/// <summary>  Takes an existing resource, and 'refreshes' it.  This
		/// generally means that the source of the resource is checked
		/// for changes according to some cache/check algorithm
		/// and if the resource changed, then the resource data is
		/// reloaded and re-parsed.
		/// *
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="resource">resource to refresh
		/// *
		/// @throws ResourceNotFoundException if template not found
		/// from current source for this Resource
		/// @throws ParseErrorException if template cannot be parsed due
		/// to syntax (or other) error.
		/// @throws Exception if a problem in parse
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="encoding"></param>
		protected internal void RefreshResource(Resource resource, String encoding)
	    * The resource knows whether it needs to be checked
	    * or not, and the resource's loader can check to
	    * see if the source has been modified. If both
	    * these conditions are true then we must reload
	    * the input stream and parse it to make a new
	    * AST for the resource.
			if (resource.RequiresChecking())
		*  touch() the resource to reset the counters


				if (resource.IsSourceModified())
		    *  now check encoding info.  It's possible that the newly declared
		    *  encoding is different than the encoding already in the resource
		    *  this strikes me as bad...

					if (!resource.Encoding.Equals(encoding))
							string.Format("Declared encoding for template '{0}' is different on reload.  Old = '{1}'  New = '{2}",
							              resource.Name, resource.Encoding, encoding));

						resource.Encoding = encoding;

		    *  read how old the resource is _before_
		    *  processing (=>reading) it
					long howOldItWas = resource.ResourceLoader.GetLastModified(resource);

		    *  read in the fresh stream and parse


		    *  now set the modification info and reset
		    *  the modification check counters

					resource.LastModified = howOldItWas;
		public Resource put(Object key, Resource value)
			Object o = cache[key];
			cache[key] = value;
			return (Resource) o;