach (CacheGlyph glyphImg in glyphs.Values)
                //sort data
            //2. sort
            glyphList.Sort((a, b) =>
            //3. layout

            int totalMaxLim  = 800;
            int maxRowHeight = 0;
            int currentY     = 0;
            int currentX     = 0;

            for (int i = glyphList.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                CacheGlyph g = glyphList[i];
                if (g.img.Height > maxRowHeight)
                    maxRowHeight = g.img.Height;
                if (currentX + g.img.Width > totalMaxLim)
                    //start new row
                    currentY += maxRowHeight;
                    currentX  = 0;
                g.area    = new Rectangle(currentX, currentY, g.img.Width, g.img.Height);
                currentX += g.img.Width;
            currentY += maxRowHeight;
            int imgH = currentY;
            //compact image location
            //TODO: review performance here again***
            BinPacker binPacker = new BinPacker(totalMaxLim, currentY);

            for (int i = glyphList.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                CacheGlyph  g       = glyphList[i];
                BinPackRect newRect = binPacker.Insert(g.img.Width, g.img.Height);
                g.area = new Rectangle(newRect.X, newRect.Y,
                                       g.img.Width, g.img.Height);

            //4. create array that can hold data
            int[] totalBuffer = new int[totalMaxLim * imgH];
            for (int i = glyphList.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                CacheGlyph g = glyphList[i];
                //copy data to totalBuffer
                GlyphImage img = g.img;
                CopyToDest(img.GetImageBuffer(), img.Width, img.Height, totalBuffer, g.area.Left, g.area.Top, totalMaxLim);

            GlyphImage glyphImage = new GlyphImage(totalMaxLim, imgH);

            glyphImage.SetImageBuffer(totalBuffer, true);
            latestGenGlyphImage = glyphImage;
Exemplo n.º 8
        public GlyphImage BuildSingleImage()
            //1. add to list
            var glyphList = new List <CacheGlyph>(_glyphs.Count);

            foreach (CacheGlyph glyphImg in _glyphs.Values)
                //sort data

            int totalMaxLim  = MaxAtlasWidth;
            int maxRowHeight = 0;
            int currentY     = 0;
            int currentX     = 0;

            switch (this.SpaceCompactOption)
                throw new System.NotSupportedException();

            case CompactOption.BinPack:
                //2. sort by glyph width
                glyphList.Sort((a, b) =>
                //3. layout
                for (int i = glyphList.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                    CacheGlyph g = glyphList[i];
                    if (g.img.Height > maxRowHeight)
                        maxRowHeight = g.img.Height;
                    if (currentX + g.img.Width > totalMaxLim)
                        //start new row
                        currentY += maxRowHeight;
                        currentX  = 0;
                    g.area    = new Rectangle(currentX, currentY, g.img.Width, g.img.Height);
                    currentX += g.img.Width;

            case CompactOption.ArrangeByHeight:
                //2. sort by height
                glyphList.Sort((a, b) =>
                //3. layout
                int glyphCount = glyphList.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < glyphCount; ++i)
                    CacheGlyph g = glyphList[i];
                    if (g.img.Height > maxRowHeight)
                        maxRowHeight = g.img.Height;
                    if (currentX + g.img.Width > totalMaxLim)
                        //start new row
                        currentY    += maxRowHeight;
                        currentX     = 0;
                        maxRowHeight = g.img.Height;        //reset, after start new row
                    g.area    = new Rectangle(currentX, currentY, g.img.Width, g.img.Height);
                    currentX += g.img.Width;

            case CompactOption.None:
                //3. layout
                int glyphCount = glyphList.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < glyphCount; ++i)
                    CacheGlyph g = glyphList[i];
                    if (g.img.Height > maxRowHeight)
                        maxRowHeight = g.img.Height;
                    if (currentX + g.img.Width > totalMaxLim)
                        //start new row
                        currentY    += maxRowHeight;
                        currentX     = 0;
                        maxRowHeight = g.img.Height;        //reset, after start new row
                    g.area    = new Rectangle(currentX, currentY, g.img.Width, g.img.Height);
                    currentX += g.img.Width;

            currentY += maxRowHeight;
            int imgH = currentY;
            // -------------------------------
            //compact image location
            // TODO: review performance here again***

            int totalImgWidth = totalMaxLim;

            if (SpaceCompactOption == CompactOption.BinPack) //again here?
                totalImgWidth = 0;                           //reset
                //use bin packer
                BinPacker binPacker = new BinPacker(totalMaxLim, currentY);
                for (int i = glyphList.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                    CacheGlyph  g       = glyphList[i];
                    BinPackRect newRect = binPacker.Insert(g.img.Width, g.img.Height);
                    g.area = new Rectangle(newRect.X, newRect.Y,
                                           g.img.Width, g.img.Height);

                    //recalculate proper max midth again, after arrange and compact space
                    if (newRect.Right > totalImgWidth)
                        totalImgWidth = newRect.Right;
            // -------------------------------
            //4. create array that can hold data
            int[] totalBuffer = new int[totalImgWidth * imgH];
            if (SpaceCompactOption == CompactOption.BinPack) //again here?
                for (int i = glyphList.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                    CacheGlyph g = glyphList[i];
                    //copy data to totalBuffer
                    GlyphImage img = g.img;
                    CopyToDest(img.GetImageBuffer(), img.Width, img.Height, totalBuffer, g.area.Left, g.area.Top, totalImgWidth);
                int glyphCount = glyphList.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < glyphCount; ++i)
                    CacheGlyph g = glyphList[i];
                    //copy data to totalBuffer
                    GlyphImage img = g.img;
                    CopyToDest(img.GetImageBuffer(), img.Width, img.Height, totalBuffer, g.area.Left, g.area.Top, totalImgWidth);

            //new total glyph img
            GlyphImage glyphImage = new GlyphImage(totalImgWidth, imgH);

            //flip vertical Y
                int[] totalBufferFlipY = new int[totalBuffer.Length];
                int   srcRowIndex      = imgH - 1;
                int   strideInBytes    = totalImgWidth * 4;
                for (int i = 0; i < imgH; ++i)
                    //copy each row from src to dst
                    System.Buffer.BlockCopy(totalBuffer, strideInBytes * srcRowIndex, totalBufferFlipY, strideInBytes * i, strideInBytes);
                totalBuffer = totalBufferFlipY;
            glyphImage.SetImageBuffer(totalBuffer, true);
            _latestGenGlyphImage = glyphImage;
Exemplo n.º 9
        public GlyphImage CreateGlyphImage(GlyphPathBuilder builder, float pxscale)
            //1. create

            var txToVxs = new GlyphTranslatorToVxs();

            //create new one
            var glyphVxs = new VertexStore();

            txToVxs.WriteOutput(glyphVxs, pxscale);
            //find bound
            //GlyphImage glyphImg = new GlyphImage()
            RectD bounds = new RectD();

            BoundingRect.GetBoundingRect(new VertexStoreSnap(glyphVxs), ref bounds);

            int w = (int)System.Math.Ceiling(bounds.Width);
            int h = (int)System.Math.Ceiling(bounds.Height);

            if (w < 5)
                w = 5;
            if (h < 5)
                h = 5;
            ////translate to positive quadrant
            double dx = (bounds.Left < 0) ? -bounds.Left : 0;
            double dy = (bounds.Bottom < 0) ? -bounds.Bottom : 0;

            //we need some borders
            int horizontal_margin = 1; //'margin' 1px
            int vertical_margin   = 1; //margin 1 px

            dx += horizontal_margin;   //+ left margin
            dy += vertical_margin;     //+ top margin
                                       //create glyph img

            w = (int)Math.Ceiling(dx + w + horizontal_margin); //+right margin
            h = (int)Math.Ceiling(dy + h + vertical_margin);   //+bottom margin

            ActualImage      img     = new ActualImage(w, h, PixelFormat.ARGB32);
            AggRenderSurface aggsx   = new AggRenderSurface(img);
            AggPainter       painter = new AggPainter(aggsx);

            if (TextureKind == TextureKind.StencilLcdEffect)
                VertexStore vxs2 = new VertexStore();
                glyphVxs.TranslateToNewVxs(dx + 0.33f, dy, vxs2); //offset to proper x of subpixel rendering  ***
                glyphVxs = vxs2;
                painter.UseSubPixelLcdEffect = true;

                //we use white glyph on black bg for this texture
                painter.FillColor = Color.White;

                //apply sharpen filter
                //painter.DoFilter(new RectInt(0, h, w, 0), 2);
                //painter.DoFilter(new RectInt(0, h, w, 0), 2); //?
                VertexStore vxs2 = new VertexStore();
                glyphVxs.TranslateToNewVxs(dx, dy, vxs2);
                glyphVxs = vxs2;

                painter.UseSubPixelLcdEffect = false;

                if (TextureKind == TextureKind.StencilGreyScale)
                    painter.FillColor = Color.Black;
                    painter.FillColor = this.GlyphColor;
            var glyphImage = new GlyphImage(w, h);

            glyphImage.TextureOffsetX = dx;
            glyphImage.TextureOffsetY = dy;
            glyphImage.SetImageBuffer(ActualImageExtensions.CopyImgBuffer(img, w), false);
            //copy data from agg canvas to glyph image