Exemplo n.º 1
        public static ITweakable MakeTweakable(TweakableAttribute attribute, Type type, MemberInfo memberInfo, IBoundInstance instance, MemberInfo containerMemberInfo = null)
            Type                  type2       = typeof(TweakableInfo <>).MakeGenericType(type);
            uint                  num         = instance?.UniqueId ?? 0;
            MemberInfo            memberInfo2 = ((containerMemberInfo != null) ? containerMemberInfo : memberInfo);
            TweakerRangeAttribute attribute2  = memberInfo2.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(TweakerRangeAttribute), inherit: false).FirstOrDefault() as TweakerRangeAttribute;
            StepSizeAttribute     attribute3  = memberInfo2.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(StepSizeAttribute), inherit: false).FirstOrDefault() as StepSizeAttribute;

            NamedToggleValueAttribute[] source = memberInfo2.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(NamedToggleValueAttribute), inherit: false) as NamedToggleValueAttribute[];
            ICustomTweakerAttribute[]   array  = memberInfo2.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ICustomTweakerAttribute), inherit: true) as ICustomTweakerAttribute[];
            source = source.OrderBy((NamedToggleValueAttribute toggle) => toggle.Order).ToArray();
            object        obj           = MakeTweakableRange(type, attribute2);
            object        obj2          = MakeTweakableStepSize(type, attribute3, attribute.Name);
            Array         array2        = MakeTweakableToggleValues(type, source);
            WeakReference weakReference = null;

            if (instance != null)
                weakReference = new WeakReference(instance.Instance);
            string finalName = GetFinalName(attribute.Name, instance);
            object obj3      = Activator.CreateInstance(type2, finalName, obj, obj2, array2, num, array, attribute.Description);
            Type   type3     = typeof(BaseTweakable <>).MakeGenericType(type);

            return(Activator.CreateInstance(type3, obj3, memberInfo, weakReference) as ITweakable);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static ITweakable MakeTweakable(Type tweakableType, string name, string description, Attribute[] attributes, out object virtualFieldRef)
            TweakerRangeAttribute            attribute  = null;
            StepSizeAttribute                attribute2 = null;
            List <NamedToggleValueAttribute> list       = new List <NamedToggleValueAttribute>();
            List <ICustomTweakerAttribute>   list2      = new List <ICustomTweakerAttribute>();

            if (attributes != null)
                foreach (Attribute attribute3 in attributes)
                    if (attribute3 is TweakerRangeAttribute)
                        attribute = (TweakerRangeAttribute)attribute3;
                    else if (attribute3 is StepSizeAttribute)
                        attribute2 = (StepSizeAttribute)attribute3;
                    else if (attribute3 is NamedToggleValueAttribute)
                    else if (attribute3 is ICustomTweakerAttribute)
            object     obj    = MakeTweakableRange(tweakableType, attribute);
            object     obj2   = MakeTweakableStepSize(tweakableType, attribute2, name);
            Array      array  = MakeTweakableToggleValues(tweakableType, list.ToArray());
            Type       type   = typeof(TweakableInfo <>).MakeGenericType(tweakableType);
            Type       type2  = typeof(VirtualField <>).MakeGenericType(tweakableType);
            Type       type3  = typeof(BaseTweakable <>).MakeGenericType(tweakableType);
            object     value  = Activator.CreateInstance(type, name, obj, obj2, array, 0u, list2.ToArray(), description);
            object     obj3   = Activator.CreateInstance(type2);
            ITweakable result = Activator.CreateInstance(type3, Convert.ChangeType(value, type), Convert.ChangeType(obj3, type2)) as ITweakable;

            virtualFieldRef = obj3;
Exemplo n.º 3
        private static object MakeTweakableStepSize(Type type, StepSizeAttribute attribute, string tweakableName)
            if (attribute == null)
            Type typeFromHandle = typeof(TweakableStepSize <>);

            typeFromHandle = typeFromHandle.MakeGenericType(type);
            object result = null;

            if (type.IsPrimitive)
                result = Activator.CreateInstance(typeFromHandle, attribute.Size);
                object obj = null;
                    obj = Activator.CreateInstance(type, attribute.Size);
                catch (MissingMethodException inner)
                    throw new StepTweakableInvalidException(tweakableName, "The type '" + type.FullName + "' must have a constructor that takes a single argument of type '" + attribute.Size.GetType().FullName + "'", inner);
                catch (MethodAccessException inner2)
                    throw new StepTweakableInvalidException(tweakableName, "The type '" + type.FullName + "' has the a constructor that takes a single argument of type '" + attribute.Size.GetType().FullName + " but it is not public.", inner2);
                if (obj != null)
                    result = Activator.CreateInstance(typeFromHandle, obj);