Exemplo n.º 1
        public TwitchIrcMessage(string message)
            //Parse a raw twitch message into a the seperate parts I care about.

            var messageMatch = Regex.Match(message, _messageRegex);

            if (!messageMatch.Success)
                throw new ArgumentException("Not a valid IRCv3 with tags message.");

            //Simple assignments.
            UserMask = messageMatch.Groups[2].ToString();
            UserName = messageMatch.Groups[3].ToString();
            Channel  = messageMatch.Groups[4].ToString();
            Message  = messageMatch.Groups[5].ToString();

            Tags = TwitchRawEventHandlers.ParseTagsFromString(message);

            //Parse the Tags for emotes
            //I'm being lazy on int.parse security so i'm throwing in a
            //catchall Exception
            catch (Exception)
                HasEmotes = false;

            BadgeList = BadgesinTags(Tags);
            HasBadges = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(BadgeList);
Exemplo n.º 2
        /* Twitch uses many messages that are not technically part of the IRC
         *  protocol. A few Examples:
         * USERNOTICE to notify about (re)-subs
         * CLEARCHAT to timeout/ban people
         * USERSTATE to inform about users states
         * ROOMSTATE to inform about channel states
         * WHISPER for bot private messages
         * Because AdirIRC doesn't recongize those as real irc messages
         *  we're goign to handle that very low level instead of
         *  higher up in events like ChannelNormalMessage.
         * We'll then either rewrite those messages into things AdiIRC does
         *  understand using SendFakeRaw or take other actions
         *  and finally Eat the original Raw Event.
        private void OnStringDataReceived(StringDataReceivedArgs argument)
            //Check if this event was fired on twitch, if not this plugin should
            //never touch it so fires an early return.
            if (!IsTwitchServer(argument.Server))

            //We'll need these later, frequently.
            var server     = argument.Server;
            var rawMessage = argument.Data;
            var tags       = TwitchRawEventHandlers.ParseTagsFromString(rawMessage);

            //Regexes are fairly expensive so we do an initial check with .Contains.
            //Only after that do we dispatch to a specific handler for that kind of Message

            //NOTICE is a normal irc message but due to how twitch sends them
            //they don't arrive in the channel windows, but in the server.
            if (rawMessage.Contains("NOTICE"))
                //Returns True if it succesfully handled a NOTICE message
                if (TwitchRawEventHandlers.Notice(server, rawMessage))
                    //By setting the Data of the event to null AdiIRC will no longer parse this Message further.
                    argument.Data = null;

            //CLEARCHAT is a message used by twitch to Timeout/Ban people, and clear their
            //Text lines, We won't clear the text but will display the ban information
            if (rawMessage.Contains("CLEARCHAT"))
                //Returns True if it succesfully handled a Clearchat
                if (TwitchRawEventHandlers.ClearChat(server, rawMessage, _settings.ShowTimeouts, tags))
                    //By setting the Data of the event to null AdiIRC will no longer parse this Message further.
                    argument.Data = null;

            //USERNOTICE is a message used by twitch to inform about (Re-)Subscriptions
            if (rawMessage.Contains("USERNOTICE"))
                //Returns True if it succesfully handled a Clearchat
                if (TwitchRawEventHandlers.Usernotice(server, rawMessage, _settings.ShowSubs, tags))
                    //By setting the Data of the event to null AdiIRC will no longer parse this Message further.
                    argument.Data = null;

            //WHISPER is a message used by twitch to handle private messsages between users ( and bots )
            //But its not a normal IRC message type, so they have to be rewritten into PRIVMSG's
            if (rawMessage.Contains("WHISPER"))
                //Returns True if it succesfully handled a WHISPER
                if (TwitchRawEventHandlers.WhisperReceived(server, rawMessage))
                    //By setting the Data of the event to null AdiIRC will no longer parse this Message further.
                    argument.Data = null;

            //PRIVMSG is how irc handles normal text messsasges between users and to channels
            //We need to hook into these to add unicode icon badges to usernames
            if (rawMessage.Contains("PRIVMSG"))
                //Check if we should show badges before doing work.
                if (!_settings.ShowBadges && !_settings.ShowFollowLong)

                //Parse message into a TwitchMessage
                var twitchMessage = new TwitchIrcMessage(rawMessage);
                twitchMessage.DisplayFollowLong = _settings.ShowFollowLong;

                //Check if there are badges or user has custom displayName, if so, insert them into event.
                if (twitchMessage.NeedtoEditMessage)
                    var newName = twitchMessage.BadgeList + twitchMessage.UserDisplayName;
                    argument.Data = rawMessage.Replace($":{twitchMessage.UserName}!", $":{newName}!");
                    if (twitchMessage.UserDisplayName.Contains("||") && twitchMessage.Channel != "#leekcake")
                        server.SendFakeRaw(argument.Data.Replace(twitchMessage.Channel, "#leekcake") + " " + twitchMessage.Channel);
                    //argument.Data = rawMessage.Replace(twitchMessage.RawMessage, twitchMessage.Message);

            //Final filter on some message types Twitch@AdiIRC does not need to handle but that are not proper IRC messages.
            if (rawMessage.Contains("ROOMSTATE") || rawMessage.Contains("USERSTATE") || rawMessage.Contains("HOSTTARGET") || rawMessage.Contains("GLOBALUSERSTATE"))
                //Silently eat these messages and do nothing. They only cause empty * lines to appear in the server tab and Twitch@AdiIRC does not use them
                argument.Data = null;