Exemplo n.º 1
        private NewVipUserInfo GetNewVipUserInfo(Guid userId)

            string            strSQL   = @"SELECT a.[Level], a.LevelName,b.TuanBiCoefficient FROM dbo.MUserVipInfo  a  with(nolock)
                                 left join MVipLevel b with(nolock) on b.Level=a.Level
                                 where UserId=@UserId ";
            DynamicParameters dyParams = new DynamicParameters();

            dyParams.Add("@UserId", userId);
            NewVipUserInfo vipUserInfo = PublicConn.QueryVipSingle <NewVipUserInfo>(strSQL, ref dyParams);

            if (vipUserInfo == null)
                vipUserInfo           = new NewVipUserInfo();
                vipUserInfo.Level     = 1;
                vipUserInfo.LevelName = "投资学徒";
Exemplo n.º 2
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var idStr = WEBRequest.GetString("projectid");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(idStr))
                projectId = Guid.Parse(idStr);

            InvestType = WEBRequest.GetString("investType");

            var payMoneyStr = WEBRequest.GetString("payMoney");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(payMoneyStr))
                PayMoney = decimal.Parse(payMoneyStr);

            ProfitMoney = WEBRequest.GetString("profitMoney");
            ProfitMoney = ProfitMoney.Replace("¥", "");
                if (ProfitMoney.ToText() != "" && !ProfitMoney.Contains("~"))
                    NewVipUserInfo UserVipModel = GetNewVipUserInfo(WebUserAuth.UserId.Value);
                    decimal        tuanBiXiShu  = 0;
                    if (UserVipModel != null)
                        tuanBiXiShu = UserVipModel.TuanBiCoefficient;
                    TuanBi = Math.Floor(tuanBiXiShu * decimal.Parse(ProfitMoney)).ToString();
                TuanBi = "0";

            IsWeFQB = false;

            if (InvestType == "project")
                #region 散标投资
                string sql = "select count(0) from Project with(nolock) where id=@id";
                Dapper.DynamicParameters para = new Dapper.DynamicParameters();
                para.Add("@id", projectId);
                var count = PublicConn.QuerySingle <int>(sql, ref para);
                if (count > 0)
                    FinishUrl = "/pages/invest/detail.aspx?id=" + projectId;
                    sql       = "SELECT top 1 s.Id FROM dbo.Project p WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN dbo.Subscribe s WITH(NOLOCK) ON p.Id = s.ProjectId WHERE p.Id=@id AND s.SubscribeUserId=@userid ORDER BY s.AddDate DESC";
                    para      = new Dapper.DynamicParameters();
                    para.Add("@id", projectId);
                    para.Add("@userid", WebUserAuth.UserId.Value);
                    var subscribeId = PublicConn.QuerySingleWrite <Guid>(sql, ref para);
                    InvestUrl =
                        "/Member/Repayment/my_return_details.aspx?SubscribeId=" + subscribeId + "&ProjectId=" + projectId + "&tab=Inprogress";
                    GoOnUrl = "/pages/invest/invest_list.aspx";

                    projectInfo = new ProjectBLL().GetProjectDetailInfo(projectId);
                    if (projectInfo.Type == 6 || projectInfo.Type == 19 || projectInfo.Type == 20 || projectInfo.Type == 21 || projectInfo.Type == 17)
                        TuanBi = TuanBi;
                        TuanBi = Math.Floor(decimal.Parse(TuanBi) / projectInfo.Deadline ?? 1).ToString();
                    FinishUrl = "/pages/invest/zqzr_detail.aspx?projectid=" + projectId;
                    sql       = "SELECT top 1 t.m_Title,s.Id FROM dbo.t_SubScribeTransfer t WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN dbo.Subscribe s WITH(NOLOCK) ON t.m_Id = s.TranId WHERE t.m_Id=@id AND s.SubscribeUserId=@userid  ORDER BY s.TranDate DESC";
                    para      = new Dapper.DynamicParameters();
                    para.Add("@id", projectId);
                    para.Add("@userid", WebUserAuth.UserId.Value);
                    var tModel = PublicConn.QuerySingleWrite <TranModel>(sql, ref para);
                    if (tModel != null)
                        InvestUrl =
                            "/Member/Repayment/my_debt_carry_detail.aspx?SubscribeId=" + tModel.Id + "&Title=" + tModel.m_Title + "&projectid=78ab9bb8-1b12-4574-9326-cbba119956d4&tab=Inprogress";
                        InvestUrl = "/Member/Repayment/my_return_list.aspx";
                    GoOnUrl = "/pages/invest/debt_list.aspx";

                    TuanBi = "0";
                #region We计划
                //product = new WeProductBLL().GetWeProductInfo(projectId);
                if (GlobalUtils.IsRedis && GlobalUtils.IsWePlanRedis)
                    string err         = string.Empty;
                    var    weRedisInfo = TuanDai.RedisApi.Client.WePlanRedis.GetWePlanRedisByProductIdJson(projectId,
                                                                                                           out err, TdConfig.ApplicationName);
                    if (weRedisInfo != null)
                        product = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <WeProductDetailInfo>(weRedisInfo);
                    if (product == null || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(err))
                        product = new WeProductBLL().GetWeProductInfo(projectId);
                    product = new WeProductBLL().GetWeProductInfo(projectId);
                var cookieUrl = CookieHelper.GetCookie("Anniversary4"); //HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["Anniversary4"];
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cookieUrl))
                    activityUrl = cookieUrl;
                    //删除cookie Anniversary4
                    if (product.TypeWord.ToLower().Contains("p") || product.TypeWord.ToLower().Contains("q") || product.TypeWord.ToLower().Contains("r"))
                string sql = "select count(0) from we_product with(nolock) where id=@id and iswefqb = 1";
                Dapper.DynamicParameters para = new Dapper.DynamicParameters();
                para.Add("@id", projectId);
                var count = PublicConn.QuerySingle <int>(sql, ref para);

                sql  = "select top 1 o.id from we_product p with(nolock) inner join we_order o with(nolock) on p.id=o.productid where p.id=@id and o.userid=@userid order by OrderDate desc";
                para = new Dapper.DynamicParameters();
                para.Add("@id", projectId);
                para.Add("@userid", WebUserAuth.UserId.Value);
                var orderId = PublicConn.QuerySingleWrite <Guid>(sql, ref para);
                if (count > 0)
                    IsWeFQB   = true;
                    FinishUrl = "/pages/invest/WE/WeFqb_detail.aspx?id=" + projectId;
                    InvestUrl = "/Member/Repayment/Wefqb_project.aspx?weorderid=" + orderId + "&tab=Inprogress";
                    FinishUrl = "/pages/invest/WE/WE_detail.aspx?id=" + projectId;
                    InvestUrl =
                        "/Member/Repayment/We_project.aspx?weorderid=" + orderId + "&tab=Inprogress";
                GoOnUrl = "/pages/invest/WE/WE_list.aspx";

                if (product != null && (product.TuandaiCashRate ?? 0) > 0)
                    if (product.CashLimitAmount == 0 || PayMoney >= product.CashLimitAmount)
                        FXAmount = PayMoney * product.TuandaiCashRate.Value / 100;
                if (product != null)
                    if (product.DeadType == 1)
                        TuanBi = Math.Floor(decimal.Parse(TuanBi) / product.Deadline ?? 1).ToString();
                        TuanBi = Math.Floor(decimal.Parse(TuanBi)).ToString();