Exemplo n.º 1
        public void TestFromCenturyToCenturyOrdinal()
            string    input    = @"Late eighth to early ninth century";
            IYearSpan expected = new YearSpan(760, 840, input);

            compare(input, expected, EnumLanguage.EN);
Exemplo n.º 2
        //private IYearSpanParser parser = new YearSpanParser();

        private void compare(String input, IYearSpan expected, EnumLanguage language)
            //IInterval<int> result = parser.Parse(input);
            IYearSpan result = YearSpan.Parse(input, language);

            compare(result, expected);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void TestCardinalCenturyBC()
            string    input    = @"5th CENTURY BC";
            IYearSpan expected = new YearSpan(-500, -401, input);

            compare(input, expected, EnumLanguage.EN);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void TestMonthYear()
            string    input    = @"January 1900";
            IYearSpan expected = new YearSpan(1900, 1900, input);

            compare(input, expected, EnumLanguage.EN);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void TestOrdinalCenturyLateAD()
            string    input    = @"LATE FIFTH CENTURY AD";
            IYearSpan expected = new YearSpan(460, 500, input);

            compare(input, expected, EnumLanguage.EN);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void TestCardinalCenturyAD()
            string    input    = @"5TH CENTURY AD";
            IYearSpan expected = new YearSpan(401, 500, input);

            compare(input, expected, EnumLanguage.EN);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void TestNamedPeriod()
            string    input    = @"Georgian";
            IYearSpan expected = new YearSpan(1714, 1837, input, "en");

            compare(input, expected, EnumLanguage.EN);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public void TestOrdinalCenturyEarlyBC()
            string    input    = @"EARLY FIFTH CENTURY BC";
            IYearSpan expected = new YearSpan(-500, -460, input);

            compare(input, expected, EnumLanguage.EN);
Exemplo n.º 9
        public void TestCircaYearBP()
            string    input    = @"C. 1521 BP";
            IYearSpan expected = new YearSpan(429, input);

            compare(input, expected, EnumLanguage.EN);
Exemplo n.º 10
        public void TestNonMatchReturnsMaxInt()
            string    input    = @"abc/xyz";
            IYearSpan expected = new YearSpan(int.MaxValue, input);

            compare(input, expected, EnumLanguage.EN);
Exemplo n.º 11
        public void TestCircaYearAD()
            string    input    = @"C. 1521 AD";
            IYearSpan expected = new YearSpan(1521, input);

            compare(input, expected, EnumLanguage.EN);
Exemplo n.º 12
        public void TestYearBC_IT()
            string    input    = @"1521 a.C.";
            IYearSpan expected = new YearSpan(-1521, input);

            compare(input, expected, EnumLanguage.IT);
Exemplo n.º 13
        public void TestYearBC()
            string    input    = @"1521 BC";
            IYearSpan expected = new YearSpan(-1521, input);

            compare(input, expected, EnumLanguage.EN);
Exemplo n.º 14
        public void TestOrdinalCenturyBP()
            string    input    = @"FIFTH CENTURY BP";
            IYearSpan expected = new YearSpan(1451, 1550, input);

            compare(input, expected, EnumLanguage.EN);
Exemplo n.º 15
        public void TestNamedPeriod_IT()
            string    input    = @"Mesolitico";
            IYearSpan expected = new YearSpan(-9999, -5000, input, "it");

            compare(input, expected, EnumLanguage.IT);
Exemplo n.º 16
        public void TestOrdinaCenturyEarlyAD()
            string    input    = @"EARLY FIFTH CENTURY AD";
            IYearSpan expected = new YearSpan(401, 440, input);

            compare(input, expected, EnumLanguage.EN);
Exemplo n.º 17
        public void TestDecade_EN()
            string    input    = @"1930s";
            IYearSpan expected = new YearSpan(1930, 1939, input);

            compare(input, expected, EnumLanguage.EN);
Exemplo n.º 18
        public void TestOrdinalCenturyMidBC()
            string    input    = @"MID FIFTH CENTURY BC";
            IYearSpan expected = new YearSpan(-470, -430, input);

            compare(input, expected, EnumLanguage.EN);
Exemplo n.º 19
        public void TestDecade_IT()
            string    input    = @"Intorno al decennio 1850esimo";
            IYearSpan expected = new YearSpan(1850, 1859, input);

            compare(input, expected, EnumLanguage.IT);
Exemplo n.º 20
        public void TestOrdinalCenturyLateBC()
            string    input    = @"LATE FIFTH CENTURY BC";
            IYearSpan expected = new YearSpan(-440, -401, input);

            compare(input, expected, EnumLanguage.EN);
Exemplo n.º 21
        public void TestCircaDotDecadeApostrophe()
            string    input    = @"C. 1930's";
            IYearSpan expected = new YearSpan(1930, 1939, input);

            compare(input, expected, EnumLanguage.EN);
Exemplo n.º 22
        public void TestYear2digit()
            string    input    = @"15";
            IYearSpan expected = new YearSpan(15, input);

            compare(input, expected, EnumLanguage.EN);
Exemplo n.º 23
        public void TestFromCenturyToCenturyAD()
            string    input    = @"4th-5th century";
            IYearSpan expected = new YearSpan(301, 500, input);

            compare(input, expected, EnumLanguage.EN);
Exemplo n.º 24
        public void Test2DigitMaxYear()
            string    input    = @"1521-27";
            IYearSpan expected = new YearSpan(1521, 1527, input);

            compare(input, expected, EnumLanguage.EN);
Exemplo n.º 25
        public void TestCardinalMillenniumBC()
            string    input    = @"1st millennium BC";
            IYearSpan expected = new YearSpan(-1, -1000, input);

            compare(input, expected, EnumLanguage.EN);
Exemplo n.º 26
        public void TestCardinalCenturyBC_IT()
            string    input    = @"sec. VIII a.C.";
            IYearSpan expected = new YearSpan(-800, -701, input);
            IYearSpan result   = YearSpan.Parse(input, EnumLanguage.IT);

            compare(result, expected);
Exemplo n.º 27
        public void Test1DigitMaxYear()
            string    input    = @"1521-7";
            IYearSpan expected = new YearSpan(1521, 1527, input);
            //IInterval<int> result = parser.Parse(input);
            IYearSpan result = YearSpan.Parse(input, EnumLanguage.EN);

            compare(expected, result);
Exemplo n.º 28
 public void TestArrayOfInput()
     string[]    input    = { @"5th CENTURY", @"6th CENTURY" };
     IYearSpan[] expected =
         new YearSpan(401, 500, input[0]),
         new YearSpan(501, 600, input[1])
     IYearSpan[] result = YearSpan.Parse(input, EnumLanguage.EN);
     CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected, result);
Exemplo n.º 29
        // NEW: 09/05/2017 bringing parser operations into the YearSpan class itself
        // TODO: throw exceptions:
        // ArgumentNullException -> s is null
        // ?FormatException -> s is not in the correct format (how can we know that?)
        // ?OverflowException -> a year represents a number less than Int.MinValue or greater than Int.MaxValue

        /// <summary>Parse a <c>YearSpan</c> from a <c>String</c> input value</summary>
        /// <param name="s">Input <c>String</c> to be parsed</param>
        /// <returns><c>YearSpan</c></returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">Thrown when s is null</exception>
        public static IYearSpan Parse(string s, EnumLanguage language)
            if (s == null)
                throw new System.ArgumentNullException("s", "null input value");

            // IEnumerable<IYearSpanParser> yearSpanParsers = getParserInstances();
            IYearSpan span;

            // try each matcher until first match (done this way rather than reflection so we control the order of matching)
            if (Rx.FromYearToYear.IsMatch(s, language))
                span = Rx.FromYearToYear.Match(s, language);
            else if (Rx.FromCenturyToCentury.IsMatch(s, language))
                span = Rx.FromCenturyToCentury.Match(s, language);
            else if (Rx.FromCenturyToCenturyOrdinal.IsMatch(s, language))
                span = Rx.FromCenturyToCenturyOrdinal.Match(s, language);
            else if (Rx.Decade.IsMatch(s, language))
                span = Rx.Decade.Match(s, language);
            else if (Rx.MonthYear.IsMatch(s, language))
                span = Rx.MonthYear.Match(s, language);
            else if (Rx.CardinalCentury.IsMatch(s, language))
                span = Rx.CardinalCentury.Match(s, language);
            else if (Rx.OrdinalCentury.IsMatch(s, language))
                span = Rx.OrdinalCentury.Match(s, language);
            else if (Rx.OrdinalMillennium.IsMatch(s, language))
                span = Rx.OrdinalMillennium.Match(s, language);
            else if (Rx.CardinalMillennium.IsMatch(s, language))
                span = Rx.CardinalMillennium.Match(s, language);
            else if (Rx.SeasonYear.IsMatch(s, language))
                span = Rx.SeasonYear.Match(s, language);
            else if (Rx.SingleYear.IsMatch(s, language))
                span = Rx.SingleYear.Match(s, language);
            else if (Rx.YearWithTolerance.IsMatch(s, language))
                span = Rx.YearWithTolerance.Match(s, language);
            else if (Rx.DateTimeMatch.IsMatch(s, language))
                span = Rx.DateTimeMatch.Match(s, language);
            //else if (Rx.NamedPeriod.IsMatch(s, language)) span = Rx.NamedPeriod.Match(s, language);
            else if (Rx.Lookup <NamedPeriod> .IsMatch(s, language))
                span = (IYearSpan)Rx.Lookup <NamedPeriod> .Match(s, language);

                span.label    = s;
                span.language = language;
                span.note     = "RxLookup"; // these properties are not populated by (generic) Rx.Lookup

            //else if (NamedPeriod.IsMatch(s, language)) span = (IYearSpan)NamedPeriod.Match(s, language);
            //else if (Rx.LastChance.IsMatch(s, language)) span = Rx.LastChance.Match(s, language);
                span = new YearSpan(0, s);  // no match? zero year span returned
            // try each available parser until first match

            /*foreach (IMatcher<IYearSpan> p in parserInstances)
             * {
             *  IYearSpan span = null;
             *  try
             *  {
             *      span = p.Match(s, language);
             *  }
             *  catch (Exception e)
             *  {
             *      System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(e.Message);
             *  }
             *  if (span != null) return span;
             * }*/

            /* IList<Type> types = getMatcherTypes();
             * foreach (Type t in types)
             * {
             *   IYearSpan span = null;
             *   try
             *   {
             *       IMatcher<IYearSpan> m = (IMatcher<IYearSpan>)t;
             *       span = m.Match(s, language);
             *   }
             *   catch (Exception e)
             *   {
             *       System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(e.Message);
             *   }
             *   if (span != null) return span;
             * } */

            /*foreach (IYearSpanParser p in parserInstances)
             * {
             *  IYearSpan span = p.Parse(s, language);
             *  if (span != null) return span;
             * }*/


            //return new YearSpan(5,5); //temp