/// <summary>
        /// Copy Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="s">Object being copied</param>
        public StellarSystem(StellarSystem s)
            //copy basic details
            this.location = new PlotPoint(s.location);
            this.name = name;
            this.catName = catName;

            //copy lists
            s.ourPlanets.ForEach((item) =>
                this.ourPlanets.Add(new Planet(item));

            //copy lists
            s.stellarMembers.ForEach((item) =>
                this.stellarMembers.Add(new AstronomicalObject(item));

            this.systemHistory = new StellarHistoryLogger(s.systemHistory);
 /// <summary>
 /// This function updates the listing when passed a stellar system that has changed
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="s"></param>
 public void refreshInfo(StellarSystem s)
     foreach (SystemView sv in ourSystems)
         if (sv.catalog == s.catName)
             sv.name = s.name;
             sv.sectorCoords = s.location.ToString(); //.sumString();
             sv.stellarDetails = "[Pending]"; // s.getDescStars();
             sv.numOfPlanets = s.getNumPlanets();
             sv.hasHabitablePlanets = s.isHabitable();
Exemplo n.º 3
 /// <summary>
 /// This function updates the system with the new details. 
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="catName">Category name of the system</param>
 /// <param name="s">The new stellar details</param>
 public void updateStellarSystem(string catName, StellarSystem s)
     for (int i = 0; i < this.ourSystem.Count; i++)
         if (this.ourSystem[i].catName == catName)
             this.ourSystem[i] = new StellarSystem(s);
        /// <summary>
        /// This populates the screen with the details from the system
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="s">The stellar system</param>
        /// <param name="prSettings">The program settings</param>
        /// <param name="update">The function we call to update info</param>
        public void popDetails(StellarSystem s, AetherumSettings prSettings, AetherExp.updateInfoDisplay update)
            this.updater = update;
            this.system = s;

            //propagate the info
            txtStellar.Text = system.name;
            txtCatalog.Text = system.catName;
            double lyR = prSettings.getLightYearResolution();
            txtLocation.Text = String.Format("{0:f1}, {1:f1}, {2:f1})", (system.location.getCoordX() / lyR), (system.location.getCoordY() / lyR), (system.location.getCoordZ() / lyR));
            //txtLocation.Text = system.location.descString(prSettings.getLightYearResolution());

            if (s.ourStars.Count > 1)
                lblDist.Text = "Distance of stars from primary: ";
                double[] distances = s.getDistArray();

                for (int i = 1; i < distances.Length; i++)
                    lblDist.Text = lblDist.Text + "(" + (i + 1) + ") " + distances[i] + " AU ";

                lblDist.Visible = false;

            //Hide controls we don't need to see.
            if (s.ourStars.Count < 4)
                pnlObjectD.Visible = false;

            if (s.ourStars.Count < 3)
                pnlObjectC.Visible = false;
                lblObj3Age.Visible = false;
                lblObj3Bright.Visible = false;
                lblObj3Mass.Visible = false;
                lblObj3Name.Visible = false;
                lblObj3Type.Visible = false;
                lblObj3FlareStar.Visible = false;

            if (s.ourStars.Count < 2)
                pnlObjectB.Visible = false;
                lblObj2Age.Visible = false;
                lblObj2Bright.Visible = false;
                lblObj2Mass.Visible = false;
                lblObj2Name.Visible = false;
                lblObj2Type.Visible = false;
                lblObj2FlareStar.Visible = false;

            //go through the solar objects.
            for (int i = 0; i < s.ourStars.Count; i++)
                StellarObject ourStar = s.ourStars[i].getStellarObject();
                PictureBox picObj = null;

                //set image
                if (i == 0) picObj = picObjA;
                else if (i == 1) picObj = picObjB;
                else if (i == 2) picObj = picObjC;
                else picObj = picObjD;

                if (ourStar.stellarType == SOOpCode.Anomaly)
                    picObj.Image = TwilightShards.AetherumExplorer.Properties.Resources.anamoly;
                else if (ourStar.stellarType == SOOpCode.NebulaPlanetaryDense)
                    picObj.Image = TwilightShards.AetherumExplorer.Properties.Resources.planetaryNebula;
                else if (ourStar.stellarType == SOOpCode.StarG0V || ourStar.stellarType == SOOpCode.StarG5V)
                    picObj.Image = TwilightShards.AetherumExplorer.Properties.Resources.typeGstar;
                else if (ourStar.stellarType == SOOpCode.StarA5V || ourStar.stellarType == SOOpCode.StarA0V)
                    picObj.Image = TwilightShards.AetherumExplorer.Properties.Resources.typeAstar;
                else if (ourStar.stellarType == SOOpCode.StarK5V || ourStar.stellarType == SOOpCode.StarK0V)
                    picObj.Image = TwilightShards.AetherumExplorer.Properties.Resources.typeKstar;
                else if (ourStar.stellarType == SOOpCode.StarM5V || ourStar.stellarType == SOOpCode.StarM0V)
                    picObj.Image = TwilightShards.AetherumExplorer.Properties.Resources.typeMstar;
                else if (ourStar.stellarType == SOOpCode.StarF5V || ourStar.stellarType == SOOpCode.StarF0V)
                    picObj.Image = TwilightShards.AetherumExplorer.Properties.Resources.typeFstar;
                else if (ourStar.stellarType == SOOpCode.ProtoStar)
                    picObj.Image = TwilightShards.AetherumExplorer.Properties.Resources.protostar;
                else if (ourStar.stellarType == SOOpCode.Pulsar)
                    picObj.Image = TwilightShards.AetherumExplorer.Properties.Resources.neutronStar;
                else if (ourStar.stellarType == SOOpCode.BlackHole)
                    picObj.Image = TwilightShards.AetherumExplorer.Properties.Resources.blackhole;
                else if (ourStar.stellarType == SOOpCode.NebulaPlanetaryDense)
                    picObj.Image = TwilightShards.AetherumExplorer.Properties.Resources.planetaryNebula;
                else if (ourStar.stellarType == SOOpCode.NebulaInterstellar)
                    picObj.Image = TwilightShards.AetherumExplorer.Properties.Resources.intestellarNebula;
                else if (ourStar.stellarType == SOOpCode.StarRedGiant)
                    picObj.Image = TwilightShards.AetherumExplorer.Properties.Resources.redgiant;
                else if (ourStar.stellarType == SOOpCode.WhiteDwarf)
                    picObj.Image = TwilightShards.AetherumExplorer.Properties.Resources.whiteDwarf;
                else if (ourStar.stellarType == SOOpCode.TypeOGiant || ourStar.stellarType == SOOpCode.TypeBGiant || ourStar.stellarType == SOOpCode.TypeAGiant)
                    picObj.Image = TwilightShards.AetherumExplorer.Properties.Resources.Blue_Giant;

                //image set. Now let's display info. For now, we're just going to be displaying info.
                if (i == 0)
                    lblObj1Age.Text = "Age: " + AetherumExplorer.formatAge(ourStar.age);
                    lblObj1Bright.Text = "Brightness: " + ourStar.brightness + " solar brightness";
                    lblObj1Mass.Text = "Mass: " + ourStar.stellarMass + " solar masses";
                    lblObj1Name.Text = "Object Name: " + ourStar.stellarName;
                    lblObj1Type.Text = "Object Type: " + ourStar.stellarType;
                    if (ourStar.isFlareStar)
                        lblObjAFlareStar.Text = "Flare Star: Yes";
                        lblObjAFlareStar.Visible = false;

                if (i == 1)
                    lblObj2Age.Text = "Age: " + AetherumExplorer.formatAge(ourStar.age);
                    lblObj2Bright.Text = "Brightness: " + ourStar.brightness + " solar brightness";
                    lblObj2Mass.Text = "Mass: " + ourStar.stellarMass + " solar masses";
                    lblObj2Name.Text = "Object Name: " + ourStar.stellarName;
                    lblObj2Type.Text = "Object Type: " + ourStar.stellarType;
                    if (ourStar.isFlareStar)
                        lblObj2FlareStar.Text = "Flare Star: Yes";
                        lblObj2FlareStar.Visible = false;

                if (i == 2)
                    lblObj3Age.Text = "Age: " + AetherumExplorer.formatAge(ourStar.age);
                    lblObj3Bright.Text = "Brightness: " + ourStar.brightness + " solar brightness";
                    lblObj3Mass.Text = "Mass: " + ourStar.stellarMass + " solar masses";
                    lblObj3Name.Text = "Object Name: " + ourStar.stellarName;
                    lblObj3Type.Text = "Object Type: " + ourStar.stellarType;
                    if (ourStar.isFlareStar)
                        lblObj3FlareStar.Text = "Flare Star: Yes";
                        lblObj3FlareStar.Visible = false;

                if (i == 3)
                    lblObj4Age.Text = "Age: " + AetherumExplorer.formatAge(ourStar.age);
                    lblObj4Bright.Text = "Brightness: " + ourStar.brightness + " solar brightness";
                    lblObj4Mass.Text = "Mass: " + ourStar.stellarMass + " solar masses";
                    lblObj4Name.Text = "Object Name: " + ourStar.stellarName;
                    lblObj4Type.Text = "Object Type: " + ourStar.stellarType;
                    if (ourStar.isFlareStar)
                        lblObj4FlareStar.Text = "Flare Star: Yes";
                        lblObj4FlareStar.Visible = false;


            private void populatePlanetaryInfo(StellarSystem s)
            foreach (Planet p in s.ourPlanets)
                string parName = p.parentPtr.stellarName + " (" + starLayout.renderOrder(s.returnStarOrder(p.parentPtr)) + ")";
                planetInfo.Add(new PlanetView(p.parentPtr.stellarName, p.planetName, p.orbitalRadius, p.locCode));
            dgvPlanetaryInfo.AutoGenerateColumns = false; // do not auto generate.

            //specify columns
            var parNameColumn = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
            var plaNameColumn = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
            var orbRadiColumn = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
            var locCodeColumn = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();

            parNameColumn.HeaderText = "Parent Star";
            plaNameColumn.HeaderText = "Planet Name";
            orbRadiColumn.HeaderText = "Orbital Radius";
            locCodeColumn.HeaderText = "Orbital Zone";

            parNameColumn.DataPropertyName = "stellarName";
            plaNameColumn.DataPropertyName = "planetName";
            orbRadiColumn.DataPropertyName = "orbitalDistance";
            locCodeColumn.DataPropertyName = "planetZone";

            parNameColumn.Width = 250;
            parNameColumn.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.None;
            plaNameColumn.Width = 250;
            plaNameColumn.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.None;


            dgvPlanetaryInfo.DataSource = planetInfo;