Exemplo n.º 1
        public static Workstation CreateWorkstation(string machineName)
            //Create a workstation that has an ILabelPrinter printer and IScale scale
            Workstation station = null;

            try {
                if (machineName.Length > 0)
                    DataSet ds = Mediator.FillDataset(USP_STATION_CONFIG, TBL_STATION_CONFIG, new object[] { machineName });
                    if (ds.Tables[TBL_STATION_CONFIG].Rows.Count == 0)
                        throw new ApplicationException("Station for  " + machineName + " not found.");
                        WorkstationDS stationDS = new WorkstationDS();
                        station = new Workstation(stationDS.WorkstationDetailTable[0]);
                    station = new Workstation(null);
            catch (ApplicationException ex) { throw ex; }
            catch (Exception ex) { throw new ApplicationException("Unexpected error while creating workstation.", ex); }
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static StationAssignments GetStationAssignments(Workstation workstation)
            //Return a collection of current freight assignments for the specified workstation
            StationAssignments assignments = null;

            try {
                if (workstation == null)
                    throw new ApplicationException("Workstation is null.");

                assignments = new StationAssignments();
                StationAssignmentDS dsAssignments = new StationAssignmentDS();
                dsAssignments.Merge(Mediator.FillDataset(USP_FREIGHTCLIENTSHIPPER, TBL_FREIGHTCLIENTSHIPPER, new object[] { workstation.WorkStationID }));
                foreach (StationAssignmentDS.FreightClientShipperTableRow row in dsAssignments.FreightClientShipperTable)
                    Client         client   = EnterpriseFactory.CreateClient(row.ClientNumber, row.ClientDivision, row.Client, row.ClientAddressLine1, row.ClientAddressLine2, row.ClientAddressCity, row.ClientAddressState, row.ClientAddressZip);
                    Shipper        shipper  = EnterpriseFactory.CreateShipper(row.FreightType, row.ShipperNumber, row.Shipper, row.ShipperAddressLine1, row.ShipperAddressLine2, row.ShipperAddressCity, row.ShipperAddressState, row.ShipperAddressZip, row.ShipperUserData);
                    InboundFreight shipment = FreightFactory.CreateInboundFreight(row.TerminalID, row.FreightID, row.FreightType, row.TDSNumber, row.VendorKey, row.TrailerNumber, row.PickupDate, row.PickupNumber, row.CubeRatio, client, shipper);
                    SortProfile    profile  = CreateSortProfile(shipment, row.SortTypeID, row.SortType, row.LabelID, row.ExcLocation);
                    assignments.Add(new StationAssignment("", workstation, shipment, profile));
            catch (ApplicationException ex) { throw ex; }
            catch (Exception ex) { throw new ApplicationException("Unexpected error while getting station assignments (freight-client-shipper).", ex); }
Exemplo n.º 3
 public SortedItem(Workstation station)
     try {
         ArgixTrace.WriteLine(new TraceMessage("New sorted item...", AppLib.EVENTLOGNAME, LogLevel.Debug, "SortedItem"));
         this.mSortStation    = station;
         this.mLabelSeqNumber = CreateLabelSequenceNumber(this.mSortStation.Number);
     catch (Exception ex) { this.mException = ex; }
Exemplo n.º 4
 public StationAssignment(string assignmentID, Workstation sortStation, InboundFreight inboundFreight, SortProfile sortProfile)
     try {
         //Configure this assignment from the assignment configuration information
         this.mAssignmentID = assignmentID;
         this.mStation      = sortStation;
         this.mFreight      = inboundFreight;
         this.mProfile      = sortProfile;
     catch (Exception ex) { throw new ApplicationException("Unexpected error while creating new Station Assignment instance.", ex); }
Exemplo n.º 5
        public StationOperator(string connectionString, bool useConnectionState)
            //Constructor - this is done for dll purposes, NEED to think more, maybe move to config file, but will need dll start up
            try {
                //Init this object
                Config._ConnectionString          = connectionString;
                Config._WebSvcUrl                 = "";
                Config._UseWebSvc                 = false;
                Config._UseConnState              = useConnectionState;
                AppLib.Mediator.DataStatusUpdate += new DataStatusHandler(OnDataStatusUpdate);
                EnterpriseFactory.Mediator        = FreightFactory.Mediator = SortFactory.Mediator = AppLib.Mediator;

                Brain.Self  = this;
                this.mBrain = SortFactory.CreateBrain(null);
                //this.mStation = SortFactory.CreateWorkstation("");
                this.mStation     = SortFactory.CreateWorkstation(Environment.MachineName);
                this.mAssignments = new StationAssignments();
                this.mSortedItems = new SortedItems();
                this.mSetup       = new dlgStationSetup(dlgStationSetup.SCALETYPE_AUTOMATIC);
            catch (Exception ex) { throw new ApplicationException("Unexpected error while creating Station Operator instance.", ex); }