Exemplo n.º 1
        private const double CHR_QUATERNION_YAW_TRUE_NORTH_OFFSET = 14.0;              // manual correction to the Quaternion yaw, to align it with true North reading.

        /// <summary>
        /// Handle CH Robotics UM6 Orientation Sensor Notification - Euler
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="notification">Euler notification</param>
        private void ChrEulerHandler(chrum6orientationsensor.EulerNotification notification)
            //Tracer.Trace(string.Format("the UM6 Sensor reported Euler: {0}  PHI={1}   THETA={2}   PSI={3}", notification.Body.LastUpdate, notification.Body.phi, notification.Body.theta, notification.Body.psi));

            if (USE_DIRECTION_UM6_EULER)
                    // mag heading is reported as a short within +-16200 range
                    double magHeading = Direction.to180(notification.Body.psi * CHR_EULER_YAW_FACTOR + CHR_EULER_YAW_TRUE_NORTHOFFSET);      // convert to degrees and ensure that it is within +- 180 degrees and related to True North.

                    // we still use proxibrick.DirectionDataDssSerializable because it is the direction data in the State:
                    proxibrick.DirectionDataDssSerializable newDir = new proxibrick.DirectionDataDssSerializable()
                        TimeStamp = DateTime.Now, heading = magHeading

                catch (Exception exc)
                    Tracer.Trace("ChrEulerHandler() - " + exc);
        /// <summary>
        /// gets encoder speed notifications directly from Power Brick
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="update"></param>
        private void EncoderSpeedNotificationHandler(powerbrick.UpdateMotorEncoderSpeed update)
            Tracer.Trace("****************************** DriveBehaviorServiceBase:: EncoderSpeedNotificationHandler() -- update - Speed:   Left=" + update.Body.LeftSpeed + " Right=" + update.Body.RightSpeed + "  t=" + update.Body.Timestamp.Ticks + "  dt=" + (DateTime.Now.Ticks - update.Body.Timestamp.Ticks));
            _state.WheelsEncoderState.LeftSpeed  = VelocityFromWheelSpeedMetersPerSec(update.Body.LeftSpeed);
            _state.WheelsEncoderState.RightSpeed = VelocityFromWheelSpeedMetersPerSec(update.Body.RightSpeed);
            double lv       = (double)_state.WheelsEncoderState.LeftSpeed;  //   m/s
            double rv       = (double)_state.WheelsEncoderState.RightSpeed; //   m/s
            double velocity = (lv + rv) / 2.0d;
            _state.Velocity = velocity;
            // fill robotState to be used for drawing on the next redraw cycle.
            _mapperVicinity.robotState.medianVelocity = velocity;
            _mapperVicinity.robotState.leftSpeed      = lv;
            _mapperVicinity.robotState.rightSpeed     = rv;
            if (_mapperVicinity.turnState != null && !_mapperVicinity.turnState.hasFinished)
                proxibrick.DirectionDataDssSerializable mostRecentDirection = _state.MostRecentDirection;
                if (mostRecentDirection != null)
                    _mapperVicinity.turnState.directionCurrent = new Direction()
                        heading = mostRecentDirection.heading, TimeStamp = update.Body.Timestamp.Ticks
            Tracer.Trace("****************************** DriveBehaviorServiceBase:: EncoderSpeedNotificationHandler() -- Median Velocity:  " + Math.Round(velocity, 3) + " m/s   (l=" + lv + " r=" + rv + ")");
        protected void incrementOdometry(double?dL, double?dR)
            if (dL.HasValue)
                ticksL = ticksL.HasValue ? ticksL + dL : dL;
                dL = 0.0d;  // must have value for calculations below

            if (dR.HasValue)
                ticksR = ticksR.HasValue ? ticksR + dR : dR;
                dR = 0.0d;

            double wheelRadius        = RobotState.wheelRadius;             // = 0.1805d; -- meters
            double TicksPerRevolution = RobotState.ticksPerRevolution;      // = 6150;
            double bodyWidth          = RobotState.distanceBetweenWheels;   // = 0.570d; -- meters

            double wheelFactor   = 2.0d * Math.PI * wheelRadius / TicksPerRevolution;
            double distanceLeft  = dL.Value * wheelFactor;
            double distanceRight = dR.Value * wheelFactor;

            // Now, calculate the final angle, and use that to estimate
            // the final position.  See Gary Lucas' paper for derivations
            // of the equations.

            double theta = _mapperVicinity.currentOdometryTheta + (distanceLeft - distanceRight) / bodyWidth;   // radians

            _mapperVicinity.currentOdometryX += ((distanceRight + distanceLeft) / 2.0d) * Math.Cos(theta);      // meters
            _mapperVicinity.currentOdometryY += ((distanceRight + distanceLeft) / 2.0d) * Math.Sin(theta);      // meters

            _mapperVicinity.currentOdometryTheta = theta;

            Tracer.Trace("****************************** DriveBehaviorServiceBase:: incrementOdometry() -- distance meters Left: " + distanceLeft + "  Right: " + distanceRight + "   heading degrees: " + Direction.to360(toDegrees(_mapperVicinity.currentOdometryTheta)));

            if (_mapperVicinity.robotState.ignoreAhrs)
                // do what compass data handlers usually do:
                proxibrick.DirectionDataDssSerializable newDir = new proxibrick.DirectionDataDssSerializable()
                    TimeStamp = DateTime.Now, heading = Direction.to360(toDegrees(_mapperVicinity.currentOdometryTheta))

        protected void incrementOdometry(double? dL, double? dR)
            if (dL.HasValue)
                ticksL = ticksL.HasValue ? ticksL + dL : dL;
                dL = 0.0d;  // must have value for calculations below

            if (dR.HasValue)
                ticksR = ticksR.HasValue ? ticksR + dR : dR;
                dR = 0.0d;

            double wheelRadius = RobotState.wheelRadius;                    // = 0.1805d; -- meters
            double TicksPerRevolution = RobotState.ticksPerRevolution;      // = 6150;
            double bodyWidth = RobotState.distanceBetweenWheels;            // = 0.570d; -- meters

            double wheelFactor = 2.0d * Math.PI * wheelRadius / TicksPerRevolution;
            double distanceLeft = dL.Value * wheelFactor;
            double distanceRight = dR.Value * wheelFactor;

            // Now, calculate the final angle, and use that to estimate
            // the final position.  See Gary Lucas' paper for derivations
            // of the equations.

            double theta = _mapperVicinity.currentOdometryTheta + (distanceLeft - distanceRight) / bodyWidth;   // radians

            _mapperVicinity.currentOdometryX += ((distanceRight + distanceLeft) / 2.0d) * Math.Cos(theta);      // meters
            _mapperVicinity.currentOdometryY += ((distanceRight + distanceLeft) / 2.0d) * Math.Sin(theta);      // meters

            _mapperVicinity.currentOdometryTheta = theta;

            #if TRACEDEBUGTICKS
            Tracer.Trace("****************************** DriveBehaviorServiceBase:: incrementOdometry() -- distance meters Left: " + distanceLeft + "  Right: " + distanceRight + "   heading degrees: " + Direction.to360(toDegrees(_mapperVicinity.currentOdometryTheta)));
            #endif // TRACEDEBUGTICKS

            if (_mapperVicinity.robotState.ignoreAhrs)
                // do what compass data handlers usually do:
                proxibrick.DirectionDataDssSerializable newDir = new proxibrick.DirectionDataDssSerializable() { TimeStamp = DateTime.Now, heading = Direction.to360(toDegrees(_mapperVicinity.currentOdometryTheta)) };

Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Handle CH Robotics UM6 Orientation Sensor Notification - Quaternion
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="notification">Quaternion notification</param>
        private void ChrQuaternionHandler(chrum6orientationsensor.QuaternionNotification notification)
            //Tracer.Trace(string.Format("the UM6 Sensor reported Quaternion: {0}   {1}   {2}   {3}   {4}", notification.Body.LastUpdate, notification.Body.a, notification.Body.b, notification.Body.c, notification.Body.d));

            if (!_mapperVicinity.robotState.ignoreAhrs && (USE_ORIENTATION_UM6 || USE_DIRECTION_UM6_QUATERNION))
                    // we switch a and b here to match WPF quaternion's orientation. Maybe there is a proper transformation to do it, but this seems to work as well.
                    Quaternion aq = new Quaternion(notification.Body.b, notification.Body.a, notification.Body.c, notification.Body.d);     // X, Y, Z, W components in WPF correspond to a, b, c, d in CH UM6 and Wikipedia

                    // have to turn it still around the Y axis (facing East):
                    Vector3D axis = new Vector3D(0, 1, 0);
                    aq = aq * new Quaternion(axis, 180);

                    libguiwpf.OrientationData attitudeData = new libguiwpf.OrientationData()
                        timestamp = notification.Body.LastUpdate, attitudeQuaternion = aq

                    if (USE_ORIENTATION_UM6)

                        if (!_doUnitTest && !USE_DIRECTION_UM6_QUATERNION)
                            // do it now if direction is not taken from UM6 quaternion, otherwise let setCurrentDirection() call the Decide():

                    if (USE_DIRECTION_UM6_QUATERNION)
                        // do what compass data handlers do:
                        proxibrick.DirectionDataDssSerializable newDir = new proxibrick.DirectionDataDssSerializable()
                            TimeStamp = notification.Body.LastUpdate, heading = toDegrees(attitudeData.heading) + CHR_QUATERNION_YAW_TRUE_NORTH_OFFSET

                catch (Exception exc)
                    Tracer.Trace("ChrQuaternionHandler() - " + exc);
        void trpbUpdateDirectionNotification(proxibrick.UpdateDirectionData update)
            //LogInfo("DriveBehaviorServiceBase: trpbUpdateDirectionNotification()");

            //Tracer.Trace("DriveBehaviorServiceBase:  trpbUpdateDirectionNotification()");

                    proxibrick.DirectionDataDssSerializable newDir = update.Body;

                catch (Exception exc)
                    Tracer.Trace("trpbUpdateDirectionNotification() - " + exc);
        /// <summary>
        /// update GUI with current direction
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dir"></param>
        protected void setGuiCurrentDirection(proxibrick.DirectionDataDssSerializable dir)
            if (_mainWindow != null)
                ccrwpf.Invoke invoke = new ccrwpf.Invoke(delegate()
                    _mainWindow.CurrentDirection = new DirectionData()
                        TimeStamp = dir.TimeStamp.Ticks, heading = dir.heading, bearing = _mapperVicinity.robotDirection.bearing


                                     s => { }, // delegate for success
                                     ex => { } //Tracer.Error(ex) // delegate for failure
        /// <summary>
        /// called when the AHRS/Compass reports new orientation. Preserves bearing to the goal.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newDir"></param>
        protected void setCurrentDirection(proxibrick.DirectionDataDssSerializable newDir)
            proxibrick.DirectionDataDssSerializable curDir = _state.MostRecentDirection;

            if (curDir == null || Math.Abs(newDir.heading - curDir.heading) > 0.9d || DateTime.Now > curDir.TimeStamp.AddSeconds(3.0d)) // only react on significant changes in direction
                _state.MostRecentDirection = newDir;                                                                                    //.Clone()

                //Tracer.Trace("heading: " + newDir.heading);

                if (_mapperVicinity.turnState != null && !_mapperVicinity.turnState.hasFinished)
                    _mapperVicinity.turnState.directionCurrent = new Direction()
                        heading = newDir.heading, TimeStamp = newDir.TimeStamp.Ticks

                // update mapper with Direction data:
                _mapperVicinity.robotDirection = new Direction()
                    TimeStamp = newDir.TimeStamp.Ticks, heading = newDir.heading, bearing = _mapperVicinity.robotDirection.bearing
                };                                                                                                                                                                     // set same bearing to the new Direction

                // update mapper with Odometry data:

                // update GUI (compass control):

                if (!_doUnitTest)
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles UpdateTickCount notification from the Encoder partners
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>Posts a <typeparamref name="EncoderReplace"/> request to itself.</remarks>
        /// <param name="update">notification</param>
        //void EncoderUpdateTickCountNotificationLeft(encoder.UpdateTickCount update)
        //    //update.Body.Count;
        //    //update.Body.TimeStamp;
        //    //_mainPort.Post(new EncoderUpdate(update.Body, 1));

        //void EncoderUpdateTickCountNotificationRight(encoder.UpdateTickCount update)
        //    //_mainPort.Post(new EncoderUpdate(update.Body, 2));

        /// <summary>
        /// Handles EncoderUpdate request
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="update">request</param>
        //void EncoderUpdateHandler(EncoderUpdate update)
        //    LogInfo("****************************** DriveBehaviorServiceBase:: EncoderUpdateHandler: id=" + update.HardwareIdentifier + "   count=" + update.Body.Count);
        //    //_state.EncoderStateLeft = update.Body;
        //    //_state.Velocity = (VelocityFromWheel(update.Body.LeftWheel) + VelocityFromWheel(update.Body.RightWheel)) / 2;
        //    update.ResponsePort.Post(DefaultUpdateResponseType.Instance);

        /// <summary>
        /// gets encoder ticks (distance) notifications directly from Power Brick
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="update"></param>
        private void EncoderNotificationHandler(powerbrick.UpdateMotorEncoder update)
            // Note: update.Body.LeftDistance / update.Body.RightDistance are absolute encoder ticks, that grow or decrease as the wheel turns. Forward rotation produces positive increments on both wheels.
            switch (update.Body.HardwareIdentifier)
            case 1:     // Left
                double leftDistance = update.Body.LeftDistance ?? 0.0d;
                if (RobotState.IsEncoderSpeedReversed)
                    leftDistance = -leftDistance;
                Tracer.Trace("****************************** DriveBehaviorServiceBase:: EncoderNotificationHandler() -- notification - Left: d=" + leftDistance + "  t=" + update.Body.Timestamp.Ticks + "  dt=" + (DateTime.Now.Ticks - update.Body.Timestamp.Ticks));
                _state.WheelsEncoderState.LeftMostRecent = update.Body.Timestamp;
                incrementOdometry(leftDistance - (_state.WheelsEncoderState.LeftDistance ?? 0.0d), null);             // we are interested in increments
                _state.WheelsEncoderState.LeftDistance = update.Body.LeftDistance.HasValue ? (double?)leftDistance : null;
                if (_mapperVicinity.turnState != null && !_mapperVicinity.turnState.hasFinished)
                    proxibrick.DirectionDataDssSerializable mostRecentDirection = _state.MostRecentDirection;
                    if (mostRecentDirection != null)
                        _mapperVicinity.turnState.directionCurrent = new Direction()
                            heading = mostRecentDirection.heading, TimeStamp = update.Body.Timestamp.Ticks

            case 2:     // Right
                double rightDistance = update.Body.RightDistance ?? 0.0d;
                if (RobotState.IsEncoderSpeedReversed)
                    rightDistance = -rightDistance;
                Tracer.Trace("****************************** DriveBehaviorServiceBase:: EncoderNotificationHandler() -- notification - Right: d=" + rightDistance + "  t=" + update.Body.Timestamp.Ticks + "  dt=" + (DateTime.Now.Ticks - update.Body.Timestamp.Ticks));
                _state.WheelsEncoderState.RightMostRecent = update.Body.Timestamp;
                incrementOdometry(null, rightDistance - (_state.WheelsEncoderState.RightDistance ?? 0.0d));             // we are interested in increments
                _state.WheelsEncoderState.RightDistance = update.Body.RightDistance.HasValue ? (double?)rightDistance : null;
                if (_mapperVicinity.turnState != null && !_mapperVicinity.turnState.hasFinished)
                    proxibrick.DirectionDataDssSerializable mostRecentDirection = _state.MostRecentDirection;
                    if (mostRecentDirection != null)
                        _mapperVicinity.turnState.directionCurrent = new Direction()
                            heading = mostRecentDirection.heading, TimeStamp = update.Body.Timestamp.Ticks

                LogError("Error: ****************************** DriveBehaviorServiceBase:: EncoderNotificationHandler() -- notification - bad HardwareIdentifier=" + update.Body.HardwareIdentifier);