Exemplo n.º 1
        // Creates a new message based on data given in the request body.
        public async Task <HttpResponseMessage> CreateMessage(JObject requestBodyData)
            ExceptionHandler  exceptionHandler  = new ExceptionHandler(log);
            DatabaseFunctions databaseFunctions = new DatabaseFunctions();

            // Verify if all parameters for the Message table exist,
            // return response code 400 if one or more of the parameters are missing.
            if (requestBodyData["type"] == null || requestBodyData["payload"] == null ||
                requestBodyData["created"] == null || requestBodyData["lastModified"] == null ||
                requestBodyData["senderID"] == null || requestBodyData["receiverID"] == null)
                log.LogError($"Requestbody is missing data for the Message table!");

            Message newMessage = requestBodyData.ToObject <Message>();

            // All fields for the Message table are required.
            string queryString = $@"INSERT INTO [dbo].[Message] (type, payload, created, lastModified, senderID, receiverID)" +
                                 $"VALUES (@type, @payload, @created, @lastModified, @senderID, @receiverID);";

            try {
                using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) {
                    // The connection is automatically closed when going out of scope of the using block.
                    // The connection may fail to open, in which case return a [503 Service Unavailable].
                    try {
                        // Insert new message into the Message table.
                        using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(queryString, connection)) {
                            // Parameters are used to ensure no SQL injection can take place.
                            dynamic dObject = newMessage;
                            databaseFunctions.AddSqlInjection(requestBodyData, dObject, command);

                            log.LogInformation($"Executing the following query: {queryString}");

                            await command.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
                    } catch (SqlException e) {
                        // The Query may fail, in which case a [400 Bad Request] is returned.
                        // Reasons for this failure may include a PK violation (entering an already existing studentID).
                        log.LogError("SQL Query has failed to execute.");
            } catch (SqlException e) {
                // The connection may fail to open, in which case a [503 Service Unavailable] is returned.
                log.LogError("SQL connection has failed to open.");

            log.LogInformation($"{HttpStatusCode.Created} | Message created succesfully.");

            // Return response code [201 Created].
            return(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Created));
Exemplo n.º 2
        //Create a new connection between a tutorant and coach
        public async Task <HttpResponseMessage> CreateConnectionByTutorantID(int tutorantID, JObject tTocConnection)
            ExceptionHandler  exceptionHandler  = new ExceptionHandler(log);
            DatabaseFunctions databaseFunctions = new DatabaseFunctions();

            //Verify if all parameters for the CoachTutorantConnection exist.
            //One or more parameters may be missing, in which case a [400 Bad Request] is returned.
            if (tTocConnection["studentIDTutorant"] == null ||
                tTocConnection["studentIDCoach"] == null ||
                tTocConnection["status"] == null)
                log.LogError("Requestbody is missing data for the CoachTutorantConnection table!");

            /* Make a Connection entity from the requestBody after checking the required fields */
            CoachTutorantConnection coachTutorantConnection = tTocConnection.ToObject <CoachTutorantConnection>();

            string queryString = $@"INSERT INTO [dbo].[CoachTutorantConnection] (studentIDTutorant, studentIDCoach, status)
                                    VALUES (@studentIDTutorant, @studentIDCoach, @status);";

            try {
                using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) {
                    //The connection is automatically closed when going out of scope of the using block.
                    //The connection may fail to open, in which case a [503 Service Unavailable] is returned.
                    try {
                        //Update the status for the tutorant/coach connection
                        //The Query may fail, in which case a [400 Bad Request] is returned.
                        using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(queryString, connection)) {
                            //Parameters are used to ensure no SQL injection can take place
                            dynamic dObject = coachTutorantConnection;
                            databaseFunctions.AddSqlInjection(tTocConnection, dObject, command);

                            log.LogInformation($"Executing the following query: {queryString}");

                            await command.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
                    } catch (SqlException e) {
                        //The Query may fail, in which case a [400 Bad Request] is returned.
                        log.LogError("SQL Query has failed to execute.");
            } catch (SqlException e) {
                //The connection may fail to open, in which case a [503 Service Unavailable] is returned.
                log.LogError("SQL has failed to open.");

            log.LogInformation($"{HttpStatusCode.Created} | Connection created succesfully.");

            //Return response code [201 Created].
            return(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Created));
Exemplo n.º 3
        /* Updates the workload of the coach (in the coach table) */
        public async Task <HttpResponseMessage> UpdateCoachByID(int coachID, JObject requestBodyData)
            ExceptionHandler  exceptionHandler  = new ExceptionHandler(log);
            DatabaseFunctions databaseFunctions = new DatabaseFunctions();

            //newCoach.workload will be 0 if the requestbody contains no "workload" parameter,
            //in which case [400 Bad Request] is returned.
            if (requestBodyData["workload"] == null)
                log.LogError("Requestbody contains no workload.");

            Coach newCoach = requestBodyData.ToObject <Coach>();

            string queryString = $@"UPDATE [dbo].[Coach]
                                    SET workload = @workload
                                    WHERE studentID = @coachID;";

            try {
                using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) {
                    //The connection is automatically closed when going out of scope of the using block.
                    //The connection may fail to open, in which case a [503 Service Unavailable] is returned.

                    try {
                        //Update the workload
                        //The Query may fail, in which case a [400 Bad Request] is returned.
                        using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(queryString, connection)) {
                            //Parameters are used to ensure no SQL injection can take place
                            /* PREVIOUSLY: */
                            //command.Parameters.Add("@workload", SqlDbType.Int).Value = newCoach.workload;
                            //command.Parameters.Add("@coachID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = coachID;
                            /* CHANGED to: due to consistency and scalability */
                            dynamic dObject = newCoach;
                            databaseFunctions.AddSqlInjection(requestBodyData, dObject, command);

                            log.LogInformation($"Executing the following query: {queryString}");

                            int affectedRows = command.ExecuteNonQuery();

                            //The SQL query must have been incorrect if no rows were executed, return a [404 Not Found].
                            if (affectedRows == 0)
                                log.LogError("Zero rows were affected.");
                    } catch (SqlException e) {
                        //The Query may fail, in which case a [400 Bad Request] is returned.
                        log.LogError("SQL Query has failed to execute.");
            } catch (SqlException e) {
                //The connection may fail to open, in which case a [503 Service Unavailable] is returned.
                log.LogError("SQL has failed to open.");

            log.LogInformation($"{HttpStatusCode.NoContent} | Data updated succesfully.");

            //Return response code [204 NoContent].
            return(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.NoContent));
Exemplo n.º 4
        /* Creates a new profile based on the data in the requestbody */
        public async Task <HttpResponseMessage> CreateCoachProfile(JObject requestBodyData)
            ExceptionHandler  exceptionHandler  = new ExceptionHandler(log);
            DatabaseFunctions databaseFunctions = new DatabaseFunctions();
            /* Split the requestBody in a Coach and Student entity */
            JObject coachProfile   = requestBodyData.SelectToken("coach").ToObject <JObject>();
            JObject studentProfile = requestBodyData.SelectToken("student").ToObject <JObject>();

            /* Check if the required data is present in the requestBody
             * before making the CoachProfile object */
            if (coachProfile["studentID"] == null ||
                coachProfile["workload"] == null ||
                studentProfile["studentID"] == null)
                log.LogError("Requestbody is missing the required data");

            /* Create the entities from the split-requestBody fro readability */
            Coach   newCoach   = coachProfile.ToObject <Coach>();
            Student newStudent = studentProfile.ToObject <Student>();

            /* Verify if the studentID of the "student" and the "coach" objects match.
             * A [400 Bad Request] is returned if these are mismatching. */
            if (newStudent.studentID != newCoach.studentID)
                log.LogError("RequestBody has mismatching studentID for student and coach objects!");

            /* All fields for the Coach table are required */
            string queryString_Coach = $@"INSERT INTO [dbo].[Coach] (studentID, workload)
                                            VALUES (@studentID, @workload);";

            /* The SQL query for the Students table has to be dynamically generated, as it contains many optional fields.
             * By manually adding the columns to the query string (if they're present in the request body) we prevent
             * SQL injection and ensure no illegitimate columnnames are entered into the SQL query. */

            /* Dynamically create the INSERT INTO line of the SQL statement: */
            string queryString_Student = $@"INSERT INTO [dbo].[Student] (";

            foreach (JProperty property in studentProfile.Properties())
                foreach (PropertyInfo props in newStudent.GetType().GetProperties())
                    if (props.Name == property.Name)
                        queryString_Student += $"{property.Name}, ";

            queryString_Student  = databaseFunctions.RemoveLastCharacters(queryString_Student, 2);
            queryString_Student += ") ";

            /* Dynamically create the VALUES line of the SQL statement: */
            queryString_Student += "VALUES (";
            foreach (JProperty property in studentProfile.Properties())
                foreach (PropertyInfo props in newStudent.GetType().GetProperties())
                    if (props.Name == property.Name)
                        queryString_Student += $"@{property.Name}, ";

            queryString_Student  = databaseFunctions.RemoveLastCharacters(queryString_Student, 2);
            queryString_Student += ");";

            try {
                using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) {
                    /*The connection is automatically closed when going out of scope of the using block.
                     * The connection may fail to open, in which case return a [503 Service Unavailable]. */
                    int studentCreated = 0;


                    try {
                        /*Insert profile into the Student table.
                         * The Query may fail, in which case a [400 Bad Request] is returned. */
                        using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(queryString_Student, connection)) {
                            /* Parameters are used to ensure no SQL injection can take place
                             * To ensure generic code, a dynamic object is made to make a new Entity and be passed into the injection function */
                            dynamic dObject = newStudent;
                            databaseFunctions.AddSqlInjection(studentProfile, dObject, command);

                            log.LogInformation($"Executing the following query: {queryString_Student}");

                            // PREVIOUSLY: await command.ExecuteReaderAsync();
                            studentCreated = command.ExecuteNonQuery();

                        /*Insert profile into the Coach table.
                         * The Query may fail, in which case a [400 Bad Request] is returned. */
                        using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(queryString_Coach, connection)) {
                            /* Parameters are used to ensure no SQL injection can take place
                             * To ensure generic code, a dynamic object is made to make a new Entity and be passed into the injection function*/
                            dynamic dObject = newCoach;
                            databaseFunctions.AddSqlInjection(coachProfile, dObject, command);

                            log.LogInformation($"Executing the following query: {queryString_Coach}");

                            /* Is the student query affected 0 rows (i.e.: Student did not create then
                             * the coach cannot exists as well, so dont make the coach*/
                            if (studentCreated == 1)
                                // PREVIOUSLY: await command.ExecuteReaderAsync();
                                log.LogError($"Cannot create coach profile, student does not exists");
                    } catch (SqlException e) {
                        /* The Query may fail, in which case a [400 Bad Request] is returned.
                         * Reasons for this failure may include a PK violation (entering an already existing studentID). */
                        log.LogError("SQL Query has failed to execute.");
            } catch (SqlException e) {
                /* The connection may fail to open, in which case a [503 Service Unavailable] is returned. */
                log.LogError("SQL connection has failed to open.");

            log.LogInformation($"{HttpStatusCode.Created} | Profile created succesfully.");

            /* Return response code [201 Created]. */
            return(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Created));
Exemplo n.º 5
        public async Task <HttpResponseMessage> UpdateMessageByID(int messageID, JObject requestBodyData)
            ExceptionHandler  exceptionHandler  = new ExceptionHandler(log);
            DatabaseFunctions databaseFunctions = new DatabaseFunctions();

            Message newMessage = requestBodyData.ToObject <Message>();

            string queryString = $"UPDATE [dbo].[Message] SET ";

            /* Loop through the properties of the jObject Object which contains the values given in the requestBody
             * loop through the hardcoded properties in the Message Entity to check if they correspond with the requestBody
             * to prevent SQL injection. */
            foreach (JProperty property in requestBodyData.Properties())
                foreach (PropertyInfo props in newMessage.GetType().GetProperties())
                    if (props.Name == property.Name)
                        /* fill the queryString with the property names from the Message and their values */
                        queryString += $"{props.Name} = @{property.Name},";

            queryString  = databaseFunctions.RemoveLastCharacters(queryString, 1);
            queryString += $@" WHERE MessageID = @messageID;";

            try {
                using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) {
                    //The connection is automatically closed when going out of scope of the using block.
                    //The connection may fail to open, in which case a [503 Service Unavailable] is returned.
                    try {
                        using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(queryString, connection)) {
                            // Parameters are used to ensure no SQL injection can take place.

                            /* pass the requestBody, the entity with the corresponding properties and the SqlCommand to the method
                             * to ensure working SqlInjection for the incoming values*/
                            databaseFunctions.AddSqlInjection(requestBodyData, newMessage, command);

                            log.LogInformation($"Executing the following query: {queryString}");

                            int affectedRows = await command.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();

                            //The SQL query must have been incorrect if no rows were executed, return a [404 Not Found].
                            if (affectedRows == 0)
                                log.LogError("Zero rows were affected.");
                    catch (SqlException e) {
                        //The Query may fail, in which case a [400 Bad Request] is returned.
                        log.LogError("SQL Query has failed to execute.");
            catch (SqlException e) {
                //The connection may fail to open, in which case a [503 Service Unavailable] is returned.
                log.LogError("SQL has failed to open.");
            log.LogInformation($"{HttpStatusCode.NoContent} | Data updated succesfully.");

            //Return response code [204 NoContent].
            return(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.NoContent));
Exemplo n.º 6
        //Changes the status of a CoachTutorantConnection.
        public async Task <HttpResponseMessage> UpdateConnection(JObject requestBodyData)
            ExceptionHandler  exceptionHandler  = new ExceptionHandler(log);
            DatabaseFunctions databaseFunctions = new DatabaseFunctions();

            //Verify if all parameters for the CoachTutorantConnection exist.
            //One or more parameters may be missing, in which case a [400 Bad Request] is returned.
            if (requestBodyData["status"] == null)
                log.LogError("Requestbody is missing data for the CoachTutorantConnection table!");

            /* Make a Connection entity from the requestBody after checking the required fields */
            CoachTutorantConnection coachTutorantConnection = requestBodyData.ToObject <CoachTutorantConnection>();

            string queryString = $@"UPDATE [dbo].[CoachTutorantConnection]
                                    SET status = @status
                                    WHERE studentIDTutorant = @studentIDTutorant AND studentIDCoach = @studentIDCoach;";

            try {
                using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) {
                    //The connection is automatically closed when going out of scope of the using block.
                    //The connection may fail to open, in which case a [503 Service Unavailable] is returned.
                    try {
                        //Update the status for the tutorant/coach connection
                        //The Query may fail, in which case a [400 Bad Request] is returned.
                        using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(queryString, connection)) {
                            //Parameters are used to ensure no SQL injection can take place
                            dynamic dObject = coachTutorantConnection;
                            databaseFunctions.AddSqlInjection(requestBodyData, dObject, command);

                            log.LogInformation($"Executing the following query: {queryString}");

                            int affectedRows = await command.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();

                            //The studentIDs must be incorrect if no rows were affected, return a [404 Not Found].
                            if (affectedRows == 0)
                                log.LogError("Zero rows were affected.");
                    } catch (SqlException e) {
                        //The Query may fail, in which case a [400 Bad Request] is returned.
                        log.LogError("SQL Query has failed to execute.");
            } catch (SqlException e) {
                //The connection may fail to open, in which case a [503 Service Unavailable] is returned.
                log.LogError("SQL has failed to open.");

            log.LogInformation($"{HttpStatusCode.NoContent} | Data updated succesfully.");

            //Return response code [204 NoContent].
            return(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.NoContent));
Exemplo n.º 7
        // Create a new profile based on the data in the request body.
        public async Task <HttpResponseMessage> CreateTutorantProfile(JObject requestBodyData)
            ExceptionHandler  exceptionHandler  = new ExceptionHandler(log);
            DatabaseFunctions databaseFunctions = new DatabaseFunctions();
            JObject           tutorantProfile   = requestBodyData.SelectToken("tutorant").ToObject <JObject>();
            JObject           studentProfile    = requestBodyData.SelectToken("student").ToObject <JObject>();

            // Verify if all parameters for the tables exist.
            // One or more parameters may be missing, in which case a [400 Bad Request] is returned.
            if (tutorantProfile["studentID"] == null ||
                studentProfile["studentID"] == null)
                log.LogError("Requestbody is missing the required data");

            Tutorant newTutorant = tutorantProfile.ToObject <Tutorant>();
            Student  newStudent  = studentProfile.ToObject <Student>();

            // Verify if the studentID of the "user" and the "tutorant" objects match.
            // A [400 Bad Request] is returned if these are mismatching.
            if (newTutorant.studentID != newStudent.studentID)
                log.LogError("RequestBody has mismatching studentID for student and tutorant objects!");

            // All fields for the Tutorant table are required.
            string queryStringTutorant = $@"INSERT INTO [dbo].[Tutorant] (studentID) VALUES (@studentID);";

            // The SQL query for the Students table has to be dynamically generated, as it contains many optional fields.
            // By manually adding the columns to the query string (if they're present in the request body) we prevent
            // SQL injection and ensure no illegitimate columnnames are entered into the SQL query.

            // Dynamically create the INSERT INTO line of the SQL statement:
            string queryString_Student = $@"INSERT INTO [dbo].[Student] (";

            foreach (JProperty property in studentProfile.Properties())
                foreach (PropertyInfo props in newStudent.GetType().GetProperties())
                    if (props.Name == property.Name)
                        queryString_Student += $"{property.Name}, ";
            queryString_Student  = databaseFunctions.RemoveLastCharacters(queryString_Student, 2);
            queryString_Student += ") ";

            // Dynamically create the VALUES line of the SQL statement:
            queryString_Student += "VALUES (";
            foreach (JProperty property in studentProfile.Properties())
                foreach (PropertyInfo props in newStudent.GetType().GetProperties())
                    if (props.Name == property.Name)
                        queryString_Student += $"@{property.Name}, ";

            queryString_Student  = databaseFunctions.RemoveLastCharacters(queryString_Student, 2);
            queryString_Student += ");";

            try {
                using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) {
                    // The connection is automatically closed when going out of scope of the using block.
                    // The connection may fail to open, in which case return a [503 Service Unavailable].
                    int studentCreated = 0;


                    try {
                        // Insert profile into the Student table
                        using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(queryString_Student, connection)) {
                            // Parameters are used to ensure no SQL injection can take place.
                            dynamic dObject = newStudent;
                            databaseFunctions.AddSqlInjection(studentProfile, dObject, command);

                            log.LogInformation($"Executing the following query: {queryString_Student}");

                            studentCreated = command.ExecuteNonQuery();

                        // Insert profile into the Tutorant table.
                        using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(queryStringTutorant, connection)) {
                            // Parameters are used to ensure no SQL injection can take place.
                            dynamic dObject = newTutorant;
                            databaseFunctions.AddSqlInjection(tutorantProfile, dObject, command);

                            log.LogInformation($"Executing the following query: {queryStringTutorant}");

                            if (studentCreated == 1)
                                log.LogError($"Cannot create tutorant profile, student does not exists");
                    } catch (SqlException e) {
                        // The Query may fail, in which case a [400 Bad Request] is returned.
                        // Reasons for this failure may include a PK violation (entering an already existing studentID).
                        log.LogError("SQL Query has failed to execute.");
            } catch (SqlException e) {
                // The connection may fail to open, in which case a [503 Service Unavailable] is returned.
                log.LogError("SQL connection has failed to open.");

            log.LogInformation($"{HttpStatusCode.Created} | Profile created succesfully.");

            // Return response code [201 Created].
            return(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Created));
Exemplo n.º 8
        /* Update the data from the student given by a requestBody */
        public async Task <HttpResponseMessage> UpdateStudentByID(int studentID, JObject requestBodyData)
            ExceptionHandler  exceptionHandler  = new ExceptionHandler(log);
            DatabaseFunctions databaseFunctions = new DatabaseFunctions();

            /* Read the requestBody and put the response into a jObject which can be read later
             * Also make a new user object and store the data in the user */

            /* If the responseBody is empty (no data has been given by the user)
             * return a BadRequest to say that the User must fill the requestBody.
             * Bad request is status code 400 */
            if (requestBodyData["studentID"] == null)
                log.LogError($"Requestbody contains no studentID");

            Student newStudent = requestBodyData.ToObject <Student>();

            string queryString = $"UPDATE [dbo].[Student] SET ";

            /* Loop through the properties of the jObject Object which contains the values given in the requestBody
             * loop through the hardcoded properties in the Student Entity to check if they correspond with the requestBody
             * to prevent SQL injection. */
            foreach (JProperty property in requestBodyData.Properties())
                foreach (PropertyInfo props in newStudent.GetType().GetProperties())
                    if (props.Name == property.Name)
                        /* fill the queryString with the property names from the Message and their values */
                        queryString += $"{props.Name} = @{property.Name}, ";

            /* Remove the last character from the queryString, which is ','
             * And add the WHERE statement*/
            queryString  = databaseFunctions.RemoveLastCharacters(queryString, 2);
            queryString += $" WHERE studentID = @studentID;";

            try {
                using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) {
                     * The connection is automatically closed when going out of scope of the using block.
                     * The connection may fail to open, in which case a [503 Service Unavailable] is returned.

                    try {
                        using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(queryString, connection)) {
                            /* Parameters are used to prevent SQLInjection */
                            databaseFunctions.AddSqlInjection(requestBodyData, newStudent, command);

                            log.LogInformation($"Executing the following query: {queryString}");

                            int affectedRows = await command.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();

                            /* The SQL query must have been incorrect if no rows were executed, return a [404 Not Found] */
                            if (affectedRows == 0)
                                log.LogError("Zero rows were affected.");
                    } catch (SqlException e) {
                        /* The query may fail, in which case a [400 Bad Request] is returned. */
                        log.LogError("SQL Query has failed to execute.");
            catch (SqlException e) {
                /* The connection may fail to open, in which case a [503 Service Unavailable] is returned. */
                log.LogError("SQL connection has failed to open.");

            log.LogInformation($"Changed data of student: {studentID}");

            //Return response code [204 NoContent].
            return(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.NoContent));