Exemplo n.º 1
        public void TestVerifySignatureFailure2()
            //First sign
            sm = new SignatureManager();
            XmlNode signed = sm.Sign(references, c14nIVO, signerIVO, "myFirstSign");

            XmlNamespaceManager nsMgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(signed.OwnerDocument.NameTable);

            nsMgr.AddNamespace("ds", "http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#");

            //get the Digest value
            XmlNode digValueNode = signed.SelectSingleNode("ds:SignedInfo/ds:Reference/ds:DigestValue", nsMgr);
            string  digest       = digValueNode.InnerXml;

            //Tamper it.
            digest = digest.ToUpper();
            signed.SelectSingleNode("ds:SignedInfo/ds:Reference/ds:DigestValue", nsMgr).InnerXml = digest;

            //Now verify the XmlSignature using the VerifySignature method exposed by the SignatureManager class
            IDictionary <string, object> keyInfoProviderParams = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            //Note here the use of false only exports the public key to the DSA parameters
            DSAParameters verificationDSAParams = dsa.ExportParameters(false);

            //Set the Public Key of the KeyInfoProvider class
            keyInfoProviderParams.Add("PublicKey", verificationDSAParams);

            //Create Instantiation VO for KeyInfoProvider
            InstantiationVO keyInfoProvider = new InstantiationVO("testKeyInfoProvider", keyInfoProviderParams);

            sm.VerifySignature(signed, keyInfoProvider);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void TestVerifySignatureFailure1()
            //First sign
            sm = new SignatureManager();
            XmlNode signed = sm.Sign(references, c14nIVO, signerIVO, "myFirstSign");

            //get the SignatureValue
            XmlNode sigValueNode = signed.SelectSingleNode("SignatureValue");
            string  signature    = sigValueNode.InnerXml;

            //Tamper it.
            signature = signature.ToUpper();
            signed.SelectSingleNode("SignatureValue").InnerXml = signature;

            //Now verify the XmlSignature using the VerifySignature method exposed by the SignatureManager class
            IDictionary <string, object> keyInfoProviderParams = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            //Note here the use of false only exports the public key to the DSA parameters
            DSAParameters verificationDSAParams = dsa.ExportParameters(false);

            //Set the Public Key of the KeyInfoProvider class
            keyInfoProviderParams.Add("PublicKey", verificationDSAParams);

            //Create Instantiation VO for KeyInfoProvider
            InstantiationVO keyInfoProvider = new InstantiationVO("testKeyInfoProvider", keyInfoProviderParams);

            sm.VerifySignature(signed, keyInfoProvider);
        public void TestConstructor2()
            ProcessRegistry pr = new ProcessRegistry(SHA256Namespace);

            sm = new SignatureManager(pr);
            Assert.IsNotNull(sm, "SignatureManager instance is null");
            Assert.IsTrue(sm is SignatureManager, "SignatureManager instance has wrong type");
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void TestSign()
            sm = new SignatureManager();
            XmlNode res = sm.Sign(references, c14nIVO, signerIVO, "myFirstSign");

            //Verify if the Signature node is well formed
            Assert.AreEqual(res.Name, "Signature", "Root Node is malformed");
            Assert.AreEqual(res.NamespaceURI, "http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#",
                            "Root attribute collection has no default namespace");
            Assert.AreEqual(res.Attributes.GetNamedItem("Id").Value, "myFirstSign", "Id attribute is incorrect");
            //Other checks for well formed output are done by VerifySignature method
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void TestSign()
            sm = new SignatureManager();
            XmlNode res = sm.Sign(references, c14nIVO, signerIVO, "myFirstSign");

            //Verify if the Signature node is well formed
            Assert.AreEqual(res.Name, "Signature", "Root Node is malformed");
            Assert.AreEqual(res.Attributes.Count, 2, "Root attribute collection has incorrect count");
            Assert.AreEqual(res.Attributes[0].Name, "xmlns", "Root attribute collection has no xmlns attribute");
            Assert.AreEqual(res.Attributes.GetNamedItem("Id").Value, "myFirstSign", "Id attribute is incorrect");
            //Other checks for well formed output are done by VerifySignature method
 public void TearDown()
     sm = null;
     transformersList1 = null;
     digester1         = null;
     reference1        = null;
     references        = null;
     c14nParams        = null;
     c14nIVO           = null;
     dsa          = null;
     signerParams = null;
     signerIVO    = null;
     digesterMain = null;
Exemplo n.º 7
Arquivo: Demo.cs Projeto: kurtrips/tc
        public void TheDemo()
            //Setup References
            IList <InstantiationVO> transformersList1 = new List <InstantiationVO>();
            InstantiationVO         digester1         = new InstantiationVO("http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#sha1",
                                                                            new Dictionary <string, object>());
            IReference         reference1 = new Reference("http://www.google.com", transformersList1, digester1, "http");
            IList <IReference> references = new List <IReference>();


            //Setup Canonicalizer
            IDictionary <string, object> c14nParams = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            InstantiationVO c14nIVO = new InstantiationVO("http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xml-c14n-20010315",

            //Setup Signers
            DSACryptoServiceProvider     dsa          = new DSACryptoServiceProvider();
            DSAParameters                dsaParams    = dsa.ExportParameters(true);
            IDictionary <string, object> signerParams = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            signerParams.Add("DSAKeyInfo", dsaParams);
            InstantiationVO signerIVO = new InstantiationVO("xml:dig:signer:rsa-dsa",

            //Setup main digester
            InstantiationVO digesterMain = new InstantiationVO("http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#sha1",
                                                               new Dictionary <string, object>());

            SignatureManager sm = new SignatureManager();

            //Sign the references
            XmlNode signed = sm.Sign(references, c14nIVO, signerIVO, "myFirstSign");

            //Now verify the XmlSignature using the VerifySignature method exposed by the SignatureManager class
            IDictionary <string, object> keyInfoProviderParams = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            //Note here the use of false only exports the public key to the DSA parameters
            DSAParameters verificationDSAParams = dsa.ExportParameters(false);

            //Set the Public Key of the KeyInfoProvider class
            keyInfoProviderParams.Add("PublicKey", verificationDSAParams);

            //Create Instantiation VO for KeyInfoProvider
            InstantiationVO keyInfoProvider = new InstantiationVO("testKeyInfoProvider", keyInfoProviderParams);

            sm.VerifySignature(signed, keyInfoProvider);
        public void TestVerifySignature()
            //First sign
            sm = new SignatureManager(SHA256Namespace);
            XmlNode signed = sm.Sign(references, c14nIVO, signerIVO, "myFirstSign");

            //Now verify the XmlSignature using the VerifySignature method exposed by the SignatureManager class
            IDictionary <string, object> keyInfoProviderParams = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            //Note here the use of false only exports the public key to the DSA parameters
            DSAParameters verificationDSAParams = dsa.ExportParameters(false);

            //Set the Public Key of the KeyInfoProvider class
            keyInfoProviderParams.Add("PublicKey", verificationDSAParams);

            //Create Instantiation VO for KeyInfoProvider
            InstantiationVO keyInfoProvider = new InstantiationVO("testKeyInfoProvider", keyInfoProviderParams);

            //Verify. Note that if no exception is thrown here then verification was successful.
            //No assert would be required.
            sm.VerifySignature(signed, keyInfoProvider);
Exemplo n.º 9
        public void TestVerifySignatureFailure3()
            //First sign
            sm = new SignatureManager();
            XmlNode signed = sm.Sign(references, c14nIVO, signerIVO, "myFirstSign");

            //Now verify the XmlSignature using the VerifySignature method exposed by the SignatureManager class
            IDictionary <string, object> keyInfoProviderParams = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            //Note here the use of false only exports the public key to the DSA parameters
            //Note that new instance of DSACryptoServiceProvider creates a different public key than
            //the one that was used for signing
            DSACryptoServiceProvider dsa1 = new DSACryptoServiceProvider();
            DSAParameters            verificationDSAParams = dsa1.ExportParameters(false);

            //Set the Public Key of the KeyInfoProvider class
            keyInfoProviderParams.Add("PublicKey", verificationDSAParams);

            //Create Instantiation VO for KeyInfoProvider
            InstantiationVO keyInfoProvider = new InstantiationVO("testKeyInfoProvider", keyInfoProviderParams);

            sm.VerifySignature(signed, keyInfoProvider);
Exemplo n.º 10
 public void TestSignFail1()
     sm = new SignatureManager();
     sm.Sign(references, c14nIVO, null, "myFirstSign");
Exemplo n.º 11
 public void TestConstructor2()
     sm = new SignatureManager("MyNamespace");
Exemplo n.º 12
 public void TestConstructor1()
     sm = new SignatureManager(SHA256Namespace);
     Assert.IsNotNull(sm, "SignatureManager instance is null");
     Assert.IsTrue(sm is SignatureManager, "SignatureManager instance has wrong type");
Exemplo n.º 13
        public void TestConstructor3()
            string s = null;

            sm = new SignatureManager(s);
Exemplo n.º 14
        public void TestConstructor4()
            string s = String.Empty;

            sm = new SignatureManager(s);
Exemplo n.º 15
 public void TestSignFail3()
     sm        = new SignatureManager();
     signerIVO = new InstantiationVO("nonExistantSignerKey", signerParams);
     sm.Sign(references, c14nIVO, signerIVO, "myId");
Exemplo n.º 16
 public void TestSignFail2()
     sm = new SignatureManager();
     sm.Sign(references, c14nIVO, signerIVO, null);
Exemplo n.º 17
        public void TestConstructor6()
            ProcessRegistry pr = null;

            sm = new SignatureManager(pr);
Exemplo n.º 18
        public void TestConstructor8()
            ProcessRegistry pr = new ProcessRegistry();

            sm = new SignatureManager("aNonExistantNamespace");