Exemplo n.º 1
 private void OnCrashesAdd(Crash CrashInstance)
     Buggs_Crashes.Add(new Buggs_Crash {
         Bugg = this, Crash = CrashInstance
Exemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Construct a processed callstack.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="CurrentCrash"></param>
 public CallStackContainer(Crash CurrentCrash)
     using (FAutoScopedLogTimer LogTimer = new FAutoScopedLogTimer(this.GetType().ToString() + "(CrashId=" + CurrentCrash.Id + ")"))
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the crash from an id.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Id">The id of the crash we wish to examine.</param>
        /// <returns>The crash with the requested id.</returns>
        public Crash GetCrash(int Id)
            using (FAutoScopedLogTimer LogTimer = new FAutoScopedLogTimer(this.GetType().ToString() + "(CrashId=" + Id + ")"))
                    IQueryable <Crash> Crashes =
                            from CrashDetail in Context.Crashes
                            where CrashDetail.Id == Id
                            select CrashDetail

                    Crash Result = Crashes.FirstOrDefault();
                catch (Exception Ex)
                    Debug.WriteLine("Exception in GetCrash: " + Ex.ToString());

Exemplo n.º 4
        private void OnCrashesRemove(Crash CrashInstance)
            Buggs_Crash BuggCrash = Buggs_Crashes.FirstOrDefault(BuggCrashInstance => BuggCrashInstance.BuggId == Id && BuggCrashInstance.CrashId == CrashInstance.Id);

Exemplo n.º 5
 /// <summary>
 /// Construct a processed callstack.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="CurrentCrash"></param>
 public CallStackContainer( Crash CurrentCrash )
     using( FAutoScopedLogTimer LogTimer = new FAutoScopedLogTimer( this.GetType().ToString() + "(CrashId=" + CurrentCrash.Id + ")" ) )
         ParseCallStack( CurrentCrash );
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Build a callstack pattern for a crash to ease bucketing of crashes into Buggs.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="CrashInstance">A crash that was recently added to the database.</param>
        public void BuildPattern(Crash CrashInstance)
            List <string> Pattern = new List <string>();

            // Get an array of callstack items
            CallStackContainer CallStack = new CallStackContainer(CrashInstance);

            CallStack.bDisplayFunctionNames = true;

            if (CrashInstance.Pattern == null)
                // Set the module based on the modules in the callstack
                CrashInstance.Module = CallStack.GetModuleName();
                    foreach (CallStackEntry Entry in CallStack.CallStackEntries)
                        FunctionCall CurrentFunctionCall = new FunctionCall();

                        if (FunctionCalls.Where(f => f.Call == Entry.FunctionName).Count() > 0)
                            CurrentFunctionCall = FunctionCalls.Where(f => f.Call == Entry.FunctionName).First();
                            CurrentFunctionCall      = new FunctionCall();
                            CurrentFunctionCall.Call = Entry.FunctionName;

                        int Count = Crash_FunctionCalls.Where(c => c.CrashId == CrashInstance.Id && c.FunctionCallId == CurrentFunctionCall.Id).Count();
                        if (Count < 1)
                            Crash_FunctionCall JoinTable = new Crash_FunctionCall();
                            JoinTable.Crash        = CrashInstance;
                            JoinTable.FunctionCall = CurrentFunctionCall;



                    CrashInstance.Pattern = string.Join("+", Pattern);
                catch (Exception Ex)
                    Debug.WriteLine("Exception in BuildPattern: " + Ex.ToString());
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieve a cached (and pre-parsed) callstack container from the cache, or parse the raw callstack, and add to the cache.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="CurrentCrash">The crash to retrieve the parsed callstack for.</param>
        /// <returns>A parsed callstack.</returns>
        public CallStackContainer GetCallStack(Crash CurrentCrash)
            string             Key       = CacheKeyPrefix + CallstackKeyPrefix + CurrentCrash.Id;
            CallStackContainer CallStack = ( CallStackContainer )CacheInstance[Key];

            if (CallStack == null)
                CallStack = new CallStackContainer(CurrentCrash);
                CallStack.bDisplayFunctionNames = true;
                CacheInstance.Insert(Key, CallStack);

Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Build a callstack pattern for a crash to ease bucketing of crashes into Buggs.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="CrashInstance">A crash that was recently added to the database.</param>
        public void BuildPattern(Crash CrashInstance)
            using (FAutoScopedLogTimer LogTimer = new FAutoScopedLogTimer(this.GetType().ToString() + "(Crash=" + CrashInstance.Id + ")"))
                List <string> Pattern = new List <string>();

                // Get an array of callstack items
                CallStackContainer CallStack = new CallStackContainer(CrashInstance);
                CallStack.bDisplayFunctionNames = true;

                if (CrashInstance.Pattern == null)
                    // Set the module based on the modules in the callstack
                    CrashInstance.Module = CallStack.GetModuleName();
                        foreach (CallStackEntry Entry in CallStack.CallStackEntries)
                            FunctionCall CurrentFunctionCall = new FunctionCall();

                            if (FunctionCalls.Where(f => f.Call == Entry.FunctionName).Count() > 0)
                                CurrentFunctionCall = FunctionCalls.Where(f => f.Call == Entry.FunctionName).First();
                                CurrentFunctionCall      = new FunctionCall();
                                CurrentFunctionCall.Call = Entry.FunctionName;



                        //CrashInstance.Pattern = "+";
                        CrashInstance.Pattern = string.Join("+", Pattern);
                        // We need something like this +1+2+3+5+ for searching for exact pattern like +5+
                        //CrashInstance.Pattern += "+";

                    catch (Exception Ex)
                        FLogger.WriteException("BuildPattern: " + Ex.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieve a cached (and pre-parsed) callstack container from the cache, or parse the raw callstack, and add to the cache.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="CurrentCrash">The crash to retrieve the parsed callstack for.</param>
        /// <returns>A parsed callstack.</returns>
        public CallStackContainer GetCallStackFast( Crash CurrentCrash )
            using( FAutoScopedLogTimer LogTimer = new FAutoScopedLogTimer( this.GetType().ToString() + "(CrashId=" + CurrentCrash.Id + ")" ) )
                string Key = CacheKeyPrefix + CallstackKeyPrefix + CurrentCrash.Id;
                CallStackContainer CallStack = (CallStackContainer)CacheInstance[Key];
                if( CallStack == null )
                    CallStack = new CallStackContainer( CurrentCrash );
                    CallStack.bDisplayFunctionNames = true;
                    CacheInstance.Insert( Key, CallStack );

                return CallStack;
Exemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieve a cached (and pre-parsed) callstack container from the cache, or parse the raw callstack, and add to the cache.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="CurrentCrash">The crash to retrieve the parsed callstack for.</param>
        /// <returns>A parsed callstack.</returns>
        public CallStackContainer GetCallStack(Crash CurrentCrash)
            using (FAutoScopedLogTimer LogTimer = new FAutoScopedLogTimer(this.GetType().ToString() + "(CrashId=" + CurrentCrash.Id + ")"))
                string             Key       = CacheKeyPrefix + CallstackKeyPrefix + CurrentCrash.Id;
                CallStackContainer CallStack = (CallStackContainer)CacheInstance[Key];
                if (CallStack == null)
                    CallStack = new CallStackContainer(CurrentCrash);
                    CallStack.bDisplayFunctionNames = true;
                    CacheInstance.Insert(Key, CallStack);

 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the UserName and UserGroupName as derived data for a crash.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="CrashInstance">An instance of a crash we wish to augment with additional data.</param>
 public void PopulateUserInfo(Crash CrashInstance)
     using (FAutoScopedLogTimer LogTimer = new FAutoScopedLogTimer(this.GetType().ToString() + "(CrashId=" + CrashInstance.Id + ")"))
             int UserGroupId = CrashInstance.User.UserGroupId;
             var Result      = Context.UserGroups.Where(i => i.Id == UserGroupId).First();
             CrashInstance.UserGroupName = Result.Name;
         catch (Exception Ex)
             FLogger.Global.WriteException("PopulateUserInfo: " + Ex.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieve a cached (and pre-parsed) callstack container from the cache, or parse the raw callstack, and add to the cache.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentCrash">The Crash to retrieve the parsed callstack for.</param>
        /// <returns>A parsed callstack.</returns>
        public DataModels.CallStackContainer GetCallStackFast(Crash currentCrash)
            using (var logTimer = new FAutoScopedLogTimer(this.GetType().ToString() + "(CrashId=" + currentCrash.Id + ")"))
                var key       = CacheKeyPrefix + CallstackKeyPrefix + currentCrash.Id;
                var callStack = (CallStackContainer)CacheInstance[key];
                if (callStack != null)
                callStack = new CallStackContainer(currentCrash);
                callStack.bDisplayFunctionNames = true;
                CacheInstance.Insert(key, callStack);

Exemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the UserName and UserGroupName as derived data for a crash.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="CrashInstance">An instance of a crash we wish to augment with additional data.</param>
        public void PopulateUserInfo(Crash CrashInstance)
                var query = (
                    from UserDetail in CrashRepositoryDataContext.Users
                    where UserDetail.Id == CrashInstance.User.Id
                    join UserGroupDetail in CrashRepositoryDataContext.UserGroups on UserDetail.UserGroupId equals UserGroupDetail.Id
                    select UserGroupDetail.Name

                CrashInstance.UserGroupName = query.First();
            catch (Exception Ex)
                Debug.WriteLine("Exception in PopulateUserInfo: " + Ex.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Associate a crash with a Bugg.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Bugg">The Bugg to add the crash reference to.</param>
        /// <param name="CurrentCrash">The crash to add to the Bugg.</param>
        /// <returns>true if a new relationship was added, false otherwise.</returns>
        public bool LinkCrashToBugg(Bugg Bugg, Crash CurrentCrash)
                // Make sure we don't already have this relationship
                if (Context.Buggs_Crashes.Where(BuggInstance => BuggInstance.CrashId == CurrentCrash.Id && BuggInstance.BuggId == Bugg.Id).Count() < 1)
                    // We don't so create the relationship
                    Buggs_Crash NewBugg = new Buggs_Crash();
                    NewBugg.CrashId = CurrentCrash.Id;
                    NewBugg.BuggId  = Bugg.Id;
            catch (Exception Ex)
                Debug.WriteLine("Exception in LinkCrashToBugg: " + Ex.ToString());

Exemplo n.º 15
		void BuildPattern( Crash CrashInstance )

			List<string> Pattern = new List<string>();

			// Get an array of callstack items
			CallStackContainer CallStack = new CallStackContainer( CrashInstance );
			CallStack.bDisplayFunctionNames = true;

			if( CrashInstance.Pattern == null )
				// Set the module based on the modules in the callstack
				CrashInstance.Module = CallStack.GetModuleName();
					using( FAutoScopedLogTimer LogTimer = new FAutoScopedLogTimer( this.GetType().ToString() + "(Id=" + CrashInstance.Id + ")" ) )
						foreach( CallStackEntry Entry in CallStack.CallStackEntries.Take( 64 ) )
							FunctionCall CurrentFunctionCall = new FunctionCall();

							if( FunctionCalls.Where( f => f.Call == Entry.FunctionName ).Count() > 0 )
								CurrentFunctionCall = FunctionCalls.Where( f => f.Call == Entry.FunctionName ).First();
								CurrentFunctionCall = new FunctionCall();
								CurrentFunctionCall.Call = Entry.FunctionName;
								FunctionCalls.InsertOnSubmit( CurrentFunctionCall );


							Pattern.Add( CurrentFunctionCall.Id.ToString() );

						//CrashInstance.Pattern = "+";
						CrashInstance.Pattern = string.Join( "+", Pattern );
						// We need something like this +1+2+3+5+ for searching for exact pattern like +5+
						//CrashInstance.Pattern += "+";


				catch( Exception Ex )
					FLogger.WriteEvent( "Exception in BuildPattern: " + Ex.ToString() );
Exemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Associate a crash with a Bugg.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Bugg">The Bugg to add the crash reference to.</param>
        /// <param name="CurrentCrash">The crash to add to the Bugg.</param>
        /// <returns>true if a new relationship was added, false otherwise.</returns>
        public bool LinkCrashToBugg( Bugg Bugg, Crash CurrentCrash )
                // Make sure we don't already have this relationship
                if( BuggsDataContext.Buggs_Crashes.Where( BuggInstance => BuggInstance.CrashId == CurrentCrash.Id && BuggInstance.BuggId == Bugg.Id ).Count() < 1 )
                    // We don't so create the relationship
                    Buggs_Crash NewBugg = new Buggs_Crash();
                    NewBugg.CrashId = CurrentCrash.Id;
                    NewBugg.BuggId = Bugg.Id;
                    BuggsDataContext.Buggs_Crashes.InsertOnSubmit( NewBugg );
                    return true;
            catch( Exception Ex )
                Debug.WriteLine( "Exception in LinkCrashToBugg: " + Ex.ToString() );

            return false;
Exemplo n.º 17
		/// <summary>
		/// Parse a raw callstack into a pattern
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="CurrentCrash">The crash with a raw callstack to parse.</param>
		private void ParseCallStack( Crash CurrentCrash )
			// Everything is disabled by default
			bDisplayUnformattedCallStack = false;
			bDisplayModuleNames = false;
			bDisplayFunctionNames = false;
			bDisplayFileNames = false;
			bDisplayFilePathNames = false;

			bool bSkipping = false;
			string LineToSkipUpto = "";
			switch( CurrentCrash.CrashType )
			case 2:
				bSkipping = true;
				LineToSkipUpto = "FDebug::AssertFailed()";
			case 3:
				bSkipping = true;
				LineToSkipUpto = "FDebug::EnsureFailed()";

			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CurrentCrash.RawCallStack))


			// Store off a pre split array of call stack lines
			string[] RawCallStackLines = CurrentCrash.RawCallStack.Split(new[] { '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

			// Support older callstacks uploaded before UE4 upgrade
			if (!NewCallstackFormat.Match(RawCallStackLines[0]).Success)
				foreach (string CurrentLine in RawCallStackLines)
					// Exit if we've hit the max number of lines we want
					if (CallStackEntries.Count >= MaxLinesToParse)


			foreach (string CurrentLine in RawCallStackLines)
				// Exit if we've hit the max number of lines we want
				if( CallStackEntries.Count >= MaxLinesToParse )

				if( bSkipping )
					if( CurrentLine.Contains( LineToSkipUpto ) )
						bSkipping = false;

				if( bSkipping )

				string ModuleName = "<Unknown>";
				string FuncName = "<Unknown>";
				string FilePath = "";
				int LineNumber = 0;

				// Sample line "UE4_Engine!UEngine::Exec() + 21105 bytes [d:\depot\ue4\engine\source\runtime\engine\private\unrealengine.cpp:2777]"

				int PlingOffset = CurrentLine.IndexOf( '!' );
				int PlusOffset = CurrentLine.IndexOf( " + " );
				int BytesOffset = CurrentLine.IndexOf( " bytes" );
				int OpenBracketOffset = CurrentLine.IndexOf( '[' );
				int CloseBracketOffset = CurrentLine.LastIndexOf( ']' );

				// Parse out the juicy info from the line of the callstack
				if( PlingOffset > 0 )
					ModuleName = CurrentLine.Substring( 0, PlingOffset ).Trim();
					if( BytesOffset > PlingOffset )
						// Grab the function name if it exists
						FuncName = CurrentLine.Substring( PlingOffset + 1, BytesOffset - PlingOffset + " bytes".Length - 1 ).Trim();

						// Grab the source file
						if( OpenBracketOffset > BytesOffset && CloseBracketOffset > BytesOffset && CloseBracketOffset > OpenBracketOffset )
							string FileLinePath = CurrentLine.Substring( OpenBracketOffset + 1, CloseBracketOffset - OpenBracketOffset - 1 ).Trim();

							FilePath = FileLinePath.TrimEnd( "0123456789:".ToCharArray() );
							int SourceLine = 0;
						    Debug.Assert(FilePath.Length < FileLinePath.Length,"WRONG SIZE");
							if( int.TryParse( FileLinePath.Substring(FilePath.Length + 1 ), out SourceLine ) )
								LineNumber = SourceLine;
				else if( BytesOffset > 0 )
					// Grab the module name if there is no function name
					ModuleName = CurrentLine.Substring( 0, PlusOffset ).Trim();

				CallStackEntries.Add( new CallStackEntry( CurrentLine, ModuleName, FilePath, FuncName, LineNumber ) );
Exemplo n.º 18
 private void OnCrashesAdd( Crash CrashInstance )
     Buggs_Crashes.Add( new Buggs_Crash { Bugg = this, Crash = CrashInstance } );
     SendPropertyChanged( null );
Exemplo n.º 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a new crash to the db based on a CrashDescription sent from the client.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="NewCrashInfo">The crash description sent from the client.</param>
        /// <returns>The id of the newly added crash.</returns>
        public int AddNewCrash(CrashDescription NewCrashInfo)
            int NewID = -1;

            Crash NewCrash = new Crash();

            NewCrash.Branch            = NewCrashInfo.BranchName;
            NewCrash.BaseDir           = NewCrashInfo.BaseDir;
            NewCrash.BuildVersion      = NewCrashInfo.BuildVersion;
            NewCrash.ChangeListVersion = NewCrashInfo.BuiltFromCL.ToString();
            NewCrash.CommandLine       = NewCrashInfo.CommandLine;
            NewCrash.EngineMode        = NewCrashInfo.EngineMode;

            // Valid MachineID and UserName, updated crash from non-UE4 release
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(NewCrashInfo.MachineGuid) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(NewCrashInfo.UserName))
                NewCrash.ComputerName = NewCrashInfo.MachineGuid;
                NewCrash.UserNameId   = CrashRepositoryDataContext.FindOrAddUser(NewCrashInfo.UserName);
            // Valid MachineID and EpicAccountId, updated crash from UE4 release
            else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(NewCrashInfo.MachineGuid) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(NewCrashInfo.EpicAccountId))
                NewCrash.EpicAccountId = NewCrashInfo.EpicAccountId;
                NewCrash.UserNameId    = CrashRepositoryDataContext.FindOrAddUser(UserNameAnonymous);
            // Crash from an older version.
                // MachineGuid for older crashes is obsolete, so ignore it.
                //NewCrash.ComputerName = NewCrashInfo.MachineGuid;
                NewCrash.UserNameId = CrashRepositoryDataContext.FindOrAddUser
                    !string.IsNullOrEmpty(NewCrashInfo.UserName) ? NewCrashInfo.UserName : UserNameAnonymous

            NewCrash.Description = "";
            if (NewCrashInfo.UserDescription != null)
                NewCrash.Description = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, NewCrashInfo.UserDescription);

            NewCrash.EngineMode   = NewCrashInfo.EngineMode;
            NewCrash.GameName     = NewCrashInfo.GameName;
            NewCrash.LanguageExt  = NewCrashInfo.Language;            // Converted by the crash process.
            NewCrash.PlatformName = NewCrashInfo.Platform;

            if (NewCrashInfo.ErrorMessage != null)
                NewCrash.Summary = string.Join("\n", NewCrashInfo.ErrorMessage);

            if (NewCrashInfo.CallStack != null)
                NewCrash.RawCallStack = string.Join("\n", NewCrashInfo.CallStack);

            if (NewCrashInfo.SourceContext != null)
                NewCrash.SourceContext = string.Join("\n", NewCrashInfo.SourceContext);

            NewCrash.TimeOfCrash = NewCrashInfo.TimeofCrash;

            NewCrash.HasLogFile         = NewCrashInfo.bHasLog;
            NewCrash.HasMiniDumpFile    = NewCrashInfo.bHasMiniDump;
            NewCrash.HasDiagnosticsFile = NewCrashInfo.bHasDiags;
            NewCrash.HasVideoFile       = NewCrashInfo.bHasVideo;
            NewCrash.HasMetaData        = NewCrashInfo.bHasWERData;

            NewCrash.TTPID           = "";
            NewCrash.FixedChangeList = "";

            // Set the crash type
            NewCrash.CrashType = 1;
            if (NewCrash.RawCallStack != null)
                if (NewCrash.RawCallStack.Contains("FDebug::AssertFailed()"))
                    NewCrash.CrashType = 2;
                else if (NewCrash.RawCallStack.Contains("FDebug::EnsureFailed()"))
                    NewCrash.CrashType = 3;

            // As we're adding it, the status is always new
            NewCrash.Status = "New";

             *      Unused Crashes' fields.
             *      Title				nchar(20)
             *      Selected			bit
             *      Version				int
             *      AutoReporterID		int
             *      Processed			bit
             *      HasDiagnosticsFile	bit
             *      HasNewLogFile		bit
             *      HasMetaData			bit
            // Set the unused fields to the default values.
            NewCrash.Title          = "";
            NewCrash.Selected       = false;
            NewCrash.Version        = 4;
            NewCrash.AutoReporterID = 0;
            NewCrash.Processed      = true;
            //NewCrash.HasDiagnosticsFile = true;
            NewCrash.HasNewLogFile = false;
            //NewCrash.HasMetaData = true;

            // Add the crash to the database

            NewID = NewCrash.Id;

            // Build a callstack pattern for crash bucketing

Exemplo n.º 20
 partial void DeleteCrash(Crash instance);
Exemplo n.º 21
		private void detach_Crashes(Crash entity)
			entity.UserById = null;
Exemplo n.º 22
 partial void InsertCrash(Crash instance);
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieve the parsed callstack for the crash.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="CrashInstance">The crash we require the callstack for.</param>
        /// <returns>A class containing the parsed callstack.</returns>
        public CallStackContainer GetCallStack(Crash CrashInstance)
            CachedDataService CachedResults = new CachedDataService(HttpContext.Current.Cache, this);

Exemplo n.º 24
        public int CreateNewCrash(int AutoReporterId, string ComputerName, string UserName, string GameName, string PlatformName, string LanguageExt,
			string TimeOfCrash, string BuildVer, string ChangelistVer, string CommandLine, string BaseDir,
			string CallStack, string EngineMode)
            string LogFileName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LogFileName"];
            int newID = -1;

            StreamWriter LogFile = null;
                LogFile = new StreamWriter(LogFileName, true);
            catch (Exception)
                // Ignore cases where the log file can't be opened (another instance may be writing to it already)

            DateTime currentDate = DateTime.Now;
            if (LogFile != null)
                LogFile.WriteLine("Creating new report..." + currentDate.ToString("G"));

                //TODO Catch exception if we fail to connect to the database

                var NewCrash = new Crash();

                if (CallStack.Contains("Assertion failed:"))
                    NewCrash.CrashType = 2;
                else if (CallStack.Contains("Ensure condition failed:"))
                    NewCrash.CrashType = 3;
                    NewCrash.CrashType = 1;

                NewCrash.BaseDir = BaseDir;
                NewCrash.BuildVersion = BuildVer;
                NewCrash.ChangeListVersion = ChangelistVer;
                NewCrash.CommandLine = CommandLine;
                NewCrash.ComputerName = ComputerName;
                NewCrash.EngineMode = EngineMode;
                NewCrash.GameName = GameName;
                NewCrash.LanguageExt = LanguageExt;
                NewCrash.PlatformName = PlatformName;
                NewCrash.RawCallStack = CallStack;
                NewCrash.TimeOfCrash = ConvertDumpTimeToDateTime(TimeOfCrash);
                NewCrash.Status = "New";

                using (var DataContext = new CrashReportDataContext())
                    // Crashes after this upgrade refer to users by ID
                    NewCrash.UserNameId = DataContext.FindOrAddUser(UserName);


                newID = NewCrash.Id;
            catch (Exception e)
                if (LogFile != null)
                    LogFile.WriteLine("Exception caught!");
                return newID;
            //TODO Catch any execptions from failing to open the connection to the db.
            /*     catch (conn e)
                     if (LogFile != null)
                         LogFile.WriteLine("Failed to open connection to database!");
                     return -1;

            if (LogFile != null)
                LogFile.WriteLine("Successfully created new record with id " + newID.ToString());
            return newID;
Exemplo n.º 25
 /// <summary>
 /// Construct a processed callstack.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="CurrentCrash"></param>
 public CallStackContainer(Crash CurrentCrash)
Exemplo n.º 26
		/// <summary>
		/// Constructor
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="Crash">Crash</param>
		public FCrashMinimal( Crash Crash )
			TimeOfCrash = Crash.TimeOfCrash.Value;
			UserId = Crash.UserNameId.Value;
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a new crash to the db based on a CrashDescription sent from the client.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="NewCrashInfo">The crash description sent from the client.</param>
        /// <returns>The id of the newly added crash.</returns>
        public int AddNewCrash(CrashDescription NewCrashInfo)
            int NewID = -1;

            Crash NewCrash = new Crash();

            NewCrash.Branch       = NewCrashInfo.BranchName;
            NewCrash.BaseDir      = NewCrashInfo.BaseDir;
            NewCrash.BuildVersion = NewCrashInfo.BuildVersion;
            NewCrash.BuiltFromCL  = NewCrashInfo.BuiltFromCL.ToString();
            NewCrash.CommandLine  = NewCrashInfo.CommandLine;
            NewCrash.EngineMode   = NewCrashInfo.EngineMode;
            NewCrash.MachineId    = NewCrashInfo.MachineGuid;

            //if there's a valid username assign the associated UserNameId else use "anonymous"
            NewCrash.UserNameId = FRepository.Get(this).FindOrAddUser(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(NewCrashInfo.UserName) ? NewCrashInfo.UserName : UserNameAnonymous);

            //If there's a valid EpicAccountId assign that.
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(NewCrashInfo.EpicAccountId))
                NewCrash.EpicAccountId = NewCrashInfo.EpicAccountId;

            NewCrash.Description = "";
            if (NewCrashInfo.UserDescription != null)
                NewCrash.Description = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, NewCrashInfo.UserDescription);

            NewCrash.EngineMode   = NewCrashInfo.EngineMode;
            NewCrash.GameName     = NewCrashInfo.GameName;
            NewCrash.LanguageExt  = NewCrashInfo.Language;            // Converted by the crash process.
            NewCrash.PlatformName = NewCrashInfo.Platform;

            if (NewCrashInfo.ErrorMessage != null)
                NewCrash.Summary = string.Join("\n", NewCrashInfo.ErrorMessage);

            if (NewCrashInfo.CallStack != null)
                NewCrash.RawCallStack = string.Join("\n", NewCrashInfo.CallStack);

            if (NewCrashInfo.SourceContext != null)
                NewCrash.SourceContext = string.Join("\n", NewCrashInfo.SourceContext);

            NewCrash.TimeOfCrash         = NewCrashInfo.TimeofCrash;
            NewCrash.bAllowToBeContacted = NewCrashInfo.bAllowToBeContacted;

            NewCrash.Jira            = "";
            NewCrash.FixedChangeList = "";

            // Set the crash type
            NewCrash.CrashType = 1;
            if (NewCrash.RawCallStack != null)
                if (NewCrash.RawCallStack.Contains("FDebug::AssertFailed"))
                    NewCrash.CrashType = 2;
                else if (NewCrash.RawCallStack.Contains("FDebug::Ensure"))
                    NewCrash.CrashType = 3;
                else if (NewCrash.RawCallStack.Contains("FDebug::OptionallyLogFormattedEnsureMessageReturningFalse"))
                    NewCrash.CrashType = 3;
                else if (NewCrash.RawCallStack.Contains("NewReportEnsure"))
                    NewCrash.CrashType = 3;

            // As we're adding it, the status is always new
            NewCrash.Status = "New";

             *      Unused Crashes' fields.
             *      Title				nchar(20)
             *      Selected			bit
             *      Version				int
             *      AutoReporterID		int
             *      Processed			bit	-> renamed to AllowToBeContacted
             *      HasDiagnosticsFile	bit	always true
             *      HasNewLogFile		bit
             *      HasMetaData			bit	always true
            // Set the unused fields to the default values.
            //NewCrash.Title = "";			removed from dbml
            //NewCrash.Selected = false;	removed from dbml
            //NewCrash.Version = 4;			removed from dbml
            //NewCrash.AutoReporterID = 0;	removed from dbml
            //NewCrash.HasNewLogFile = false;removed from dbml
            //NewCrash.HasDiagnosticsFile = true;
            //NewCrash.HasMetaData = true;

            NewCrash.UserActivityHint = NewCrashInfo.UserActivityHint;

            // Add the crash to the database

            NewID = NewCrash.Id;

            // Build a callstack pattern for crash bucketing

Exemplo n.º 28

        /// <summary>
        /// Parse a raw callstack into a pattern
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="CurrentCrash">The crash with a raw callstack to parse.</param>
        private void ParseCallStack(Crash CurrentCrash)
            // Everything is disabled by default
            bDisplayUnformattedCallStack = false;
            bDisplayModuleNames          = false;
            bDisplayFunctionNames        = false;
            bDisplayFileNames            = false;
            bDisplayFilePathNames        = false;

            bool   bSkipping      = false;
            string LineToSkipUpto = "";

            switch (CurrentCrash.CrashType)
            case 2:
                bSkipping      = true;
                LineToSkipUpto = "FDebug::AssertFailed()";

            case 3:
                bSkipping      = true;
                LineToSkipUpto = "FDebug::EnsureFailed()";

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CurrentCrash.RawCallStack))


            // Store off a pre split array of call stack lines
            string[] RawCallStackLines = CurrentCrash.RawCallStack.Split(new[] { '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            int Middle = RawCallStackLines.Length / 2;

            // Support older callstacks uploaded before UE4 upgrade
            if (!NewCallstackFormat.Match(RawCallStackLines[Middle]).Success)
                foreach (string CurrentLine in RawCallStackLines)
                    // Exit if we've hit the max number of lines we want
                    if (CallStackEntries.Count >= MaxLinesToParse)


            foreach (string CurrentLine in RawCallStackLines)
                // Exit if we've hit the max number of lines we want
                if (CallStackEntries.Count >= MaxLinesToParse)

                if (bSkipping)
                    if (CurrentLine.Contains(LineToSkipUpto))
                        bSkipping = false;

                if (bSkipping)

                string ModuleName = "<Unknown>";
                string FuncName   = "<Unknown>";
                string FilePath   = "";
                int    LineNumber = 0;

                // Generic sample line "UE4_Engine!UEngine::Exec() {+ 21105 bytes} [d:\depot\ue4\engine\source\runtime\engine\private\unrealengine.cpp:2777]"
                // Mac
                // thread_start()  Address = 0x7fff87ae141d (filename not found) [in libsystem_pthread.dylib]
                // Linux
                // Unknown!AFortPlayerController::execServerSaveLoadoutData(FFrame&, void*) + some bytes

                int ModuleSeparator    = CurrentLine.IndexOf('!');
                int PlusOffset         = CurrentLine.IndexOf(" + ");
                int OpenFuncSymbol     = CurrentLine.IndexOf('(');
                int CloseFuncSymbol    = CurrentLine.IndexOf(')');
                int OpenBracketOffset  = CurrentLine.IndexOf('[');
                int CloseBracketOffset = CurrentLine.LastIndexOf(']');

                int MacModuleStart = CurrentLine.IndexOf("[in ");
                int MacModuleEnd   = MacModuleStart > 0 ? CurrentLine.IndexOf("]", MacModuleStart) : 0;

                bool bLinux   = CurrentCrash.PlatformName.Contains("Linux");
                bool bMac     = CurrentCrash.PlatformName.Contains("Mac");
                bool bWindows = CurrentCrash.PlatformName.Contains("Windows");

                // Parse out the juicy info from the line of the callstack
                if (ModuleSeparator > 0)
                    ModuleName = CurrentLine.Substring(0, ModuleSeparator).Trim();
                    if (OpenFuncSymbol > ModuleSeparator && CloseFuncSymbol > OpenFuncSymbol)
                        // Grab the function name if it exists
                        FuncName  = CurrentLine.Substring(ModuleSeparator + 1, OpenFuncSymbol - ModuleSeparator - 1).Trim();
                        FuncName += "()";

                        // Grab the source file
                        if (OpenBracketOffset > CloseFuncSymbol && CloseBracketOffset > OpenBracketOffset && bWindows)
                            string FileLinePath = CurrentLine.Substring(OpenBracketOffset + 1, CloseBracketOffset - OpenBracketOffset - 1).Trim();

                            FilePath = FileLinePath.TrimEnd("0123456789:".ToCharArray());
                            int SourceLine = 0;
                            Debug.Assert(FilePath.Length < FileLinePath.Length, "WRONG SIZE");
                            if (int.TryParse(FileLinePath.Substring(FilePath.Length + 1), out SourceLine))
                                LineNumber = SourceLine;
                else if (bWindows)
                    // Grab the module name if there is no function name
                    int WhiteSpacePos = CurrentLine.IndexOf(' ');
                    ModuleName = WhiteSpacePos > 0 ? CurrentLine.Substring(0, WhiteSpacePos) : CurrentLine;

                if (bMac && MacModuleStart > 0 && MacModuleEnd > 0)
                    int AddressOffset     = CurrentLine.IndexOf("Address =");
                    int OpenFuncSymbolMac = AddressOffset > 0 ? CurrentLine.Substring(0, AddressOffset).LastIndexOf('(') : 0;
                    if (OpenFuncSymbolMac > 0)
                        FuncName  = CurrentLine.Substring(0, OpenFuncSymbolMac).Trim();
                        FuncName += "()";

                    ModuleName = CurrentLine.Substring(MacModuleStart + 3, MacModuleEnd - MacModuleStart - 3).Trim();

                // Remove callstack entries that match any of these functions.
                var FuncsToRemove = new HashSet <string>(new string[]

                bool Contains = FuncsToRemove.Contains(FuncName, new CustomFuncComparer());
                if (!Contains)
                    CallStackEntries.Add(new CallStackEntry(CurrentLine, ModuleName, FilePath, FuncName, LineNumber));
Exemplo n.º 29
 partial void UpdateCrash(Crash instance);
		private void detach_Crashes(Crash entity)
			entity.CallStackPattern = null;
Exemplo n.º 31
		private void attach_Crashes(Crash entity)
			entity.UserById = this;
Exemplo n.º 32
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse a raw callstack into a pattern
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="CurrentCrash">The crash with a raw callstack to parse.</param>
        private void ParseCallStack(Crash CurrentCrash)
            // Everything is disabled by default
            bDisplayUnformattedCallStack = false;
            bDisplayModuleNames          = false;
            bDisplayFunctionNames        = false;
            bDisplayFileNames            = false;
            bDisplayFilePathNames        = false;

            bool   bSkipping      = false;
            string LineToSkipUpto = "";

            switch (CurrentCrash.CrashType)
            case 2:
                bSkipping      = true;
                LineToSkipUpto = "FDebug::AssertFailed()";

            case 3:
                bSkipping      = true;
                LineToSkipUpto = "FDebug::EnsureFailed()";

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CurrentCrash.RawCallStack))


            // Store off a pre split array of call stack lines
            string[] RawCallStackLines = CurrentCrash.RawCallStack.Split(new[] { '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            // Support older callstacks uploaded before UE4 upgrade
            if (!NewCallstackFormat.Match(RawCallStackLines[0]).Success)
                foreach (string CurrentLine in RawCallStackLines)
                    // Exit if we've hit the max number of lines we want
                    if (CallStackEntries.Count >= MaxLinesToParse)


            foreach (string CurrentLine in RawCallStackLines)
                // Exit if we've hit the max number of lines we want
                if (CallStackEntries.Count >= MaxLinesToParse)

                if (bSkipping)
                    if (CurrentLine.Contains(LineToSkipUpto))
                        bSkipping = false;

                if (bSkipping)

                string ModuleName = "<Unknown>";
                string FuncName   = "<Unknown>";
                string FilePath   = "";
                int    LineNumber = 0;

                // Sample line "UE4_Engine!UEngine::Exec() + 21105 bytes [d:\depot\ue4\engine\source\runtime\engine\private\unrealengine.cpp:2777]"

                int PlingOffset        = CurrentLine.IndexOf('!');
                int PlusOffset         = CurrentLine.IndexOf(" + ");
                int BytesOffset        = CurrentLine.IndexOf(" bytes");
                int OpenBracketOffset  = CurrentLine.IndexOf('[');
                int CloseBracketOffset = CurrentLine.LastIndexOf(']');

                // Parse out the juicy info from the line of the callstack
                if (PlingOffset > 0)
                    ModuleName = CurrentLine.Substring(0, PlingOffset).Trim();
                    if (BytesOffset > PlingOffset)
                        // Grab the function name if it exists
                        FuncName = CurrentLine.Substring(PlingOffset + 1, BytesOffset - PlingOffset + " bytes".Length - 1).Trim();

                        // Grab the source file
                        if (OpenBracketOffset > BytesOffset && CloseBracketOffset > BytesOffset && CloseBracketOffset > OpenBracketOffset)
                            string FileLinePath = CurrentLine.Substring(OpenBracketOffset + 1, CloseBracketOffset - OpenBracketOffset - 1).Trim();

                            FilePath = FileLinePath.TrimEnd("0123456789:".ToCharArray());
                            int SourceLine = 0;
                            Debug.Assert(FilePath.Length < FileLinePath.Length, "WRONG SIZE");
                            if (int.TryParse(FileLinePath.Substring(FilePath.Length + 1), out SourceLine))
                                LineNumber = SourceLine;
                else if (BytesOffset > 0)
                    // Grab the module name if there is no function name
                    ModuleName = CurrentLine.Substring(0, PlusOffset).Trim();

                CallStackEntries.Add(new CallStackEntry(CurrentLine, ModuleName, FilePath, FuncName, LineNumber));
Exemplo n.º 33
		private void detach_CrashesFromName(Crash entity)
			entity.UserByName = null;
Exemplo n.º 34
 private void OnCrashesRemove( Crash CrashInstance )
     Buggs_Crash BuggCrash = Buggs_Crashes.FirstOrDefault( BuggCrashInstance => BuggCrashInstance.BuggId == Id && BuggCrashInstance.CrashId == CrashInstance.Id );
     Buggs_Crashes.Remove( BuggCrash );
     SendPropertyChanged( null );