Exemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// send historical bar request
 /// </summary>
 public virtual void SendHistoricalBarRequest(BarRequest br)
     if (SendReqHistBarEvent != null)
         SendDebug("SendreqHistBar is not supported in this application");
Exemplo n.º 2
 public void ReqHistoricalData(BarRequest br)
     if (_client != null)
         _client.RequestHistoricalData(br, true);
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Arguments are GOOG/IB, rundate, basketfile, datapath
        /// </summary>
        static void Main(string[] args)
            #region parameters
            string _client = "IB";          // IB or GOOG
            IClient _iclient;
            string _enddate = DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyyMMdd");
            string _basketfile = @"c:\QuantTrading\Config\basket.xml";
            string _datapath = @"c:\QuantTrading\HistData\";
            Basket _basket;

            if (args.Length > 0)
                _client = args[0];
            if (args.Length > 1)
                _enddate = args[1];
            if (args.Length > 2)
                _basketfile = args[2];
            if (args.Length > 3)
                _datapath = args[3];
            _datapath = _datapath + _client + @"\";
            _basket = Basket.DeserializeFromXML(_basketfile);

            _sec2bars = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>(_basket.Count);
            Dictionary<string,string> _outfiles = new Dictionary<string,string>(_basket.Count);
            Dictionary<string, long> _totalBars = new Dictionary<string, long>(_basket.Count);
            _processedBars = new Dictionary<string, long>(_basket.Count);

            DateTime _startTime = DateTime.SpecifyKind(DateTime.ParseExact(_enddate, "yyyyMMdd", null), DateTimeKind.Local);
            DateTime _endTime = _startTime + new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0, 0);          // one day later
            double sec = _endTime.Subtract(_startTime).TotalSeconds;      // should be 24 hours or 86,400 secs

            foreach(string s in _basket.Securities)
                // set up bar counts
                _totalBars.Add(s, (long)sec);                       // one bar is one sec; if one minute, divide it by 60
                _processedBars.Add(s, 0);                           // initialize processed to 0

                // set up out filenames
                string filename = _datapath + s + "_" + _startTime.Date.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + ".csv";
                _outfiles.Add(s, filename);
                List<string> lines = new List<string>(90000);           // set something greater than 86,4000
                _sec2bars.Add(s, lines);
            if (_client == "IB")
                _iclient = new IBClient();          // currently it uses default ip:port
                _iclient.SendDebugEventDelegate += _iclient_SendDebugEventDelegate;
                _iclient.GotHistoricalBarDelegate += _iclient_GotHistoricalBarDelegate;

                long totalRequests = (long)sec / 1800;           // one request is 30 min, totalRequests = 48
                TimeSpan thirtyMin = new TimeSpan(0, 30, 0);

                foreach (string sym in _basket.Securities)
                    DateTime s = _startTime;
                    DateTime t = _startTime + thirtyMin;

                    Console.WriteLine("Requesting historical bars for :" + sym);
                    for (int i = 0; i < totalRequests; i++)
                        Console.WriteLine("Request #: " + (i+1).ToString() + "/"+totalRequests);
                        // 1 = 1 second
                        BarRequest br = new BarRequest(sym, 1, Util.ToIntDate(s.Date), Util.ToIntTime(s.Hour, s.Minute, s.Second),
                            Util.ToIntDate(t.Date), Util.ToIntTime(t.Hour, t.Minute, t.Second), _client);
                        _iclient.RequestHistoricalData(br, true);

                        // Do not make more than 60 historical data requests in any ten-minute period.
                        // If I have 10 names, each can only make 6 requests in ten minute;
                        // I use 5 minute for a pause; Then 24 hours takes 120 min or 1.5hour
                        // Thread.Sleep(new TimeSpan(0, 5, 0));
                        // wait 10 secs
                        s += thirtyMin;
                        t += thirtyMin;
            else if (_client == "GOOG")
                _iclient = new GoogleClient(1);
                _iclient.SendDebugEventDelegate += _iclient_SendDebugEventDelegate;
                _iclient.GotHistoricalBarDelegate += _iclient_GotHistoricalBarDelegate;

                foreach (string sym in _basket.Securities)
                    Console.WriteLine("Requesting historical bars for :" + sym);
                    BarRequest br = new BarRequest(sym, 60, Util.ToIntDate(DateTime.Today), Util.ToIntTime(DateTime.Today),
                            Util.ToIntDate(DateTime.Today), Util.ToIntTime(DateTime.Today), _client);

            // write to files
            Console.WriteLine("Wait three minutes for bars being processed.....");
            Thread.Sleep(new TimeSpan(0, 3, 0));            // wait three minutes for all hist bar to be processed.

            foreach (string s in _basket.Securities)
                List<string> noDups = _sec2bars[s].Distinct().ToList();
                //_sec2bars[s].Insert(0, _processedBars[s].ToString());
                File.WriteAllLines(_outfiles[s], noDups);
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// http://www.marketcalls.in/database/google-realtime-intraday-backfill-data.html
        /// http://www.codeproject.com/KB/IP/google_finance_downloader.aspx
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="br"></param>
        public void RequestHistoricalData(BarRequest br, bool useRTH=false)
            // Google always returns the most recent data. 
            // i is interval in seconds, set to 60s, ignore interval
            // ignore date; p: period
            // q is the symbol (AAPL)
            // x is the exchange (NASD)
            // sessions is the session requested (ext_hours)
            // p is the time period (5d = 5 days), set to 1d, ignore time span
            // f is the requested fields (d,c,v,o,h,l)
            // df = (cpct)
            // auto = (1)
            // ts is potentially a time stamp (1324323553 905) or time shift

                using (WebClient client = new WebClient())
                    string google;
                    if (br.Interval != 86400)
                       google = @"https://www.google.com/finance/getprices?i="+br.Interval.ToString()+@"&p=1d&f=d,o,h,l,c,v&df=cpct&q=";
                    else   // for oneday, today is empty
                        google = @"https://www.google.com/finance/getprices?i=86400&p=2d&f=d,o,h,l,c,v&df=cpct&q=";

                    string[] symbol = br.FullSymbol.Split(' ');

                    System.IO.Stream data = client.OpenRead(google + symbol[0]);
                    System.IO.StreamReader read = new System.IO.StreamReader(data);

                    string[] lines = new string[] { read.ReadToEnd() };
                    string[] lines2 = lines[0].Split('\n');

                    // get time zone adjustment
                    // In line 6, GOOG has time zone offset = -240 which is new york time; 
                    //      while SPX has time zone offset = -300, which is chicago time.
                    // The following find the additional offset relative to local time.
                    int localtimezonediffinminutes = (int)Util.GetUtcOffset(DateTime.Today).TotalMinutes;       // negative offset
                    string stime = lines[6];
                    int itime;
                    bool btime = Int32.TryParse(stime.Substring(stime.IndexOf('=') + 1), out itime);        // negative offset
                    int additionaloffset = localtimezonediffinminutes - itime;          // (-240) - (-300) = 60 mins

                    IEnumerable<string> history = lines2.Skip(7);        // skip the first 7 lines: header

                    int nlines = 0;                  // count of lines
                    string[] entries;
                    DateTime dstart = DateTime.Now;        // just for initialization
                    DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;

                    foreach (string line in history)
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(line))                 // skip empty lines, i.e., the last line
                            entries = line.Split(',');

                            if (nlines == 0)
                                // http://www.epochconverter.com/
                                dt = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
                                double secs = double.Parse(entries[0].Remove(0, 1));        // remove character 'a'
                                dt = dt.AddSeconds(secs); 
                                // GMT to EST
                                // dstart = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(dt1, TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Eastern Standard Time"));
                                dt = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(dt, TimeZoneInfo.Local);
                                dstart = dt;
                                dstart = dt.AddSeconds(Int32.Parse(entries[0])*br.Interval);
                            // write line to database
                            Bar bar = new Bar();
                            bar.Interval = 1;       // 1 sec

                            bar.FullSymbol = br.FullSymbol;

                            bar.Open = decimal.Parse(entries[4]);
                            bar.Date = Util.ToIntDate(dstart);
                            bar.BarOrderInADay = bar.GetOrder(Util.ToIntTime(dstart));
                            bar.High = decimal.Parse(entries[2]);
                            bar.Low = decimal.Parse(entries[3]);
                            bar.Close = decimal.Parse(entries[1]);
                            bar.Volume = long.Parse(entries[5]);

                            if (GotHistoricalBarDelegate != null)
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug("Error in requesting historical data from Google client.");
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// http://www.marketcalls.in/database/google-realtime-intraday-backfill-data.html
        /// http://www.codeproject.com/KB/IP/google_finance_downloader.aspx
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="br"></param>
        public void RequestHistoricalData(BarRequest br, bool useRTH = false)
            // Google always returns the most recent data.
            // i is interval in seconds, set to 60s, ignore interval
            // ignore date; p: period
            // q is the symbol (AAPL)
            // x is the exchange (NASD)
            // sessions is the session requested (ext_hours)
            // p is the time period (5d = 5 days), set to 1d, ignore time span
            // f is the requested fields (d,c,v,o,h,l)
            // df = (cpct)
            // auto = (1)
            // ts is potentially a time stamp (1324323553 905) or time shift

                using (WebClient client = new WebClient())
                    string google;
                    if (br.Interval != 86400)
                        google = @"https://www.google.com/finance/getprices?i=" + br.Interval.ToString() + @"&p=1d&f=d,o,h,l,c,v&df=cpct&q=";
                    else   // for oneday, today is empty
                        google = @"https://www.google.com/finance/getprices?i=86400&p=2d&f=d,o,h,l,c,v&df=cpct&q=";

                    string[] symbol = br.FullSymbol.Split(' ');

                    System.IO.Stream       data = client.OpenRead(google + symbol[0]);
                    System.IO.StreamReader read = new System.IO.StreamReader(data);

                    string[] lines  = new string[] { read.ReadToEnd() };
                    string[] lines2 = lines[0].Split('\n');

                    // get time zone adjustment
                    // In line 6, GOOG has time zone offset = -240 which is new york time;
                    //      while SPX has time zone offset = -300, which is chicago time.
                    // The following find the additional offset relative to local time.

                     * int localtimezonediffinminutes = (int)Util.GetUtcOffset(DateTime.Today).TotalMinutes;       // negative offset
                     * string stime = lines[6];
                     * int itime;
                     * bool btime = Int32.TryParse(stime.Substring(stime.IndexOf('=') + 1), out itime);        // negative offset
                     * int additionaloffset = localtimezonediffinminutes - itime;          // (-240) - (-300) = 60 mins

                    IEnumerable <string> history = lines2.Skip(7); // skip the first 7 lines: header

                    int      nlines = 0;                           // count of lines
                    string[] entries;
                    DateTime dstart = DateTime.Now;                // just for initialization
                    DateTime dt     = DateTime.Now;

                    foreach (string line in history)
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(line))                 // skip empty lines, i.e., the last line
                            entries = line.Split(',');

                            if (nlines == 0)
                                // http://www.epochconverter.com/
                                dt = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
                                double secs = double.Parse(entries[0].Remove(0, 1));        // remove character 'a'
                                dt = dt.AddSeconds(secs);
                                // GMT to EST
                                // dstart = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(dt1, TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Eastern Standard Time"));
                                dt     = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(dt, TimeZoneInfo.Local);
                                dstart = dt;
                                dstart = dt.AddSeconds(Int32.Parse(entries[0]) * br.Interval);

                            // write line to database
                            Bar bar = new Bar();
                            bar.Interval = 1;       // 1 sec

                            bar.FullSymbol = br.FullSymbol;

                            bar.Open           = decimal.Parse(entries[4]);
                            bar.Date           = Util.ToIntDate(dstart);
                            bar.BarOrderInADay = bar.GetOrder(Util.ToIntTime(dstart));
                            bar.High           = decimal.Parse(entries[2]);
                            bar.Low            = decimal.Parse(entries[3]);
                            bar.Close          = decimal.Parse(entries[1]);
                            bar.Volume         = long.Parse(entries[5]);

                            if (GotHistoricalBarDelegate != null)
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug("Error in requesting historical data from Google client.");
 void _strategy_SendReqHistBar(BarRequest br)
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// request historical bar
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="barsize"> less than 1 day, in seconds </param>
        public void RequestHistoricalData(BarRequest br, bool useRTH = false)
        //Security sec, DateTime starttime, DateTime endtime, int barsize)
            Contract contract = SecurityFullNameToContract(br.FullSymbol);
            if (contract.SecType == "STK")
                contract.IncludeExpired = false;
                contract.IncludeExpired = true;

            int useReguarTradingHour = useRTH ? 1 : 0;
            string barSize;
            switch (br.Interval)
                case 1:
                    barSize = "1 secs";             // not 1 sec
                case 5:
                    barSize = "5 secs";
                case 15:
                    barSize = "15 secs";
                case 30:
                    barSize = "30 secs";
                case 60:
                    barSize = "1 min";
                case 120:
                    barSize = "2 mins";
                case 180:
                    barSize = "3 mins";
                case 300:
                    barSize = "5 mins";
                case 900:
                    barSize = "15 mins";
                case 1800:
                    barSize = "30 mins";
                case 3600:
                    barSize = "1 hour";
                case 86400:
                    barSize = "1 day";
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Invalid barsize/interval.");

            DateTime startdatetime = br.StartDateTime;
            DateTime enddatetime = br.EndDateTime;
            //yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss tmz
            String enddatetimestring = enddatetime.ToString("yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + " EST";
            TimeSpan duration = enddatetime - startdatetime;
            string durationstring;
            // Request is less than one day --> request in seconds
            if (startdatetime > enddatetime.AddDays(-1))
                durationstring = duration.TotalSeconds.ToString() + " S";
            // Request is greater than 1 day and less than 7 days -> Request in days
            else if (startdatetime > enddatetime.AddDays(-7))
                durationstring = duration.TotalDays.ToString() + " D";
            // Request is greater than 7 days and less than 1 month -> Request in weeks
            else if (startdatetime > enddatetime.AddMonths(-1))
                int numberOfWeeksToRequest = (int)Math.Ceiling(duration.TotalDays / 7.0);
                durationstring = numberOfWeeksToRequest.ToString() + " W";
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Period cannot be bigger than 52 weeks.");


            _ibSocket.reqHistoricalData(_historicalBarRequests.Count - 1, contract, enddatetimestring, durationstring,
                barSize, "TRADES", useReguarTradingHour, 1);
Exemplo n.º 8
 /// <summary>
 /// send historical bar request
 /// </summary>
 public virtual void SendHistoricalBarRequest(BarRequest br)
     if (SendReqHistBarEvent != null)
         SendDebug("SendreqHistBar is not supported in this application");
Exemplo n.º 9
        private void Start(bool toconnect)
            // either not connected and ask for connection
            if ( (!_isconnected) && (toconnect) )
                _isconnected = toconnect;

                // 0. Initalize sec basket
                List<decimal> closeprices = new List<decimal>();
                for (int i = 0; i < _basket.Count; i++)
                _quoteupdateservice.InitTickerAndPreClose(_basket.Securities.ToArray(), closeprices.ToArray());

                // 1. brokerservice and initialize globalidservice

                // 3. QuoteDispatcherService

                // 4. Request yesterday's close in a separate thread, to avoid IB hist request limit
                if (!_hasconnected)
                    _hasconnected = true;
                    Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                        string broker = _configmanagerservice.DefaultBroker;
                        for (int i = 0; i < _basket.Count; i++)
                            if (broker == "IB")
                                Thread.Sleep(10000);     // wait ten sec
                                Thread.Sleep(1000);      // wait one sec

                            BarRequest br = new BarRequest(_basket[i], 86400, Util.ToIntDate(_preday), 0, Util.ToIntDate(_today), 0, broker);
            //  or connected and ask for disconnection
            else if ((_isconnected) && (!toconnect))
                _isconnected = toconnect;
                _logger.Log("connection/disconnection order messed up", Category.Info, Priority.High);
Exemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// request historical bar
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="barsize"> less than 1 day, in seconds </param>
        public void RequestHistoricalData(BarRequest br, bool useRTH = false)
        //Security sec, DateTime starttime, DateTime endtime, int barsize)
            Contract contract = SecurityFullNameToContract(br.FullSymbol);

            if (contract.SecType == "STK")
                contract.IncludeExpired = false;
                contract.IncludeExpired = true;

            int    useReguarTradingHour = useRTH ? 1 : 0;
            string barSize;

            switch (br.Interval)
            case 1:
                barSize = "1 secs";                 // not 1 sec

            case 5:
                barSize = "5 secs";

            case 15:
                barSize = "15 secs";

            case 30:
                barSize = "30 secs";

            case 60:
                barSize = "1 min";

            case 120:
                barSize = "2 mins";

            case 180:
                barSize = "3 mins";

            case 300:
                barSize = "5 mins";

            case 900:
                barSize = "15 mins";

            case 1800:
                barSize = "30 mins";

            case 3600:
                barSize = "1 hour";

            case 86400:
                barSize = "1 day";

                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Invalid barsize/interval.");

            DateTime startdatetime = br.StartDateTime;
            DateTime enddatetime   = br.EndDateTime;
            //yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss tmz
            String   enddatetimestring = enddatetime.ToString("yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + " EST";
            TimeSpan duration          = enddatetime - startdatetime;
            string   durationstring;

            // Request is less than one day --> request in seconds
            if (startdatetime > enddatetime.AddDays(-1))
                durationstring = duration.TotalSeconds.ToString() + " S";
            // Request is greater than 1 day and less than 7 days -> Request in days
            else if (startdatetime > enddatetime.AddDays(-7))
                durationstring = duration.TotalDays.ToString() + " D";
            // Request is greater than 7 days and less than 1 month -> Request in weeks
            else if (startdatetime > enddatetime.AddMonths(-1))
                int numberOfWeeksToRequest = (int)Math.Ceiling(duration.TotalDays / 7.0);
                durationstring = numberOfWeeksToRequest.ToString() + " W";
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Period cannot be bigger than 52 weeks.");


            _ibSocket.reqHistoricalData(_historicalBarRequests.Count - 1, contract, enddatetimestring, durationstring,
                                        barSize, "TRADES", useReguarTradingHour, 1);