Exemplo n.º 1
        public void RunAllSearches()
            var appinfo = _twitterAppLogic.GetItem(1);
            if (appinfo.RateLimitRemaining < 10)
                //wait 65 seconds so that hopefully everything is all reset and happy and such as

            foreach (var search in _searchLogic.GetItems(SearchDependencies.Logs))
                //search tweets
                var results = _twitterSearchRepository.Search(search.ToQuery(), search.ResultType, search.LastLog == null ? 0 : search.LastLog.LastTweetId, appinfo);

                //add a record to the history log
                var lastlog = new SearchHistoryLog() { LastTweetId = results.LastId, SearchDate = DateTime.UtcNow, SearchId = search.SearchId, TweetCount = results.SearchResult.Statuses.Count() };

                //update app info with last rate limit status
                appinfo.LastAccessedDTM = DateTime.UtcNow;
                appinfo.RateLimitRemaining = results.RateLimitStatus.HourlyLimit = results.RateLimitStatus.RemainingHits;

                //map tweets to domain model
                var tweets = Mapper.Map<List<TwitterStatus>, List<Tweet>>(results.SearchResult.Statuses.ToList());

                //persist tweets to database
                _tweetsLogic.PersistTweets(tweets, search.SearchId);
Exemplo n.º 2
 public int Insert(SearchHistoryLog entity)
     using (_connection = Utilities.Database.GetProfiledOpenConnection())
         const string query = "INSERT INTO SearchHistoryLogs (SearchId, SearchDate, LastTweetId, TweetCount) VALUES (@SearchId, @SearchDate, @LastTweetId,@TweetCount)";
         return _connection.Execute(query, entity);