Exemplo n.º 1
        public void generate()
                while (downloader.IsComplete == false)

                if (downloader.IsFailed)
                    this.complete = true;
                    int duration = -1;
                    if (downloader.ProbeInfo != null && downloader.ProbeInfo.format != null)
                        if (downloader.ProbeInfo.format.duration != null)
                            var dur = double.Parse(downloader.ProbeInfo.format.duration as string);
                            duration = (int)((new TimeSpan(0, 0, (int)dur)).TotalSeconds);
                    this.thumbTaskCommand = this.buildThumbnailArguments(this.workingDir, this.downloader.Destination, duration);
                    log.Debug("Executing Thumbnail Task: " + id);
                    StringBuilder results  = new StringBuilder();
                    int           exitCode = 0;
                    results.Append(FFmpeg.Exec(this.thumbTaskCommand, out exitCode));
                    if (results.ToString().Contains("Output file is empty"))
                        log.Debug("No thumbnails generated for: " + id + " trying shorter version");
                        this.thumbTaskCommand = this.buildThumbnailArgumentsShort(this.workingDir, this.downloader.Destination);
                        results.Append(FFmpeg.Exec(this.thumbTaskCommand, out exitCode));
                    log.Debug("Finished thumbnail task: " + id);
                    //TranscoderResult result = new TranscoderResult(jobID, results.ToString());
                    log.Debug("Fetched thumbnail result" + id);
                    // log.Debug("Thumb files moved to remote server: " + id);
                    if (FFRest.config["mode"] == "move")
                        Directory.CreateDirectory(FFRest.config["file-root"] + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + FFRest.config["thumb-destination"] + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + id);
                        for (var x = 1; x <= 5; x++)
                            if (File.Exists(this.workingDir + "thumbnail-" + id + "_000" + x + ".jpg"))
                                if (File.Exists(FFRest.config["file-root"] + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + FFRest.config["thumb-destination"] + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + id + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "thumbnail-" + id + "_000" + x + ".jpg"))
                                    File.Delete(FFRest.config["file-root"] + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + FFRest.config["thumb-destination"] + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + id + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "thumbnail-" + id + "_000" + x + ".jpg");
                                File.Move(this.workingDir + "thumbnail-" + id + "_000" + x + ".jpg", FFRest.config["file-root"] + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + FFRest.config["thumb-destination"] + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + id + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "thumbnail-" + id + "_000" + x + ".jpg");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    log.Error("Failed to extract thumbnails", ex);

                complete = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                log.Error("Exception occured before thumbnail extraction could begin", ex);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public object Handle()
                while (!job.DownloadComplete)
                this.startTime        = DateTime.Now;
                this.result.StartTime = this.startTime;
                if (multiPass)
                    this.result.Status = "Waiting on First Pass";
                    while (!job.FirstPasses[this.extension].IsComplete)
                    if (job.FirstPasses[this.extension].IsFailed)
                        log.Error("Multipass first pass failed JobID: " + this.job.JobToken + " TaskID: " + this.TaskID);
                        this.result.FinishTime      = DateTime.Now;
                        this.result.Status          = "Failed";
                        this.result.PercentComplete = 0;

                this.result.Status = "Processing";
                //Get Video Info
                log.Debug("Beginning transcoding task processing JobID: " + this.job.JobToken + " TaskID: " + this.taskId);

                if (job.Download.ProbeInfo == null)
                    //return new TranscoderResult(job.JobToken,taskId,this.startTime);
                    this.result.FinishTime      = DateTime.Now;
                    this.result.Status          = "Failed/Skipped";
                    this.result.PercentComplete = 0;
                if (job.Download.IsFailed)
                    //return new TranscoderResult(job.JobToken,taskId,this.startTime);
                    this.result.FinishTime      = DateTime.Now;
                    this.result.Status          = "Failed/Skipped";
                    this.result.PercentComplete = 0;

                bool   can1080   = false;
                bool   can720    = false;
                string fpsString = "";
                int    frameRate = 0;
                foreach (var stream in job.Download.ProbeInfo.streams)
                    if (stream.codec_type.ToString() == "video")
                        int width;
                        fpsString = stream.avg_frame_rate.ToString();
                        var d = float.Parse(fpsString.Substring(fpsString.IndexOf("/") + 1));
                        var r = float.Parse(fpsString.Substring(0, fpsString.IndexOf("/")));
                        frameRate = (int)Math.Round(r / d);

                        if (int.TryParse(stream.width.ToString(), out width))
                            if (width >= 1920)
                                can1080 = true;
                                can720  = true;
                            if (width >= 1280)
                                can720 = true;
                log.Debug("Format Supports: 1080p" + can1080 + " 720p:" + can720);
                var doProcessing = true;
                if ((taskOptions.Contains("hd1080") || taskOptions.Contains("-s 1920x1080") || taskOptions.Contains("-s '1920x1080'") || taskOptions.Contains("-s \"1920x1080\"")) && !can1080)
                    doProcessing = false;
                if ((taskOptions.Contains("hd720") || taskOptions.Contains("-s 1280x720") || taskOptions.Contains("-s '1280x720'") || taskOptions.Contains("-s \"1280x720\"")) && !can720)
                    doProcessing = false;

                if (doProcessing)
                    string resolution = "";
                    if (taskOptions.ToLower().Contains("hd720"))
                        resolution = "1280x720";
                    else if (taskOptions.ToLower().Contains("hd1080"))
                        resolution = "1920x1080";
                    else if (taskOptions.ToLower().Contains("hd480"))
                        resolution = "720x480";
                    else if (taskOptions.ToLower().Contains("sd480"))
                        resolution = "720x480";
                    else if (Regex.IsMatch(taskOptions, "-s [\"']?([0-9]+x[0-9]+)[\"']?"))
                        resolution = Regex.Match(taskOptions, "-s [\"']?([0-9]+x[0-9]+)[\"']?").Groups[1].Value;

                    string bitrate = "";
                    if (taskOptions.ToLower().Contains("-minrate"))
                        bitrate = taskOptions.Substring(taskOptions.IndexOf("-minrate") + 9);
                        bitrate = bitrate.Substring(0, bitrate.IndexOf(" "));
                    else if (taskOptions.ToLower().Contains("-maxrate"))
                        bitrate = taskOptions.Substring(taskOptions.IndexOf("-maxrate") + 9);
                        bitrate = bitrate.Substring(0, bitrate.IndexOf(" "));
                    else if (taskOptions.ToLower().Contains("-b:v"))
                        bitrate = taskOptions.Substring(taskOptions.IndexOf("-b:v") + 5);
                        bitrate = bitrate.Substring(0, bitrate.IndexOf(" "));
                    this.taskOptions = this.taskOptions.Replace("'{{bitrate}}'", bitrate);
                    this.taskOptions = this.taskOptions.Replace("'{{fps}}'", frameRate.ToString());
                    this.taskOptions = this.taskOptions.Replace("'{{fps2x}}'", (frameRate * 2).ToString());
                    this.taskOptions = this.taskOptions.Replace("'{{resolution}}'", resolution);
                    this.taskOptions = this.taskOptions.Replace("{{bitrate}}", bitrate);
                    this.taskOptions = this.taskOptions.Replace("{{fps}}", frameRate.ToString());
                    this.taskOptions = this.taskOptions.Replace("{{fps2x}}", (frameRate * 2).ToString());
                    this.taskOptions = this.taskOptions.Replace("{{resolution}}", resolution);
                    this.taskCommand = this.buildTranscodingArguments(this.workingDir, this.job.Download.Destination, this.taskOptions, this.outputFile);

                    log.Debug("Executing Task:" + this.taskId);
                    StringBuilder results  = new StringBuilder();
                    int           exitCode = 0;
                    if (job.Download.ProbeInfo != null && job.Download.ProbeInfo.format != null && job.Download.ProbeInfo.format.duration != null)
                        var           duration = double.Parse(job.Download.ProbeInfo.format.duration as string);
                        StringBuilder buffer   = new StringBuilder();
                        int           idx      = 0;
                        results.Append(FFmpeg.Exec(this.taskCommand, out exitCode, (x) =>
                            int length = buffer.Length - idx;
                            if (idx >= buffer.Length - 1)
                            string data = buffer.ToString(idx, length);
                            int rIdx    = 0;
                            data        = data.Replace("\r\n", "\n");
                            data        = data.Replace("\r", "\n");
                            int pos     = 0;
                            while (rIdx < data.Length && (pos = data.Substring(rIdx).IndexOf("\n")) > -1)
                                //log.Trace("Result Data: " +x);
                                idx     += pos + 1;
                                var line = data.Substring(rIdx, pos + 1).Trim();
                                rIdx    += pos + 1;
                                if (line.StartsWith("frame="))
                                    line              = line.Substring(line.IndexOf("time=") + 5);
                                    line              = line.Substring(0, line.IndexOf(" "));
                                    var timeSpan      = TimeSpan.Parse(line.Trim());
                                    var activePercent = timeSpan.TotalSeconds / duration;
                                    activePercent     = activePercent * 100;
                                    if (activePercent > 100)
                                        activePercent = 100;
                                    if (this.segmentFile != null)
                                        activePercent -= 10;
                                    if (this.result.PercentComplete < (int)activePercent)
                                        this.result.PercentComplete = (int)activePercent;
                        results.Append(FFmpeg.Exec(this.taskCommand, out exitCode));
                    if (exitCode != 0)
                        log.Error("Failed to transcode file " + results.ToString());
                        this.result.FinishTime      = DateTime.Now;
                        this.result.Status          = "Failed";
                        this.result.PercentComplete = 0;

                    List <string> segments = null;
                    if (this.segmentFile != null)
                        var cmd = this.buildTranscodingSegmentArguments(this.workingDir, this.outputFile, this.taskOptions, this.segmentFile);
                        results.Append(" ");
                        results.Append(FFmpeg.Exec(cmd, out exitCode));

                        if (File.Exists(this.workingDir + this.segmentFile))
                            segments = new List <string>();
                            string line = null;
                            using (StreamReader sw = new StreamReader(this.workingDir + this.segmentFile)) {
                                while ((line = sw.ReadLine()) != null)
                                    if (line.Trim().EndsWith(".ts"))

                    log.Debug("Finished transcoding JobID: " + this.job.JobToken + "  TaskID: " + taskId);
                    if (this.segmentFile == null)
                        this.result.FinishTime      = DateTime.Now;
                        this.result.Status          = "Complete";
                        this.result.PercentComplete = 100;
                        this.result.ResultVideo     = outputFile;
                        this.result.FinishTime      = DateTime.Now;
                        this.result.Playlist        = this.segmentFile;
                        this.result.Status          = "Complete";
                        this.result.PercentComplete = 100;
                        this.result.Segments        = segments;
                        this.result.ResultVideo     = outputFile;
                    log.Debug("Skipping task JobID: " + this.job.JobToken + " TaskID:" + this.taskId);
                    this.result.FinishTime      = DateTime.Now;
                    this.result.Status          = "Skipped";
                    this.result.PercentComplete = 0;
            catch (Exception e)
                log.Error("Exception occured in task run", e);
                this.result.FinishTime      = DateTime.Now;
                this.result.Status          = "Failed";
                this.result.PercentComplete = 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void RunPass()
                // TODO configure this sleep time
                // Make sure we have a file available
                while (!job.DownloadComplete)

                // If we were not able to probe the file we cannot proceed
                if (job.Download.ProbeInfo != null)
                    // Multipass options must be provided
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(multiPassOptions))
                        this.complete = true;
                        this.failed   = true;
                        log.Debug("No multi pass options provided");
                        throw new JobFailureException("No multi pass options provided");

                    string fpsString;
                    int    frameRate = 0;
                    // Get the current frame rate for variable replacement
                    // Todo possible look into other variables that could be replaced in
                    foreach (var stream in job.Download.ProbeInfo.streams)
                        if (stream.codec_type.ToString() == "video")
                            fpsString = stream.avg_frame_rate.ToString();
                            var d = float.Parse(fpsString.Substring(fpsString.IndexOf("/") + 1));
                            var r = float.Parse(fpsString.Substring(0, fpsString.IndexOf("/")));
                            frameRate = (int)Math.Round(r / d);
                    this.multiPassOptions = this.multiPassOptions.Replace("'{{fps}}'", frameRate.ToString());
                    this.multiPassOptions = this.multiPassOptions.Replace("'{{fps2x}}'", (frameRate * 2).ToString());
                    this.multiPassOptions = this.multiPassOptions.Replace("{{fps}}", frameRate.ToString());
                    this.multiPassOptions = this.multiPassOptions.Replace("{{fps2x}}", (frameRate * 2).ToString());
                    var args         = buildTranscodingArguments(this.workingDir, this.dest, this.multiPassOptions, "fastpass_" + this.dest + "." + this.multiPassExtension);
                    int status       = 0;
                    var fastPassData = FFmpeg.Exec(args, out status);
                    if (status != 0)
                        this.complete = true;
                        this.failed   = true;
                        log.Debug("Failed to perform fast pass of data");
                        throw new JobFailureException("Failed to perform fast pass of data");
                    this.complete = true;
                    this.complete = true;
                    this.failed   = true;
                    log.Debug("Failed to perform fast pass of data missing probe info");
                    throw new JobFailureException("Failed to perform fast pass of data missing probe info");
            catch (Exception ex)
                log.Error("An error occured Download()", ex);